Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var ctx = new ASAEntitiesContext())
                //Sender sen = new Sender()
                //    Title = "mr",
                //    ForName1 = "Sat",
                //    ForName2 = "Ch",
                //    SurName = "Gat",
                //    Email = "*****@*****.**",
                //    AddressLine1 = "awdas",
                //    AddressLine2 = "asdasdsa",
                //    AddressLine3 = "www",
                //    Country = "UK",
                //    Postcode = "E11",
                //    Mobile = "01111",
                //    SenderPassword = "******",
                //    Telephone = "5131",
                //    Type = SenderType.Individual,
                //    HMRCUserId = "VATDEC180a01",
                //    HMRCPassword = "******"

                GovTalkMessage msg = new GovTalkMessage()
                //SuccessResponseIRmarkReceipt ir = new SuccessResponseIRmarkReceipt

                //SuccessResponse resp = new SuccessResponse()
                //    //IRmarkReceipt = ir,
                //    AcceptedTime = DateTime.Now,
                //    AcceptedTimeSpecified = true,
                //    ResponseData_IsEmpty = true,



                Client clt = new Client()
                    Name  = "London Borough Of Redbride",
                    RegNo = "Reg123456789",
                    VATNo = "VAT123456"


                Business bu = new Business()
                    BusinessName   = "TEST",
                    BusinessId     = 1,
                    TradingName    = "TEST",
                    RegisteredDate = DateTime.Now,
                    VATRegNo       = "123456",
                    SenderId       = 1
                BusinessAddress bud = new BusinessAddress()
                    Line1    = "test",
                    Line2    = "test2",
                    Line3    = "test3",
                    Line4    = "test5",
                    Postcode = "IG1",
                    Country  = "UK"
                bu.BusinessAddress = bud;

                // ctx.SaveChanges();

                PeriodData per = new PeriodData()
                    StartPeriod = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-3),
                    EndPeriod   = DateTime.Now,
                    PeriodrefId = "2017-04",
                    Status      = SubmissionStatus.Draft
                VAT100 vat = new VAT100()
                //per.VAT100 = vat;


                Client cl = new Client()
                    //Id = 1,
                    Name  = "consoleC",
                    RegNo = "123",
                    VATNo = "1234567"

                ClientAddress cd = new ClientAddress()
                    Address1        = "First line of add",
                    Address2        = "Second line of add",
                    City            = "Lonodn",
                    ClientAddressId = 1,
                    Country         = "UK",
                    PostCode        = "SS1",

                PeriodData per1 = new PeriodData()
                    StartPeriod = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-3),
                    EndPeriod   = DateTime.Now,
                    PeriodrefId = "2017-07",
                    Status      = SubmissionStatus.Draft

                //works above

                cl.ClientAddress = cd;
                //var cup = ctx.ClientAddress.FirstOrDefault();
                //cup.Address1 = "New Update address";
                //var c = ctx.Client.FirstOrDefault();

                //c.ClientAddress = cup;


                // ctx.Client.Add(cl);
                InvoiceDetail invd = new InvoiceDetail();
                invd.No        = "LBR-1";
                invd.IssueDate = DateTime.Now;
                invd.DueDate   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7);
                invd.Note      = "test";
                invd.Ref       = "nothing";
                invd.Discount  = "10%";

                InvoiceItem item     = new InvoiceItem();
                var         itemguid = Guid.Parse("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000");
                item.Id          = itemguid;
                item.Description = "apple";
                item.Quantity    = "1";
                item.Price       = "1";
                item.Total       = "1";
                item.SubTotal    = "1";
                item.VAT         = "0";
                item.VATRate     = "0";

                List <InvoiceItem> items = new List <InvoiceItem>();
                var myguid = Guid.Parse("3551A09E-DE21-A325-6DF4-40281A4FEBE0");
                //var inv = ctx.Invoice.Where(i => i.InvoiceId == myguid)
                //            .Include(d => d.InvoiceDetail)
                //            .Include(it => it.InvoiceItems)
                //            .FirstOrDefault();

                //foreach (var it in items)
                //    var existingChild = inv.InvoiceItems.Where(c => c.Id == it.Id).SingleOrDefault();
                //    if(existingChild!=null)
                //    {
                //        ctx.Entry(existingChild).CurrentValues.SetValues(it);

                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        Console.WriteLine("add new item");
                //        inv.InvoiceItems.Add(item);
                //    }

                //ctx.Entry(inv).State = EntityState.Modified;

                //Invoice myinvoice = new Invoice();
                //myinvoice.ClientId = 3;
                //myinvoice.InvoiceDetail = invd;
                //myinvoice.InvoiceItems = items;
                // bu.Periods.Add(per1);

                // ctx.Business.Add(bu);

                //cl.ClientAddress = cd;
Esempio n. 2
        public HttpResponseMessage Post(SubmissionViewModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid) //always returning true
                string testInLive = model.RunMode;
                bool   mode       = testInLive.Equals("1") ? true : false;

                var sender = new Sender
                    Title          = model.BussinessViewModel.Sender.Title,
                    ForName1       = model.BussinessViewModel.Sender.ForName1,
                    ForName2       = model.BussinessViewModel.Sender.ForName2,
                    SurName        = model.BussinessViewModel.Sender.SurName,
                    Email          = model.BussinessViewModel.Sender.Email,
                    AddressLine1   = model.BussinessViewModel.Sender.AddressLine1,
                    AddressLine2   = model.BussinessViewModel.Sender.AddressLine2,
                    AddressLine3   = model.BussinessViewModel.Sender.AddressLine3,
                    Postcode       = model.BussinessViewModel.Sender.Postcode,
                    SenderPassword = model.BussinessViewModel.Sender.SenderPassword,
                    Type           = model.BussinessViewModel.Sender.Type,
                    Mobile         = model.BussinessViewModel.Sender.Mobile,
                    Telephone      = model.BussinessViewModel.Sender.Telephone,
                    HMRCPassword   = model.BussinessViewModel.Sender.HMRCPassword,
                    HMRCUserId     = model.BussinessViewModel.Sender.HMRCUserId,
                    Country        = model.BussinessViewModel.Sender.Country,
                    SenderId       = model.BussinessViewModel.Sender.SenderId

                var address = new BusinessAddress
                    Line1             = model.BussinessViewModel.BusinessAddress.Line1,
                    Line2             = model.BussinessViewModel.BusinessAddress.Line2,
                    Line3             = model.BussinessViewModel.BusinessAddress.Line3,
                    Line4             = model.BussinessViewModel.BusinessAddress.Line4,
                    Country           = model.BussinessViewModel.BusinessAddress.Country,
                    Postcode          = model.BussinessViewModel.BusinessAddress.Postcode,
                    BusinessAddressId = model.BussinessViewModel.BusinessAddress.BusinessAddressId
                var business = new Business
                    BusinessName   = model.BussinessViewModel.BusinessName,
                    RegisteredDate = model.BussinessViewModel.RegisteredDate,
                    VATRegNo       = model.BussinessViewModel.VATRegNo,
                    TradingName    = model.BussinessViewModel.TradingName,
                    BusinessId     = model.BussinessViewModel.BusinessId,
                    RegNo          = model.BussinessViewModel.RegNo,
                    VATRate        = model.BussinessViewModel.VATRate,
                    SenderId       = model.BussinessViewModel.SenderId

                var perioddata = new PeriodData
                    PeriodrefId = model.PeriodViewModel.PeriodRefId,
                    StartPeriod = model.PeriodViewModel.StartPeriod,
                    EndPeriod   = model.PeriodViewModel.EndPeriod,
                    PeriodId    = model.PeriodViewModel.PeriodId,
                    BusinessId  = model.BussinessViewModel.BusinessId
                var vatData = new VAT100()
                    Box1        = model.VAT100ViewModel.VATDueOnOutputs.ToString("N"),
                    Box2        = model.VAT100ViewModel.VATDueOnECAcquisitions.ToString("N"),
                    Box3        = model.VAT100ViewModel.TotalVAT.ToString("N"),
                    Box4        = model.VAT100ViewModel.VATReclaimedOnInputs.ToString("N"),
                    Box5        = model.VAT100ViewModel.NetVAT.ToString("N"),
                    Box6        = model.VAT100ViewModel.NetSalesAndOutputs.ToString(),
                    Box7        = model.VAT100ViewModel.NetPurchasesAndInputs.ToString(),
                    Box8        = model.VAT100ViewModel.NetECSupplies.ToString(),
                    Box9        = model.VAT100ViewModel.NetECAcquisitions.ToString(),
                    LastUpdated = model.VAT100ViewModel.LastUpdated

                SubmissionManager submissionmanager = new SubmissionManager(_gatewayService);

                //create govtalk message
                var submissionResponse = submissionmanager.SendSubmissionRequest(sender, business, perioddata, vatData, mode);
                //read correlationId and poll uri from response
                //TODO: every time it fails delete the request and resubmit on sucess capt response and send back to client

                //  List<Object> responses = new List<Object>();
                Dictionary <string, List <XElement> > dicresponses = new Dictionary <string, List <XElement> >();
                if (submissionResponse.Errors.Count == 0)
                    //submission passes send poll request
                    string correlationId = submissionResponse.CorrelationId.ToString();
                    string polluri       = submissionResponse.FollowOnUri.ToString();
                    if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(correlationId) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(polluri)))
                        var pollResponse = submissionmanager.SendPollRequest(correlationId, polluri, mode);
                        if (pollResponse.Errors.Count == 0)
                            //success get success response
                            perioddata.Status = SubmissionStatus.Accepted; //update status as accepted by HMRC and VAT info in the vat table
                            perioddata.VAT100 = vatData;                   // attaching new vat data to update


                            var nextQuaterStartDate = submissionmanager.AddMonthsCustom(perioddata.StartPeriod, 3);
                            var nextQuaterEndDate   = submissionmanager.AddMonthsCustom(perioddata.EndPeriod, 3);

                            var nextPeriod = new PeriodData()
                                StartPeriod = nextQuaterStartDate,
                                EndPeriod   = nextQuaterEndDate,
                                BusinessId  = business.BusinessId,
                                PeriodrefId = nextQuaterEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM"),
                                Status      = SubmissionStatus.Draft
                            business.BusinessAddress     = address;
                            business.Sender              = sender;
                            business.NextQuaterStartDate = nextQuaterStartDate; //update bussiness model props with next quater start and end dates
                            business.NextQuaterEndDate   = nextQuaterEndDate;

                            //  _gatewayService.Save(pollResponse);
                            var strContent      = HelperMethods.ExtractBodyContent(pollResponse.ResponseData.ToString());
                            var successResponse = HelperMethods.Deserialize <SuccessResponse>(strContent);
                            //save the response in the DB
                            //_gatewayService.AddNextQuaterPeriod(nextPeriod); //Add next VAT quater in the database

                            // _gatewayService.SaveResponse(successResponse); // commit to DB after adding all above objects to repositories
                            //if (successResponse != null)
                            //TODO: serialise sucessresponse, sucessresponseirmark, message type
                            var str  = HelperMethods.Serialize(successResponse);
                            var xdoc = XDocument.Parse(str, LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace);
                            ////select only body element from xdoc

                            var hmrcresponsemsgnode = (from d in xdoc.Descendants()
                                                       where d.Name.LocalName == "Message"
                                                       select d).ToList();
                            var vatperiodnode = (from m in xdoc.Descendants()
                                                 where m.Name.LocalName == "VATPeriod"
                                                 select m).ToList();
                            var paymentBodyNode = (from p in xdoc.Descendants()
                                                   where p.Name.LocalName == "Body"
                                                   select p).ToList();
                            var errorsNode = (from p in xdoc.Descendants()
                                              where p.Name.LocalName == "Error"
                                              select p).ToList();

                            dicresponses.Add("hmrcResponse", hmrcresponsemsgnode);
                            dicresponses.Add("vatPeriod", vatperiodnode);
                            dicresponses.Add("paymentDetails", paymentBodyNode);
                            dicresponses.Add("Errors", errorsNode);
                            return(Request.CreateResponse <Dictionary <string, List <XElement> > >(HttpStatusCode.OK, dicresponses));
                            //failure bus valid failed handle here
                            //delete the request and resubmit as new request as mentioned in the gov site
                            submissionmanager.SendDeleteRequest(correlationId, mode, polluri);
                            var temp       = XDocument.Parse(pollResponse.ResponseData);
                            var pollerrors = (from p in temp.Descendants()
                                              where p.Name.LocalName == "Error"
                                              select p).ToList();

                            dicresponses.Add("Errors", pollerrors);
                            // responses.Add(pollResponse);
                        //id or uri is null
                        // responses.Add(submissionResponse);
                        var temp             = XDocument.Parse(submissionResponse.ResponseData);
                        var submissionerrors = (from p in temp.Descendants()
                                                where p.Name.LocalName == "Error"
                                                select p).ToList();

                        dicresponses.Add("Errors", submissionerrors);

                        return(Request.CreateResponse <Dictionary <string, List <XElement> > >(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, dicresponses));
                    //return submission failure response
                    // responses.Add(submissionResponse);
                    var temp             = XDocument.Parse(submissionResponse.ResponseData);
                    var submissionerrors = (from p in temp.Descendants()
                                            where p.Name.LocalName == "Error"
                                            select p).ToList();

                    dicresponses.Add("Errors", submissionerrors);
                return(Request.CreateResponse <Dictionary <string, List <XElement> > >(HttpStatusCode.OK, dicresponses));
            return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ModelState));

            //throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ReasonPhrase = "data is null" });
Esempio n. 3
        public GovTalkMessage CreateGovTalkMessage(Sender sender, Business business, PeriodData periodData, VAT100 vatData, bool testInLive)
            string classType   = !testInLive ? "HMRC-VAT-DEC" : "HMRC-VAT-DEC-TIL";
            string gatewayTest = !testInLive ? "0" : "1";

            //Gov Talk message
            GovTalkMessage govTalkMessage = new GovTalkMessage();
            //Gov Talk header
            GovTalkMessageHeader header = new GovTalkMessageHeader();
            //sender details
            GovTalkMessageHeaderSenderDetails senderDetails          = new GovTalkMessageHeaderSenderDetails();
            GovTalkMessageHeaderSenderDetailsIDAuthentication idauth = new GovTalkMessageHeaderSenderDetailsIDAuthentication();

            idauth.SenderID = sender.HMRCUserId;
            GovTalkMessageHeaderSenderDetailsIDAuthenticationAuthentication aauth = new GovTalkMessageHeaderSenderDetailsIDAuthenticationAuthentication();

            aauth.Method = GovTalkMessageHeaderSenderDetailsIDAuthenticationAuthenticationMethod.clear;
            aauth.Role   = "principal";
            aauth.Item   = sender.HMRCPassword;
            GovTalkMessageHeaderSenderDetailsIDAuthenticationAuthentication[] authentications = new GovTalkMessageHeaderSenderDetailsIDAuthenticationAuthentication[1];
            authentications[0]             = aauth;
            idauth.Authentication          = authentications;
            senderDetails.IDAuthentication = idauth;
            senderDetails.EmailAddress     = sender.Email;
            //message details
            GovTalkMessageHeaderMessageDetails messagedetails = new GovTalkMessageHeaderMessageDetails();

            messagedetails.Class                   = classType;
            messagedetails.Qualifier               = GovTalkMessageHeaderMessageDetailsQualifier.request;
            messagedetails.Function                = GovTalkMessageHeaderMessageDetailsFunction.submit;
            messagedetails.FunctionSpecified       = true;
            messagedetails.CorrelationID           = "";
            messagedetails.Transformation          = GovTalkMessageHeaderMessageDetailsTransformation.XML;
            messagedetails.GatewayTest             = gatewayTest;
            messagedetails.TransformationSpecified = true;
            header.MessageDetails                  = messagedetails;
            header.SenderDetails                   = senderDetails;
            //Gov Talk details
            GovTalkMessageGovTalkDetails govTalkDetails = new GovTalkMessageGovTalkDetails();
            GovTalkMessageGovTalkDetailsKey key = new GovTalkMessageGovTalkDetailsKey();

            key.Type  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GovTalkDetailsKeyType"];
            key.Value = business.VATRegNo.ToString();
            GovTalkMessageGovTalkDetailsKey[] keys = new GovTalkMessageGovTalkDetailsKey[1];
            keys[0] = key;
            //Channel routing
            GovTalkMessageGovTalkDetailsChannelRoutingChannel channel = new GovTalkMessageGovTalkDetailsChannelRoutingChannel();

            channel.Version         = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ChannelVersion"];
            channel.Product         = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ChannelProduct"];
            channel.ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.URI;
            channel.Item            = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ChannelUri"];
            GovTalkMessageGovTalkDetailsChannelRouting channelRouting = new GovTalkMessageGovTalkDetailsChannelRouting();

            channelRouting.Channel = channel;
            GovTalkMessageGovTalkDetailsChannelRouting[] channelRoutings = new GovTalkMessageGovTalkDetailsChannelRouting[1];
            channelRoutings[0]            = channelRouting;
            govTalkDetails.Keys           = keys;
            govTalkDetails.ChannelRouting = channelRoutings;

            //Gov Talk Body
            GovTalkMessageBody body = new GovTalkMessageBody();
            //populate body content with ir68 data
            //IR68 ir68 = new IR68(periodData, vatData);         //commented out to use method instead of object instantiation with period/vat data
            //IRenvelope iRenvelope = ir68.CreateIREnvelopeBody(sender, business);

            IRenvelope iRenvelope = CreateIRenvelopeBody(sender, business, periodData, vatData);
            //serialse ir object data into xml elements and add to Gov Talk body
            //XElement xe = XElement.Parse(SerializeIrEnvelope(iRenvelope));
            XElement   xe       = XElement.Parse(IREnvelopeToXDocument(iRenvelope).ToString());
            XmlElement xelement = ToXmlElement(xe);

            XmlElement[] xmlElements = new XmlElement[1];
            xmlElements[0] = xelement;
            body.Any       = xmlElements;
            govTalkMessage.EnvelopeVersion = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GovTalkMessageEnvelopeVersion"];
            govTalkMessage.Header          = header;
            govTalkMessage.GovTalkDetails  = govTalkDetails;
            govTalkMessage.Body            = body;
Esempio n. 4
        private IRenvelope CreateIRenvelopeBody(Sender sender, Business business, PeriodData periodData,
                                                VAT100 vatData)
            IRenvelope irenvelope = new IRenvelope();
            IRheader   irheader   = new IRheader();

            IRheaderKey irheaderkey = new IRheaderKey
                Type  = "VATRegNo",
                Value = business.VATRegNo

            irheader.PeriodID = periodData.PeriodrefId;
            irheader.Sender   = IRheaderSender.Individual;
            // irheader.PeriodStart = periodData.StartPeriod;
            //irheader.PeriodEnd = periodData.EndPeriod;

            IRheaderKey[] irHeaderKeys = new IRheaderKey[1];
            irHeaderKeys[0] = irheaderkey;
            irheader.Keys   = irHeaderKeys;

            VATDeclarationRequest_ContactDetailsStructure     contact = new VATDeclarationRequest_ContactDetailsStructure();
            VATDeclarationRequest_ContactDetailsStructureName name    =
                new VATDeclarationRequest_ContactDetailsStructureName
                Fore = new[] { sender.ForName1, sender.ForName2 },
                Sur  = sender.SurName,
                Ttl  = sender.Title

            VATDeclarationRequest_ContactDetailsStructureEmail email =
                new VATDeclarationRequest_ContactDetailsStructureEmail
                Preferred          = VATDeclarationRequest_YesNoType.yes,
                PreferredSpecified = true,
                Type          =,
                TypeSpecified = true,
                Value         = sender.Email

            contact.Name = name;

            VATDeclarationRequest_ContactDetailsStructureEmail[] Emails =
                new VATDeclarationRequest_ContactDetailsStructureEmail[1];
            Emails[0]     = email;
            contact.Email = Emails;

            IRheaderPrincipal principal = new IRheaderPrincipal {
                Contact = contact

            irheader.Principal = principal;

            IRheaderIRmark irmark = new IRheaderIRmark();

            irmark.Type     = IRheaderIRmarkType.generic;
            irmark.Value    = "";
            irheader.IRmark = irmark;

            VATDeclarationRequest vatreq = new VATDeclarationRequest
                VATDueOnOutputs        = vatData.Box1,
                VATDueOnECAcquisitions = vatData.Box2,
                TotalVAT             = vatData.Box3,
                VATReclaimedOnInputs = vatData.Box4,
                NetVAT                = vatData.Box5,
                NetSalesAndOutputs    = vatData.Box6,
                NetPurchasesAndInputs = vatData.Box7,
                NetECSupplies         = vatData.Box8,
                NetECAcquisitions     = vatData.Box9

            //set values here
            irenvelope.IRheader = irheader;
            irenvelope.VATDeclarationRequest = vatreq;
Esempio n. 5
        public HMRCResponse SendSubmissionRequest(Sender sender, Business business, PeriodData periodData,
                                                  VAT100 vatData, bool testInLive)
            HMRCResponse hmrcResponse = (HMRCResponse)null;

            if (testInLive)
                _submissionUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["testsubmissionurl"];
                _submissionUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["submissionurl"];
            //create govtalk message
            var govTalkMessage = _gatewayService.CreateGovTalkMessage(sender, business, periodData, vatData, testInLive);

            //serailize object to string
            //var strGovTalkMessage = HelperMethods.Serialize(govTalkMessage);
            var strGovTalkMessage = HelperMethods.GovTalkMessageToXDocument(govTalkMessage).ToString();

            //generate irmark from govtalk message
            byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strGovTalkMessage);

            //var iREnvelopeBody = _gatewayService.CreateIRenvelopeBody(sender, business, perioddata, vatData);

            var       irmark = HelperMethods.GetIRMark(bytes);
            XDocument xdoc;

            //set irmark value to the govtalk message body
            if (irmark != null)
                xdoc = XDocument.Parse(strGovTalkMessage, LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace);
                if (xdoc.Root != null)
                    XNamespace ns   = xdoc.Root.Name.Namespace;
                    XElement   body = xdoc.Root.Element(ns + "Body");
                    if (body != null)
                        var bodyElelemts = from el in body.Descendants()
                                           where el.Name.LocalName == "IRenvelope"
                                           select el;

                        foreach (var ele in bodyElelemts)
                            XNamespace ns1     = ele.Name.Namespace;
                            var        element = ele.Descendants(ns1 + "IRmark").First();
                            if (element != null)
                                element.Value = irmark;
                string strSendRequest = xdoc.ToString();
                this._filename = business.BusinessName.ToString();
                this._path     = Path.Combine(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/ClientData"), _filename);
                bool folderexists = CreateBusDir(_path);
                bool periodexists = CreatePerdiodDir(_path + "\\" + periodData.PeriodrefId);
                this._filepath = _path + "\\" + periodData.PeriodrefId;
                if (folderexists == true && periodexists)
                    Log(strSendRequest, _filepath, "submission_Request");
                    //System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(_filepath +"\\" + "submissionrequest.xml"+DateTime.Now);
                hmrcResponse = _gatewayService.SendHMRCMessage(strSendRequest,

                if (_filepath != null && hmrcResponse.ResponseData != null)
                    if (hmrcResponse.Type.ToString() == "error")
                        Log(hmrcResponse.ResponseData, _filepath, "submission_Error");
                    if (hmrcResponse.Type.ToString() == "acknowledgement")
                        Log(hmrcResponse.ResponseData, _filepath, "submission_Acknowledgement");
                        Log(hmrcResponse.ResponseData, _filepath, "submission_Response");
Esempio n. 6
        public void Submission_SendRequest()
            //Fake input params
            var sen = new Sender
                Title          = "Mr",
                ForName1       = "Sat",
                ForName2       = "aa",
                SurName        = "Gat",
                AddressLine1   = "133Gleny",
                AddressLine2   = "Barking",
                Postcode       = "Ig11",
                Country        = "UK",
                Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                Mobile         = "0123456789",
                HMRCUserId     = "VATDEC180a01",
                SenderPassword = "******"
            var bus = new Business
                BusinessName   = "ABC",
                RegisteredDate = DateTime.Parse("07-04-2017"),
                TradingName    = "ABC",
                VATRegNo       = "999900001",
            var add = new BusinessAddress
                Line1    = "1 First Add",
                Line2    = "2 Second add",
                Line3    = "3 Third",
                Postcode = "Ig11",
                Country  = "UK"
            //  bus.AddressList.Add(add);
            var per = new PeriodData
                PeriodrefId = "201701",
                StartPeriod = DateTime.Parse("07-04-2017"),
                EndPeriod   = DateTime.Parse("31-07-2017")
            var vat = new VAT100
                Box1 = "1.50",
                Box2 = "0.50",
                Box3 = "2.00",
                Box4 = "2.00",
                Box5 = "0.00",
                Box6 = "20",
                Box7 = "10",
                Box8 = "10",
                Box9 = "5"

            //var sm = new SubmissionManager(_gatewayService);
            //  var test = sm.SendSubmissionRequest(sen, bus, per, vat, true);
            //var govtalkmessage = _gatewayService.CreateGovTalkMessage(sen, bus, per, vat, true);

            //    var strGovTalkMessage = HelperMethods.GovTalkMessageToXDocument(govtalkmessage).ToString();

            ////generate irmark from govtalk message
            //byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strGovTalkMessage);

            //    var irmark = HelperMethods.GetIRMark(bytes);

            //    var xdoc = XDocument.Parse(strGovTalkMessage, LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace); //set irmark value in the doc

            //    if (irmark!=null)
            //    {
            //        XNamespace ns = xdoc.Root.Name.Namespace;
            //        XElement body = xdoc.Root.Element(ns + "Body");
            //        if (body != null)
            //        {
            //            var bodyElelemts = from el in body.Descendants()
            //                               where el.Name.LocalName == "IRenvelope"
            //                               select el;

            //            foreach (var ele in bodyElelemts)
            //            {
            //                XNamespace ns1 = ele.Name.Namespace;
            //                var element = ele.Descendants(ns1 + "IRmark").First();
            //                if (element != null)
            //                {
            //                    element.Value = irmark;
            //                }

            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            //    string strSendRequest = xdoc.ToString();

            //TODO: Need to validate the xml before sending to gateway but this seems to be complicate yet as
            //this needs to be validate individual classes irenvelope and vat payload and govtlak envelope so for future

            // bool result = HelperMethods.IsValidXml(strSendRequest, @"C:\Temp\ASA.API\ASA.Core\XSDs\envelope-v2-0-HMRC.xsd", "");
            //var submissionResponse = sm.SendSubmissionRequest(sen, bus, per, vat, true);

            //var erorrs = submissionResponse.Errors.Count;
            string correlationId         = "585F0728964645B2A944B4410D0EF5A8";
            string polluri               = "";
            var    govTalkMessageForPoll =
                _gatewayService.CreateGovTalkMessageForPollRequest(correlationId, polluri, true);
            var pollreq      = HelperMethods.GoVTalkMessageToXDocumentForPoll(govTalkMessageForPoll);
            var pollStr      = pollreq.ToString();
            var pollresponse = _gatewayService.SendHMRCMessage(pollStr, polluri);

            var strContent      = HelperMethods.ExtractBodyContent(pollresponse.ResponseData.ToString());
            var successResponse = HelperMethods.Deserialize <SuccessResponse>(strContent);

            var str = HelperMethods.Serialize(successResponse);
            var doc = XDocument.Parse(str, LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace);
            ////select only body element from xdoc
            XNamespace nsr = "";
            var        hmrcresponsemsgnode = (from d in doc.Descendants()
                                              where d.Name.LocalName == "Message"
                                              select d).ToList();
            var messagedetailsnode = (from m in doc.Descendants()
                                      where m.Name.LocalName == "AcceptedTime"
                                      select m).ToList();
            var paymentBodyNode = (from p in doc.Descendants()
                                   where p.Name.LocalName == "Body"
                                   select p).ToList();

            List <XElement> col = new List <XElement>();

            Dictionary <string, List <XElement> > dic = new Dictionary <string, List <XElement> >();

            dic.Add("hmrcResponseNode", hmrcresponsemsgnode);
            dic.Add("password", messagedetailsnode);
            dic.Add("plan_id", paymentBodyNode);

            // Assert.IsInstanceOfType(govtalkmessage, typeof(GovTalkMessage)); //check if the object is govTalkMessage
            //Assert.IsTrue(result); //validate generated xml
            // Assert.AreEqual(erorrs, 0);