Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            foreach (ProcessModule mod in csgo.Modules)
                if (mod.ModuleName == "client.dll")
                    module = (int)mod.BaseAddress;
            int        cur;
            int        curTeam;
            int        curGlowIndex;
            GlowStruct Team = new GlowStruct()
                r    = 0,
                g    = 0,
                b    = 1,
                a    = 1,
                rwo  = true,
                rwuo = false
            GlowStruct Enemy = new GlowStruct()
                r    = 1,
                g    = 0,
                b    = 0,
                a    = 1,
                rwo  = true,
                rwuo = false
            Thread trigger = new Thread(Trigger);

            Thread bhop = new Thread(Bhop);

            while (true)
                LocalPlayer = memory.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(module + Offsets.dwLocalPlayer));
                PlayerTeam  = memory.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(LocalPlayer + Offsets.m_iTeamNum));
                for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                    cur          = memory.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(module + Offsets.dwEntityList + i * 0x10));
                    curTeam      = memory.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(cur + Offsets.m_iTeamNum));
                    curGlowIndex = memory.ReadInt32((IntPtr)(cur + Offsets.m_iGlowIndex));
                    if (!memory.ReadBoolean((IntPtr)cur + Offsets.m_bDormant))
                        if (curTeam == PlayerTeam)
                            DrawGlow(curGlowIndex, Team);
                            DrawGlow(curGlowIndex, Enemy);
Esempio n. 2
        public Vector GetClosestEnemy(Vector pPosition)
            Vector closest;

            closest.x = 0;
            closest.y = 0;
            closest.z = 0;

            float closestDistance = 0;

            int address;

            int myTeam = d.myTeam;

            for (int i = 0; i < 64; i += 1)
                address = d.aEntityList + (i * d.oEntityLoopDistance);
                int ptrToPerson = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address); // pointer to enemy

                address = Signatures.m_bDormant + ptrToPerson;
                bool eDormant = vam.ReadBoolean((IntPtr)address);

                address = Netvars.m_lifeState + ptrToPerson;
                int eLifeState = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address);
                if (!eDormant && eLifeState == 0) // If enemy is not dormant
                    address = Netvars.m_iTeamNum + ptrToPerson;
                    int pTeam = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address); // Enemy's team

                    if (pTeam > 1 && ptrToPerson != 0 && myTeam != pTeam)
                        Vector ePosition = GetEnemyBonePosition(ptrToPerson);
                        float  compare   = GetDistance(pPosition, ePosition);
                        if (closestDistance > compare || closestDistance == 0)
                            closestDistance = compare;
                            closest         = ePosition;
Esempio n. 3
        static void WallHack()
            VAMemory vam = new VAMemory(process);

            int address;
            int i = 1;
            int Player;
            int MyTeam;
            int EntityList;
            int HisTeam;
            int GlowIndex;
            int GlowObject;
            int calculation;
            int current;

            if (GetModuleAddy())
                while (true)
                    i = 1;

                        address = Client + Offsets.oLocalPlayer;
                        Player  = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address);

                        address = Player + Offsets.oTeam;
                        MyTeam  = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address);
                        //int MyTeam = 2;

                        address    = Client + Offsets.oEntityList + (i - 1) * 0x10;
                        EntityList = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address);

                        address = EntityList + Offsets.oTeam;
                        HisTeam = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address);

                        address = EntityList + Offsets.oDormat;
                        if (!vam.ReadBoolean((IntPtr)address))
                            address = EntityList + Offsets.oGlowIndex;

                            GlowIndex = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address);

                            if (MyTeam == HisTeam)
                                address    = Client + Offsets.oGlowObject;
                                GlowObject = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address);

                                calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x4;
                                current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, rTeam);

                                calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x8;
                                current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, gTeam);

                                calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0xC;
                                current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, bTeam);

                                calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x10;
                                current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, aTeam);

                                calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x24;
                                current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                vam.WriteBoolean((IntPtr)current, rwoTeam);

                                calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x25;
                                current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                vam.WriteBoolean((IntPtr)current, rwuoTeam);
                                address    = Client + Offsets.oGlowObject;
                                GlowObject = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address);

                                calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x4;
                                current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, rEnemy);

                                calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x8;
                                current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, gEnemy);

                                calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0xC;
                                current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, bEnemy);

                                calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x10;
                                current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, aEnemy);

                                calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x24;
                                current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                vam.WriteBoolean((IntPtr)current, rwoEnemy);

                                calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x25;
                                current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                vam.WriteBoolean((IntPtr)current, rwuoEnemy);
                    } while (i < 21);

Esempio n. 4
 public bool ReadBoolean(int offsets)
Esempio n. 5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var handle = GetConsoleWindow();

            // Hide
            ShowWindow(handle, SW_HIDE);

            // Show
            //ShowWindow(handle, SW_SHOW);

            GlowStruct Enemy = new GlowStruct()
                r    = 1,
                g    = 0,
                b    = 0,
                a    = 0.8f,
                rwo  = true,
                rwuo = false
            GlowStruct Team = new GlowStruct()
                r    = 0,
                g    = 0,
                b    = 1,
                a    = 0.6f,
                rwo  = true,
                rwuo = false
            Player MyPlayer = new Player();
            Player player   = new Player();

            Thread mythread   = new Thread(TriggrerbotThread);
            Thread BHopThread = new Thread(BHop);
            Thread menuThread = new Thread(MenuThread);


            if (GetModuleAddy())
                int address;
                address = client + oLocalPlayer;
                int lPlayer = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address);

                //  address = client + hazedumper.signatures.force_update_spectator_glow; //0xEB
                //  vam.WriteByte((IntPtr)address, 0xEB);

                while (true)
                    //address = client + hazedumper.signatures.force_update_spectator_glow; //0xEB
                    // vam.WriteByte((IntPtr)address, 0xEB);

                    address = client + oGlowObject;
                    int GlowObject = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address);

                    address += 0xC;
                    int objectCount = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address);

                    int i = 1;
                        address = client + oEntityList + (i - 1) * 0x10;
                        int EntityList = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address);

                        if (EntityList != 0 && checkBoxGlow)
                            player   = GetMyPlayerInfo(EntityList);
                            MyPlayer = GetMyPlayerInfo(lPlayer);

                            if (MyPlayer.Team != player.Team && checkBoxSpotted)
                                vam.WriteBoolean((IntPtr)(EntityList + hazedumper.netvars.m_bSpotted), true);

                            address = EntityList + oDormant;
                            if (!vam.ReadBoolean((IntPtr)address))
                                address = EntityList + oGlowIndex;

                                int GlowIndex = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address);

                                if (MyPlayer.Team == player.Team)
                                    if (!checkBoxOnlyEnemy)
                                        int calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x4;
                                        int current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                        vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, Team.r);

                                        calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x8;
                                        current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                        vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, Team.g);

                                        calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0xC;
                                        current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                        vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, Team.b);

                                        calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x10;
                                        current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                        vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, ally.a);

                                        calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x24;
                                        current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                        vam.WriteBoolean((IntPtr)current, Team.rwo);

                                        calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x25;
                                        current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                        vam.WriteBoolean((IntPtr)current, Team.rwuo);
                                    int calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x4;
                                    int current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                    vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, Enemy.r);

                                    calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x8;
                                    current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                    vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, Enemy.g);

                                    calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0xC;
                                    current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                    vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, Enemy.b);

                                    calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x10;
                                    current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                    vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, enemy.a);

                                    calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x24;
                                    current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                    vam.WriteBoolean((IntPtr)current, Enemy.rwo);

                                    calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x25;
                                    current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                    vam.WriteBoolean((IntPtr)current, Enemy.rwuo);
                        //address = client + hazedumper.signatures.force_update_spectator_glow; //0xEB
                        //vam.WriteByte((IntPtr)address, 0xEB);
                    }while (i < objectCount);


                    // address =  client + netvars.
                    //  int localbase = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address);
            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to close...");
Esempio n. 6
        public void GlowIt()
            GlowStruct colorsE = new GlowStruct()
                r    = 255.0f,
                g    = 0f,
                b    = 0f,
                a    = 122.5f,
                rwo  = true,
                rwuo = false
            GlowStruct colorsT = new GlowStruct()
                r    = 0f,
                g    = 103.0f,
                b    = 221.0f,
                a    = 122.5f,
                rwo  = true,
                rwuo = false

            while (true)
                if (wallCHCK.Checked)
                    GameState = mem.ReadInt32((IntPtr)EngineBase + Offsets.OffsetList.GameState);
                    if (GameState == 6)
                        int i = 1;
                            int MyTeam     = mem.ReadInt32((IntPtr)LocalBase + Offsets.OffsetList.Team);
                            int EntityList = mem.ReadInt32((IntPtr)ClientAdress + Offsets.OffsetList.EntityList + (i - 1) * 0x10);
                            int HisTeam    = mem.ReadInt32((IntPtr)EntityList + Offsets.OffsetList.Team);
                            if (!mem.ReadBoolean((IntPtr)EntityList + Offsets.OffsetList.Dormant))
                                if (MyTeam != HisTeam)
                                    int GlowIndex  = mem.ReadInt32((IntPtr)EntityList + Offsets.OffsetList.GlowIndex);
                                    int GlowObject = mem.ReadInt32((IntPtr)ClientAdress + Offsets.OffsetList.GlowObject);
                                    mem.WriteByte((IntPtr)EntityList + 0x70, (byte)colorsE.r);
                                    mem.WriteByte((IntPtr)EntityList + 0x71, (byte)colorsE.g);
                                    mem.WriteByte((IntPtr)EntityList + 0x72, (byte)colorsE.b);
                                    mem.WriteFloat((IntPtr)GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x4), colorsE.r);
                                    mem.WriteFloat((IntPtr)GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x8), colorsE.g);
                                    mem.WriteFloat((IntPtr)GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0xC), colorsE.b);
                                    mem.WriteFloat((IntPtr)GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x10), colorsE.a);
                                    mem.WriteBoolean((IntPtr)GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x24), true);
                                    mem.WriteBoolean((IntPtr)GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x2C), false);
                                if (MyTeam == HisTeam)
                                    int GlowIndex  = mem.ReadInt32((IntPtr)EntityList + Offsets.OffsetList.GlowIndex);
                                    int GlowObject = mem.ReadInt32((IntPtr)ClientAdress + Offsets.OffsetList.GlowObject);
                                    mem.WriteByte((IntPtr)EntityList + 0x70, (byte)colorsT.r);
                                    mem.WriteByte((IntPtr)EntityList + 0x71, (byte)colorsT.g);
                                    mem.WriteByte((IntPtr)EntityList + 0x72, (byte)colorsT.b);
                                    mem.WriteFloat((IntPtr)GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x4), colorsT.r);
                                    mem.WriteFloat((IntPtr)GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x8), colorsT.g);
                                    mem.WriteFloat((IntPtr)GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0xC), colorsT.b);
                                    mem.WriteFloat((IntPtr)GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x10), colorsT.a);
                                    mem.WriteBoolean((IntPtr)GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x24), true);
                                    mem.WriteBoolean((IntPtr)GlowObject + (GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x2C), false);
                        } while (i < 65);
                        int thisPtr = EngineBase + Offsets.OffsetList.ModelAmbientMin - 0x2c;
                        xorBase = Convert.ToInt32(255.0f) ^ thisPtr;
                        mem.WriteInt32((IntPtr)EngineBase + Offsets.OffsetList.ModelAmbientMin - 0x2c, xorBase);
Esempio n. 7
        public static void AllSeeingEyes()
            if (MainClass.GetIfProcessIsRunning())
                while (true && isGlowing)
                    VAMemory      mem           = new VAMemory(MainClass.injProc);
                    GlowStructure NeighbourTeam = new GlowStructure()
                        r = float.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["TeamGlowColorR"]),
                        g = float.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["TeamGlowColorG"]),
                        b = float.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["TeamGlowColorB"]),
                        a = float.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["TeamGlowColorA"]),
                    GlowStructure NiggersTeam = new GlowStructure()
                        r = float.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["EnemyGlowColorR"]),
                        g = float.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["EnemyGlowColorG"]),
                        b = float.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["EnemyGlowColorB"]),
                        a = float.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["EnemyGlowColorA"]),
                        if (iterator > 10)
                            iterator = 0;
                            iterator = iterator + 1;

                        int ALP = BaseAdress + Offsets.LP;

                        int SP = mem.ReadInt32((IntPtr)ALP);

                        int ASPT = SP + Offsets.T;

                        int HomieTeam = mem.ReadInt32((IntPtr)ASPT);

                        int AEL = BaseAdress + Offsets.EL + iterator * 0x10;

                        int EL = mem.ReadInt32((IntPtr)AEL);

                        int NiggerHealth = mem.ReadInt32((IntPtr)EL + Offsets.H);

                        int ANiggerTeam = EL + Offsets.T;

                        int NiggerTeam = mem.ReadInt32((IntPtr)ANiggerTeam);

                        int DormantStatus = EL + Offsets.D;

                        IsDormant = mem.ReadBoolean((IntPtr)DormantStatus);
                        if (!IsDormant)
                            currentaddress = EL + Offsets.GI;

                            int Glow = mem.ReadInt32((IntPtr)currentaddress);

                            if (HomieTeam == NiggerTeam && ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["GlowTeamMates"] == "true")
                                currentaddress = BaseAdress + Offsets.GOM;
                                int GObject = mem.ReadInt32((IntPtr)currentaddress);

                                int result = Glow * 0x38 + 0x4;

                                int currentObj = GObject + result;
                                mem.WriteFloat((IntPtr)currentObj, NeighbourTeam.r);

                                result     = Glow * 0x38 + 0x8;
                                currentObj = GObject + result;
                                mem.WriteFloat((IntPtr)currentObj, NeighbourTeam.g);

                                result     = Glow * 0x38 + 0xC;
                                currentObj = GObject + result;
                                mem.WriteFloat((IntPtr)currentObj, NeighbourTeam.b);

                                result     = Glow * 0x38 + 0x10;
                                currentObj = GObject + result;
                                mem.WriteFloat((IntPtr)currentObj, NeighbourTeam.a);

                                result     = Glow * 0x38 + 0x24;
                                currentObj = GObject + result;
                                mem.WriteBoolean((IntPtr)currentObj, true);

                                result     = Glow * 0x38 + 0x25;
                                currentObj = GObject + result;
                                mem.WriteBoolean((IntPtr)currentObj, true);
                            else if (HomieTeam != NiggerTeam && ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["GlowEnemies"] == "true")
                                currentaddress = BaseAdress + Offsets.GOM;
                                int GObject = mem.ReadInt32((IntPtr)currentaddress);

                                int result = Glow * 0x38 + 0x4;

                                int currentObj = GObject + result;

                                if (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["EnemyGlowColorDependsOnHealth"] == "true")
                                    if (NiggerHealth <= 100 && NiggerHealth > 75)
                                        NiggersTeam.r = 0;
                                        NiggersTeam.g = 1;
                                        NiggersTeam.b = 0;
                                        NiggersTeam.a = 1;
                                    else if (NiggerHealth <= 75 && NiggerHealth > 50)
                                        NiggersTeam.r = 255;
                                        NiggersTeam.g = 255;
                                        NiggersTeam.b = 0;
                                        NiggersTeam.a = 1;
                                    else if (NiggerHealth <= 50 && NiggerHealth > 25)
                                        NiggersTeam.r = 255;
                                        NiggersTeam.g = 153;
                                        NiggersTeam.b = 0;
                                        NiggersTeam.a = 1;
                                    else if (NiggerHealth <= 25 && NiggerHealth > 0)
                                        NiggersTeam.r = 1;
                                        NiggersTeam.g = 0;
                                        NiggersTeam.b = 0;
                                        NiggersTeam.a = 1;

                                mem.WriteFloat((IntPtr)currentObj, NiggersTeam.r);

                                result     = Glow * 0x38 + 0x8;
                                currentObj = GObject + result;
                                mem.WriteFloat((IntPtr)currentObj, NiggersTeam.g);

                                result     = Glow * 0x38 + 0xC;
                                currentObj = GObject + result;
                                mem.WriteFloat((IntPtr)currentObj, NiggersTeam.b);

                                result     = Glow * 0x38 + 0x10;
                                currentObj = GObject + result;
                                mem.WriteFloat((IntPtr)currentObj, NiggersTeam.a);

                                result     = Glow * 0x38 + 0x24;
                                currentObj = GObject + result;
                                mem.WriteBoolean((IntPtr)currentObj, true);

                                result     = Glow * 0x38 + 0x25;
                                currentObj = GObject + result;
                                mem.WriteBoolean((IntPtr)currentObj, true);
                    }while (true && isGlowing);
Esempio n. 8
        public static void dwWallhack()
            if (GetModuleAddress())
                while (true)
                    if (HackStats.wallhack_use)
                        GlowStruct Enemy = new GlowStruct()
                            r    = 1,
                            g    = 0,
                            b    = 0,
                            a    = 1f,
                            rwo  = true,
                            rwuo = true

                        GlowStruct Team = new GlowStruct()
                            r    = 1,
                            g    = 1,
                            b    = 1,
                            a    = 0.800f,
                            rwo  = true,
                            rwuo = true

                        int address;
                        int i = 1;

                            address = Client + signatures.dwLocalPlayer;

                            int Player = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address);

                            address = Player + netvars.m_iTeamNum;
                            int MyTeam = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address);

                            address = Client + signatures.dwEntityList + (i - 1) * 0x10;
                            int EntityList = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address);

                            address = EntityList + netvars.m_iTeamNum;
                            int HisTeam = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address);

                            address = EntityList + netvars.m_iDormant;

                            if (!vam.ReadBoolean((IntPtr)address))
                                address = EntityList + netvars.m_iGlowIndex;

                                int GlowIndex = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address);

                                if (MyTeam == HisTeam)
                                    address = Client + signatures.dwGlowObject;
                                    int GlowObject = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address);

                                    int calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x4;
                                    int current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                    vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, Team.r);

                                    calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x8;
                                    current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                    vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, Team.g);

                                    calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0xC;
                                    current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                    vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, Team.b);

                                    calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x10;
                                    current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                    vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, Team.a);

                                    calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x24;
                                    current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                    vam.WriteBoolean((IntPtr)current, Team.rwo);

                                    calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x25;
                                    current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                    vam.WriteBoolean((IntPtr)current, Team.rwuo);
                                    address = Client + signatures.dwGlowObject;
                                    int GlowObject = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)address);

                                    int calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x4;
                                    int current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                    vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, Enemy.r);

                                    calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x8;
                                    current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                    vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, Enemy.g);

                                    calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0xC;
                                    current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                    vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, Enemy.b);

                                    calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x10;
                                    current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                    vam.WriteFloat((IntPtr)current, Enemy.a);

                                    calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x24;
                                    current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                    vam.WriteBoolean((IntPtr)current, Enemy.rwo);

                                    calculation = GlowIndex * 0x38 + 0x25;
                                    current     = GlowObject + calculation;
                                    vam.WriteBoolean((IntPtr)current, Enemy.rwuo);

                        } while (i < 65);
