Esempio n. 1
 /* Takes in a slider name, a sample index, and a t. Based on what the slider name is, will use the values to adjust the position,
  * and indicator. Both start slider and end slider don't use t parameter. */
 public void AdjustSlider(string sliderName, int sampleIndex, float t)
     if (String.Equals(sliderName, "StartSlider"))
         startSliderSampleIndex = sampleIndex;
         float samplePercent = (float)startSliderSampleIndex / ((float)dummySampleCount - 1.0f);
         float newX          = (samplePercent * localHalfLength * -2) + localHalfLength;
         startSlider.transform.localPosition = V3E.SetX(localCenter, newX);
     else if (String.Equals(sliderName, "CurrentSlider"))
         float samplePercent = (float)sampleIndex / ((float)dummySampleCount - 1.0f);
         float sliderPercent = t * (1.0f / ((float)dummySampleCount - 1.0f)) + samplePercent;
         float newX          = (sliderPercent * localHalfLength * -2) + localHalfLength;
         currentSlider.transform.localPosition = V3E.SetX(localCenter, newX);
     else if (String.Equals(sliderName, "EndSlider"))
         endSliderSampleIndex = sampleIndex;
         float samplePercent = (float)endSliderSampleIndex / ((float)dummySampleCount - 1.0f);
         float newX          = (samplePercent * localHalfLength * -2) + localHalfLength;
         endSlider.transform.localPosition = V3E.SetX(localCenter, newX);
     else if (String.Equals(sliderName, "GhostSlider"))
         float samplePercent = (float)sampleIndex / ((float)dummySampleCount - 1.0f);
         float sliderPercent = t * (1.0f / ((float)dummySampleCount - 1.0f)) + samplePercent;
         float newX          = (sliderPercent * localHalfLength * -2) + localHalfLength;
         ghostSlider.transform.localPosition = V3E.SetX(localCenter, newX);
Esempio n. 2
 private void Update()
     if (isGuiding)      // If it is guiding, adjust its position, rotation and scale based on dummy's position
         Vector3    newPosition = (DMS.GetSelectedDummy().transform.position - anchorPoint) / positionOffset + anchorPoint;
         Quaternion newRotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, (DMS.GetSelectedDummy().transform.position - anchorPoint));
         float      newLength   = Vector3.Magnitude(DMS.GetSelectedDummy().transform.position - anchorPoint) * lengthOffset;
         transform.position   = newPosition;
         transform.rotation   = newRotation;
         transform.localScale = V3E.SetY(transform.localScale, newLength);
Esempio n. 3
    /* Takes in a finger trigger position and sliders the closest slider in one dimension relative to the finger
     * slider position (if the new slider position will be on the slider field). If the slider is the start slider
     * or the end slider then they will snap to the floored or ceiled sample respectively. Else if the slider is
     * the current slider, it will adjust the position with a smooth transition using t. */
    private void SlideClosestSlider(Vector3 fingerTriggerPosition)
        Vector3 worldCenter = transform.TransformPoint(localCenter);
        // Project point into two dimensions on slider field
        Vector3 v = fingerTriggerPosition - worldCenter;
        Vector3 d = Vector3.Project(v, transform.up);
        Vector3 pointInTwoDimensions = fingerTriggerPosition - d;
        // Project point into one dimension on slider field
        Vector3 v2 = pointInTwoDimensions - worldCenter;
        Vector3 d2 = Vector3.Project(v2, transform.forward);
        Vector3 pointInOneDimension = pointInTwoDimensions - d2;

        float testDistance = Vector3.Distance(pointInOneDimension, worldCenter);

        if (testDistance < worldHalfLength)
            if (Vector3.Distance(pointInOneDimension, transform.TransformPoint(V3E.SetX(localCenter, -localHalfLength))) <
                Vector3.Distance(pointInOneDimension, transform.TransformPoint(V3E.SetX(localCenter, localHalfLength))))
                testDistance *= -1;   // Closer to left side, so make negative since Vector3.Distance() is only magnitude
            float sliderPercent = (testDistance - worldHalfLength) / (worldHalfLength * -2);

            if (closestSlider == startSlider)
                // Find the floored sample index and adjust the start slider
                int flooredSampleIndex = (int)Mathf.Floor(sliderPercent * (dummySampleCount - 1));
                AdjustSlider("StartSlider", flooredSampleIndex, 0.0f);
            else if (closestSlider == currentSlider)
                // Find the floored sample index, find the t, adjust the current slider, then adjust slider indicator and dummy
                int flooredSampleIndex = (int)Mathf.Floor(sliderPercent * (dummySampleCount - 1));
                if (flooredSampleIndex >= startSliderSampleIndex && flooredSampleIndex <= endSliderSampleIndex)
                    float flooredSamplePercent = (float)flooredSampleIndex / ((float)dummySampleCount - 1.0f);
                    float t = (sliderPercent - flooredSamplePercent) / (1.0f / ((float)dummySampleCount - 1.0f));
                    AdjustSlider("CurrentSlider", flooredSampleIndex, t);
                    DMS.DS_Adjust(flooredSampleIndex, t);
            else        // end slider
            // Find the ceiled sample index and adjust end slider
                int ceiledSampleIndex = (int)Mathf.Ceil(sliderPercent * (dummySampleCount - 1));
                AdjustSlider("EndSlider", ceiledSampleIndex, 0.0f);
Esempio n. 4
    private Dictionary <SE.Flavor, GameObject> ticTacPrefabDict; // Dictionary of tic tac prefabs, with their types as keys

    /* Takes in an tic tac flavor and a spawn amount, and spawns that many tic tacs of that flavor. Will only spawn up to the
     * far path limit. */
    public void SpawnEnemies(SE.Flavor flavor, int spawnAmount)
        if (!ticTacPrefabDict.ContainsKey(flavor))
            Debug.LogWarning("Tic Tac with flavor " + flavor + " doesn't exist."); return;

        SE.PathRoute pathRoute = ticTacPrefabDict[flavor].GetComponent <TicTac>().PathRoute;
        Path         path      = (pathRoute == SE.PathRoute.Melee) ? meleePath : rangedPath;

        for (int i = 0; i < spawnAmount && pathLimits[2] - path.scriptDict.Count > 0; i++)
            Vector3 spawnPosition = spawnPositions.Dequeue();                                 // Get spawn position
            float   heightOffset  = ticTacPrefabDict[flavor].transform.GetChild(0).localScale.y +
                                    (transform.position.y - (transform.localScale.y / 2.0f)); // Used to spawn object above field
            spawnPosition = V3E.SetY(spawnPosition, heightOffset);

            GameObject ticTac       = Instantiate(ticTacPrefabDict[flavor], spawnPosition, Quaternion.identity); // Instantiate
            TicTac     ticTacScript = ticTac.GetComponent <TicTac>();
            ticTacScript.InitializeVariables(gameObject, collector);

            float delayTime = delayTimes.Dequeue();  // Get delay time

            if (path.scriptDict.Count < pathLimits[0])   // Set path distance and start moving towards a new path position
                ticTacScript.CurrPathDistance = SE.PathDistance.Close;
                ticTacScript.StartAdvanceCoroutine(((Random.insideUnitSphere * path.radii[0]) + path.centers[0]), delayTime);
                path.scriptDict.Add(ticTac.GetInstanceID(), ticTacScript);
            else if (path.scriptDict.Count < pathLimits[1])
                ticTacScript.CurrPathDistance = SE.PathDistance.Mid;
                ticTacScript.StartAdvanceCoroutine(((Random.insideUnitSphere * path.radii[1]) + path.centers[1]), delayTime);
                path.scriptDict.Add(ticTac.GetInstanceID(), ticTacScript);
            else                // farPathLimit
                ticTacScript.CurrPathDistance = SE.PathDistance.Far;
                ticTacScript.StartAdvanceCoroutine(((Random.insideUnitSphere * path.radii[2]) + path.centers[2]), delayTime);
                path.scriptDict.Add(ticTac.GetInstanceID(), ticTacScript);
Esempio n. 5
 private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
     if (!triggered)
         Vector3 hitPosition = V3E.SetY(transform.position, other.transform.position.y); // So explosion starts from inside the field rather
                                                                                         // than at the orb's height
         Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(hitPosition, transform.localScale.x / 2.0f, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("TicTac"));
         foreach (Collider hitCollider in hitColliders)
             Destroy(hitCollider.GetComponent <Animator>());
             Rigidbody hitRigidbody = hitCollider.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
             hitRigidbody.isKinematic = false;
             hitRigidbody.useGravity  = true;
             hitRigidbody.AddExplosionForce(explosionForce, hitPosition, transform.localScale.x / 2.0f, upwardsModifier);
         triggered = true;
Esempio n. 6
    /* Takes in a path position and delay time and moves towards that path position. Waits a delay time amount of
     * seconds and then begins attacking once the path position has been reached. */
    private IEnumerator Advance(Vector3 pathPosition, float delayTime)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delayTime));


        pathPosition = V3E.SetY(pathPosition, transform.position.y);    // Set height of path position to tic tac's height
        while (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, pathPosition) > minArrivalDistance)
            float step = Speed * Time.deltaTime;
            transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, pathPosition, step);
            yield return(null);
        transform.LookAt(V3E.SetY(collectorScript.transform.position, transform.position.y));
        if (CurrPathDistance == SE.PathDistance.Close)