Esempio n. 1
        public void Test_Uuid64_TryWriteTo()
            var original = Uuid64.Parse("01234567-89ABCDEF");

            Assume.That(original.ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0x0123456789ABCDEF));

            // span with more space
            var scratch = Slice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);

            Assert.That(original.TryWriteTo(scratch), Is.True);
            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA"));

            // span with no offset and exact size
            scratch = Slice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);
            Assert.That(original.TryWriteTo(scratch.Substring(0, 8)), Is.True);
            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA"));

            // span with offset
            scratch = Slice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);
            Assert.That(original.TryWriteTo(scratch.Substring(4)), Is.True);
            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("AA AA AA AA 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF AA AA AA AA"));

            // span with offset and exact size
            scratch = Slice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);
            Assert.That(original.TryWriteTo(scratch.Substring(4, 8)), Is.True);
            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("AA AA AA AA 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF AA AA AA AA"));

            // errors

            Assert.That(original.TryWriteTo(Slice.Empty), Is.False, "Target buffer is empty");

            scratch = Slice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);
            Assert.That(original.TryWriteTo(scratch.Substring(0, 7)), Is.False, "Target buffer is too small");
            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA"), "Buffer should not have been overwritten!");
        public void Test_Uuid64_Casting()
            // implicit
            Uuid64 a = (long)0;
            Uuid64 b = (long)42;
            Uuid64 c = (long)0xDEADBEEF;
            Uuid64 d = 0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL;
            Uuid64 e = ulong.MaxValue;

            // ToUInt64
            Assert.That(a.ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0UL));
            Assert.That(b.ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(42UL));
            Assert.That(c.ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(3735928559UL));
            Assert.That(d.ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(13464654573299691533UL));
            Assert.That(e.ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(ulong.MaxValue));

            // ToInt64
            Assert.That(a.ToInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0L));
            Assert.That(b.ToInt64(), Is.EqualTo(42L));
            Assert.That(c.ToInt64(), Is.EqualTo(3735928559L));
            Assert.That(d.ToInt64(), Is.EqualTo(-4982089500409860083L));
            Assert.That(e.ToInt64(), Is.EqualTo(-1L));

            // explict
            Assert.That((long)a, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That((long)b, Is.EqualTo(42));
            Assert.That((long)c, Is.EqualTo(0xDEADBEEF));
            Assert.That((ulong)d, Is.EqualTo(13464654573299691533UL));
            Assert.That((ulong)e, Is.EqualTo(ulong.MaxValue));
            Assert.That((long)e, Is.EqualTo(-1L));
Esempio n. 3
        public void Test_Uuid64_Read_From_Bytes()
            // test buffer with included padding
            byte[] buf      = { 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, /* start */ 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, /* stop */ 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA };
            var    original = Uuid64.Parse("01234567-89ABCDEF");

            Assume.That(original.ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0x0123456789ABCDEF));

            // ReadOnlySpan<byte>
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Read(buf.AsSpan(4, 8)), Is.EqualTo(original));

            // Slice
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Read(buf.AsSlice(4, 8)), Is.EqualTo(original));

            // byte[]
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Read(buf.AsSlice(4, 8).GetBytesOrEmpty()), Is.EqualTo(original));

                fixed(byte *ptr = &buf[4])
                    Assert.That(Uuid64.Read(ptr, 8), Is.EqualTo(original));
                    Assert.That(Uuid64.Read(new ReadOnlySpan <byte>(ptr, 8)), Is.EqualTo(original));
Esempio n. 4
 public void Test_Uuid64_Empty()
     Assert.That(Uuid64.Empty.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("00000000-00000000"));
     Assert.That(Uuid64.Empty, Is.EqualTo(default(Uuid64)));
     Assert.That(Uuid64.Empty, Is.EqualTo(new Uuid64(0L)));
     Assert.That(Uuid64.Empty, Is.EqualTo(new Uuid64(0UL)));
     Assert.That(Uuid64.Empty, Is.EqualTo(Uuid64.Read(new byte[8])));
Esempio n. 5
        public void Test_FdbKey_PrettyPrint()
            // verify that the pretty printing of keys produce a user friendly output

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.Nil), Is.EqualTo("<null>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.Empty), Is.EqualTo("<empty>"));

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.FromByte(0)), Is.EqualTo("<00>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.FromByte(255)), Is.EqualTo("<FF>"));

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }.AsSlice()), Is.EqualTo("<00><01><02><03><04><05><06><07>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(new byte[] { 255, 254, 253, 252, 251, 250, 249, 248 }.AsSlice()), Is.EqualTo("<FF><FE><FD><FC><FB><FA><F9><F8>"));

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.FromString("hello")), Is.EqualTo("hello"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.FromString("héllø")), Is.EqualTo("h<C3><A9>ll<C3><B8>"));

            // tuples should be decoded properly

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(123)), Is.EqualTo("(123,)"), "Singleton tuples should end with a ','");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(Slice.FromByteString("hello"))), Is.EqualTo("(`hello`,)"), "ASCII strings should use single back quotes");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey("héllø")), Is.EqualTo("(\"héllø\",)"), "Unicode strings should use double quotes");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }.AsSlice())), Is.EqualTo("(`<01><02><03>`,)"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(123, 456)), Is.EqualTo("(123, 456)"), "Elements should be separated with a space, and not end up with ','");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(default(object), true, false)), Is.EqualTo("(null, true, false)"), "Booleans should be displayed as numbers, and null should be in lowercase");             //note: even though it's tempting to using Python's "Nil", it's not very ".NETty"
            //note: the string representation of double is not identical between NetFx and .NET Core! So we cannot used a constant literal here
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(1.0d, Math.PI, Math.E)), Is.EqualTo("(1, " + Math.PI.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ", " + Math.E.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ")"), "Doubles should used dot and have full precision (17 digits)");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(1.0f, (float)Math.PI, (float)Math.E)), Is.EqualTo("(1, " + ((float)Math.PI).ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ", " + ((float)Math.E).ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ")"), "Singles should used dot and have full precision (10 digits)");
            var guid = Guid.NewGuid();

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(guid)), Is.EqualTo($"({guid:B},)"), "GUIDs should be displayed as a string literal, surrounded by {{...}}, and without quotes");
            var uuid128 = Uuid128.NewUuid();

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(uuid128)), Is.EqualTo($"({uuid128:B},)"), "Uuid128s should be displayed as a string literal, surrounded by {{...}}, and without quotes");
            var uuid64 = Uuid64.NewUuid();

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(uuid64)), Is.EqualTo($"({uuid64:B},)"), "Uuid64s should be displayed as a string literal, surrounded by {{...}}, and without quotes");

            // ranges should be decoded when possible
            var key = TuPack.ToRange(STuple.Create("hello"));

            // "<02>hello<00><00>" .. "<02>hello<00><FF>"
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(key.Begin, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.Begin), Is.EqualTo("(\"hello\",).<00>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(key.End, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.End), Is.EqualTo("(\"hello\",).<FF>"));

            key = KeyRange.StartsWith(TuPack.EncodeKey("hello"));
            // "<02>hello<00>" .. "<02>hello<01>"
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(key.Begin, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.Begin), Is.EqualTo("(\"hello\",)"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(key.End, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.End), Is.EqualTo("(\"hello\",) + 1"));

            var t = TuPack.EncodeKey(123);

            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(t, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.Single), Is.EqualTo("(123,)"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(TuPack.ToRange(t).Begin, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.Begin), Is.EqualTo("(123,).<00>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(TuPack.ToRange(t).End, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.End), Is.EqualTo("(123,).<FF>"));
Esempio n. 6
        public void Test_FdbKey_PrettyPrint()
            // verify that the pretty printing of keys produce a user friendly output

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.Nil), Is.EqualTo("<null>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.Empty), Is.EqualTo("<empty>"));

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.FromByte(0)), Is.EqualTo("<00>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.FromByte(255)), Is.EqualTo("<FF>"));

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.Create(new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 })), Is.EqualTo("<00><01><02><03><04><05><06><07>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.Create(new byte[] { 255, 254, 253, 252, 251, 250, 249, 248 })), Is.EqualTo("<FF><FE><FD><FC><FB><FA><F9><F8>"));

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.FromString("hello")), Is.EqualTo("hello"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.FromString("héllø")), Is.EqualTo("h<C3><A9>ll<C3><B8>"));

            // tuples should be decoded properly

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack(123)), Is.EqualTo("(123,)"), "Singleton tuples should end with a ','");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack(Slice.FromAscii("hello"))), Is.EqualTo("('hello',)"), "ASCII strings should use single quotes");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack("héllø")), Is.EqualTo("(\"héllø\",)"), "Unicode strings should use double quotes");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack(Slice.Create(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }))), Is.EqualTo("(<01 02 03>,)"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack(123, 456)), Is.EqualTo("(123, 456)"), "Elements should be separated with a space, and not end up with ','");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack(true, false, default(object))), Is.EqualTo("(1, 0, null)"), "Booleans should be displayed as numbers, and null should be in lowercase");             //note: even though it's tempting to using Python's "Nil", it's not very ".NETty"
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack(1.0d, Math.PI, Math.E)), Is.EqualTo("(1, 3.1415926535897931, 2.7182818284590451)"), "Doubles should used dot and have full precision (17 digits)");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack(1.0f, (float)Math.PI, (float)Math.E)), Is.EqualTo("(1, 3.14159274, 2.71828175)"), "Singles should used dot and have full precision (10 digits)");
            var guid = Guid.NewGuid();

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack(guid)), Is.EqualTo(String.Format("({0},)", guid.ToString("D"))), "GUIDs should be displayed as a string literal, without quotes");
            var uuid128 = Uuid128.NewUuid();

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack(uuid128)), Is.EqualTo(String.Format("({0},)", uuid128.ToString("D"))), "Uuid128s should be displayed as a string literal, without quotes");
            var uuid64 = Uuid64.NewUuid();

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack(uuid64)), Is.EqualTo(String.Format("({0},)", uuid64.ToString("D"))), "Uuid64s should be displayed as a string literal, without quotes");

            // ranges should be decoded when possible
            var key = FdbTuple.ToRange(FdbTuple.Create("hello"));

            // "<02>hello<00><00>" .. "<02>hello<00><FF>"
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(key.Begin, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.Begin), Is.EqualTo("(\"hello\",).<00>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(key.End, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.End), Is.EqualTo("(\"hello\",).<FF>"));

            key = FdbKeyRange.StartsWith(FdbTuple.Pack("hello"));
            // "<02>hello<00>" .. "<02>hello<01>"
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(key.Begin, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.Begin), Is.EqualTo("(\"hello\",)"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(key.End, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.End), Is.EqualTo("(\"hello\",) + 1"));

            var t = FdbTuple.Pack(123);

            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(t, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.Single), Is.EqualTo("(123,)"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(FdbTuple.ToRange(t).Begin, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.Begin), Is.EqualTo("(123,).<00>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(FdbTuple.ToRange(t).End, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.End), Is.EqualTo("(123,).<FF>"));
 /// <summary>Writes a 64-bit UUID</summary>
 public static void WriteUuid64(ref TupleWriter writer, Uuid64 value)
         byte *ptr = stackalloc byte[8];
         writer.Output.UnsafeWriteBytes(ptr, 8);
        public void Test_Uuid64_Ordering()
            var a  = new Uuid64(42);
            var a2 = new Uuid64(42);
            var b  = new Uuid64(77);

            Assert.That(a.CompareTo(a), Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(a.CompareTo(b), Is.EqualTo(-1));
            Assert.That(b.CompareTo(a), Is.EqualTo(+1));

            Assert.That(a < b, Is.True, "a < b");
            Assert.That(a <= b, Is.True, "a <= b");
            Assert.That(a < a2, Is.False, "a < a");
            Assert.That(a <= a2, Is.True, "a <= a");

            Assert.That(a > b, Is.False, "a > b");
            Assert.That(a >= b, Is.False, "a >= b");
            Assert.That(a > a2, Is.False, "a > a");
            Assert.That(a >= a2, Is.True, "a >= a");

            // parsed from string
            Assert.That(new Uuid64("137bcf31-0c8873a2") < new Uuid64("604bdf8a-2512b4ad"), Is.True);
            Assert.That(new Uuid64("d8f17a26-82adb1a4") < new Uuid64("22abbf33-1b2c1db0"), Is.False);
            Assert.That(new Uuid64("{137bcf31-0c8873a2}") > new Uuid64("{604bdf8a-2512b4ad}"), Is.False);
            Assert.That(new Uuid64("{d8f17a26-82adb1a4}") > new Uuid64("{22abbf33-1b2c1db0}"), Is.True);
            Assert.That(new Uuid64("2w6CTjUiXVp") < new Uuid64("DVM0UnynZ1Q"), Is.True);
            Assert.That(new Uuid64("0658JY2ORSJ") > new Uuid64("FMPaNaMEUWc"), Is.False);

            // verify byte ordering
            var c = new Uuid64(0x0000000100000002);
            var d = new Uuid64(0x0000000200000001);

            Assert.That(c.CompareTo(d), Is.EqualTo(-1));
            Assert.That(d.CompareTo(c), Is.EqualTo(+1));

            // verify that we can sort an array of Uuid64
            var uids = new Uuid64[100];

            for (int i = 0; i < uids.Length; i++)
                uids[i] = Uuid64.NewUuid();
            Assume.That(uids, Is.Not.Ordered, "This can happen with a very small probability. Please try again");
            Assert.That(uids, Is.Ordered);

            // ordering should be preserved in integer or textual form

            Assert.That(uids.Select(x => x.ToUInt64()), Is.Ordered, "order should be preserved when ordering by unsigned value");
            //note: ToInt64() will not work because of negative values
            Assert.That(uids.Select(x => x.ToString()), Is.Ordered.Using <string>(StringComparer.Ordinal), "order should be preserved when ordering by text (hexa)");
            Assert.That(uids.Select(x => x.ToString("Z")), Is.Ordered.Using <string>(StringComparer.Ordinal), "order should be preserved when ordering by text (base62)");
            //note: ToString("C") will not work for ordering because it will produce "z" > "aa", instead of expected "0z" < "aa"
Esempio n. 9
        public void Test_UUid64_WriteTo()
            var original = Uuid64.Parse("01234567-89ABCDEF");

            Assume.That(original.ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0x0123456789ABCDEF));

            // span with more space
            var scratch = Slice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);

            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA"));

            // span with no offset and exact size
            scratch = Slice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);
            original.WriteTo(scratch.AsSpan(0, 8));
            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA"));

            // span with offset
            scratch = Slice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);
            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("AA AA AA AA 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF AA AA AA AA"));

            // span with offset and exact size
            scratch = Slice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);
            original.WriteTo(scratch.AsSpan(4, 8));
            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("AA AA AA AA 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF AA AA AA AA"));

            scratch = Slice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);
            original.WriteToUnsafe(scratch.Array, scratch.Offset);
            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA"));

                byte *buf  = stackalloc byte[16];
                var   span = USlice.FromUnmanagedPointer(buf, 16);

                original.WriteToUnsafe(buf + 2);
                Assert.That(span.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("AA AA 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF AA AA AA AA AA AA"));

            // errors

            Assert.That(() => original.WriteTo(Span <byte> .Empty), Throws.InstanceOf <ArgumentException>(), "Target buffer is empty");
            Assert.That(() => original.WriteTo(null, 8), Throws.InstanceOf <ArgumentException>(), "Target buffer is null");
            Assert.That(() => original.WriteTo(null, 0), Throws.InstanceOf <ArgumentException>(), "Target buffer is null");

            scratch = Slice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);
            Assert.That(() => original.WriteTo(scratch.AsSpan(0, 7)), Throws.InstanceOf <ArgumentException>(), "Target buffer is too small");
            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA"), "Buffer should not have been overwritten!");
        public void Test_Uuid64_Parse_Hexa16()
            var uuid = Uuid64.Parse("badc0ffe-e0ddf00d");

            Assert.That(uuid.ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));

            uuid = Uuid64.Parse("{badc0ffe-e0ddf00d}");
            Assert.That(uuid.ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));

            uuid = Uuid64.Parse("00000000-deadbeef");
            Assert.That(uuid.ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xDEADBEEFUL));

            uuid = Uuid64.Parse("{00000000-deadbeef}");
            Assert.That(uuid.ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xDEADBEEFUL));
		public void Test_Uuid64_ToString()
			var guid = new Uuid64(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL);
			Assert.That(guid.ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));
			Assert.That(guid.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("badc0ffe-e0ddf00d"));
			Assert.That(guid.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("badc0ffee0ddf00d"));
			Assert.That(guid.ToString("B"), Is.EqualTo("{badc0ffe-e0ddf00d}"));
			Assert.That(guid.ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("G2eGAUq82Hd"));

			guid = new Uuid64(0xDEADBEEFUL);
			Assert.That(guid.ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xDEADBEEFUL));
			Assert.That(guid.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("00000000-deadbeef"));
			Assert.That(guid.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("00000000deadbeef"));
			Assert.That(guid.ToString("B"), Is.EqualTo("{00000000-deadbeef}"));
			Assert.That(guid.ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("44pZgF"));
Esempio n. 12
        public void Test_Uuid64_ToString()
            var guid = new Uuid64(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL);

            Assert.That(guid.ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));
            Assert.That(guid.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("BADC0FFE-E0DDF00D"));
            Assert.That(guid.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("BADC0FFEE0DDF00D"));
            Assert.That(guid.ToString("B"), Is.EqualTo("{BADC0FFE-E0DDF00D}"));
            Assert.That(guid.ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("G2eGAUq82Hd"));

            guid = new Uuid64(0xDEADBEEFUL);
            Assert.That(guid.ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xDEADBEEFUL));
            Assert.That(guid.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("00000000-DEADBEEF"));
            Assert.That(guid.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("00000000DEADBEEF"));
            Assert.That(guid.ToString("B"), Is.EqualTo("{00000000-DEADBEEF}"));
            Assert.That(guid.ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("44pZgF"));
        public void Test_Uuid64_Parse_Base62()
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("0").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("9").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(9));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("A").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(10));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("Z").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(35));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("a").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(36));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("z").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(61));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("10").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(62));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("zz").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(3843));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("100").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(3844));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("zzzzzzzzzz").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(839299365868340223UL));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("10000000000").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(839299365868340224UL));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("LygHa16AHYF").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(ulong.MaxValue), "ulong.MaxValue in base 62");

            // well known values

            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("narf").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xB45B07));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("zort").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xE0D0ED));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("44pZgF").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xDEADBEEF));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("0000044pZgF").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xDEADBEEF));

            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("G2eGAUq82Hd").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));

            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("4gfFC3").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(uint.MaxValue));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("000004gfFC3").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(uint.MaxValue));

            // invalid chars
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse("/"), Throws.InstanceOf <FormatException>());
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse("@"), Throws.InstanceOf <FormatException>());
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse("["), Throws.InstanceOf <FormatException>());
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse("`"), Throws.InstanceOf <FormatException>());
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse("{"), Throws.InstanceOf <FormatException>());
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse("zaz/"), Throws.InstanceOf <FormatException>());
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse("z/o&r=g"), Throws.InstanceOf <FormatException>());

            // overflow
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse("zzzzzzzzzzz"), Throws.InstanceOf <OverflowException>(), "62^11 - 1 => OVERFLOW");
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse("LygHa16AHYG"), Throws.InstanceOf <OverflowException>(), "ulong.MaxValue + 1 => OVERFLOW");

            // invalid length
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse(null), Throws.InstanceOf <ArgumentNullException>());
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse(""), Throws.InstanceOf <FormatException>());
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse("100000000000"), Throws.InstanceOf <FormatException>(), "62^11 => TOO BIG");
        public void Test_Uuid64_ToString()
            var guid = new Uuid64(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL);

            Assert.That(guid.ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));
            Assert.That(guid.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("badc0ffe-e0ddf00d"));
            Assert.That(guid.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("badc0ffee0ddf00d"));
            Assert.That(guid.ToString("B"), Is.EqualTo("{badc0ffe-e0ddf00d}"));
            Assert.That(guid.ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("G2eGAUq82Hd"));

            guid = new Uuid64(0xDEADBEEFUL);
            Assert.That(guid.ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xDEADBEEFUL));
            Assert.That(guid.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("00000000-deadbeef"));
            Assert.That(guid.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("00000000deadbeef"));
            Assert.That(guid.ToString("B"), Is.EqualTo("{00000000-deadbeef}"));
            Assert.That(guid.ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("44pZgF"));
        public void Test_Uuid64_Equality_Check()
            var a = new Uuid64(42);
            var b = new Uuid64(42);
            var c = new Uuid64(40) + 2;
            var d = new Uuid64(0xDEADBEEF);

            // Equals(Uuid64)
            Assert.That(a.Equals(a), Is.True, "a == a");
            Assert.That(a.Equals(b), Is.True, "a == b");
            Assert.That(a.Equals(c), Is.True, "a == c");
            Assert.That(a.Equals(d), Is.False, "a != d");

            // == Uuid64
            Assert.That(a == b, Is.True, "a == b");
            Assert.That(a == c, Is.True, "a == c");
            Assert.That(a == d, Is.False, "a != d");

            // != Uuid64
            Assert.That(a != b, Is.False, "a == b");
            Assert.That(a != c, Is.False, "a == c");
            Assert.That(a != d, Is.True, "a != d");

            // == numbers
            Assert.That(a == 42L, Is.True, "a == 42");
            Assert.That(a == 42UL, Is.True, "a == 42");
            Assert.That(d == 42L, Is.False, "d != 42");
            Assert.That(d == 42UL, Is.False, "d != 42");

            // != numbers
            Assert.That(a != 42L, Is.False, "a == 42");
            Assert.That(a != 42UL, Is.False, "a == 42");
            Assert.That(d != 42L, Is.True, "d != 42");
            Assert.That(d != 42UL, Is.True, "d != 42");

            // Equals(objecct)
            Assert.That(a.Equals((object)a), Is.True, "a == a");
            Assert.That(a.Equals((object)b), Is.True, "a == b");
            Assert.That(a.Equals((object)c), Is.True, "a == c");
            Assert.That(a.Equals((object)d), Is.False, "a != d");
            Assert.That(a.Equals((object)42L), Is.True, "a == 42");
            Assert.That(a.Equals((object)42UL), Is.True, "a == 42");
            Assert.That(d.Equals((object)42L), Is.False, "d != 42");
            Assert.That(d.Equals((object)42UL), Is.False, "d != 42");
        public void Test_UUid64_WriteTo()
            var original = Uuid64.Parse("01234567-89ABCDEF");

            Assume.That(original.ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0x0123456789ABCDEF));

            // span with more space
            var scratch = MutableSlice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);

            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA"));

            // span with no offset and exact size
            scratch = MutableSlice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);
            original.WriteTo(scratch.Span.Slice(0, 8));
            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA"));

            // span with offset
            scratch = MutableSlice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);
            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("AA AA AA AA 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF AA AA AA AA"));

            // span with offset and exact size
            scratch = MutableSlice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);
            original.WriteTo(scratch.Span.Slice(4, 8));
            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("AA AA AA AA 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF AA AA AA AA"));

                Span <byte> buf = stackalloc byte[16];

                Assert.That(buf.ToArray().AsSlice().ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("AA AA 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF AA AA AA AA AA AA"));

            // errors

            Assert.That(() => original.WriteTo(Span <byte> .Empty), Throws.InstanceOf <ArgumentException>(), "Target buffer is empty");

            scratch = MutableSlice.Repeat(0xAA, 16);
            Assert.That(() => original.WriteTo(scratch.Span.Slice(0, 7)), Throws.InstanceOf <ArgumentException>(), "Target buffer is too small");
            Assert.That(scratch.ToString("X"), Is.EqualTo("AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA"), "Buffer should not have been overwritten!");
        public void Test_Uuid64_NewUid()
            var a = Uuid64.NewUuid();
            var b = Uuid64.NewUuid();

            Assert.That(a.ToUInt64(), Is.Not.EqualTo(b.ToUInt64()));
            Assert.That(a, Is.Not.EqualTo(b));

            const int N    = 1 * 1000;
            var       uids = new HashSet <ulong>();

            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                var uid = Uuid64.NewUuid();
                if (uids.Contains(uid.ToUInt64()))
                    Assert.Fail("Duplicate Uuid64 generated: {0}", uid);
            Assert.That(uids.Count, Is.EqualTo(N));
        public void Test_Uuid64_Arithmetic()
            var uid = Uuid64.Empty;

            Assert.That(uid + 42L, Is.EqualTo(new Uuid64(42)));
            Assert.That(uid + 42UL, Is.EqualTo(new Uuid64(42)));
            Assert.That(uid.ToInt64(), Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(uid.ToInt64(), Is.EqualTo(2));
            Assert.That(uid.ToInt64(), Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(uid.ToInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0));

            uid = Uuid64.NewUuid();

            Assert.That(uid + 123L, Is.EqualTo(new Uuid64(uid.ToInt64() + 123)));
            Assert.That(uid + 123UL, Is.EqualTo(new Uuid64(uid.ToUInt64() + 123)));

            Assert.That(uid - 123L, Is.EqualTo(new Uuid64(uid.ToInt64() - 123)));
            Assert.That(uid - 123UL, Is.EqualTo(new Uuid64(uid.ToUInt64() - 123)));
		public void Test_Slice_FromUuid64()
			// Verify that FoundationDb.Client.Uuid64 are stored as 64-bit UUIDs in big-endian

			Slice slice;

			// empty guid should be all zeroes
			slice = Slice.FromUuid64(Uuid64.Empty);
			Assert.That(slice.ToHexaString(), Is.EqualTo("0000000000000000"));

			// UUIDs should be stored in lexicographical order
			var uuid = new Uuid64("01234567-89abcdef");

			// byte order should follow the string!
			slice = Slice.FromUuid64(uuid);
			Assert.That(slice.ToHexaString(), Is.EqualTo("0123456789abcdef"), "Slice.FromUuid64() should preserve ordering");

			// ToByteArray() should also be safe
			slice = Slice.Create(uuid.ToByteArray());
			Assert.That(slice.ToHexaString(), Is.EqualTo("0123456789abcdef"));
		public void Test_Uuid64_Equality_Check()
			var a = new Uuid64(42);
			var b = new Uuid64(42);
			var c = new Uuid64(40) + 2;
			var d = new Uuid64(0xDEADBEEF);

			// Equals(Uuid64)
			Assert.That(a.Equals(a), Is.True, "a == a");
			Assert.That(a.Equals(b), Is.True, "a == b");
			Assert.That(a.Equals(c), Is.True, "a == c");
			Assert.That(a.Equals(d), Is.False, "a != d");

			// == Uuid64
			Assert.That(a == b, Is.True, "a == b");
			Assert.That(a == c, Is.True, "a == c");
			Assert.That(a == d, Is.False, "a != d");

			// != Uuid64
			Assert.That(a != b, Is.False, "a == b");
			Assert.That(a != c, Is.False, "a == c");
			Assert.That(a != d, Is.True, "a != d");

			// == numbers
			Assert.That(a == 42L, Is.True, "a == 42");
			Assert.That(a == 42UL, Is.True, "a == 42");
			Assert.That(d == 42L, Is.False, "d != 42");
			Assert.That(d == 42UL, Is.False, "d != 42");

			// != numbers
			Assert.That(a != 42L, Is.False, "a == 42");
			Assert.That(a != 42UL, Is.False, "a == 42");
			Assert.That(d != 42L, Is.True, "d != 42");
			Assert.That(d != 42UL, Is.True, "d != 42");

			// Equals(objecct)
			Assert.That(a.Equals((object)a), Is.True, "a == a");
			Assert.That(a.Equals((object)b), Is.True, "a == b");
			Assert.That(a.Equals((object)c), Is.True, "a == c");
			Assert.That(a.Equals((object)d), Is.False, "a != d");
			Assert.That(a.Equals((object)42L), Is.True, "a == 42");
			Assert.That(a.Equals((object)42UL), Is.True, "a == 42");
			Assert.That(d.Equals((object)42L), Is.False, "d != 42");
			Assert.That(d.Equals((object)42UL), Is.False, "d != 42");

		public void Test_Uuid64_Ordering()
			var a = new Uuid64(42);
			var a2 = new Uuid64(42);
			var b = new Uuid64(77);

			Assert.That(a.CompareTo(a), Is.EqualTo(0));
			Assert.That(a.CompareTo(b), Is.EqualTo(-1));
			Assert.That(b.CompareTo(a), Is.EqualTo(+1));

			Assert.That(a < b, Is.True, "a < b");
			Assert.That(a <= b, Is.True, "a <= b");
			Assert.That(a < a2, Is.False, "a < a");
			Assert.That(a <= a2, Is.True, "a <= a");

			Assert.That(a > b, Is.False, "a > b");
			Assert.That(a >= b, Is.False, "a >= b");
			Assert.That(a > a2, Is.False, "a > a");
			Assert.That(a >= a2, Is.True, "a >= a");

			// parsed from string
			Assert.That(new Uuid64("137bcf31-0c8873a2") < new Uuid64("604bdf8a-2512b4ad"), Is.True);
			Assert.That(new Uuid64("d8f17a26-82adb1a4") < new Uuid64("22abbf33-1b2c1db0"), Is.False);
			Assert.That(new Uuid64("{137bcf31-0c8873a2}") > new Uuid64("{604bdf8a-2512b4ad}"), Is.False);
			Assert.That(new Uuid64("{d8f17a26-82adb1a4}") > new Uuid64("{22abbf33-1b2c1db0}"), Is.True);
			Assert.That(new Uuid64("2w6CTjUiXVp") < new Uuid64("DVM0UnynZ1Q"), Is.True);
			Assert.That(new Uuid64("0658JY2ORSJ") > new Uuid64("FMPaNaMEUWc"), Is.False);

			// verify byte ordering
			var c = new Uuid64(0x0000000100000002);
			var d = new Uuid64(0x0000000200000001);
			Assert.That(c.CompareTo(d), Is.EqualTo(-1));
			Assert.That(d.CompareTo(c), Is.EqualTo(+1));

			// verify that we can sort an array of Uuid64
			var uids = new Uuid64[100];
			for (int i = 0; i < uids.Length; i++)
				uids[i] = Uuid64.NewUuid();
			Assume.That(uids, Is.Not.Ordered, "This can happen with a very small probability. Please try again");
			Assert.That(uids, Is.Ordered);

			// ordering should be preserved in integer or textual form

			Assert.That(uids.Select(x => x.ToUInt64()), Is.Ordered, "order should be preserved when ordering by unsigned value");
			//note: ToInt64() will not work because of negative values
			Assert.That(uids.Select(x => x.ToString()), Is.Ordered.Using<string>(StringComparer.Ordinal), "order should be preserved when ordering by text (hexa)");
			Assert.That(uids.Select(x => x.ToString("Z")), Is.Ordered.Using<string>(StringComparer.Ordinal), "order should be preserved when ordering by text (base62)");
			//note: ToString("C") will not work for ordering because it will produce "z" > "aa", instead of expected "0z" < "aa"
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>Register all the default converters</summary>
        private static void RegisterDefaultConverters()
            //TODO: there is too much generic type combinations! need to refactor this ...

            RegisterUnsafe <bool, Slice>((value) => Slice.FromByte(value ? (byte)1 : default(byte)));
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromByte(value ? (byte)1 : default(byte)).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, string>((value) => value ? "true" : "false");
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, sbyte>((value) => value ? (sbyte)1 : default(sbyte));
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, byte>((value) => value ? (byte)1 : default(byte));
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, short>((value) => value ? (short)1 : default(short));
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, ushort>((value) => value ? (ushort)1 : default(ushort));
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, int>((value) => value ? 1 : default(int));
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, uint>((value) => value ? 1U : default(uint));
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, long>((value) => value ? 1L : default(long));
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, ulong>((value) => value ? 1UL : default(ulong));
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, double>((value) => value ? 1.0d : default(double));
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, float>((value) => value ? 1.0f : default(float));
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, decimal>((value) => value ? 1m : default(decimal));

            RegisterUnsafe <int, Slice>(Slice.FromInt32);
            RegisterUnsafe <int, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromInt32(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <int, string>(StringConverters.ToString);
            RegisterUnsafe <int, bool>((value) => value != 0);
            RegisterUnsafe <int, sbyte>((value) => checked ((sbyte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <int, byte>((value) => checked ((byte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <int, short>((value) => checked ((short)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <int, ushort>((value) => checked ((ushort)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <int, uint>((value) => (uint)value);
            RegisterUnsafe <int, long>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <int, ulong>((value) => (ulong)value);
            RegisterUnsafe <int, double>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <int, float>((value) => value);            // possible loss of precision
            RegisterUnsafe <int, decimal>((value) => value);

            RegisterUnsafe <uint, Slice>(Slice.FromUInt32);
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromUInt32(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, string>(StringConverters.ToString);
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, bool>((value) => value != 0);
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, sbyte>((value) => checked ((sbyte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, byte>((value) => checked ((byte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, short>((value) => checked ((short)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, ushort>((value) => checked ((ushort)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, int>((value) => (int)value);
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, long>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, ulong>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, double>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, float>((value) => value);            // possible loss of precision
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, decimal>((value) => value);

            RegisterUnsafe <long, Slice>(Slice.FromInt64);
            RegisterUnsafe <long, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromInt64(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <long, string>(StringConverters.ToString);
            RegisterUnsafe <long, bool>((value) => value != 0);
            RegisterUnsafe <long, sbyte>((value) => checked ((sbyte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <long, byte>((value) => checked ((byte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <long, short>((value) => checked ((short)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <long, ushort>((value) => checked ((ushort)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <long, int>((value) => checked ((int)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <long, uint>((value) => (uint)value);
            RegisterUnsafe <long, ulong>((value) => (ulong)value);
            RegisterUnsafe <long, double>((value) => value);           // possible loss of precision
            RegisterUnsafe <long, float>((value) => value);            // possible loss of precision
            RegisterUnsafe <long, TimeSpan>(TimeSpan.FromTicks);
            RegisterUnsafe <long, Uuid64>((value) => new Uuid64(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <long, System.Net.IPAddress>((value) => new System.Net.IPAddress(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <long, decimal>((value) => value);

            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, Slice>(Slice.FromUInt64);
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromUInt64(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, string>(StringConverters.ToString);
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, bool>((value) => value != 0);
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, sbyte>((value) => checked ((sbyte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, byte>((value) => checked ((byte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, short>((value) => checked ((short)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, ushort>((value) => checked ((ushort)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, int>((value) => checked ((int)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, uint>((value) => checked ((uint)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, long>((value) => checked ((long)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, double>((value) => value);           // possible loss of precision
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, float>((value) => value);            // possible loss of precision
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, Uuid64>((value) => new Uuid64(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, TimeSpan>((value) => TimeSpan.FromTicks(checked ((long)value)));
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, decimal>((value) => value);

            RegisterUnsafe <short, Slice>(Slice.FromInt16);
            RegisterUnsafe <short, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromInt16(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <short, string>((value) => StringConverters.ToString(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <short, bool>((value) => value != 0);
            RegisterUnsafe <short, sbyte>((value) => checked ((sbyte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <short, byte>((value) => checked ((byte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <short, ushort>((value) => checked ((ushort)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <short, int>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <short, uint>((value) => checked ((uint)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <short, long>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <short, ulong>((value) => checked ((ulong)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <short, double>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <short, float>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <short, decimal>((value) => value);

            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, Slice>(Slice.FromUInt16);
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromUInt16(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, string>((value) => StringConverters.ToString(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, bool>((value) => value != 0);
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, byte>((value) => checked ((byte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, sbyte>((value) => checked ((sbyte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, short>((value) => checked ((short)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, int>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, uint>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, long>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, ulong>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, double>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, float>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, decimal>((value) => value);

            RegisterUnsafe <byte, Slice>(Slice.FromByte);
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromByte(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, string>((value) => StringConverters.ToString(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, bool>((value) => value != 0);
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, sbyte>((value) => checked ((sbyte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, short>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, ushort>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, int>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, uint>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, long>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, ulong>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, double>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, float>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, decimal>((value) => value);

            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, Slice>((value) => Slice.FromInt64(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromInt64(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, string>((value) => value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));            //TODO: string table!
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, bool>((value) => value != 0);
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, byte>((value) => checked ((byte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, short>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, ushort>((value) => checked ((ushort)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, int>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, uint>((value) => checked ((uint)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, long>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, ulong>((value) => checked ((ulong)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, double>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, float>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, decimal>((value) => value);

            RegisterUnsafe <float, Slice>(Slice.FromSingle);
            RegisterUnsafe <float, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromSingle(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <float, string>((value) => value.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <float, bool>((value) => !(value == 0f || float.IsNaN(value)));
            RegisterUnsafe <float, sbyte>((value) => checked ((sbyte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <float, byte>((value) => checked ((byte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <float, short>((value) => checked ((short)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <float, ushort>((value) => checked ((ushort)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <float, int>((value) => checked ((int)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <float, uint>((value) => (uint)value);
            RegisterUnsafe <float, long>((value) => checked ((long)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <float, ulong>((value) => (ulong)value);
            RegisterUnsafe <float, double>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <float, decimal>((value) => (decimal)value);             // possible loss of precision

            RegisterUnsafe <double, Slice>((value) => Slice.FromDouble(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <double, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromDouble(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <double, string>((value) => value.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <double, bool>((value) => !(value == 0d || double.IsNaN(value)));
            RegisterUnsafe <double, sbyte>((value) => checked ((sbyte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <double, byte>((value) => checked ((byte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <double, short>((value) => checked ((short)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <double, ushort>((value) => checked ((ushort)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <double, int>((value) => checked ((int)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <double, uint>((value) => (uint)value);
            RegisterUnsafe <double, long>((value) => checked ((long)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <double, ulong>((value) => (ulong)value);
            RegisterUnsafe <double, float>((value) => (float)value);            // possible loss of precision
            RegisterUnsafe <double, decimal>((value) => (decimal)value);        // possible loss of precision

            RegisterUnsafe <string, Slice>((value) => Slice.FromString(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromString(value).GetBytes());            //REVIEW: string=>byte[] use UTF-8, but byte[]=>string uses Base64 ?
            RegisterUnsafe <string, bool>((value) => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, sbyte>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(sbyte) : sbyte.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, byte>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(byte) : byte.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, short>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(short) : short.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, ushort>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(ushort) : ushort.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, int>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(int) : int.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, uint>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(uint) : uint.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, long>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(long) : long.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, ulong>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(ulong) : ulong.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, float>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(float) : float.Parse(value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, double>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(double) : double.Parse(value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, decimal>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(decimal) : decimal.Parse(value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, Guid>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(Guid) : Guid.Parse(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, Uuid128>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(Uuid128) : Uuid128.Parse(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, Uuid64>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(Uuid64) : Uuid64.Parse(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, System.Net.IPAddress>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(System.Net.IPAddress) : System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(value));

            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], Slice>((value) => value.AsSlice());
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], string>((value) => value == null ? default(string) : value.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : System.Convert.ToBase64String(value));            //REVIEW: string=>byte[] use UTF-8, but byte[]=>string uses Base64 ?
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], bool>((value) => value != null && value.Length > 0);
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], sbyte>((value) => value == null ? default(sbyte) : value.AsSlice().ToSByte());
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], byte>((value) => value == null ? default(byte) : value.AsSlice().ToByte());
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], short>((value) => value == null ? default(short) : value.AsSlice().ToInt16());
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], ushort>((value) => value == null ? default(ushort) : value.AsSlice().ToUInt16());
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], int>((value) => value == null ? 0 : value.AsSlice().ToInt32());
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], uint>((value) => value == null ? 0U : value.AsSlice().ToUInt32());
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], long>((value) => value == null ? 0L : value.AsSlice().ToInt64());
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], ulong>((value) => value == null ? 0UL : value.AsSlice().ToUInt64());
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], Guid>((value) => value == null || value.Length == 0 ? default(Guid) : new Uuid128(value).ToGuid());
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], Uuid128>((value) => value == null || value.Length == 0 ? default(Uuid128) : new Uuid128(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], Uuid64>((value) => value != null ? Uuid64.Read(value) : default(Uuid64));
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], TimeSpan>((value) => value == null ? TimeSpan.Zero : TimeSpan.FromTicks(value.AsSlice().ToInt64()));
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], System.Net.IPAddress>((value) => value == null || value.Length == 0 ? default(System.Net.IPAddress) : new System.Net.IPAddress(value));

            RegisterUnsafe <Guid, Slice>((value) => Slice.FromGuid(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <Guid, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromGuid(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <Guid, string>((value) => value.ToString("D", null));
            RegisterUnsafe <Guid, Uuid128>((value) => new Uuid128(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <Guid, bool>((value) => value != Guid.Empty);
            RegisterUnsafe <Guid, System.Net.IPAddress>((value) => new System.Net.IPAddress(new Uuid128(value).ToByteArray()));            //REVIEW: custom converter for Guid=>IPv6?

            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid128, Slice>((value) => value.ToSlice());
            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid128, byte[]>((value) => value.ToByteArray());
            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid128, string>((value) => value.ToString("D", null));
            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid128, Guid>((value) => value.ToGuid());
            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid128, bool>((value) => value != Uuid128.Empty);
            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid128, System.Net.IPAddress>((value) => new System.Net.IPAddress(value.ToByteArray()));            //REVIEW: custom converter for Guid=>IPv6?

            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid64, Slice>((value) => value.ToSlice());
            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid64, byte[]>((value) => value.ToByteArray());
            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid64, string>((value) => value.ToString("D", null));
            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid64, long>((value) => value.ToInt64());
            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid64, ulong>((value) => value.ToUInt64());
            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid64, bool>((value) => value.ToInt64() != 0L);

            RegisterUnsafe <TimeSpan, Slice>((value) => Slice.FromInt64(value.Ticks));
            RegisterUnsafe <TimeSpan, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromInt64(value.Ticks).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <TimeSpan, long>((value) => value.Ticks);
            RegisterUnsafe <TimeSpan, ulong>((value) => checked ((ulong)value.Ticks));
            RegisterUnsafe <TimeSpan, double>((value) => value.TotalSeconds);
            RegisterUnsafe <TimeSpan, bool>((value) => value == TimeSpan.Zero);

            RegisterUnsafe <System.Net.IPAddress, Slice>((value) => (value?.GetAddressBytes()).AsSlice());
            RegisterUnsafe <System.Net.IPAddress, byte[]>((value) => value?.GetAddressBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <System.Net.IPAddress, string>((value) => value?.ToString());
#pragma warning disable 618
            RegisterUnsafe <System.Net.IPAddress, int>((value) => (int)(value?.Address ?? 0));
#pragma warning restore 618

            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, byte[]>((value) => value.GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, string>((value) => value.ToUnicode());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, bool>((value) => value.ToBool());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, sbyte>((value) => value.ToSByte());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, byte>((value) => value.ToByte());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, short>((value) => value.ToInt16());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, ushort>((value) => value.ToUInt16());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, int>((value) => value.ToInt32());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, uint>((value) => value.ToUInt32());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, long>((value) => value.ToInt64());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, ulong>((value) => value.ToUInt64());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, float>((value) => value.ToSingle());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, double>((value) => value.ToDouble());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, decimal>((value) => value.ToDecimal());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, Guid>((value) => value.ToGuid());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, Uuid128>((value) => value.ToUuid128());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, Uuid64>((value) => value.ToUuid64());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, TimeSpan>((value) => TimeSpan.FromTicks(value.ToInt64()));
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, System.Net.IPAddress>((value) => !value.IsNullOrEmpty ? new System.Net.IPAddress(value.GetBytesOrEmpty()) : null);
Esempio n. 23
 public static string Stringify(Uuid64 item) => item.ToString("B", CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture);             /* {xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx} */
 public Slice EncodeValue(Uuid64 value) => Slice.FromUuid64(value);
        public void Test_Uuid64_ToString_Base62()
            char[] chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".ToCharArray();
            Assert.That(chars.Length, Is.EqualTo(62));

            // single digit
            for (int i = 0; i < 62; i++)
                Assert.That(new Uuid64(i).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo(chars[i].ToString()));
                Assert.That(new Uuid64(i).ToString("Z"), Is.EqualTo("0000000000" + chars[i]));

            // two digits
            for (int j = 1; j < 62; j++)
                var prefix = chars[j].ToString();
                for (int i = 0; i < 62; i++)
                    Assert.That(new Uuid64(j * 62 + i).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo(prefix + chars[i]));
                    Assert.That(new Uuid64(j * 62 + i).ToString("Z"), Is.EqualTo("000000000" + prefix + chars[i]));

            // 4 digits
            var rnd = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < 100 * 1000; i++)
                var a = rnd.Next(2) == 0 ? 0 : rnd.Next(62);
                var b = rnd.Next(2) == 0 ? 0 : rnd.Next(62);
                var c = rnd.Next(2) == 0 ? 0 : rnd.Next(62);
                var d = rnd.Next(62);

                ulong x = (ulong)a;
                x += 62 * (ulong)b;
                x += 62 * 62 * (ulong)c;
                x += 62 * 62 * 62 * (ulong)d;
                var uuid = new Uuid64(x);

                // no padding
                string expected =
                    d > 0 ? ("" + chars[d] + chars[c] + chars[b] + chars[a]) :
                    c > 0 ? ("" + chars[c] + chars[b] + chars[a]) :
                    b > 0 ? ("" + chars[b] + chars[a]) :
                    ("" + chars[a]);
                Assert.That(uuid.ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo(expected));

                // padding
                Assert.That(uuid.ToString("Z"), Is.EqualTo("0000000" + chars[d] + chars[c] + chars[b] + chars[a]));

            // Numbers of the form 62^n should be encoded as '1' followed by n x '0', for n from 0 to 10
            ulong val = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
                Assert.That(new Uuid64(val).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("1" + new string('0', i)), "62^{0}", i);
                val *= 62;

            // Numbers of the form 62^n - 1 should be encoded as n x 'z', for n from 1 to 10
            val = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                val += 61;
                Assert.That(new Uuid64(val).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo(new string('z', i)), "62^{0} - 1", i);
                val *= 62;

            // well known values
            Assert.That(new Uuid64(0xB45B07).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("narf"));
            Assert.That(new Uuid64(0xE0D0ED).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("zort"));
            Assert.That(new Uuid64(0xDEADBEEF).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("44pZgF"));
            Assert.That(new Uuid64(0xDEADBEEF).ToString("Z"), Is.EqualTo("0000044pZgF"));
            Assert.That(new Uuid64(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("G2eGAUq82Hd"));
            Assert.That(new Uuid64(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL).ToString("Z"), Is.EqualTo("G2eGAUq82Hd"));

            Assert.That(new Uuid64(255).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("47"));
            Assert.That(new Uuid64(ushort.MaxValue).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("H31"));
            Assert.That(new Uuid64(uint.MaxValue).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("4gfFC3"));
            Assert.That(new Uuid64(ulong.MaxValue - 1).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("LygHa16AHYE"));
            Assert.That(new Uuid64(ulong.MaxValue).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("LygHa16AHYF"));
Esempio n. 26
        /// <summary>Register all the default converters</summary>
        private static void RegisterDefaultConverters()
            //TODO: there is too much generic type combinations! need to refactor this ...

            RegisterUnsafe <bool, Slice>((value) => Slice.FromByte(value ? (byte)1 : default(byte)));
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromByte(value ? (byte)1 : default(byte)).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, string>((value) => value ? "true" : "false");
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, sbyte>((value) => value ? (sbyte)1 : default(sbyte));
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, byte>((value) => value ? (byte)1 : default(byte));
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, short>((value) => value ? (short)1 : default(short));
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, ushort>((value) => value ? (ushort)1 : default(ushort));
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, int>((value) => value ? 1 : default(int));
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, uint>((value) => value ? 1U : default(uint));
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, long>((value) => value ? 1L : default(long));
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, ulong>((value) => value ? 1UL : default(ulong));
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, double>((value) => value ? 0.0d : 1.0d);
            RegisterUnsafe <bool, float>((value) => value ? 0.0f : 1.0f);

            RegisterUnsafe <int, Slice>((value) => Slice.FromInt32(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <int, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromInt32(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <int, string>((value) => value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));            //TODO: string table!
            RegisterUnsafe <int, bool>((value) => value != 0);
            RegisterUnsafe <int, sbyte>((value) => checked ((sbyte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <int, byte>((value) => checked ((byte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <int, short>((value) => checked ((short)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <int, ushort>((value) => checked ((ushort)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <int, uint>((value) => (uint)value);
            RegisterUnsafe <int, long>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <int, ulong>((value) => (ulong)value);
            RegisterUnsafe <int, double>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <int, float>((value) => checked ((float)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <int, FdbTupleAlias>((value) => (FdbTupleAlias)value);

            RegisterUnsafe <uint, Slice>((value) => Slice.FromUInt64(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromUInt64(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, string>((value) => value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));            //TODO: string table!
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, bool>((value) => value != 0);
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, sbyte>((value) => checked ((sbyte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, byte>((value) => checked ((byte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, short>((value) => checked ((short)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, ushort>((value) => checked ((ushort)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, int>((value) => (int)value);
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, long>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, ulong>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, double>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <uint, float>((value) => checked ((float)value));

            RegisterUnsafe <long, Slice>((value) => Slice.FromInt64(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <long, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromInt64(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <long, string>((value) => value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));            //TODO: string table!
            RegisterUnsafe <long, bool>((value) => value != 0);
            RegisterUnsafe <long, sbyte>((value) => checked ((sbyte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <long, byte>((value) => checked ((byte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <long, short>((value) => checked ((short)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <long, ushort>((value) => checked ((ushort)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <long, int>((value) => checked ((int)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <long, uint>((value) => (uint)value);
            RegisterUnsafe <long, ulong>((value) => (ulong)value);
            RegisterUnsafe <long, double>((value) => checked ((double)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <long, float>((value) => checked ((float)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <long, TimeSpan>((value) => TimeSpan.FromTicks(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <long, Uuid64>((value) => new Uuid64(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <long, System.Net.IPAddress>((value) => new System.Net.IPAddress(value));

            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, Slice>((value) => Slice.FromUInt64(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromUInt64(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, string>((value) => value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));            //TODO: string table!
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, bool>((value) => value != 0);
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, sbyte>((value) => checked ((sbyte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, byte>((value) => checked ((byte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, short>((value) => checked ((short)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, ushort>((value) => checked ((ushort)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, int>((value) => checked ((int)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, uint>((value) => checked ((uint)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, long>((value) => checked ((long)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, double>((value) => checked ((double)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, float>((value) => checked ((float)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, Uuid64>((value) => new Uuid64(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ulong, TimeSpan>((value) => TimeSpan.FromTicks(checked ((long)value)));

            RegisterUnsafe <short, Slice>((value) => Slice.FromInt32(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <short, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromInt32(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <short, string>((value) => value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));            //TODO: string table!
            RegisterUnsafe <short, bool>((value) => value != 0);
            RegisterUnsafe <short, sbyte>((value) => checked ((sbyte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <short, byte>((value) => checked ((byte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <short, ushort>((value) => checked ((ushort)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <short, int>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <short, uint>((value) => checked ((uint)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <short, long>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <short, ulong>((value) => checked ((ulong)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <short, double>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <short, float>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <short, FdbTupleAlias>((value) => (FdbTupleAlias)value);

            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, Slice>((value) => Slice.FromUInt64(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromUInt64(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, string>((value) => value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));            //TODO: string table!
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, bool>((value) => value != 0);
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, byte>((value) => checked ((byte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, sbyte>((value) => checked ((sbyte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, short>((value) => checked ((short)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, int>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, uint>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, long>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, ulong>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, double>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <ushort, float>((value) => value);

            RegisterUnsafe <byte, Slice>((value) => Slice.FromInt32(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromInt32(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, string>((value) => value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));            //TODO: string table!
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, bool>((value) => value != 0);
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, sbyte>((value) => checked ((sbyte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, short>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, ushort>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, int>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, uint>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, long>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, ulong>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, double>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, float>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <byte, FdbTupleAlias>((value) => (FdbTupleAlias)value);

            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, Slice>((value) => Slice.FromInt64(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromInt64(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, string>((value) => value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));            //TODO: string table!
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, bool>((value) => value != 0);
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, byte>((value) => checked ((byte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, short>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, ushort>((value) => checked ((ushort)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, int>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, uint>((value) => checked ((uint)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, long>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, ulong>((value) => checked ((ulong)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, double>((value) => value);
            RegisterUnsafe <sbyte, float>((value) => value);

            RegisterUnsafe <float, Slice>((value) => Slice.FromSingle(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <float, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromSingle(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <float, string>((value) => value.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <float, bool>((value) => !(value == 0f || float.IsNaN(value)));
            RegisterUnsafe <float, sbyte>((value) => checked ((sbyte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <float, byte>((value) => checked ((byte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <float, short>((value) => checked ((short)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <float, ushort>((value) => checked ((ushort)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <float, int>((value) => checked ((int)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <float, uint>((value) => (uint)value);
            RegisterUnsafe <float, long>((value) => checked ((long)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <float, ulong>((value) => (ulong)value);
            RegisterUnsafe <float, double>((value) => value);

            RegisterUnsafe <double, Slice>((value) => Slice.FromDouble(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <double, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromDouble(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <double, string>((value) => value.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <double, bool>((value) => !(value == 0d || double.IsNaN(value)));
            RegisterUnsafe <double, sbyte>((value) => checked ((sbyte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <double, byte>((value) => checked ((byte)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <double, short>((value) => checked ((short)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <double, ushort>((value) => checked ((ushort)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <double, int>((value) => checked ((int)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <double, uint>((value) => (uint)value);
            RegisterUnsafe <double, long>((value) => checked ((long)value));
            RegisterUnsafe <double, ulong>((value) => (ulong)value);
            RegisterUnsafe <double, float>((value) => checked ((float)value));

            RegisterUnsafe <string, Slice>((value) => Slice.FromString(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromString(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <string, bool>((value) => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, sbyte>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(sbyte) : SByte.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, byte>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(byte) : Byte.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, short>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(short) : Int16.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, ushort>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(ushort) : UInt16.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, int>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(int) : Int32.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, uint>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(uint) : UInt32.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, long>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(long) : Int64.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, ulong>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(ulong) : UInt64.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, float>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(float) : Single.Parse(value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, double>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(double) : Double.Parse(value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, Guid>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(Guid) : Guid.Parse(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, Uuid128>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(Uuid128) : Uuid128.Parse(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, Uuid64>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(Uuid64) : Uuid64.Parse(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <string, System.Net.IPAddress>((value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? default(System.Net.IPAddress) : System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(value));

            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], Slice>((value) => Slice.Create(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], string>((value) => value == null ? default(string) : value.Length == 0 ? String.Empty : System.Convert.ToBase64String(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], bool>((value) => value != null && value.Length > 0);
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], sbyte>((value) => value == null ? default(sbyte) : Slice.Create(value).ToSByte());
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], byte>((value) => value == null ? default(byte) : Slice.Create(value).ToByte());
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], short>((value) => value == null ? default(short) : Slice.Create(value).ToInt16());
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], ushort>((value) => value == null ? default(ushort) : Slice.Create(value).ToUInt16());
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], int>((value) => value == null ? 0 : Slice.Create(value).ToInt32());
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], uint>((value) => value == null ? 0U : Slice.Create(value).ToUInt32());
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], long>((value) => value == null ? 0L : Slice.Create(value).ToInt64());
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], ulong>((value) => value == null ? 0UL : Slice.Create(value).ToUInt64());
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], Guid>((value) => value == null || value.Length == 0 ? default(Guid) : new Uuid128(value).ToGuid());
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], Uuid128>((value) => value == null || value.Length == 0 ? default(Uuid128) : new Uuid128(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], Uuid64>((value) => value == null || value.Length == 0 ? default(Uuid64) : new Uuid64(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], TimeSpan>((value) => value == null ? TimeSpan.Zero : TimeSpan.FromTicks(Slice.Create(value).ToInt64()));
            RegisterUnsafe <byte[], System.Net.IPAddress>((value) => value == null || value.Length == 0 ? default(System.Net.IPAddress) : new System.Net.IPAddress(value));

            RegisterUnsafe <Guid, Slice>((value) => Slice.FromGuid(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <Guid, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromGuid(value).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <Guid, string>((value) => value.ToString("D", null));
            RegisterUnsafe <Guid, Uuid128>((value) => new Uuid128(value));
            RegisterUnsafe <Guid, bool>((value) => value != Guid.Empty);
            RegisterUnsafe <Guid, System.Net.IPAddress>((value) => new System.Net.IPAddress(new Uuid128(value).ToByteArray()));

            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid128, Slice>((value) => value.ToSlice());
            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid128, byte[]>((value) => value.ToByteArray());
            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid128, string>((value) => value.ToString("D", null));
            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid128, Guid>((value) => value.ToGuid());
            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid128, bool>((value) => value != Uuid128.Empty);
            RegisterUnsafe <Guid, System.Net.IPAddress>((value) => new System.Net.IPAddress(value.ToByteArray()));

            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid64, Slice>((value) => value.ToSlice());
            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid64, byte[]>((value) => value.ToByteArray());
            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid64, string>((value) => value.ToString("D", null));
            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid64, long>((value) => value.ToInt64());
            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid64, ulong>((value) => value.ToUInt64());
            RegisterUnsafe <Uuid64, bool>((value) => value.ToInt64() != 0L);

            RegisterUnsafe <TimeSpan, Slice>((value) => Slice.FromInt64(value.Ticks));
            RegisterUnsafe <TimeSpan, byte[]>((value) => Slice.FromInt64(value.Ticks).GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <TimeSpan, long>((value) => value.Ticks);
            RegisterUnsafe <TimeSpan, ulong>((value) => checked ((ulong)value.Ticks));
            RegisterUnsafe <TimeSpan, double>((value) => value.TotalSeconds);
            RegisterUnsafe <TimeSpan, bool>((value) => value == TimeSpan.Zero);

            RegisterUnsafe <System.Net.IPAddress, Slice>((value) => value != null ? Slice.Create(value.GetAddressBytes()) : Slice.Nil);
            RegisterUnsafe <System.Net.IPAddress, byte[]>((value) => value != null ? value.GetAddressBytes() : null);
            RegisterUnsafe <System.Net.IPAddress, string>((value) => value != null ? value.ToString() : null);

            RegisterUnsafe <FdbTupleAlias, byte>((value) => (byte)value);
            RegisterUnsafe <FdbTupleAlias, int>((value) => (int)value);
            RegisterUnsafe <FdbTupleAlias, Slice>((value) => Slice.FromByte((byte)value));

            //REVIEW: this should go in the Tuples layer !
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, byte[]>((value) => value.GetBytes());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, string>((value) => value.ToUnicode());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, bool>((value) => value.ToBool());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, sbyte>((value) => value.ToSByte());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, byte>((value) => value.ToByte());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, short>((value) => value.ToInt16());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, ushort>((value) => value.ToUInt16());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, int>((value) => value.ToInt32());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, uint>((value) => value.ToUInt32());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, long>((value) => value.ToInt64());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, ulong>((value) => value.ToUInt64());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, Guid>((value) => value.ToGuid());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, Uuid128>((value) => value.ToUuid128());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, Uuid64>((value) => value.ToUuid64());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, TimeSpan>((value) => TimeSpan.FromTicks(value.ToInt64()));
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, FdbTupleAlias>((value) => (FdbTupleAlias)value.ToByte());
            RegisterUnsafe <Slice, System.Net.IPAddress>((value) => !value.IsNullOrEmpty ? new System.Net.IPAddress(value.GetBytes()) : null);
		/// <summary>Writes a 64-bit UUID</summary>
		public static void WriteUuid64(ref SliceWriter writer, Uuid64 value)
				byte* ptr = stackalloc byte[8];
				writer.UnsafeWriteBytes(ptr, 8);
Esempio n. 28
        public void Test_Uuid64_Parse_Hexa16()
            // string

            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("badc0ffe-e0ddf00d").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("BADC0FFE-E0DDF00D").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL), "Should be case-insensitive");

            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("badc0ffee0ddf00d").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("BADC0FFEE0DDF00D").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL), "Should be case-insensitive");

            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("{badc0ffe-e0ddf00d}").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("{BADC0FFE-E0DDF00D}").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL), "Should be case-insensitive");

            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("{badc0ffee0ddf00d}").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("{BADC0FFEE0DDF00D}").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL), "should be case-insensitive");

            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("00000000-deadbeef").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xDEADBEEFUL));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("{00000000-deadbeef}").ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xDEADBEEFUL));

            // errors
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse(default(string)), Throws.ArgumentNullException);
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse("hello"), Throws.InstanceOf <FormatException>());
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse("12345678-9ABCDEFG"), Throws.InstanceOf <FormatException>(), "Invalid hexa character 'G'");
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse("00000000-0000000 "), Throws.InstanceOf <FormatException>(), "Two short + extra space");
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse("zzzzzzzz-zzzzzzzz"), Throws.InstanceOf <FormatException>(), "Invalid char");
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse("badc0ffe-e0ddf00"), Throws.InstanceOf <FormatException>(), "Missing last char");
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse("baadc0ffe-e0ddf00"), Throws.InstanceOf <FormatException>(), "'-' at invalid position");
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse("badc0fe-ee0ddf00d"), Throws.InstanceOf <FormatException>(), "'-' at invalid position");
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse("badc0ffe-e0ddf00d "), Throws.InstanceOf <FormatException>(), "Extra space at the end");
            Assert.That(() => Uuid64.Parse(" badc0ffe-e0ddf00d"), Throws.InstanceOf <FormatException>(), "Extra space at the start");

            // span from string

            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("badc0ffe-e0ddf00d".AsSpan()).ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("badc0ffee0ddf00d".AsSpan()).ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("hello badc0ffe-e0ddf00d world!".AsSpan().Slice(6, 17)).ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("hello badc0ffee0ddf00d world!".AsSpan().Slice(6, 16)).ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));

            // span from char[]

            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("badc0ffe-e0ddf00d".ToCharArray().AsSpan()).ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("badc0ffee0ddf00d".ToCharArray().AsSpan()).ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("hello badc0ffe-e0ddf00d world!".ToCharArray().AsSpan().Slice(6, 17)).ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));
            Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse("hello badc0ffee0ddf00d world!".ToCharArray().AsSpan().Slice(6, 16)).ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));

            // span from stackalloc

                char *buf  = stackalloc char[64];
                var   span = new Span <char>(buf, 64);

                Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse(span.Slice(0, 17)).ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));

                Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse(span.Slice(0, 16)).ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));

                Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse(span.Slice(0, 19)).ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));

                Assert.That(Uuid64.Parse(span.Slice(0, 18)).ToUInt64(), Is.EqualTo(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL));
		public void Test_Uuid64_ToString_Base62()
			char[] chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".ToCharArray();
			Assert.That(chars.Length, Is.EqualTo(62));

			// single digit
			for (int i = 0; i < 62;i++)
				Assert.That(new Uuid64(i).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo(chars[i].ToString()));
				Assert.That(new Uuid64(i).ToString("Z"), Is.EqualTo("0000000000" + chars[i]));

			// two digits
			for (int j = 1; j < 62; j++)
				var prefix = chars[j].ToString();
				for (int i = 0; i < 62; i++)
					Assert.That(new Uuid64(j * 62 + i).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo(prefix + chars[i]));
					Assert.That(new Uuid64(j * 62 + i).ToString("Z"), Is.EqualTo("000000000" + prefix + chars[i]));

			// 4 digits
			var rnd = new Random();
			for (int i = 0; i < 100 * 1000; i++)
				var a = rnd.Next(2) == 0 ? 0 : rnd.Next(62);
				var b = rnd.Next(2) == 0 ? 0 : rnd.Next(62);
				var c = rnd.Next(2) == 0 ? 0 : rnd.Next(62);
				var d = rnd.Next(62);

				ulong x = (ulong)a;
				x += 62 * (ulong)b;
				x += 62 * 62 * (ulong)c;
				x += 62 * 62 * 62 * (ulong)d;
				var uuid = new Uuid64(x);

				// no padding
				string expected = 
					d > 0 ? ("" + chars[d] + chars[c] + chars[b] + chars[a]) :
					c > 0 ? ("" + chars[c] + chars[b] + chars[a]) :
					b > 0 ? ("" + chars[b] + chars[a]) :
					("" + chars[a]);			
				Assert.That(uuid.ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo(expected));

				// padding
				Assert.That(uuid.ToString("Z"), Is.EqualTo("0000000" + chars[d] + chars[c] + chars[b] + chars[a]));

			// Numbers of the form 62^n should be encoded as '1' followed by n x '0', for n from 0 to 10
			ulong val = 1;
			for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
				Assert.That(new Uuid64(val).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("1" + new string('0', i)), "62^{0}", i);
				val *= 62;

			// Numbers of the form 62^n - 1 should be encoded as n x 'z', for n from 1 to 10
			val = 0;
			for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
				val += 61;
				Assert.That(new Uuid64(val).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo(new string('z', i)), "62^{0} - 1", i);
				val *= 62;

			// well known values
			Assert.That(new Uuid64(0xB45B07).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("narf"));
			Assert.That(new Uuid64(0xE0D0ED).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("zort"));
			Assert.That(new Uuid64(0xDEADBEEF).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("44pZgF"));
			Assert.That(new Uuid64(0xDEADBEEF).ToString("Z"), Is.EqualTo("0000044pZgF"));
			Assert.That(new Uuid64(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("G2eGAUq82Hd"));
			Assert.That(new Uuid64(0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00DUL).ToString("Z"), Is.EqualTo("G2eGAUq82Hd"));

			Assert.That(new Uuid64(255).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("47"));
			Assert.That(new Uuid64(ushort.MaxValue).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("H31"));
			Assert.That(new Uuid64(uint.MaxValue).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("4gfFC3"));
			Assert.That(new Uuid64(ulong.MaxValue - 1).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("LygHa16AHYE"));
			Assert.That(new Uuid64(ulong.MaxValue).ToString("C"), Is.EqualTo("LygHa16AHYF"));