public void WordsStartingWithPrefixTest() { string text = "here we go @Jake someday,@Mary,@ joeseph.@"; IList <string> actual; actual = Utils_Accessor.WordsStartingWithPrefix(text, "@", false); Assert.AreEqual(2, actual.Count); Assert.IsTrue(actual.Any(s => s == "Jake")); Assert.IsTrue(actual.Any(s => s == "Mary")); }
public void SplitUserInfoTest() { Name name = new Name("Unit Test"); Email email = new Email("*****@*****.**"); String comment = "Unit Test comment"; String line = "Unit Test (Unit Test comment) <*****@*****.**>"; Name line_name = null; Email line_email = null; String line_comment = null; Utils_Accessor.SplitUserInfo(line, out line_name, out line_email, out line_comment); Assert.AreEqual(name, line_name); Assert.AreEqual(email, line_email); Assert.AreEqual(comment, line_comment); }
public void FindSentenceContainingTestValid() { string[] text = new string[] { "This is a (target) test for message without any real sentences", "This is a (target) test for message.", "This is a (target) test. for message", "This is a (target. ) test for message", "A prelim sentence. This is a target message.", "A prelim sentence. This is a target message. And a final sentence.", "Many sentences. Heres another. A prelim sentence. This is a target message.", "Many sentences. Heres another. This is a target message. And a final sentence. More, more.", "target: some stuff. And more stuff.", "Let's go team! Hey @target, when you releasing doing 1.0? Please let us know asap", }; string[] expected = new string[] { text[0], text[1], "This is a (target) test.", "This is a (target.", "This is a target message.", "This is a target message.", "This is a target message.", "This is a target message.", "target: some stuff.", "Hey @target, when you releasing doing 1.0?" }; string target = "target"; Assert.AreEqual(text.Length, expected.Length); for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { string actual = Utils_Accessor.FindSentenceContaining(text[i], target); Assert.AreEqual(expected[i], actual, i.ToString()); } }
public void IsValidPathTest() { Assert.IsFalse(Utils_Accessor.IsValidPath(null)); Assert.IsFalse(Utils_Accessor.IsValidPath(String.Empty)); Assert.IsTrue(Utils_Accessor.IsValidPath("c:\\test.txt")); }