Esempio n. 1
    void Shoot()
        // check line of sight
        losClear = true;
        if (checkLOS == true)
            if (Time.time >= lastLosCheck + losCheckInterval)
                RaycastHit _hit;
                Vector3    _startPos = weapons[curWeapon].script.exits[weapons[curWeapon].script.curExit].transform.position;
                if (Physics.Linecast(_startPos, _target.position, out _hit))
                    // recursively search parent of hit collider for target
                    losClear = UtilityMF.RecursiveParentTransformSearch(_target, _hit.transform);
                lastLosCheck = Time.time;

        // fire weapons
        if (losClear == true)
            if (weapons[curWeapon].script.RangeCheck(_target) == true)
                // if targeting script can mark targets, mark when firing
                if (targetingScript.isMarkingTarg == true)
                    if (weapons.Length > 0)

                if (alternatingFire == true && weapons.Length > 1)                        // alternate fire bewteen weapons
                    weapons[curWeapon].script.platformVelocity = platformScript.velocity; // send velocity to weapon script

                    if (fullBurst == true && bursting != null)
                        // based on weapons[0] cycle rate. for best results, all weapons should have the same cycle time
                        float _delay = lastFire + (weapons[0].script.cycleTime / weapons.Length);
                        if (weapons[curWeapon].script.ReadyCheck() == true)                             // needed to keep weapon cycle time in sync with delay in this script. (Make sure ShootBurst() is ready to be called)
                            if (Time.time >= _delay)
                                bursting = true;
                                if (weapons[curWeapon].burst == false)
                                    weapons[curWeapon].burst = true;
                                    curWeapon = MFmath.Mod(curWeapon + 1, weapons.Length);
                                    lastFire  = Time.time;
                        // based on weapons[0] cycle rate. for best results, all weapons should have the same cycle time
                        if (Time.time >= lastFire + (weapons[0].script.cycleTime / weapons.Length))
                            curWeapon = MFmath.Mod(curWeapon + 1, weapons.Length);
                            lastFire  = Time.time;
                else                     // fire all weapons at once
                    for (int sw = 0; sw < weapons.Length; sw++)
                        weapons[sw].script.platformVelocity = platformScript.velocity;                         // send velocity to weapon script
                        if (fullBurst == true && bursting != null)
                            bursting = true;
                            if (weapons[sw].burst == false)
                                weapons[sw].burst = true;
Esempio n. 2
    void Shoot()
        // check line of sight
        if (checkLOS == false || controller == ControlType.Player_Mouse || controller == ControlType.Player_Click)             // always clear when not using LOS or under player control
            losClear = true;
            if (Time.time >= lastLosCheck + losCheckInterval)
                RaycastHit _hit;
                losClear = false;
                Vector3 _startPos = weapons[curWeapon].script.exits[weapons[curWeapon].script.curExit].transform.position;

                bool _directLos = (turretScript.useGravity == false || alwaysDirectLos == true) ? true : false;
                if (_directLos == false)                     // use ballistic approximation los line
                    float?  _shotSpeed     = turretScript.shotSpeed;
                    Vector3 _startDir      = weapons[curWeapon].script.exits[weapons[curWeapon].script.curExit].transform.forward;
                    Vector3 _startDirHoriz = new Vector3(_startDir.x, 0f, _startDir.z);

                    int   _factor   = -Physics.gravity.y > 0 ? 1 : -1;
                    float _aimAngle = MFmath.AngleSigned(_startDirHoriz, _startDir, Vector3.Cross(_startDir, Vector3.up));
                    if (_factor * _aimAngle > 0)                         // aiming up, find apex, use los to apex and then to target
                        float _ballRange = (float)((_shotSpeed * _shotSpeed) * Mathf.Sin(_factor * 2 * _aimAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad)) / (_factor * -Physics.gravity.y);
                        // compare range
                        if ((_startPos - _target.position).sqrMagnitude <= _ballRange * _ballRange * .25) // squaring 1/2 _ballRange
                            _directLos = true;                                                            // if target before apex, just use direct los
                        else                                                                              // continue to do ballistic los

                            Vector3 _midPos   = _startPos + (_startDirHoriz.normalized * _ballRange * .5f);
                            float   _ballPeak = (float)((_startDir.y * _shotSpeed) * (_startDir.y * _shotSpeed)) / (-Physics.gravity.y * 2f);
                            Vector3 _apexPos  = _midPos + (Vector3.up * _ballPeak);

//							//Debug.DrawLine( _startPos, _startPos + ((_startDirHoriz).normalized * _ballRange), Color.cyan, .1f );
//							Debug.DrawLine( _startPos, target.transform.position,, .1f );
//							Debug.DrawLine( _startPos, _apexPos,, .1f );
//							Debug.DrawLine( _apexPos, target.transform.position,, .1f );

                            // check los
                            if (Physics.Linecast(_startPos, _apexPos, out _hit))                                // check exit to apex
                            // recursively search parent of hit collider for target
                                losClear = UtilityMF.RecursiveParentTransformSearch(_target, _hit.transform);
                            else if (Physics.Linecast(_apexPos, _target.position, out _hit))                                  // check apex to target
                            // recursively search parent of hit collider for target
                                losClear = UtilityMF.RecursiveParentTransformSearch(_target, _hit.transform);

                            if (losClear == false)
                                if (losMayChangeArc == true)
                                    turretScript.curArc = turretScript.defaultArc == MFnum.ArcType.Low ? MFnum.ArcType.High : MFnum.ArcType.Low;
                    else                         // aiming downwards (already past apex) just use direct los
                        _directLos = true;
                if (_directLos == true)                     // use direct los line
                    if (Physics.Raycast(_startPos, _target.position - _startPos, out _hit, weapons[curWeapon].script.maxRange))
                        // recursively search parent of hit collider for target
                        losClear = UtilityMF.RecursiveParentTransformSearch(_target, _hit.transform);
                lastLosCheck = Time.time;

        // fire weapons
        if (losClear == true)
            if (weapons[curWeapon].script.RangeCheck(_target) == true)
                if (alternatingFire == true && weapons.Length > 1)                      // alternate fire bewteen weapons
                    weapons[curWeapon].script.platformVelocity = turretScript.velocity; // send velocity to current weapon script

                    if (fullBurst == true && bursting != null)
                        // based on weapons[0] cycle rate. for best results, all weapons should have the same cycle time
                        float _delay = lastFire + (weapons[0].script.cycleTime / weapons.Length);
                        if (weapons[curWeapon].script.ReadyCheck() == true)                             // needed to keep weapon cycle time in sync with delay in this script. (Make sure ShootBurst() is ready to be called)
                            if (Time.time >= _delay)
                                bursting = true;
                                if (weapons[curWeapon].burst == false)
                                    weapons[curWeapon].burst = true;
                                    curWeapon = MFmath.Mod(curWeapon + 1, weapons.Length);
                                    lastFire  = Time.time;
                    if (fullBurst == false)
                        // based on weapons[0] cycle rate. for best results, all weapons should have the same cycle time
                        if (Time.time >= lastFire + (weapons[0].script.cycleTime / weapons.Length))
                            turretScript.curArc = turretScript.defaultArc;                             // reset default arc
                            curWeapon           = MFmath.Mod(curWeapon + 1, weapons.Length);
                            lastFire            = Time.time;
                else                     // fire all weapons at once
                    for (int sw = 0; sw < weapons.Length; sw++)
                        weapons[sw].script.platformVelocity = turretScript.velocity;                         // send velocity to all weapon scripts

                        if (fullBurst == true && bursting != null)
                            bursting = true;
                            if (weapons[sw].burst == false)
                                weapons[sw].burst = true;
                            turretScript.curArc = turretScript.defaultArc;                             // reset default arc