Esempio n. 1
        public double[][] Recognize(double[] item)
            if (_storedItems.Count == 0)

            double[] retVal = ConvertToLocal(item, _midValue);

            bool hadChange = false;

                hadChange = false;

                foreach (int index in UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, item.Length))
                    double newValue = GetValueAtIndex(index, retVal, _weights);

                    if (newValue != retVal[index])
                        hadChange     = true;
                        retVal[index] = newValue;
            } while (hadChange);

            retVal = ConvertToExternal(retVal, _lowValue, _highValue);

            return(new[] { retVal });
Esempio n. 2
        private void DrawLines_RandomInstant(int numSamples, double half, double lineThickness)
            double[] velX = _field.VelocityX;
            double[] velY = _field.VelocityY;
            double[] velZ = _field.VelocityZ;

            bool[] blocked = _field.Blocked;

            int totalSamples = numSamples * numSamples * numSamples;        // numsamples is per axis, so cube it
            int counter      = 0;


            foreach (int index1D in UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, _field.Size1D))
                if (blocked[index1D])


                var index3D = _field.Get3DIndex(index1D);

                DrawLinesSprtAddLine(index3D.Item1, index3D.Item2, index3D.Item3, index1D, half, lineThickness, velX, velY, velZ);

                if (counter >= totalSamples - 1)
                    // Enough lines have been drawn

Esempio n. 3
        private static int[] GetNeuronPositionsInitial_InitialPlateBreakdown(int count, int numPlates)
            int[] retVal = new int[numPlates];

            int average   = count / numPlates;
            int remaining = count;

            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < numPlates; cntr++)
                // Figure out how many to make
                if (remaining == 0)
                    retVal[cntr] = 0;

                retVal[cntr] = average;
                if (remaining % numPlates > 0)
                    // Count isn't evenly distributable by numPlates, and there's enough room for a remainder, so give it to this one

                remaining -= retVal[cntr];

            // Some of the plates may have remainders, and the above loop always puts them in the first plates, so shuffle it
            retVal = UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, numPlates).Select(o => retVal[o]).ToArray();

Esempio n. 4
        public T[] GetSamples(int count)
            lock (_lock)
                //TODO: May want to consider when count > one of these lists.  But probably not

                // This is used when the front of the list should be favored
                Random rand     = StaticRandom.GetRandomForThread();
                var    randFunc = new Func <int, int, int>((min, max) => min + UtilityCore.GetIndexIntoList(rand.NextPow(2), max - min));

                if (_longTermIndex < 0 && _tentativeBuffer.Count == 0)
                    // Empty
                    return(new T[0]);
                else if (_longTermIndex >= _abandonTentativeSize)
                    #region all from longterm

                    return(UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, _longTermIndex + 1, count).       // the randrange function takes care of reducing count if greater than range
                           Select(o => _longTermBuffer[o].Item).

                else if (_longTermIndex < 0)
                    #region all from tentative

                    // Don't pull uniform randomly from tentative.  Favor items at the front of the list
                    return(UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, _tentativeBuffer.Count, count, randFunc).
                           Select(o => _tentativeBuffer[o].Item).

                    #region mixture

                    // Pull from long term then tentative
                    return(UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, _longTermIndex + 1 + _tentativeBuffer.Count, count, randFunc).
                           Select(o =>
                        if (o <= _longTermIndex)
                            return _longTermBuffer[o].Item;
                            return _tentativeBuffer[o - (_longTermIndex + 1)].Item;

Esempio n. 5
        private static SOMResult ProcessNewItemBatch(SOMItem[] newItemBatch, bool discardDupes, double dupeDistSquared, SOMResult existing)
            const int TOTALMAX = BATCHMAX * 10;

            // Items only make it here when they aren't too similar to the som nodes, but items within this list may be dupes
            if (discardDupes)
                newItemBatch = DedupeItems(newItemBatch, dupeDistSquared);

            if (newItemBatch.Length > BATCHMAX)
                // There are too many, just take a sample
                newItemBatch = UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, newItemBatch.Length, BATCHMAX).
                               Select(o => newItemBatch[o]).

            SOMItem[] existingItems = null;
            if (existing != null)
                existingItems = existing.InputsByNode.
                                SelectMany(o => o).
                                Select(o => ((SOMInput <SOMItem>)o).Source).

            SOMItem[] allItems = UtilityCore.ArrayAdd(existingItems, newItemBatch);

            //TODO: This is too simplistic.  See if existingItems + newItemBatch > total.  If so, try to draw down the existing nodes evenly.  Try
            //to preserve previous images better.  Maybe even throw in a timestamp to get a good spread of times
            //or get a SOM of the new, independent of the old.  Then merge the two pulling representatives to keep the most diversity.  Finally,
            //take a SOM of the combined
            if (allItems.Length > TOTALMAX)
                allItems = UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, allItems.Length, TOTALMAX).
                           Select(o => allItems[o]).

            SOMInput <SOMItem>[] inputs = allItems.
                                          Select(o => new SOMInput <SOMItem>()
                Source = o, Weights = o.Weights,

            //TODO: May want rules to persist from run to run
            SOMRules rules = GetSOMRules_Rand();

            return(SelfOrganizingMaps.TrainSOM(inputs, rules, true));
Esempio n. 6
        public double[][] Recognize_RAND(double[] item)
            if (_storedItems.Count == 0)

            int returnCount = StaticRandom.Next(Math.Min(4, _storedItems.Count));

            return(UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, _storedItems.Count, returnCount).
                   Select(o => ConvertToExternal(_storedItems[o].Item2, _lowValue, _highValue)).
Esempio n. 7
        public double[][] Recognize(double[] item)
            if (_items.Count == 0)

            int returnCount = StaticRandom.Next(Math.Min(4, _items.Count));

            return(UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, _items.Count, returnCount).
                   Select(o => _items[o]).
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// This gets the raw values that will be used for RGB (could return negative)
        /// </summary>
        private static Tuple <double, double, double> GetNodeColor_RGB(VectorND nodeWeights)
            int size = nodeWeights.Size;

            if (size == 0)
                return(Tuple.Create(0d, 0d, 0d));
            else if (size == 3)
                return(Tuple.Create(nodeWeights[0], nodeWeights[1], nodeWeights[2]));
            else if (size < 3)
                double left  = nodeWeights[0];
                double right = nodeWeights[size - 1];

                return(Tuple.Create(left, Math1D.Avg(left, right), right));

            int div = size / 3;
            int rem = size % 3;

            // Start them all off with the same amount
            int[] widths = Enumerable.Range(0, 3).
                           Select(o => div).

            // Randomly distribute the remainder
            foreach (int index in UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, 3, rem))

            double r = nodeWeights.

            double g = nodeWeights.

            double b = nodeWeights.
                       Skip(widths[0] + widths[1]).

            return(Tuple.Create(r, g, b));
Esempio n. 9
        public bool Add(Cargo cargo)
            lock (_lock)
                // Add it to a random cargo bay
                foreach (int index in UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, _cargoBays.Length))
                    if (_cargoBays[index].Add(cargo))

Esempio n. 10
        private void DrawLines_RandomPersist(int numSamples, double half, double lineThickness)
            const double ELAPSEDURATIONSECONDS = 10;

            if (_randPersistIndices == null || DateTime.UtcNow > _sceneRemaining)
                // Rebuild the indices
                bool[] blocked      = _field.Blocked;
                int    totalSamples = numSamples * numSamples * numSamples;     // numsamples is per axis, so cube it

                _randPersistIndices = UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, _field.Size1D).
                                      Where(o => !blocked[o]).
                                      Select(o =>
                    var index3D = _field.Get3DIndex(o);
                    return(new Mapping_3D_1D(index3D.Item1, index3D.Item2, index3D.Item3, o));

                _sceneRemaining = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ELAPSEDURATIONSECONDS);

            double[] velX = _field.VelocityX;
            double[] velY = _field.VelocityY;
            double[] velZ = _field.VelocityZ;


            foreach (var index in _randPersistIndices)
                DrawLinesSprtAddLine(index.X, index.Y, index.Z, index.Offset1D, half, lineThickness, velX, velY, velZ);

Esempio n. 11
        private static void GetInitialKMeansNodes(out SOMNode[] returnNodes, out ISOMInput[][] inputsByNode, int numNodes, ISOMInput[] inputs)
            // Can't have more nodes than inputs
            numNodes = Math.Min(numNodes, inputs.Length);

            List <ISOMInput>[] lists = Enumerable.Range(0, numNodes).
                                       Select(o => new List <ISOMInput>()).

            // Randomly assign inputs to nodes
            //NOTE: K-Means requires that all nodes contain inputs
            int listIndex = 0;

            foreach (int inputIndex in UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, inputs.Length))

                if (listIndex >= numNodes)
                    listIndex = 0;

            // Build final arrays
            returnNodes = Enumerable.Range(0, numNodes).
                          Select(o => new SOMNode()).

            inputsByNode = lists.
                           Select(o => o.ToArray()).

            // Set each node's center equal to the center of the inputs
            AdjustKMeansCenters(returnNodes, inputsByNode);
Esempio n. 12
        private void TimerAnyThread_Elapsed_ORIG(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
            if (_isDisposed)

            double elapsedTime = (e.SignalTime - (DateTime)_lastAnyUpdate).TotalSeconds;

            _lastAnyUpdate = e.SignalTime;

            Type[] typesUnchecked = _typesAnyUnchecked;
            if (typesUnchecked != null)
                #region Get intervals for types

                Tuple <Type, int>[] checkedTypes = GetTypeIntervals(typesUnchecked, _map, false);
                if (checkedTypes != null)
                    lock (_lockTypesAny)
                        // Do it again with the volatile to be safe
                        checkedTypes = GetTypeIntervals(_typesAnyUnchecked, _map, false);
                        if (checkedTypes != null)
                            var transfer = TransferTypes(_typesAnyUnchecked, _typesAny, checkedTypes);
                            _typesAnyUnchecked = transfer.Item1;
                            _typesAny          = transfer.Item2;


            Tuple <Type, int>[] typesAny = _typesAny;
            long count = Interlocked.Increment(ref _updateCount_Any);

            #region non map items

            var nonmapItems = _nonmapItemsAny;

            if (nonmapItems != null)
                foreach (var item in nonmapItems)
                    if (count % (item.Item1 + 1) != 0)

                    item.Item2.Update_AnyThread(elapsedTime + (elapsedTime * item.Item1));        // if skips is greater than zero, then approximate how much time elapsed based on this tick's elapsed time

            #region items in map

            if (typesAny != null)
                foreach (var type in typesAny)
                    if (type.Item2 > 0 && count % (type.Item2 + 1) != 0)

                    // Update all the live instances in a random order
                    IMapObject[] items = _map.GetItems(type.Item1, false).ToArray();
                    foreach (int index in UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, items.Length))
                        ((IPartUpdatable)items[index]).Update_AnyThread(elapsedTime + (elapsedTime * type.Item2));        // if skips is greater than zero, then approximate how much time elapsed based on this tick's elapsed time


            _disposeWait.Set();      // Dispose will hang the main thread to make sure this tick has finished

            _timerAnyThread.Start(); // it doesn't matter if this class is disposed, the bool is checked at the beginning of this method (no need to take the expense of checking again)
Esempio n. 13
        public virtual void Update_AnyThread(double elapsedTime)
            //NOTE: This method doesn't have a lock, so there could be a bit of reentry.  But the individual pieces should be ok with that

            double age   = this.Age;
            long   count = Interlocked.Increment(ref _partUpdateCount_AnyThread);

            #region Fill the converters

            if (_parts.Containers.ConvertMatterGroup != null && age >= (double)_nextMatterTransferTime)
                if (_parts.Containers.ConvertMatterGroup.Transfer())
                    this.ShouldRecalcMass_Large = true;

                //NOTE: Throwing a min in there, because if I have breakpoints set elsewhere, and resume after awhile, elapsed time will be
                //huge, and the calculated next transer time will be obscene.  In those cases, the odds are good that the bot will be fairly young
                //so a simple 110% of age should be enough of a safeguard
                //_nextMatterTransferTime = Math.Min(age * 1.1, age + (elapsedTime * StaticRandom.Next(80, 120)));      // no need to spin the processor unnecessarily each tick
                _nextMatterTransferTime = Math.Min(age * 1.1, age + (elapsedTime * StaticRandom.Next(20, 60)));      // no need to spin the processor unnecessarily each tick


            #region Update Parts

            foreach (int index in UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, _updatableParts_AnyThread.Length))
                int skips = _updatableParts_AnyThread[index].IntervalSkips_AnyThread.Value;        // no need to check for null, nulls weren't added to the list
                if (skips > 0 && count % (skips + 1) != 0)

                _updatableParts_AnyThread[index].Update_AnyThread(elapsedTime + (elapsedTime * skips));       // if skips is greater than zero, then approximate how much time elapsed based on this tick's elapsed time

            if (_lifeEvents != null)

            // Detect small change
            if (_hasMassChangingUpdatables_Small)
                // There's a good chance that at least one of the parts changed the ship's mass a little bit
                this.ShouldRecalcMass_Small = true;

            // Detect medium change
            if (_hasMassChangingUpdatables_Medium && !this.ShouldRecalcMass_Medium)
                double?ammoVolumeAtRecalc = (double?)_ammoVolumeAtRecalc;
                double ammoMassCur        = _parts.Containers.AmmoGroup.QuantityCurrent;

                if (ammoVolumeAtRecalc != null && !Math1D.IsNearValue(ammoVolumeAtRecalc.Value, ammoMassCur))
                    this.ShouldRecalcMass_Medium = true;


            #region Recalc mass

            if (this.ShouldRecalcMass_Large)
            else if (this.ShouldRecalcMass_Medium && age > (double)_lastMassRecalculateTime + (elapsedTime * 200d))
            else if (this.ShouldRecalcMass_Small && age > (double)_lastMassRecalculateTime + (elapsedTime * 1000d))     //NOTE: This age check isn't atomic, so multiple threads could theoretically interfere, but I don't think it's worth worrying about (the RecalculateMass method itself is threadsafe)

Esempio n. 14
        private void Reset_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                #region ANNOYING XML

                //                string xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf - 8\" ?>" + @"
                //  <Experiments>

                //    " + "<Experiment name=\"Pick a Number\"" + @">
                //  <AssemblyPath>SharpNeatDomains.dll</AssemblyPath >
                //  <ClassName>SharpNeat.Domains.FunctionRegression.FunctionRegressionExperiment</ClassName>
                //  <Config>
                //    <PopulationSize>150</PopulationSize>
                //    <SpecieCount>10</SpecieCount>
                //    <Activation>
                //      <Scheme>Acyclic</ Scheme >
                //    </Activation>
                //    <ComplexityRegulationStrategy>Absolute</ ComplexityRegulationStrategy >
                //    <ComplexityThreshold>20</ComplexityThreshold>
                //    <Description>Pick a Number</Description>
                //    </Config>
                //  </Experiment>


                //                //< Function > Sine </ Function >
                //                //< SampleResolution > 21 </ SampleResolution >
                //                //< SampleMin > -3.14159 </ SampleMin >
                //                //< SampleMax > 3.14159 </ SampleMax >

                //                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                //                doc.LoadXml(xml);

                //                XmlElement element = doc.SelectSingleNode("Config") as XmlElement;

                //                _experiment.Initialize("Pick a Number", element);


                int[] trueValues = UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, 8, StaticRandom.Next(1, 8)).ToArray();

                ExperimentInitArgs config = new ExperimentInitArgs()
                    Description    = "Some numbers are chosen, the NN needs to train itself to return true when one of those numbers are presented",
                    InputCount     = 3,
                    OutputCount    = 1,
                    PopulationSize = 150,
                    SpeciesCount   = 10,
                    Activation     = new ExperimentInitArgs_Activation_Acyclic(),
                    Complexity_RegulationStrategy = ComplexityCeilingType.Absolute,
                    Complexity_Threshold          = 20,

                PAN_Evaluator evaluator = new PAN_Evaluator(config.InputCount, PAN_Experiment.GetTrueVectors(config.InputCount, trueValues));

                _experiment = new PAN_Experiment(config.InputCount, trueValues);
                _experiment.Initialize("pick a number", config, evaluator);

                //_experiment.NeatGenomeParameters.InitialInterconnectionsProportion = .1;

                _ea = _experiment.CreateEvolutionAlgorithm();

                // Attach update event listener.
                _ea.UpdateEvent += EA_UpdateEvent;
                _ea.PausedEvent += EA_PausedEvent;

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Esempio n. 15
        private void FinishLoad(FlyingBeanSession session, FlyingBeanOptions options, ItemOptions itemOptions, ShipDNA[] winningBeans, string saveFolder, bool startEmpty)
            // Manually instantiate some of the properties that didn't get serialized
            options.DefaultBeanList = _defaultBeanList;

            if (options.NewBeanList == null)            // if this was called by new, it will still be null
                options.NewBeanList = new SortedList <string, ShipDNA>();

                if (!startEmpty)
                    string[] beanKeys = options.DefaultBeanList.Keys.ToArray();

                    foreach (int keyIndex in UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, beanKeys.Length, Math.Min(3, beanKeys.Length)))         // only do 3 of the defaults
                        string key = beanKeys[keyIndex];
                        options.NewBeanList.Add(key, options.DefaultBeanList[key]);

            options.MutateArgs = PanelMutation.BuildMutateArgs(options);

            options.GravityField = new GravityFieldUniform();
            options.Gravity      = options.Gravity;     // the property set modifies the gravity field

            options.WinnersLive = new WinnerList(true, options.TrackingMaxLineagesLive, options.TrackingMaxPerLineageLive);

            if (options.WinnersFinal == null)           // if a previous save had winning ships, this will already be loaded with them
                options.WinnersFinal = new WinnerList(false, options.TrackingMaxLineagesFinal, options.TrackingMaxPerLineageFinal);

            options.WinnerCandidates = new CandidateWinners();
            // These are already in the final list, there's no point in putting them in the candidate list as well
            //if (winningBeans != null)
            //    foreach (ShipDNA dna in winningBeans)
            //    {
            //        options.WinnerCandidates.Add(dna);
            //    }

            // Make sure the session folder is up to date
            if (saveFolder == null)
                this.SessionFolder = null;
                string dirChar = Regex.Escape(System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString());

                string pattern = dirChar + Regex.Escape(FlyingBeansWindow.SESSIONFOLDERPREFIX) + "[^" + dirChar + "]+(?<upto>" + dirChar + ")" + Regex.Escape(FlyingBeansWindow.SAVEFOLDERPREFIX);
                Match  match   = Regex.Match(saveFolder, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                if (match.Success)
                    this.SessionFolder = saveFolder.Substring(0, match.Groups["upto"].Index);           // the session folder is everything before the save subfolder
                    // They may have chosen a folder that they unziped onto their desktop, or wherever.  Leaving this null so that if they hit save, it will be saved
                    // in the appropriate location
                    this.SessionFolder = null;

            // Swap out the settings
            this.Session     = session;
            this.Options     = options;
            this.ItemOptions = itemOptions;

            // Inform the world
            if (this.SessionChanged != null)
                this.SessionChanged(this, new EventArgs());
Esempio n. 16
        private void Update_AnyThread_private(double elapsedTime)
            if (_isDisposed)

            Type[] typesUnchecked = _typesAnyUnchecked;
            if (typesUnchecked != null)
                #region Get intervals for types

                Tuple <Type, int>[] checkedTypes = GetTypeIntervals(typesUnchecked, _map, false);
                if (checkedTypes != null)
                    lock (_lockTypesAny)
                        // Do it again with the volatile to be safe
                        checkedTypes = GetTypeIntervals(_typesAnyUnchecked, _map, false);
                        if (checkedTypes != null)
                            var transfer = TransferTypes(_typesAnyUnchecked, _typesAny, checkedTypes);
                            _typesAnyUnchecked = transfer.Item1;
                            _typesAny          = transfer.Item2;


            Tuple <Type, int>[] typesAny = _typesAny;
            long count = Interlocked.Increment(ref _updateCount_Any);

            #region non map items

            var nonmapItems = _nonmapItemsAny;

            if (nonmapItems != null)
                foreach (var item in nonmapItems)
                    if (count % (item.Item1 + 1) != 0)

                    item.Item2.Update_AnyThread(elapsedTime + (elapsedTime * item.Item1));        // if skips is greater than zero, then approximate how much time elapsed based on this tick's elapsed time

            #region items in map

            if (typesAny != null)
                foreach (var type in typesAny)
                    if (type.Item2 > 0 && count % (type.Item2 + 1) != 0)

                    // Update all the live instances in a random order
                    IMapObject[] items = _map.GetItems(type.Item1, false).ToArray();
                    foreach (int index in UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, items.Length))
                        ((IPartUpdatable)items[index]).Update_AnyThread(elapsedTime + (elapsedTime * type.Item2));        // if skips is greater than zero, then approximate how much time elapsed based on this tick's elapsed time


            _disposeWait.Set();     // Dispose will hang the main thread to make sure this tick has finished
Esempio n. 17
        private void ResetTraining()
            _patternStorage = null;

            if (_images.Count == 0)

            #region choose images

            int numImages;
            if (!int.TryParse(txtTrainCount.Text, out numImages))
                MessageBox.Show("Couldn't parse count as an integer", this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

            numImages = Math.Min(_images.Count, numImages);

            var trainImages = UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, _images.Count, numImages).
                              Select(o => new
                File = _images[o],
                Conv = GetTrainingImage(_images[o], _trainKernel),


            //_patternStorage = new RandomPatternStorage();
            _patternStorage = new Hopfield(IMAGESIZE * IMAGESIZE, 0, 1, .9);

            #region show thumbnails

            // Display thumbnails
            //< !--Run them through a KMeans, then sort in 1D-- >
            //< !--Show full resolution over the canvas on mouseover-- >
            //< !--Show full resolution under the canvas on click-- >

            foreach (var trainImage in trainImages)
                double widthHeight    = Math.Sqrt(trainImage.Conv.Length);  // they should be square
                int    widthHeightInt = widthHeight.ToInt_Round();
                if (!Math1D.IsNearValue(widthHeight, widthHeightInt))
                    throw new ApplicationException("Expected square images");

                double[] imageConv = trainImage.Conv;
                imageConv = _patternStorage.Convert_Local_External(imageConv);

                BitmapSource source;
                //if (isColor)
                //    source = UtilityWPF.GetBitmap_RGB(example, width, height);
                source = UtilityWPF.GetBitmap(imageConv, widthHeightInt, widthHeightInt);

                Image image = new Image()
                    Source = source,
                    Width  = source.PixelWidth,     // if this isn't set, the image will take up all of the width, and be huge
                    Height = source.PixelHeight,
                    Margin = new Thickness(8),



            _patternStorage.AddItems(trainImages.Select(o => o.Conv).ToArray());