Esempio n. 1
        public static int CreateOne <T>(T models)
            Type type = models.GetType();

            string insertStr1 = "";
            string insertStr2 = "";

            PropertyInfo[]      propArray  = type.GetProperties();
            List <SqlParameter> paramslist = new List <SqlParameter>();

            foreach (PropertyInfo pi in propArray)
                if (String.Compare(pi.Name, "ID", true) == 0 || pi.GetValue(models, null) == null)
                insertStr1 += "[" + pi.Name + "],";
                insertStr2 += "@" + pi.Name + ",";
                paramslist.Add(new SqlParameter(pi.Name, pi.GetValue(models, null)));
            insertStr1 = insertStr1.TrimEnd(',');
            insertStr2 = insertStr2.TrimEnd(',');

            String tableName = "Tb_" + type.Name;

            string sql = string.Format("insert into {0}({1}) values({2})", tableName, insertStr1, insertStr2);

            SqlParameter[]    parameters = paramslist.ToArray();
            Utility.SQLHelper db         = new Utility.SQLHelper();
            return(db.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, parameters, System.Data.CommandType.Text));
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新一系列数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">数据库模型</typeparam>
        /// <param name="model">模型实例对象</param>
        /// <param name="target">数据查询条件</param>
        /// <returns>影响行数</returns>
        public static int ChangeSome <T>(T model, string target)
            Utility.SQLHelper db = new Utility.SQLHelper();

            Type type = model.GetType();

            string updateStr1 = "";
            string updateStr2 = "";

            PropertyInfo[]      propArray  = type.GetProperties();
            PropertyInfo        lastPi     = type.GetProperty(target);
            List <SqlParameter> paramslist = new List <SqlParameter>();

            foreach (PropertyInfo pi in propArray)
                if ((String.Compare(pi.Name, target) == 0) || (String.Compare(pi.Name, "ID", true) == 0) || pi.GetValue(model, null) == null)
                updateStr1 += "[" + pi.Name + "]=@" + pi.Name + ",";
                paramslist.Add(new SqlParameter(pi.Name, pi.GetValue(model, null)));
            updateStr1 = updateStr1.TrimEnd(',');
            updateStr2 = "[" + target + "]=@" + target;
            paramslist.Add(new SqlParameter(target, lastPi.GetValue(model, null)));

            string sql = string.Format("update {0} set {1} where {2}", Utility.Tool.ModelNameToTableName(type.Name), updateStr1, updateStr2);

            SqlParameter[] parameters = paramslist.ToArray();

            return(db.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, parameters, System.Data.CommandType.Text));
Esempio n. 3
        public static int Insert(Models.DB.User user)
            string sql = string.Format("insert into Tb_User(Name,Password,RoleID,Enable) values(@Name,@Password,@RoleID,@Enable);select @id=SCOPE_IDENTITY()");

            SqlParameter[] parameters =
                new SqlParameter("Name",     SqlDbType.NVarChar, 255),
                new SqlParameter("Password", user.Password),
                new SqlParameter("RoleID",   SqlDbType.Int),
                new SqlParameter("Enable",   SqlDbType.Bit),
                new SqlParameter("id",       SqlDbType.Int)

            parameters[0].Value     = user.Name;
            parameters[1].Value     = user.Password;
            parameters[2].Value     = user.RoleId;
            parameters[3].Value     = user.Enable;
            parameters[4].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

            //   int temp = Convert.ToInt32(parameters[4].Value);

            Utility.SQLHelper db = new Utility.SQLHelper();
            db.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, parameters, CommandType.Text);
            int id = Convert.ToInt32(parameters[4].Value);

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 删除指点字段的记录
        /// </summary>
        public static int Work <T>(T model, string target)
            Utility.SQLHelper db = new Utility.SQLHelper();

            Type type = model.GetType();

            string selectStr = "";

            PropertyInfo[]      propArray  = type.GetProperties();
            List <SqlParameter> paramslist = new List <SqlParameter>();

            foreach (PropertyInfo pi in propArray)
                if (pi.Name != target || pi.GetValue(model, null) == null)
                selectStr += "[" + pi.Name + "]=@" + pi.Name + " and ";
                paramslist.Add(new SqlParameter(pi.Name, pi.GetValue(model, null)));
            selectStr = selectStr.Substring(0, selectStr.LastIndexOf(" and ", StringComparison.Ordinal));

            string sql = string.Format("delete from {0} where {1}", Utility.Tool.ModelNameToTableName(type.Name), selectStr);

            SqlParameter[] parameters = paramslist.ToArray();

            return(db.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, parameters, System.Data.CommandType.Text));
Esempio n. 5
        public static int UpdateRemark(int ID, String Remark, String TableName)
            string sql = String.Format("update {0} set [Remark] = @Remark where [ID]=@ID", TableName);

            SqlParameter[] parameters =
                new SqlParameter("@Remark", Remark),
                new SqlParameter("@ID",     ID)
            Utility.SQLHelper db = new Utility.SQLHelper();
            return(db.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, parameters, System.Data.CommandType.Text));
Esempio n. 6
        public static int UpdatePaperUrl(int ID, String Url)
            string sql = String.Format("update Tb_CupProjectModel set [PaperDoc] = @PaperDoc where [ID]=@ID");

            SqlParameter[] parameters =
                new SqlParameter("@PaperDoc", Url),
                new SqlParameter("@ID",       ID)
            Utility.SQLHelper db = new Utility.SQLHelper();
            return(db.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, parameters, System.Data.CommandType.Text));
Esempio n. 7
        public static int Work(string tableName, int id)
            Utility.SQLHelper db = new Utility.SQLHelper();

            string sql = string.Format("delete from {0} where ID=@ID", tableName);

            SqlParameter[] parameters =
                new SqlParameter("ID", id)
            return(db.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, parameters, System.Data.CommandType.Text));
Esempio n. 8
        public static int UpdateProjectStatus(String Status, String TableName, int ID)
            Utility.SQLHelper db  = new Utility.SQLHelper();
            String            sql = String.Format("Update {0} set [Statu]=@Statu,[DeclarationDate]=@DeclarationDate where [ID]=@ID", TableName);

            SqlParameter[] parameters =
                new SqlParameter("@Statu",           Status),
                new SqlParameter("@DeclarationDate", System.DateTime.Now),
                new SqlParameter("@ID",              ID)
            return(db.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, parameters, System.Data.CommandType.Text));
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新一系列数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">数据库模型</typeparam>
        /// <param name="model">模型实例对象</param>
        /// <param name="targets">数据查询条件</param>
        /// <returns>影响行数</returns>
        public static int ChangeSome <T>(T model, string[] targets)
            Utility.SQLHelper db = new Utility.SQLHelper();

            Type type = model.GetType();

            string updateStr1 = "";
            string updateStr2 = "";

            PropertyInfo[]      propArray  = type.GetProperties();
            List <PropertyInfo> lastPis    = new List <PropertyInfo>();
            List <SqlParameter> paramslist = new List <SqlParameter>();

            foreach (string target in targets)

            foreach (PropertyInfo pi in propArray)
                if (pi.Name == "ID" || pi.GetValue(model, null) == null)
                if (lastPis.Contains(pi))
                updateStr1 += "[" + pi.Name + "]=@" + pi.Name + ",";
                paramslist.Add(new SqlParameter(pi.Name, pi.GetValue(model, null)));
            foreach (PropertyInfo lastPi in lastPis.ToArray())
                updateStr2 = "[" + lastPi.Name + "]=@" + lastPi.Name + " and ";
                paramslist.Add(new SqlParameter(lastPi.Name, lastPi.GetValue(model, null)));
            updateStr1 = updateStr1.TrimEnd(',');
            updateStr2 = updateStr2.Substring(0, updateStr2.LastIndexOf(" and ", StringComparison.Ordinal));

            string sql = string.Format("update {0} set {1} where {2}", Utility.Tool.ModelNameToTableName(type.Name), updateStr1, updateStr2);

            SqlParameter[] parameters = paramslist.ToArray();

            return(db.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, parameters, System.Data.CommandType.Text));
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// 插入一列数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="Models"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int CreateList <T>(List <T> models)
            if (models.Count <= 0)
            List <string>         SqlList       = new List <string>();
            List <SqlParameter[]> ParameterList = new List <SqlParameter[]>();

            for (int i = 0; i < models.Count; i++)
                Type type = models[0].GetType();

                string insertStr1 = "";
                string insertStr2 = "";

                PropertyInfo[]      propArray  = type.GetProperties();
                List <SqlParameter> paramslist = new List <SqlParameter>();

                foreach (PropertyInfo pi in propArray)
                    if (String.Compare(pi.Name, "ID", true) == 0 || pi.GetValue(models[i], null) == null)
                    insertStr1 += "[" + pi.Name + "],";
                    insertStr2 += "@" + pi.Name + ",";
                    paramslist.Add(new SqlParameter(pi.Name, pi.GetValue(models[i], null)));
                insertStr1 = insertStr1.TrimEnd(',');
                insertStr2 = insertStr2.TrimEnd(',');

                String tableName = "Tb_" + type.Name;

                string sql = string.Format("insert into {0}({1}) values({2})", tableName, insertStr1, insertStr2);

                SqlParameter[] parameters = paramslist.ToArray();
            Utility.SQLHelper db = new Utility.SQLHelper();
            return(db.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlList, ParameterList));
Esempio n. 11
        public static int WorkList(List <String> TableList, int ProjectID)
            if (TableList.Count <= 0)
            Utility.SQLHelper     db            = new Utility.SQLHelper();
            List <SqlParameter[]> ParameterList = new List <SqlParameter[]>();
            List <String>         SqlList       = new List <String>();

            for (int i = 0; i < TableList.Count; i++)
                SqlParameter[] parameters =
                    new SqlParameter("ProjectID", ProjectID)
                String sql = String.Format("delete from {0} where ProjectID=@ProjectID", TableList[i]);
            return(db.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlList, ParameterList));
Esempio n. 12
        public static int CreateOneReturnID <T>(T models)
            Type type = models.GetType();

            string insertStr1 = "";
            string insertStr2 = "";

            PropertyInfo[]      propArray  = type.GetProperties();
            List <SqlParameter> paramslist = new List <SqlParameter>();

            foreach (PropertyInfo pi in propArray)
                if (String.Compare(pi.Name, "ID", true) == 0 || pi.GetValue(models, null) == null)
                insertStr1 += "[" + pi.Name + "],";
                insertStr2 += "@" + pi.Name + ",";
                paramslist.Add(new SqlParameter(pi.Name, pi.GetValue(models, null)));

            paramslist.Add(new SqlParameter("id", SqlDbType.Int));

            insertStr1 = insertStr1.TrimEnd(',');
            insertStr2 = insertStr2.TrimEnd(',');

            String tableName = "Tb_" + type.Name;

            string sql = string.Format("insert into {0}({1}) values({2});select @id=SCOPE_IDENTITY()", tableName, insertStr1, insertStr2);

            SqlParameter[] parameters = paramslist.ToArray();
            parameters[parameters.Length - 1].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
            Utility.SQLHelper db = new Utility.SQLHelper();
            db.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, parameters, System.Data.CommandType.Text);
            int id = Convert.ToInt32(parameters[parameters.Length - 1].Value);
