Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the rotation of an object from image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="colorBS"></param>
        /// <param name="currentBlob"></param>
        /// <param name="viBlobs"></param>
        /// <returns>angle degree</returns>
        public static float GetRotation(Image <Bgra, byte> colorBS, BlobObject currentBlob, List <BlobObject> viBlobs)
            Image <Bgra, byte> observedImage = UtilitiesImage.CropImage(colorBS, currentBlob.Rect);
            float degree = 360;

            if (viBlobs.Count == 0)
                VectorOfKeyPoint keypoints1;
                VectorOfKeyPoint keypoints2;
                Matrix <float>   symMatches;
                foreach (BlobObject viblob in viBlobs)
                    //viblob.Image.Save(viblob.Id + ".jpg");
                    bool isDetect = UtilitiesImage.MatchIsSame(viblob.Image, observedImage.Convert <Gray, byte>(), out keypoints1, out keypoints2, out symMatches);

                    if (isDetect)
                        degree = UtilitiesImage.GetRotationDiff(symMatches, keypoints1, keypoints2);
Esempio n. 2
        public void m_KinectConnector_allFramesReady(object pSource, Image <Bgra, Byte> pColorFrame, Image <Gray, Int16> pDepthFrame)
            if (pColorFrame == null || pDepthFrame == null)

            OnOrgAllReady(this, pColorFrame, pDepthFrame);

            Image <Gray, Int16> depthFrameBuffer = pDepthFrame.Copy();

            if (m_KinectSettings.Ratio == 0)
                m_KinectSettings.Ratio = 2;

            Image <Bgra, Byte> colorFrameBuffer = pColorFrame.Resize((int)(pColorFrame.Width / m_KinectSettings.Ratio), (int)(pColorFrame.Height / m_KinectSettings.Ratio), Emgu.CV.CvEnum.INTER.CV_INTER_LINEAR);

            int xS = (int)(m_KinectSettings.XScale / m_KinectSettings.Ratio);
            int yS = (int)(m_KinectSettings.YScale / m_KinectSettings.Ratio);
            int xD = 0;
            int yD = 0;
            int xC = 0;
            int yC = 0;
            int w  = 0;
            int h  = depthFrameBuffer.Height;

            // depth image
            // what is the new width?
            if (xS < 0 && (depthFrameBuffer.Width + xS > colorFrameBuffer.Width))
                // rechts und links raus -- sollte nie vorkommen
                w  = colorFrameBuffer.Width;
                xD = -xS;
                xC = 0;
            else if (depthFrameBuffer.Width + xS > colorFrameBuffer.Width)
                // rechts raus
                w  = colorFrameBuffer.Width - xS;
                xD = 0;
                xC = xS; // xS is positive
            else if (xS < 0)
                // links raus
                w  = depthFrameBuffer.Width + xS;
                xD = -xS;
                xC = 0;
                // drin
                w  = depthFrameBuffer.Width;
                xD = 0;
                xC = xS;

            // what is the new height?
            if (yS < 0 && (depthFrameBuffer.Height + yS > colorFrameBuffer.Height))
                // oben und unten raus
                h  = colorFrameBuffer.Height;
                yD = -yS;
                yC = 0;
            else if (depthFrameBuffer.Height + yS > colorFrameBuffer.Height)
                // nur unten raus
                h  = colorFrameBuffer.Height - yS;
                yD = 0;
                yC = yS;
            else if (yS < 0)
                // nur oben raus
                h  = depthFrameBuffer.Height + yS;
                yD = -yS;
                yC = 0;
                // drin
                h  = depthFrameBuffer.Height;
                yD = 0;
                yC = yS;

            //Ausschnitt Setzen
            depthFrameBuffer.ROI = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(xD, yD, w, h);
            colorFrameBuffer.ROI = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(xC, yC, w, h);

            m_ImageSize = new System.Drawing.Size(w, h);

            if (colorImg == null || colorImg.Width != w || colorImg.Height != h)
                colorImg = new Image <Bgra, Byte>(w, h);
            if (m_DepthImg == null || m_DepthImg.Width != w || m_DepthImg.Height != h)
                m_DepthImg = new Image <Gray, Int32>(w, h);

            colorImg = colorFrameBuffer.Convert <Bgra, Byte>().Copy();

            colorImgCropped = UtilitiesImage.CropImage(colorImg, m_AssemblyArea);
            // colorImgCropped = colorImg;
            Image <Gray, Int32> newDepthImgCropped = UtilitiesImage.CropImage(m_DepthImg, m_AssemblyArea);

            // Image<Gray, Int32> newDepthImgCropped = m_DepthImg;

            m_DepthImg = depthFrameBuffer.Convert <Gray, float>().SmoothGaussian(5).Convert <Gray, Int32>();
            // m_DepthImg = pDepthFrame.Convert<Gray, float>().Convert<Gray, Int32>();

            if (m_SmoothingOn)
                /*this.m_SmoothingFilter.InnerBandThreshold = (int)InnerBandThresholdInput.Value;
                 * this.m_SmoothingFilter.OuterBandThreshold = (int)OuterBandThresholdInput.Value;
                 * this.m_SmoothingAverage.AverageFrameCount = (int)AverageFrameCountInput.Value;
                 * this.m_SmoothingMaximum.MaximumFrameCount = (int)AverageFrameCountInput.Value;*/

                //depthImg = this.m_SmoothingFilter.CreateFilteredDepthArray(pDepthFrame, m_KinectConnector.GetDepthFrameDescription().Width, m_KinectConnector.GetDepthFrameDescription().Height);
                //depthImg = this.m_SmoothingMaximum.CreateMaximumDepthArray(depthPixel, depthFrame.Width, depthFrame.Height);
                m_DepthImgCropped = this.m_SmoothingAverage.CreateAverageDepthArray(newDepthImgCropped);
                m_DepthImgCropped = newDepthImgCropped;

            OnAllFramesReady(this, colorImg, colorImgCropped, m_DepthImg, m_DepthImgCropped);

            // event driven update
            CameraManager.Instance.SetImages(colorImg, colorImgCropped, m_DepthImg, m_DepthImgCropped);
            CameraManager.Instance.SetOrgImages(pSource, pColorFrame, pDepthFrame.Convert <Gray, Int32>());
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="openCVImg"></param>
        /// <param name="masterBlobs"></param>
        /// <param name="colorBS"></param>
        /// <param name="mode"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <BlobObject> FindAllBlob(Image <Gray, Int32> openCVImg,
                                                    List <BlobObject> masterBlobs,
                                                    Image <Bgra, byte> colorBS,
                                                    bool mode)
            List <BlobObject> retList = new List <BlobObject>();

                Image <Gray, byte> gray_image = openCVImg.Convert <Gray, byte>();
                List <BlobObject>  newBlobs   = new List <BlobObject>();
                if (mode == false)
                    #region using cvBlob
                    Emgu.CV.Cvb.CvBlobs        resultingBlobs = new Emgu.CV.Cvb.CvBlobs();
                    Emgu.CV.Cvb.CvBlobDetector bDetect        = new Emgu.CV.Cvb.CvBlobDetector();
                    uint numWebcamBlobsFound = bDetect.Detect(gray_image, resultingBlobs);

                    using (MemStorage stor = new MemStorage())
                        foreach (Emgu.CV.Cvb.CvBlob targetBlob in resultingBlobs.Values)
                            if (targetBlob.Area > 200)
                                var contour = targetBlob.GetContour(stor);

                                MCvBox2D box = contour.GetMinAreaRect();

                                PointF[] boxCorner = UtilitiesImage.ToPercent(contour.GetMinAreaRect().GetVertices(), gray_image.Width, gray_image.Height);

                                PointF center = UtilitiesImage.ToPercent(contour.GetMinAreaRect().center, gray_image.Width, gray_image.Height);

                                RectangleF rect = UtilitiesImage.ToPercent(targetBlob.BoundingBox, gray_image.Width, gray_image.Height);

                                Image <Gray, byte> newCropImg = UtilitiesImage.CropImage(colorBS.Convert <Gray, byte>(), rect);
                                newBlobs.Add(new BlobObject(newCropImg, null, boxCorner, rect, center, 0, 0, 0 + ""));
                    #region using contour
                    using (MemStorage storage = new MemStorage())
                        //Find contours with no holes try CV_RETR_EXTERNAL to find holes
                        Contour <System.Drawing.Point> contours = gray_image.FindContours(

                        for (int i = 0; contours != null; contours = contours.HNext)

                            //double area = contours.Area;
                            if (contours.Area > 200)
                                PointF[]           boxCorner  = UtilitiesImage.ToPercent(contours.GetMinAreaRect().GetVertices(), gray_image.Width, gray_image.Height);
                                PointF             center     = UtilitiesImage.ToPercent(contours.GetMinAreaRect().center, gray_image.Width, gray_image.Height);
                                RectangleF         rect       = UtilitiesImage.ToPercent(contours.BoundingRectangle, gray_image.Width, gray_image.Height);
                                Image <Bgra, byte> newCropImg = UtilitiesImage.CropImage(colorBS, rect);
                                newBlobs.Add(new BlobObject(newCropImg.Convert <Gray, byte>(), null, boxCorner, rect, center, 0, 0, 0 + ""));

                // read objects from database now
                List <TrackableObject> objects = DatabaseManager.Instance.Objects.ToList();

                if (objects.Count == 0)
                    foreach (BlobObject b in newBlobs)
                        retList.Add(new BlobObject(b.Image, null, b.CornerPoints, b.Rect, b.Center, 0, 0, 0 + ""));

                    // size and position werden abgeglichen
                    List <Tuple <double, double, int, int> > trackInfo = new List <Tuple <double, double, int, int> >();
                    for (int newblob = 0; newblob < newBlobs.Count; newblob++)
                        for (int master = 0; master < masterBlobs.Count; master++)
                            double d = UtilitiesImage.Distance(newBlobs[newblob].Center, masterBlobs[master].Center);
                            double s = UtilitiesImage.DiffSize(newBlobs[newblob].Rect.Size, masterBlobs[master].Rect.Size);
                            trackInfo.Add(new Tuple <double, double, int, int>(d, s, master, newblob));

                    trackInfo.Sort((x, y) => x.Item1.CompareTo(y.Item1));
                    List <int> newItem = new List <int>();

                    if (!m_LastWasCorrupted)
                        while (trackInfo.Count != 0)
                            if (trackInfo[0].Item2 < 0.2)
                                int        masterId  = trackInfo[0].Item3;
                                int        newId     = trackInfo[0].Item4;
                                BlobObject newObject = new BlobObject(newBlobs[newId].Image, newBlobs[newId].DepthStructur, newBlobs[newId].CornerPoints, newBlobs[newId].Rect, newBlobs[newId].Center, masterBlobs[masterId].Hits, masterBlobs[masterId].Id, masterBlobs[masterId].Name);
                                trackInfo.RemoveAll(item => item.Item3 == masterId);
                                trackInfo.RemoveAll(item => item.Item4 == newId);

                        // check the images based on their features
                        for (int i = newBlobs.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            if (newItem.Count != 0 && i == newItem.Last())
                                newItem.RemoveAt(newItem.Count - 1);
                                // set the name according to the recognized object
                                string currentBlobId = RecognizeObject(newBlobs[i], objects);
                                newBlobs[i].Name = currentBlobId;
            catch (CvException e)
                Logger.Instance.Log(e.Message, Logger.LoggerState.ERROR);
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Instance.Log(e.Message, Logger.LoggerState.ERROR);
                //mark a flag that the last frame was corrupt
                m_LastWasCorrupted = true;
