Esempio n. 1
        private Block ProcessChapterNode(XmlNode node)
            var    usxChapter = new UsxChapter(node);
            string chapterText;

            if (m_bookLevelChapterLabel != null)
                // If this isn't the right order, the user would have had to enter a specific chapter label
                // for each chapter to format it correctly.
                chapterText = m_bookLevelChapterLabel + " " + usxChapter.ChapterNumber;
                chapterText = usxChapter.ChapterNumber;

            if (Int32.TryParse(usxChapter.ChapterNumber, out var chapterNum))
                m_currentChapter = chapterNum;
                Debug.Fail("TODO: Deal with bogus chapter number in USX data!");
            m_currentStartVerse = 0;
            m_currentEndVerse   = 0;
            var block = new Block(usxChapter.StyleTag, m_currentChapter)
                IsParagraphStart = true, BookCode = m_bookId

            block.SetStandardCharacter(m_bookId, CharacterVerseData.StandardCharacter.BookOrChapter);
            block.BlockElements.Add(new ScriptText(chapterText));
Esempio n. 2
        private static void ExtractAnnotationsMarkedWithRqTag()
            var directoryWithUsxFiles = @"C:\Users\Polk\Documents\Protoscript Generator\bundles\English Director Guide\WithApostrophes\bundle_text_dbl-5453af4c7644271c_pt-ENGDG_20160308-122600_release\USX_0";

            var bookList = Directory.GetFiles(directoryWithUsxFiles, "*.usx").Select(f => new UsxDocument(f)).ToList();

            string currentChapter = "0";
            string currentVerse   = "0";

            foreach (var usxDocument in bookList.OrderBy(b => BCVRef.BookToNumber(b.BookId)))
                foreach (XmlNode node in usxDocument.GetChaptersAndParas())
                    if (node.Name == "chapter")
                        var usxChapter = new UsxChapter(node);
                        currentChapter = usxChapter.ChapterNumber;
                        currentVerse   = "0";
                    foreach (XmlNode childNode in node.ChildNodes)
                        if (childNode.Name == "verse")
                            currentVerse = childNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("number").Value;
                        if (childNode.Name == "char")
                            if (childNode.Attributes["style"].Value == "rq")
                                Debug.WriteLine(usxDocument.BookId + "\t" + currentChapter + "\t" + currentVerse + "\t" + node.InnerText.Trim());
Esempio n. 3
        private Block ProcessChapterNode(XmlNode node)
            var    usxChapter = new UsxChapter(node);
            string chapterText;

            if (m_bookLevelChapterLabel != null)
                //TODO what if this isn't the right order? Is there any way we can know?
                chapterText = m_bookLevelChapterLabel + " " + usxChapter.ChapterNumber;
                chapterText = usxChapter.ChapterNumber;

            int chapterNum;

            if (Int32.TryParse(usxChapter.ChapterNumber, out chapterNum))
                m_currentChapter = chapterNum;
                Debug.Fail("TODO: Deal with bogus chapter number in USX data!");
            m_currentStartVerse = 0;
            m_currentEndVerse   = 0;
            var block = new Block(usxChapter.StyleTag, m_currentChapter)
                IsParagraphStart = true

            block.SetStandardCharacter(m_bookId, CharacterVerseData.StandardCharacter.BookOrChapter);
            block.BlockElements.Add(new ScriptText(chapterText));
Esempio n. 4
        public void ChapterNumber_GetsCorrectStyleTagFromUsxChapter()
            var usxChapter = new UsxChapter(m_nodes[0]);

            Assert.AreEqual("1", usxChapter.ChapterNumber);