/**==== Rule Disjunction
         * The produce an `any` disjunction rule over many rules you can use the overloaded `|`
        [U] public void RulesDisjunction()
            var anyRule = new UsernameRule("u1") | new UsernameRule("u2") | new UsernameRule("u3");


            /** using `|=` assignments you can build disjunction rules more dynamically **/
            RoleMappingRuleBase rules = null;

            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                rules |= new UsernameRule($"user_{i}");
            rules.Should().BeOfType <AnyRoleMappingRule>();

            anyRule = (AnyRoleMappingRule)rules;
        /**==== Rule Conjunction
         * You can create a conjuction of many rules using either `+` or `&` which are both overloaded to produce an `all` rule.
        [U] public void RulesConjunction()
            var allRule = new UsernameRule("u1") + new UsernameRule("u2") & new UsernameRule("u3");


            /** using `+=` assignments you can build rules more dynamically **/
            RoleMappingRuleBase rules = null;

            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                rules += new UsernameRule($"user_{i}");
            rules.Should().BeOfType <AllRoleMappingRule>();

            allRule = (AllRoleMappingRule)rules;