public User_Response SignIn(User_Request userRequest)
            User_Response objUserResponse = new User_Response();

                var vList = GetUserByLoginId(userRequest.Login_Id);
                if (vList == null && vList.isActive != 1)
                    throw new UserNotFoundException("User Not Found");

                objUserResponse.isAvailable = true;

                if (!userPasswordRepository.VerifyPassword(userRequest.Password, vList.Password.ToString()))
                    throw new OldPasswordDoesNotMatchException("Old Password Does Not Match. Please Enter New Password.");

                objUserResponse.User_Id  = vList.User_Id;
                objUserResponse.Login_Id = vList.Login_Id;
                objUserResponse.EmpName  = vList.FirstName + " " + vList.MiddleName + " " + vList.LastName;
                // objUserResponse.Company_Id = vList.Company_Id;

                if (vList.PasswordExpiryDate <= DateTime.Now)   //need one check for temporary password
                    objUserResponse.isExpired = true;
                    objUserResponse.isExpired = false;

                objUserResponse.Token_No = tokenService.GenerateToken();
                tokenService.Add(new User_Token
                    User_Id  = vList.User_Id,
                    Token_No = objUserResponse.Token_No,
                    AddedBy  = vList.User_Id
                objUserResponse.isVerify = true;

                //users role list
                objUserResponse.UserRoles = GetUserActiveRolesList(vList.User_Id);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
                //create UserLog
                AddUserLog(userRequest.Ip_Address, userRequest.Host_Name, userRequest.User_Id, userRequest.Login_Id);
Esempio n. 2
 public Nutzungsbedingungen(User_Response user = null)
     //anzeige der Nutzungsbedingungen
     if (user != null)
         UserManagment.IsVisible = true;
         this.user =;
         UserManagment.IsVisible = false;
Esempio n. 3
        public User_Response SignIn(User_Request userRequest)
            User_Response objUserResponse = new User_Response();

                var vList = GetUserByLoginId(userRequest.Login_Id);
                if (vList != null && vList.isActive == 1)
                    objUserResponse.isAvailable = true;
                    bool blnVerify = user_PasswordRepository.VerifyPassword(userRequest.Password, vList.Password.ToString());
                    if (blnVerify)
                        objUserResponse.User_Id    = vList.User_Id;
                        objUserResponse.Login_Id   = vList.Login_Id;
                        objUserResponse.Company_Id = vList.Company_Id;

                        if (vList.PasswordExpiryDate <= DateTime.Now)   //need one check for temporary password
                            objUserResponse.isTemporary = true;
                            objUserResponse.Token_No = tokenService.GenerateToken();
                            tokenService.Add(new User_Token
                                User_Id  = vList.User_Id,
                                Token_No = objUserResponse.Token_No,
                                AddedBy  = vList.User_Id
                            objUserResponse.isTemporary = false;
                            objUserResponse.isVerify    = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
                //create UserLog
                AddUserLog(userRequest.Ip_Address, userRequest.Host_Name, userRequest.User_Id, userRequest.Login_Id);
        private async void UnitTest_Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // NOTE(duan): get root
            Root_Response GET_ROOT = await LiveCodingAPI.GetRoot();

            // NOTE(duan): get coding categories
            CodingCategoryList_Response GET_CODING_CATEGORIES =
                await LiveCodingAPI.GetCodingCategories();

            // build the ViewModel
            _vm_coding_category.DataSource = new ObservableCollection <CodingCategory>(GET_CODING_CATEGORIES.CodingCategories);
            // set the datacontext
            HS_CodingCategory.DataContext = _vm_coding_category;

            CodingCategory_Response GET_SINGLE_CODE_CATEGORY = null;

            if (GET_CODING_CATEGORIES != null)
                if (GET_CODING_CATEGORIES.CodingCategories.Count > 0)
                    GET_SINGLE_CODE_CATEGORY = await LiveCodingAPI.GetCodingCategoryByName(GET_CODING_CATEGORIES.CodingCategories[0].Name);

            // NOTE(duan): get languages
            LanguageList_Response GET_LANGUAGES = await LiveCodingAPI.GetLanguages();

            // build ViewModel
            _vm_language.DataSource = new ObservableCollection <Language>(GET_LANGUAGES.Languages);
            // set the datacontext
            HS_Language.DataContext = _vm_language;

            // NOTE(duan): get a single language
            Language_Response GET_LANGUAGE_BY_NAME = await LiveCodingAPI.GetLanguageByName("French");

            // NOTE(duan): get a list of livestreams
            // LiveStreamList_Response GET_LIVESTREAMS = await LiveCodingAPI.GetLiveStreams();
            LiveStreamList_Response GET_LIVESTREAMS = await LiveCodingAPI.GetOnAirStreams();

            // build the ViewModel
            _vm_livestream.DataSource = new ObservableCollection <LiveStream>(GET_LIVESTREAMS.LiveStreams);
            // set the datacontext
            HS_LiveStream.DataContext = _vm_livestream;

            // NOTE(duan): get a single stream
            LiveStream_Response GET_STREAM = await LiveCodingAPI.GetStreamByName("chubosaurus");

            // NOTE(duan): get scheduled broadcasts
            ScheduledBroadcastList_Response GET_SCHEDULED = await LiveCodingAPI.GetScheduledBroadcast();

            // NOTE(duan): get scheduled broadcast by id
            ScheduledBroadcast_Response GET_SCHEDULED_BROADCAST_BY_ID = null;

            if (GET_SCHEDULED != null)
                if (GET_SCHEDULED.ScheduledBroadcasts.Count > 0)
                    GET_SCHEDULED_BROADCAST_BY_ID = await LiveCodingAPI.GetScheduledBroadcastById(GET_SCHEDULED.ScheduledBroadcasts[0].Id);

            // NOTE(duan): get current user info
            User_Response GET_USER = await LiveCodingAPI.GetCurrentUser();

            // NOTE(duan): get followers
            UserList_Response GET_USER_FOLLOWER = await LiveCodingAPI.GetCurrentUserFollowers();

            // NOTE(duan): get following
            UserList_Response GET_USER_FOLLOW_LIST = await LiveCodingAPI.GetCurrentUserFollowing();

            // NOTE(duan): get viewing key
            ViewKey_Response GET_VK = await LiveCodingAPI.GetUserViewingKey();

            // NOTE(duan): get chat account
            XMPPAccount_Response GET_CHAT_ACCOUNT = await LiveCodingAPI.GetUserChatAccount();

            // NOTE(duan): get the user's channel
            AuthenticatedLiveStreamList_Response GET_USER_CHANNEL = await LiveCodingAPI.GetUserChannel();

            // NOTE(duan): get the user's channel (on-air)
            AuthenticatedLiveStreamList_Response GET_USER_CHANNEL_ON_AIR = await LiveCodingAPI.GetUserChannelOnAir();

            // NOTE(duan): get the user's videos
            VideoList_Response GET_USER_VIDEOS = await LiveCodingAPI.GetUserVideos();

            LatestVideoList_Response GET_USER_LATEST_VIDEOS = await LiveCodingAPI.GetUserLatestVideos();

            // build the ViewModel
            //_vm_video.DataSource = new ObservableCollection<Video>(GET_USER_VIDEOS.Videos);
            _vm_video.DataSource = new ObservableCollection <Video>(GET_USER_LATEST_VIDEOS);
            // set the datacontext
            HS_Videos.DataContext = _vm_video;

            // NOTE(duan): get public user information
            User_Response PUBLIC_USER = await LiveCodingAPI.GetUserInfo("chubosaurus");

            // NOTE(duan): get all vidoes
            VideoList_Response ALL_VIDEOS = await LiveCodingAPI.GetVideoList();

            Video_Response SINGLE_VIDEO = null;

            if (ALL_VIDEOS != null)
                if (ALL_VIDEOS.Videos.Count > 0)
                    SINGLE_VIDEO = await LiveCodingAPI.GetVideoBySlug(ALL_VIDEOS.Videos[0].Slug);
Esempio n. 5
        async void StartButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Zählvariable wenn i == 1 sind den Nutzungsbedigungen schon zugestimmt bei 0 müssen diesen noch zugestimmt werden
            int    i = 0;
            string err;

            if (!this.IsBusy)
                //Ladebalken startet
                    this.IsBusy   = true;
                    los.IsVisible = false;

                    await Task.Run(() =>
                        string ids;
                        if (Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("Zst"))
                            ids = Convert.ToString(Application.Current.Properties["Zst"]);
                            ids = "false";
                        //request_User param = new request_User() { Id = ids };
                        //String request = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(param);
                        //RESTConnector rconn = new RESTConnector();
                        //User_Response erg = new User_Response() { };
                        //string answer;
                        //string adress = "";
                        //string adress = "http://localhost:50088/api/Usermanagment";

                        //auswerten nach (timeout?)
                        // answer = rconn.HTTP_POST(adress, request, 5, false);
                        //if (answer.Contains("REST_HTTP_ERROR"))
                        //kein Antwort vom Webservice user muss Nutzungsbedingungen zustimmen
                        //Navigation.PushModalAsync(new Nutzungsbedingungen());
                        // = "";

                        if (ids == "false")
                            i = 0;
                        if (ids == "false")
                            i = 0;
                        if (ids == "true")
                            i = 1;

                        //if (Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("id"))
                        //    i = 1;
                        //    i = 0;
                        //p = new Nutzungsbedingungen(erg);
                        // Navigation.PushModalAsync(new Nutzungsbedingungen(erg));
                        // }


                        //    erg = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<User_Response>(answer);
                        //    if (erg.EventStatus == 1)
                        //    {
                        //        Application.Current.Properties.Clear();
                        //        Application.Current.Properties.Add("id",;
                        //        Application.Current.SavePropertiesAsync();
                        //    }
                        //    if (erg.EventStatus == -1)
                        //    {
                        //        //gab einen Fehler User wurde nicht gefunden oder in DB eingetragen --muss daher Nutzerbedignugen zustimmen

                        //        i = 0;
                        //        //Navigation.PushModalAsync(new Nutzungsbedingungen(erg));

                        //    }
                        //    if (erg.Nutzung == true)
                        //    {
                        //        //User wurd erkannt und hat bereits den Bedingeunen zusgestimmt er kann die App sofort nutzen

                        //        i = 1;
                        //        // Navigation.PushModalAsync(new MasterDetailPage1());
                        //    }
                        //    else
                        //    {
                        //        //User wurde erkannt oder neu angelegt und hat den Nutzerbedignugen noch nicht zusgtstimmt und muss dies erst machen bevor er die App nutzen kann

                        //        i = 0;
                        //        //Navigation.PushModalAsync(new Nutzungsbedingungen(erg));
                        //    }

                //Ladebalken schließt
                    this.IsBusy   = false;
                    los.IsVisible = true;
                    if (i == 0)
                        User_Response er = new User_Response()
               = "";
                        await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new Nutzungsbedingungen(er));

                    else if (i == 1)
                        await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new MasterDetailPage1());
                    //Fehlermeldung wenn keine Connection
                    //    err = "Keine Verbindung zum Server";
                    //    await DisplayAlert("Hinweis",err , "OK");