public ActionResult Setting(DateTime dateNotification, DateTime dateAttribution) { if (UserValide.IsValid() && UserValide.IsAdmin()) { EtudiantContext db = new EtudiantContext(); ViewBag.Delai = db.settings.FirstOrDefault().Delai; ViewBag.DatedeRappel = db.settings.FirstOrDefault().DatedeRappel; if (dateNotification != null) { db.settings.FirstOrDefault().DatedeRappel = dateNotification; } if (dateAttribution != null) { db.settings.FirstOrDefault().Delai = dateAttribution; } db.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.Current = "Setting"; return(View("Setting")); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Authentification", "User")); } }
//suppression des etudiants importes mais pas les redoublants public ActionResult DeleteImportedStudents() { if (UserValide.IsValid() && UserValide.IsAdmin()) { EtudiantContext db = new EtudiantContext(); for (int i = 0; i < db.etudiants.ToList().Count; i++) { if (db.etudiants.ToList()[i].Redoubler == false) { db.etudiants.Remove(db.etudiants.ToList()[i]); } } db.settings.First().Attributted = false; db.settings.First().importEtudiant = false; db.settings.First().importNote = false; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Authentification", "User")); } }
public ActionResult Authentification() { if (UserValide.IsValid()) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Departement")); } else { return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Index() { ViewBag.Current = "Home"; if (UserValide.IsValid() && UserValide.IsStudent()) { return(View()); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Authentification1", "User")); } }
public ActionResult Search(string cne) { if (UserValide.IsValid() && UserValide.IsAdmin()) { EtudiantContext db = new EtudiantContext(); List <Etudiant> etudiant = new List <Etudiant>(); int count = 0; foreach (var item in db.etudiants.Distinct().ToArray()) { if (item.cne == cne) { var etudiants = (from s in db.etudiants where s.cne == cne select s).SingleOrDefault(); count++; etudiant.Add(etudiants); } if (item.nom == cne) { var etudiants = (from s in db.etudiants where s.nom == cne select s).ToList(); etudiant = etudiants; count++; } else if (item.cin == cne) { var etudiants = (from s in db.etudiants where s.cin == cne select s).SingleOrDefault(); count++; etudiant.Add(etudiants); } } if (count == 0) { ViewBag.error = true; return(View()); } ViewBag.error = false; return(View(etudiant)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Authentification", "User")); } }
//**************************************************************************************************************************** public ActionResult Consulter() { ViewBag.Current = "Consulter"; if (UserValide.IsValid() && UserValide.IsStudent()) { Etudiant etudiants = etudiantContext.etudiants.Find(Session["userId"]); return(View(etudiants)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Authentification1", "User")); } }
public ActionResult Visualiser() { ViewBag.Current = "visualiser"; if (UserValide.IsValid() && UserValide.IsAdmin()) { EtudiantContext db = new EtudiantContext(); return(View(db.etudiants.ToList())); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Authentification", "User")); } }
//pour Imprimer le pdf public ActionResult PrintConsultation() { Etudiant etudiants = etudiantContext.etudiants.Find(Session["userId"]); var q = new ViewAsPdf("RecuEtudiant", etudiants); if (UserValide.IsValid() && UserValide.IsStudent()) { return(q); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Authentification1", "User")); } }
//pour Imprimer le pdf public ActionResult PrintConsultation() { EtudiantContext db = new EtudiantContext(); var q = new ViewAsPdf("ImprimerEtudiant", db.etudiants.ToList()); if (UserValide.IsValid() && UserValide.IsAdmin()) { return(q); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Authentification", "User")); } }
public ActionResult Authentification1() { EtudiantContext db = new EtudiantContext(); ViewBag.Delai = db.settings.FirstOrDefault().Delai; ViewBag.Attributted = db.settings.FirstOrDefault().Attributted; ViewBag.DatedeRappel = db.settings.FirstOrDefault().DatedeRappel; if (UserValide.IsValid()) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Etudiant")); } else { return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Index() { if (UserValide.IsValid() && UserValide.IsAdmin()) { EtudiantContext db = new EtudiantContext(); ViewBag.Current = "index"; List <Etudiant> list = db.etudiants.ToList(); return(View(list)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Authentification", "User")); } }
public ActionResult ImporterNotes() { ViewBag.Current = "importerNotes"; if (UserValide.IsValid() && UserValide.IsAdmin()) { EtudiantContext db = new EtudiantContext(); if (db.settings.FirstOrDefault().importEtudiant) { return(View()); } ViewBag.err = true; return(View()); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Authentification", "User")); } }
public void EnvoyerLesFilieres() { if (UserValide.IsValid() && UserValide.IsAdmin()) { EtudiantContext db = new EtudiantContext(); for (int i = 0; i < db.etudiants.ToList().Count; i++) { if (db.etudiants.ToList()[i].email != null) { string body = "<div border='2px black solid'><h1 color='red'>Bonjour Mr/Mme " + db.etudiants.ToList()[i].nom + " " + db.etudiants.ToList()[i].prenom + "</h1>" + "<p>Apres avoir faire l'attribution des filieres, on vient de vous informer que votre filiere est : " + db.Filieres.Find(db.etudiants.ToList()[i].idFil).nomFil + "</p><br/>" + "<button color='blue'><a href='localhost:localhost:52252/User/Authentification1'>Cliquer ici!</a></button>" + "</div>"; Boolean Result = SendEmail(db.etudiants.ToList()[i].email, "Information a propos la filiere attribuer ", body); if (Result == true) { Json(Result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } } } } }
//suppression des etudiants (placer les etudiants redoublants dans la corbeille) public ActionResult SupprimerEtudiant(string id) { if (UserValide.IsValid() && UserValide.IsAdmin()) { if (id != null) { EtudiantContext db = new EtudiantContext(); db.etudiants.Find(id).Redoubler = true; db.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.Current = "Index"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Authentification", "User")); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Authentification", "User")); } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Modification public ActionResult Modification() { ViewBag.Current = "Modification"; ViewBag.check = "Checked"; /* if (id == null) * { * return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); * }*/ if (UserValide.IsValid() && UserValide.IsStudent()) { Etudiant etudiants = etudiantContext.etudiants.Find(Session["userId"]); return(View(etudiants)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Authentification1", "User")); } }
public ActionResult Statistiques() { ViewBag.Current = "statistiques"; if (UserValide.IsValid() && UserValide.IsAdmin()) { //essayons de retourner tous les etudiants EtudiantContext db = new EtudiantContext(); List <Etudiant> list = db.etudiants.ToList(); //initialisation des compteurs des filieres int info = 0, indus = 0, gtr = 0, gpmc = 0; //variable pour les nombre totale et le reste qui n'a pas choisi les filieres int nbrTotal = list.Count, nbrReste = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nbrTotal; i++) { if (!list[i].Redoubler) { if (!list[i].Validated) { //un etudiant avec null dans choix alors on va l'es ajouter dans le reste nbrReste++; } //sinon on va traiter les choix comme ca else { char[] chiffr = (list[i].Choix).ToCharArray(); if (chiffr[0] == 'F') { info++; } if (chiffr[0] == 'P') { gpmc++; } if (chiffr[0] == 'T') { gtr++; } if (chiffr[0] == 'D') { indus++; } } } else { nbrTotal--; } } ViewBag.nbrTotal = nbrTotal; ViewBag.nbrReste = nbrReste; = info; ViewBag.gtr = gtr; ViewBag.gpmc = gpmc; ViewBag.indus = indus; //les pourcentages ViewBag.nbrTotalP = Convert.ToDouble(nbrTotal) / Convert.ToDouble(nbrTotal) * 100; ViewBag.nbrResteP = Convert.ToDouble(nbrReste) / Convert.ToDouble(nbrTotal) * 100; ViewBag.infoP = Convert.ToDouble(info) / Convert.ToDouble(nbrTotal) * 100; ViewBag.gtrP = Convert.ToDouble(gtr) / Convert.ToDouble(nbrTotal) * 100; ViewBag.gpmcP = Convert.ToDouble(gpmc) / Convert.ToDouble(nbrTotal) * 100; ViewBag.indusP = Convert.ToDouble(indus) / Convert.ToDouble(nbrTotal) * 100; return(View()); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Authentification", "User")); } }
public ActionResult AttributionFiliere(string infoMax, string indusMax, string gtrMax, string gpmcMax) { ViewBag.Current = "attributionFiliere"; if (UserValide.IsValid() && UserValide.IsAdmin()) { EtudiantContext db = new EtudiantContext(); //return a list sorted in a desendent way List <Etudiant> list = db.etudiants.OrderByDescending(e => (e.noteFstYear + e.noteSndYear) / 2).ToList(); int total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < db.etudiants.ToList().Count; i++) { if (!db.etudiants.ToList()[i].Redoubler) { total++; } } int maxInfo = total / 4; int maxGtr = total / 4; int maxIndus = total / 4; int maxGpmc = total / 4; int diff = total % 4; Boolean symbol1 = false; Boolean symbol2 = false; Boolean symbol3 = false; Boolean symbol4 = false; Boolean taken = false; int info = 0, indus = 0, gpmc = 0, gtr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < db.etudiants.ToList().Count; i++) { if (!db.etudiants.ToList()[i].Redoubler && db.etudiants.ToList()[i].Validated) { char[] chiffr = (list[i].Choix).ToCharArray(); if (chiffr[0] == 'F') { info++; } if (chiffr[0] == 'P') { gpmc++; } if (chiffr[0] == 'T') { gtr++; } if (chiffr[0] == 'D') { indus++; } } } //il faut envoyer les nbr par defaut pour les textboxes //il faut classer les filieres par nbr de demande ////////partie statistique //variable pour les nombre totale et le reste qui n'a pas choisi les filieres int nbrTotal = total; //initialisation des Maxs for (int i = 0; i < diff; i++) { if (info >= indus && info >= gtr && info >= gpmc && !symbol1 && !taken) { symbol1 = true; taken = true; maxInfo += 1; } if (indus >= info && indus >= gtr && indus >= gpmc && !symbol2 && !taken) { symbol2 = true; taken = true; maxIndus += 1; } if (gpmc >= indus && gpmc >= gtr && gpmc >= indus && !symbol3 && !taken) { symbol3 = true; taken = true; maxGpmc += 1; } if (gtr >= indus && gtr >= gpmc && gtr >= info && !symbol4 && !taken) { taken = true; symbol4 = true; maxGtr += 1; break; } taken = false; } //changer les maxs si la departement a saisi des valeurs if (infoMax != null && indusMax != null && gpmcMax != null && gtrMax != null) { try { maxInfo = Convert.ToInt32(infoMax); maxIndus = Convert.ToInt32(indusMax); maxGtr = Convert.ToInt32(gtrMax); maxGpmc = Convert.ToInt32(gpmcMax); if (maxInfo + maxIndus + maxGtr + maxGpmc != total) { ViewBag.error2 = true; return(View()); } } catch (Exception e) { } } int indexInfo = 0; int indexGtr = 0; int indexIndus = 0; int indexGpmc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { //verification de l'etudiant si deja a choisi une filiere sinon on va lui attribuer la derniere filiere (gpmc->indus->gtr->info) if (!list[i].Redoubler) { if (list[i].Validated) { //parse to a table of chars char[] choice = list[i].Choix.ToCharArray(); //verify the frst case which is if we have F=info Boolean choosen = false; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (choice[j] == 'F') { if (indexInfo < maxInfo) { list[i].idFil = 1; choosen = true; indexInfo++; break; } } if (choice[j] == 'T') { if (indexGtr < maxGtr) { list[i].idFil = 2; choosen = true; indexGtr++; break; } } if (choice[j] == 'D') { if (indexIndus < maxIndus) { list[i].idFil = 3; choosen = true; indexIndus++; break; } } if (choice[j] == 'P') { if (indexGpmc < maxGpmc) { list[i].idFil = 4; choosen = true; indexGpmc++; break; } } if (choosen) { j = 3; } if (!choosen && j == 2) { list[i].idFil = 4; choosen = true; indexGpmc++; break; } } } else { taken = false; if (info >= indus && info >= gtr && info >= gpmc && !taken && (indexInfo < maxInfo)) { taken = true; list[i].idFil = 1; indexInfo += 1; } if (indus >= info && indus >= gtr && indus >= gpmc && !taken && (indexIndus < maxIndus)) { taken = true; list[i].idFil = 3; indexIndus += 1; } if (gtr >= indus && gtr >= info && gtr >= gpmc && !taken && (indexGtr < maxGtr)) { taken = true; list[i].idFil = 2; indexGtr += 1; } if (gpmc >= indus && gpmc >= gtr && gpmc >= info && !taken && (indexGpmc < maxGpmc)) { taken = true; list[i].idFil = 4; indexGpmc += 1; } } } } //list =list.OrderBy(e => (e.noteFstYear+e.noteSndYear)/2); db.settings.First().Attributted = true; //envoi d'un msg qui contient la filiere attribuer pour tous chaque etudiants db.SaveChanges(); EnvoyerLesFilieres(); return(RedirectToAction("AttributionFiliere")); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Authentification", "User")); } }
public ActionResult AttributionFiliere() { ViewBag.Current = "attributionFiliere"; if (UserValide.IsValid() && UserValide.IsAdmin()) { EtudiantContext db = new EtudiantContext(); List <Etudiant> list = db.etudiants.OrderByDescending(e => (e.noteFstYear + e.noteSndYear) / 2).ToList(); int total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < db.etudiants.ToList().Count; i++) { if (!db.etudiants.ToList()[i].Redoubler) { total++; } } = total; int info = 0, indus = 0, gpmc = 0, gtr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < db.etudiants.ToList().Count; i++) { if (!db.etudiants.ToList()[i].Redoubler && db.etudiants.ToList()[i].Validated) { char[] chiffr = (list[i].Choix).ToCharArray(); if (chiffr[0] == 'F') { info++; } if (chiffr[0] == 'P') { gpmc++; } if (chiffr[0] == 'T') { gtr++; } if (chiffr[0] == 'D') { indus++; } } } //il faut envoyer les nbr par defaut pour les textboxes //il faut classer les filieres par nbr de demande ////////partie statistique //variable pour les nombre totale et le reste qui n'a pas choisi les filieres int nbrTotal = total; //initialisation des Maxs int maxInfo = total / 4; int maxGtr = total / 4; int maxIndus = total / 4; int maxGpmc = total / 4; int diff = total % 4; Boolean symbol1 = false; Boolean symbol2 = false; Boolean symbol3 = false; Boolean symbol4 = false; Boolean taken = false; for (int i = 0; i < diff; i++) { if (info >= indus && info >= gtr && info >= gpmc && !symbol1 && !taken) { symbol1 = true; taken = true; maxInfo += 1; } if (indus >= info && indus >= gtr && indus >= gpmc && !symbol2 && !taken) { symbol2 = true; taken = true; maxIndus += 1; } if (gpmc >= indus && gpmc >= gtr && gpmc >= indus && !symbol3 && !taken) { symbol3 = true; taken = true; maxGpmc += 1; } if (gtr >= indus && gtr >= gpmc && gtr >= info && !symbol4 && !taken) { taken = true; symbol4 = true; maxGtr += 1; break; } taken = false; } = maxInfo; ViewBag.gtr = maxGtr; ViewBag.gpmc = maxGpmc; ViewBag.indus = maxIndus; //list =list.OrderBy(e => (e.noteFstYear+e.noteSndYear)/2); if (db.settings.FirstOrDefault().importNote) { return(View(list)); } ViewBag.err = true; list = list.OrderByDescending(e => e.nom).ToList(); return(View(list)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Authentification", "User")); } }