Esempio n. 1
        public async Task UserProfileInfo([Remainder] string users = null)
            SocketUser target        = null;
            var        mentionedUser = Context.Message.MentionedUsers.FirstOrDefault();

            target = mentionedUser ?? Context.User;

            var marriages = UserProfiles.GetMarriages(target);
            var xp        = UserProfiles.GetXP(target);
            var level     = UserProfiles.GetLevel(target);
            var currency  = UserProfiles.GetCurrency(target);
            var id        = UserProfiles.GetId(target);

            var joinAt = Context.Guild.CurrentUser.JoinedAt;

            var userPf = UserProfiles.GetAccount(target);

            // Set username in profile for updated username
            userPf.Username = target.Username;

            var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                        .WithColor(255, 73, 167)
                        .WithAuthor($"{target.Username}'s Global Profile")
                        .AddField("Level & EXP", level + " [" + level + "/" + xp + "]", true)
                        .AddField("Nico Nii's", $"{currency} <:niconii:451873490883313664>", true)
                        .AddField("ID", id)
                        .AddField("Marriages <:nicolove:451873491130646528>", marriages, true)
                        .WithFooter(footer =>
                .WithText($"Server Member since {joinAt}");
            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : embed.Build());
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task ConfirmMarriageSlot()
            var userPf        = UserProfiles.GetAccount(Context.User); // You
            var marriageCount = UserProfiles.GetMarriageCount(Context.User);
            var currency      = UserProfiles.GetCurrency(Context.User);

            if (userPf.IsBuyingSlot)
                if (marriageCount == 5)
                    if (currency >= 1000)
                        UserProfiles.BuyMarriageSlot(Context.User, 1000);
                        await ReplyAsync($"You purchased one slot!");
                        await ReplyAsync($"You do not have enough Nico Nii's to buy a slot.");
                if (marriageCount == 6)
                    if (currency >= 1500)
                        UserProfiles.BuyMarriageSlot(Context.User, 1500);
                        await ReplyAsync($"You purchased one slot!");
                        await ReplyAsync($"You do not have enough Nico Nii's to buy a slot.");
                if (marriageCount == 7)
                    if (currency >= 2000)
                        UserProfiles.BuyMarriageSlot(Context.User, 2000);
                        await ReplyAsync($"You purchased one slot!");
                        await ReplyAsync($"You do not have enough Nico Nii's to buy a slot.");
                if (marriageCount == 8)
                    if (currency >= 2500)
                        UserProfiles.BuyMarriageSlot(Context.User, 2500);
                        await ReplyAsync($"You purchased one slot!");
                        await ReplyAsync($"You do not have enough Nico Nii's to buy a slot.");
                if (marriageCount == 9)
                    if (currency >= 3000)
                        UserProfiles.BuyMarriageSlot(Context.User, 3000);
                        await ReplyAsync($"You purchased one slot!");
                        await ReplyAsync($"You do not have enough Nico Nii's to buy a slot.");
                if (marriageCount == 10)
                    if (currency >= 3500)
                        UserProfiles.BuyMarriageSlot(Context.User, 3500);
                        await ReplyAsync($"You purchased one slot!");
                        await ReplyAsync($"You do not have enough Nico Nii's to buy a slot.");