public JsonModel CreateUpdateDocument(UserDocumentDTO documentDTO, TokenModel token)
            token.OrganizationID = 2;
            token.UserID         = 1;
            // get organisation name
            string organizationName = _organizationRepository.GetFirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == token.OrganizationID).OrganizationName;

            // add document
            if (documentDTO.Id == 0)
                return(UploadDocument(documentDTO, token, organizationName));
            // update documnet
                return(UpdateDocument(documentDTO, token, organizationName));
 public ActionResult CreateUpdateDocument(UserDocumentDTO documentDTO)
     return(Ok(_documentService.CreateUpdateDocument(documentDTO, GetToken(HttpContext))));
        public JsonModel UploadDocument(UserDocumentDTO documentDTO, TokenModel token, string organizationName)
            List <UserDocument> userDocList = new List <UserDocument>();

            #region saveDoc
            // check for multiple documents
            foreach (var item in documentDTO.Base64)
                UserDocument userDoc = new UserDocument();

                item.Value.Replace("\"", "");
                string[] extensionArr = { "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "txt", "docx", "doc", "xlsx", "pdf", "pptx" };
                //getting data from base64 url
                string base64Data = item.Value.Replace("\"", "").Split(':')[0].ToString().Trim();
                //getting extension of the image
                string extension = item.Value.Replace("\"", "").Split(':')[1].ToString().Trim();

                //string extension = "png";

                //out from the loop if document extenstion not exist in list of extensionArr
                if (!extensionArr.Contains(extension))
                    goto Finish;

                //create directory
                //string webRootPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()+ "\\PatientDocuments";
                string webRootPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

                //save folder
                string DirectoryUrl = documentDTO.Key.ToUpper() == DocumentUserTypeEnum.PATIENT.ToString().ToUpper() ? ImagesPath.UploadClientDocuments : ImagesPath.UploadStaffDocuments;

                if (!Directory.Exists(webRootPath + DirectoryUrl))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(webRootPath + DirectoryUrl);

                string fileName = organizationName + "_" + DateTime.UtcNow.TimeOfDay.ToString();

                //update file name remove unsupported attr.
                fileName = fileName.Replace(" ", "_").Replace(":", "_");

                //create path for save location
                string path = webRootPath + DirectoryUrl + fileName + "." + extension;

                //convert files into base
                Byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64Data);
                //save int the directory
                File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes);

                //create db path
                //string uploadPath = @"/Documents/ClientDocuments/" + fileName + "." + extension;

                userDoc.CreatedBy         = token.UserID;
                userDoc.CreatedDate       = DateTime.UtcNow;
                userDoc.IsActive          = true;
                userDoc.IsDeleted         = false;
                userDoc.UserId            = documentDTO.UserId;
                userDoc.DocumentName      = documentDTO.DocumentTitle;
                userDoc.Expiration        = documentDTO.Expiration;
                userDoc.OtherDocumentType = documentDTO.OtherDocumentType;
                userDoc.DocumentTypeId    = documentDTO.DocumentTypeId;
                userDoc.CreatedDate       = DateTime.UtcNow;
                userDoc.UploadPath        = fileName + "." + extension;
                userDoc.Key = documentDTO.Key;
            //save into db
            return(new JsonModel()
                data = new object(),
                Message = StatusMessage.DocumentUploaded,
                StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCodes.OK


            Finish :;
            return(new JsonModel()
                data = new object(),
                Message = StatusMessage.InvaildFormat,
                StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCodes.UnprocessedEntity
        public JsonModel UpdateDocument(UserDocumentDTO documentDTO, TokenModel token, string organizationName)
            // Get record for update
            UserDocument userDoc = _documentRepository.GetFirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == documentDTO.Id && a.IsActive == true && a.IsDeleted == false);;

            #region saveDoc
            if (userDoc != null)
                string webRootPath  = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                string DirectoryUrl = userDoc.Key.ToUpper() == DocumentUserTypeEnum.PATIENT.ToString().ToUpper() ? ImagesPath.UploadClientDocuments : ImagesPath.UploadStaffDocuments;
                // path of directory
                string path = webRootPath + DirectoryUrl;
                // Delete exixting file from folder
                if (File.Exists(path + userDoc.UploadPath) && documentDTO.Base64.Count() > 0)
                    File.Delete(path + userDoc.UploadPath);
                foreach (var item in documentDTO.Base64)
                    item.Value.Replace("\"", "");
                    string[] extensionArr = { "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "txt", "docx", "doc", "xlsx", "pdf", "pptx" };
                    //getting data from base64 url
                    string base64Data = item.Value.Replace("\"", "").Split(':')[0].ToString().Trim();
                    //getting extension of the image
                    string extension = item.Value.Replace("\"", "").Split(':')[1].ToString().Trim();

                    //string extension = "png";

                    //out from the loop if document extenstion not exist in list of extensionArr
                    if (!extensionArr.Contains(extension))
                        goto Finish;

                    //save folder
                    if (!Directory.Exists(webRootPath + DirectoryUrl))
                        if (!Directory.Exists(webRootPath + DirectoryUrl))
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(webRootPath + DirectoryUrl);

                    string fileName = organizationName + "_" + DateTime.UtcNow.TimeOfDay.ToString();

                    //update file name remove unsupported attr.
                    fileName = fileName.Replace(" ", "_").Replace(":", "_");

                    //create path for save location
                    path = path + fileName + "." + extension;

                    //convert files into base
                    Byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64Data);
                    //save int the directory
                    File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes);

                    //create db path
                    userDoc.UploadPath = fileName + "." + extension;
                userDoc.DocumentName   = documentDTO.DocumentTitle;
                userDoc.Expiration     = documentDTO.Expiration;
                userDoc.DocumentTypeId = documentDTO.DocumentTypeId;
                userDoc.UpdatedBy      = token.UserID;
                userDoc.UpdatedDate    = DateTime.UtcNow;
                //save into db
                return(new JsonModel()
                    data = new object(),
                    Message = StatusMessage.DocumentUpdated,
                    StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCodes.OK
                goto Finish;
            Finish :;
            return(new JsonModel()
                data = new object(),
                Message = StatusMessage.InvaildFormat,
                StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCodes.UnprocessedEntity