/// <summary>
        /// Sends a notification to the user's device
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId">user identifier</param>
        /// <param name="message">Message</param>
        /// <returns>Number of delivered messages</returns>
        public int PushNotification(long userId, UTD.Tricorder.Common.NotificationSystem.MobileNotificationMessage message)
            //// creating one message for all devices
            //// TODO: It should work without any problem, but there should be a test
            //// to test if it works properly if we had more than one device for one user
            //// for example, one ipad and one iphone and one galaxy android phone
            //UTD.Tricorder.Common.NotificationSystem.MobileNotificationMessage message
            //    = new UTD.Tricorder.Common.NotificationSystem.MobileNotificationMessage();
            //message.MessageBody = messageBody;
            //message.Sound = sound;
            //message.TimeToLiveSeconds = timeToLiveSeconds;
            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(collapseKeyIfAny))
            //    message.IsOneSufficient = true;
            //message.CollapseKey = new CollapseKeySEnum(collapseKeyIfAny);
            //message.DelayWhileIdle = delayWhileIdle;
            var userDeviceService = UserDeviceSettingEN.GetService();

            List <string> sentPushTokenList = new List <string>();
            var           deviceList        = userDeviceService.GetByUserID(userId);

            foreach (var device in deviceList)
                // if we didn't already sent the message to this device
                if (sentPushTokenList.Contains(device.PushNotificationToken) == false)
                    message.DevicePushToken = device.PushNotificationToken;
                    PushNotificationToDevice(device, message);
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Sends a notification to the user's device
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="userId">user identifier</param>
        ///// <param name="messageBody">Message body. Simple string message that user will see it. For example "Hello World!"</param>
        ///// <param name="sound">Sound file like Sound.caf</param>
        ///// <param name="timeToLiveSeconds">
        ///// from 0 to 2,419,200 seconds (GCM)
        /////  For infinite TTL set it as null
        /////  GCM keeps messages for only four weeks.
        ///// For instant delivery use 0 because
        ///// GCM will never throttle messages with a time_to_live value of 0 seconds. In other words, GCM will guarantee best effort for messages that must be delivered "now or never."
        ///// Read more here: http://developer.android.com/google/gcm/adv.html#ttl
        ///// </param>
        ///// <param name="collapseKeyIfAny">
        ///// One is sufficient when message is collapsible. For example, for each new mail received
        ///// we don't need to inform user one by one. One 'new message' notificaion is enought so,
        ///// IsOneSufficient = true. But for doctor rington, it can't be collapsible; So, IsOneSufficient=false there.
        ///// </param>
        ///// <param name="delayWhileIdle">
        ///// If the device was not available should it delay the delivery or not.
        ///// For example for mobile rington DelayWhileIdle should be false
        ///// For default value use null
        ///// </param>
        //public bool PushNotificationToDevice(vUserDeviceSetting deviceSettings, string messageBody, string sound, int? timeToLiveSeconds, string collapseKeyIfAny, bool? delayWhileIdle)


        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a test message from the push server to test if the device receives the message or not.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="generatedUUID">device generated UUID</param>
        public vUserDeviceSetting TestPushSanity(Guid generatedUUID)
            var userDeviceService = UserDeviceSettingEN.GetService();
            var userDeviceSetting = userDeviceService.GetByDeviceGeneratedUUID(generatedUUID);

            if (userDeviceSetting != null)
                //vUserDeviceSetting userDeviceSetting = (vUserDeviceSetting)obj;
                //var pushNotification =
                //string messageJson = "TestPushSanityMessage"; //"{msgId: '" + Guid.NewGuid() + "', msgCode:'12', MsgInfo: {DoctorID:14, DoctorName: 'DoctorName'}";

                UTD.Tricorder.Common.NotificationSystem.MobileNotificationMessage message
                    = new UTD.Tricorder.Common.NotificationSystem.MobileNotificationMessage();

                message.Type = UTD.Tricorder.Common.NotificationSystem.MobileNotificationTypeSEnum.TestPushSanity;
                //message.ParamsJSON = null;
                var p = new TestSanitySampleParameters("p1Value", "p2Value");
                message.ParamsJSON = FWUtils.EntityUtils.JsonSerializeObject(p);
                message.Alert      = "Test Push Sanity Message New Message";
                message.Title      = "Message Title";
                message.Sound      = "testSound.caf";
                //message.TimeToLiveSeconds = 0; // instant delivery ; It won't send it if it was not instant. It is bad because the message will be lost
                message.CollapseKey    = null;
                message.DelayWhileIdle = false;

                PushNotificationToDevice(userDeviceSetting, message);
            else // if it has no associated device
                throw new BRException("No device is registered with UUID: " + generatedUUID.ToString());