private void DoSelect() { CommPowerSplit ps = new CommPowerSplit(); if (ps.IsSurveyRole(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName)) { SearchCriterion.SetSearch("IsFixed", "2"); //固定问卷 SurveyQuestion[] Ents = SurveyQuestion.FindAll(SearchCriterion); this.PageState.Add("DataList", Ents); } else { SearchCriterion.SetSearch("IsFixed", "2"); //固定问卷 string CompanyId = string.Empty; //公司ID //first depend login corpid var Ent = SysUser.Find(UserInfo.UserID); UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); CompanyId = UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID); SearchCriterion.AddSearch("CompanyId", CompanyId); SurveyQuestion[] Ents = SurveyQuestion.FindAll(SearchCriterion); this.PageState.Add("DataList", Ents); } }
private void GetGuid() { SurveyQuestion ent = new SurveyQuestion(); ent.IsFixed = "1"; UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); ent.CompanyId = UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID);//判断公司登陆 string sql = @"select top 1 Name from SysGroup where GroupId='{0}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, ent.CompanyId); object obj = DataHelper.QueryValue(sql); if (obj != null) { ent.CompanyName = obj.ToString(); } ent.State = "2"; //默认停用 ent.DoCreate(); this.PageState.Add("Guid", ent.Id); }
/// <summary> /// Set up the application user context for a new session. /// </summary> /// <returns>The initial <c ref="UserContextInfo" /> for the current user.</returns> public static UserContextInfo InstantiateSession() { UserContextInfo details = GetDefaultContextForCurrentUser(); SetSessionContext(details); return(details); }
public List <Transaction> GetRecentTransactions(UserContextInfo userContextInfo) { return(new List <Transaction>() { new Transaction() { Id = 1, Date = DateTime.Now, Description = "Trans description 1", Money = new Money() { Amount = 100, CurrencyCode = CurrencyCode.Inr } }, new Transaction() { Id = 2, Date = DateTime.Now, Description = "Trans description 2", Money = new Money() { Amount = 200, CurrencyCode = CurrencyCode.Inr } } }); }
public Money GetAccountBalance(UserContextInfo userContextInfo) { return(new Money() { Amount = 2000, CurrencyCode = CurrencyCode.Inr }); }
/// <summary> /// 审批人验证 审批人必须pk_corp在该公司才能审批 /// </summary> /// <returns>SQL string</returns> private string AppealUsrAuth() { string CorpId = ""; // 判断公司登陆 UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); CorpId = UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID); //判断是否为员工旅游审批人 string SQL = @"select top 1 TravelWelfareId,TravelWelfareName from FL_Culture..SysApproveConfig where DeptId is null and CompanyId='{0}'"; SQL = string.Format(SQL, CorpId); DataTable Dt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(SQL); if (Dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (Dt.Rows[0]["TravelWelfareId"] + "" == UserInfo.UserID) { return(" and CompanyId='" + CorpId + "' "); //* } else { return(" and 1<>1 "); } } else { return(" and 1<>1 "); } }
public ActionResult ShowAccountInfo() { ViewBag.Message = "Welcome!"; decimal balance = 0; try { using (var scope = new OperationContextScope(accountClient.InnerChannel)) { OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageHeaders.Add(GetSecurityTokenHeader()); var userInfoFromSession = new UserContextInfo() { //UserId = Session["userid"]) //BankBranch = Session["BankBranch"] //ExtensionData = Session["sometablestructure"]) }; var accountBalance = accountClient.GetAccountBalance(userInfoFromSession); balance = accountBalance.Amount; } } catch (FaultException fe) { ViewBag.Message = fe.Message; } return(View("Account", new AccountInfoViewModel() { AccountBalance = balance })); }
private void Doselect() { string SurveyId = RequestData.Get("SurveyId") + ""; //V_SurveyAnswerExplain[] Ents = V_SurveyAnswerExplain.FindAllByProperties("SurveyId", SurveyId); string where = ""; foreach (CommonSearchCriterionItem item in SearchCriterion.Searches.Searches) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value.ToString())) { switch (item.PropertyName) { case "StartTime": where += " and CreateTime>='" + item.Value + "' "; break; case "EndTime": where += " and CreateTime<='" + (item.Value.ToString()).Replace(" 0:00:00", " 23:59:59") + "' "; break; default: where += " and " + item.PropertyName + " like '%" + item.Value + "%' "; break; } } } var SEnt = SurveyQuestion.TryFind(SurveyId); if (SEnt != null && SEnt.IsFixed == "2") { CommPowerSplit PS = new CommPowerSplit(); if (PS.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsAdmin(UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsInAdminsRole(UserInfo.UserID)) { } else { UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); where += " and B.pk_corp='" + UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID) + "' "; } } string SQL = @"SELECT distinct A.* from FL_Culture..V_SurveyAnswerExplain As A left join FL_PortalHR..SysUser as B on A.UserId=B.UserID where SurveyId='{0}' "; SQL = string.Format(SQL, SurveyId); SQL = SQL.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB); SQL += where; this.PageState.Add("DataList", GetPageData(SQL, SearchCriterion)); // this.PageState.Add("DataList", Ents); }
/// <summary> /// 查询 /// </summary> private void DoSelect() { string where = string.Empty; foreach (CommonSearchCriterionItem item in SearchCriterion.Searches.Searches) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value.ToString())) { switch (item.PropertyName) { case "CreateTime": where += " year(CreateTime)=" + item.Value + " "; break; } } } SearchCriterion.RemoveSearch("CreateTime"); SearchCriterion.SetOrder(TravelMoneyConfig.Prop_Corp); //公司 SearchCriterion.SetOrder(TravelMoneyConfig.Prop_Indutydate, true); //日期 CommPowerSplit PS = new CommPowerSplit(); SysUser UsrEnt = SysUser.Find(UserInfo.UserID); if (PS.TraveMoneyConfig(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName)) //总部HR权限 HR1 { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(where)) { ents = TravelMoneyConfig.FindAll(SearchCriterion, Expression.Sql(where)); this.PageState.Add("TravelMoneyConfigList", ents); } else { ents = TravelMoneyConfig.FindAll(SearchCriterion); this.PageState.Add("TravelMoneyConfigList", ents); } } else { //公司权限 UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); SearchCriterion.SetSearch(TravelMoneyConfig.Prop_Corp, UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(where)) { ents = TravelMoneyConfig.FindAll(SearchCriterion, Expression.Sql(where)); this.PageState.Add("TravelMoneyConfigList", ents); } else { ents = TravelMoneyConfig.FindAll(SearchCriterion); this.PageState.Add("TravelMoneyConfigList", ents); } } }
string type = String.Empty; // 对象类型 #endregion protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { op = RequestData.Get <string>("op"); id = RequestData.Get <string>("id"); type = RequestData.Get <string>("type"); string NoticeWay = RequestData.Get("NoticeWay") + ""; UseWelfareNote ent = null; switch (this.RequestAction) { case RequestActionEnum.Update: ent = this.GetMergedData <UseWelfareNote>(); ent.NoticeWay = NoticeWay; ent.DoUpdate(); break; case RequestActionEnum.Insert: case RequestActionEnum.Create: ent = this.GetPostedData <UseWelfareNote>(); ent.NoticeWay = NoticeWay; ent.State = "0"; //0 创建 1 发起 2 撤销 ent.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; // 判断公司登陆 string CorpIds = string.Empty; UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); CorpIds = UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID); ent.CreateCorp = CorpIds; ent.DoCreate(); break; default: if (RequestActionString == "GetNextUsers") { GetNextUsers(); } else if (RequestActionString == "submitfinish") { SubmitFinish(); } else { Doselect(); } break; } }
public void SurveyStatistic(string SurveyId) { //sql = string.Format(sql, SurveyId); //权限过滤 var SEnt = SurveyQuestion.TryFind(SurveyId); if (SEnt != null && SEnt.IsFixed == "2") { CommPowerSplit PS = new CommPowerSplit(); if (PS.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsAdmin(UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsInAdminsRole(UserInfo.UserID)) { } else { UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); string SQL = "exec FL_Culture..pro_SummarySurvey_Fix '{0}','{1}' "; SQL = string.Format(SQL, SurveyId, UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID)); this.PageState.Add("DataList", DataHelper.QueryDataTable(SQL)); return; } } string sql = ""; sql = "select * from FL_Culture..SummarySurvey where SurveyId='{0}' order by SortIndex "; sql = string.Format(sql, SurveyId); var Ents = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql); if (Ents.Rows.Count != 0) { this.PageState.Add("DataList", Ents); } else { sql = "exec FL_Culture..pro_SummarySurvey '{0}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, SurveyId); Ents = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql); this.PageState.Add("DataList", Ents); } // this.PageState.Add("DataList", Ents); //if() //sql = @"select * from FL_Culture..QuestionItem where SurveyId='{0}' and QuestionType like '%填写项%' "; //sql = string.Format(sql, Id); //this.PageState.Add("FillQuestion", DataHelper.QueryDictList(sql)); }
// private void DoSelect() { string sort = RequestData.Get("sort") + ""; string tp = RequestData.Get("tp") + ""; //my个人积分 mgr 管理员 string where = ""; foreach (CommonSearchCriterionItem item in SearchCriterion.Searches.Searches) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value.ToString())) { switch (item.PropertyName) { default: where += " and " + item.PropertyName + " like '%" + item.Value + "%' "; break; } } } string sql = " select * from FL_Culture..V_SurveyScore where UserName is not null "; if (tp.Contains("mgr")) //角色验证-->配置 { CommPowerSplit ps = new CommPowerSplit(); if (ps.IsScoreRole(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName)) { this.PageState.Add("Power", "1"); } else //分公司判断 { string corp = string.Empty; UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); corp = UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID); this.PageState.Add("Power", "1"); where += " and CorpId='" + corp + "' "; } } else if (tp.Contains("my")) //个人 { where += " and UserID='" + UserInfo.UserID + "' "; this.PageState.Add("Power", "0"); } sql += where; this.PageState.Add("DataList", GetPageData(sql, SearchCriterion)); }
private void ImpExcel() { string where = string.Empty; //权限过滤 var Ent = SurveyQuestion.TryFind(SurveyId); if (Ent != null && Ent.IsFixed == "2") { CommPowerSplit PS = new CommPowerSplit(); if (PS.IsInAdminsRole(UserInfo.UserID) || PS.IsAdmin(UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName)) { } else { UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); where += " and D.Pk_corp='" + UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID) + "' "; } } tmpSQL = tmpSQL.Replace("##QUERY##", where); tmpSQL = tmpSQL.Replace("HR_OA_MiddleDB", Global.HR_OA_MiddleDB); string sql = string.Format(tmpSQL, SurveyId); string path = RequestData.Get <string>("path"); string fileName = RequestData.Get <string>("fileName"); string xlsName = fileName + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyMMddhhmmss"); DataTable forExcelDt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql); if (forExcelDt.Rows.Count > 0) { forExcelDt.TableName = "data"; WorkbookDesigner designer = new WorkbookDesigner(); string xlsMdlPath = Server.MapPath(path); designer.Open(xlsMdlPath); designer.SetDataSource(forExcelDt); designer.Process(); Aspose.Cells.Worksheet ws = designer.Workbook.Worksheets.GetSheetByCodeName(fileName); string newXls = xlsName + ".xls"; System.IO.DirectoryInfo xlspath = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("../Excel/tempexcel")); ExcelHelper.deletefile(xlspath); designer.Save(Server.MapPath("../Excel/tempexcel") + "\\" + newXls, FileFormatType.Excel2003); this.PageState.Add("fileName", "/Excel/tempexcel/" + newXls); } }
/// <summary> /// Vrací informace o přihlášeném uživateli. /// Pro nepřihlášeného uživatele vrací null. /// </summary> public UserContextInfo GetUserContextInfo(ClaimsPrincipal principal) { // nelze použít httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated, protože jeho Identity.IsAuthenticated v tento okamžik // ještě false (ačkoliv pro principal z parametru je true). if (!principal.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { return(null); } if (userContextInfo == null) { // vyzvedneme claim s username; nelze principal.Identity.Name, který je v daný okamžik ještě null Claim usernameClaim = principal.Claims.Single(claim => claim.Type == ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier); userContextInfo = new UserContextInfo(username: usernameClaim.Value); } return(userContextInfo); }
private void CreateGuid() { SurveyQuestion ent = new SurveyQuestion(); var Et = SysUser.Find(UserInfo.UserID); ent.IsFixed = "0"; //0 一般调查问卷 UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); ent.CompanyId = UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID); //判断公司登陆 //部门 string DeptSQL = @"select A.UserID,A.WorkNo,A.Name,B.GroupID as CropId,B.Name as CropName, C.GroupID as DeptId,C.Name as DeptName from FL_PortalHR..SysUser As A left join FL_PortalHR..SysGroup As B on A.Pk_corp=B.GroupID left join FL_PortalHR..SysGroup As C on A.Pk_deptdoc=C.GroupID where UserID='{0}' and A.pk_corp='{1}' "; DeptSQL = DeptSQL.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB); DeptSQL = string.Format(DeptSQL, UserInfo.UserID, Et.Pk_corp); DataTable dt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(DeptSQL); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { ent.CompanyId = dt.Rows[0]["CropId"].ToString(); ent.CompanyName = dt.Rows[0]["CropName"].ToString(); ent.DeptId = dt.Rows[0]["DeptId"].ToString(); ent.DeptName = dt.Rows[0]["DeptName"].ToString(); } else { ent.CompanyName = DataHelper.QueryValue("select * from sysgroup where GroupId='" + ent.CompanyId + "'") + ""; } ent.DoCreate(); this.PageState.Add("Guid", ent.Id); }
/// <summary> /// 查询 /// </summary> private void DoSelect() { var UserEnt = SysUser.Find(UserInfo.UserID); string CorpIds = string.Empty; CommPowerSplit ps = new CommPowerSplit(); if (ps.IsNoticeRole(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName)) { ents = UseWelfareNote.FindAll(SearchCriterion); } else { // 判断公司登陆 UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); CorpIds = UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID); SearchCriterion.SetSearch("CreateCorp", CorpIds); ents = UseWelfareNote.FindAll(SearchCriterion); } this.PageState.Add("UseWelfareNoteList", ents); }
/// <summary> /// 审批人配置判断 /// </summary> private void GetApproveUser() { var UsrEnt = SysUser.Find(UserInfo.UserID); string SQL = @"with GetTree as ( select * from HR_OA_MiddleDB..fld_bmml where pk_deptdoc='{0}' union all select A.* from HR_OA_MiddleDB..fld_bmml As A join GetTree as B on A.pk_deptdoc=B.pk_fathedept ) select deptname+',' as [text()] from getTree FOR XML PATH('') " ; SQL = SQL.Replace("HR_OA_MiddleDB", Global.HR_OA_MiddleDB); SQL = string.Format(SQL, UsrEnt.Pk_deptdoc); string DeptPathStr = DataHelper.QueryValue(SQL) + ""; // 判断公司登陆 string CorpIds = string.Empty; UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); CorpIds = UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID); //选取配置最近的配置 HR经理 SQL = @"select top 1 HRManagerId As UserID,HRManagerName As Name , case when patindex('%'+DeptName+'%','{1}')=0 then 100 else patindex('%'+DeptName+'%','{1}') end As SortIndex from FL_Culture..SysApproveConfig As A where A.CompanyId='{0}' and HRManagerId is not null order by SortIndex"; SQL = string.Format(SQL, CorpIds, DeptPathStr); DataTable AppUsrDt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(SQL); string status = AppUsrDt.Rows.Count > 0 ? "1" : "0"; this.PageState.Add("Status", status); }
/// <summary> /// 查询 /// </summary> private void DoSelect() { string CorpId = string.Empty; string where = string.Empty; var UsrEnt = SysUser.Find(UserInfo.UserID); CommPowerSplit ps = new CommPowerSplit(); if (ps.IsNoticeRole(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName)) { where += " (WorkFlowState='1' or WorkFlowState='2' or WorkFlowState='-1') "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriterion.GetSearchValue("Year") + "")) { where += " and year(ApplyTime)= " + SearchCriterion.GetSearchValue("Year") + " "; } SearchCriterion.RemoveSearch("Year"); ents = UsrTravelWelfare.FindAll(SearchCriterion, Expression.Sql(where)); this.PageState.Add("UsrTravelWelfareList", ents); } else { // 判断公司登陆 UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); CorpId = UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID); //SearchCriterion.AddSearch("CompanyId", CorpId); where += " (WorkFlowState='1' or WorkFlowState='2' or WorkFlowState='-1') " + AppealUsrAuth(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriterion.GetSearchValue("Year") + "")) { where += " and year(ApplyTime)= " + SearchCriterion.GetSearchValue("Year") + " "; } SearchCriterion.RemoveSearch("Year"); SearchCriterion.SetOrder("CompanyId", true); ents = UsrTravelWelfare.FindAll(SearchCriterion, Expression.Sql(where)); this.PageState.Add("UsrTravelWelfareList", ents); } }
/// <summary> /// 生成状态检查 /// </summary> private void CreateCheck() { string CorpId = string.Empty; UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); CorpId = UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID); string sql = string.Empty; string CheckStr = "C|" + CorpId + "_" + UserInfo.UserID + ""; //生成标志 sql = @"select sum(T) As T from ( select count(*) As T from FL_Culture..TravelMoneyConfig where year(createtime)={0} and Ext1='{1}' union all select count(*) As T from FL_Culture..TravelMoneyConfig where year(createtime)={0} and Corp='{2}' ) As T"; sql = string.Format(sql, DateTime.Now.Year, CheckStr, CorpId); try { int a = DataHelper.QueryValue <int>(sql); if (a > 0) { this.PageState.Add("staus", "0"); } else { this.PageState.Add("staus", "1"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 查询导出 /// </summary> private void QryAndImpExcel() { string where = ""; string Corp = RequestData.Get("Corp") + ""; string WorkNo = RequestData.Get("WorkNo") + ""; string UserName = RequestData.Get("UserName") + ""; string JobName = RequestData.Get("JobName") + ""; string WorkAge = RequestData.Get("WorkAge") + ""; string SurveyId = RequestData.Get("SurveyId") + ""; string title = RequestData.Get("title") + ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Corp)) { where += " and A.Corp like '%" + Corp + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(WorkNo)) { where += " and A.WorkNo like '%" + WorkNo + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName)) { where += " and A.UserName like '%" + UserName + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(JobName)) { where += " and A.JobName like '%" + JobName + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(WorkAge)) { where += " and A.WorkAge like '%" + WorkAge + "%' "; } string sql = @"select newid() '编号', A.WorkNo '工号', UserName '姓名',A.Sex '性别',Corp '公司',Dept '部门',convert(varchar(10),A.Indutydate,120) '入职日期',WorkAge '工龄',Crux '关键岗位', convert(varchar(10), BornDate,120) '出生日期',A.Age '年龄',JobName '岗位',JobDegree '岗位等级',JobSeq '岗位序列',Skill '技能',A.Content, A.QuestionType, Case when Explanation<>'' then A.Answer+'(' + Explanation+')' else A.Answer End As Answer, B.SortIndex As P, C.SortIndex As S from FL_Culture..SummarySurvey_detail As A left join FL_Culture..QuestionItem As B on B.Id=A.QuestionId and A.SurveyId=B.SurveyId left join FL_Culture..QuestionAnswerItem As C on A.SurveyId=C.SurveyId and A.QuestionItemId=C.Id left join FL_PortalHR..SysUser As D on A.WorkNo=D.WorkNo where A.SurveyId='{0}' and A.WorkNo is not null ##query## order by A.UserId, P,S "; //权限过滤 var SEnt = SurveyQuestion.TryFind(SurveyId); if (SEnt != null && SEnt.IsFixed == "2") //IsFixed "2" 常用问卷 { CommPowerSplit PS = new CommPowerSplit(); if (PS.IsInAdminsRole(UserInfo.UserID) || PS.IsAdmin(UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName)) { } else { UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); where += " and D.Pk_corp='" + UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID) + "' "; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(where)) { sql = sql.Replace("##query##", where); } else { sql = sql.Replace("##query##", ""); } sql = sql.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB); sql = sql.Replace("HR_OA_MiddleDB", Global.HR_OA_MiddleDB); sql = string.Format(sql, SurveyId); DataTable OrigDt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql); DataTable newDt = CreateNewTable(OrigDt, SurveyId, "IMP"); newDt.Columns.Remove("编号"); newDt.Columns.Remove("Content"); newDt.Columns.Remove("QuestionType"); newDt.Columns.Remove("Answer"); if (title.Contains("内部服务评分")) { string CorpStr = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < newDt.Rows.Count; i++) { if (i > 0) { CorpStr += ","; } CorpStr += newDt.Rows[i]["公司"] + ""; } string[] CorpArr = CorpStr.Split(','); string DeptStr = @"财务管理中心,信息管理中心,综合管理中心,物流研发中心,物流事业部,法务稽核部,营销服务中心,人力资源中心,海运事业部,空运事业部,商业发展部"; string[] DeptArr = DeptStr.Split(','); ExportExcel(DeptArr, CorpArr, title); return; } else { string xlsName = title + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyMMddhhmm") + ".xls"; string FilnalName = Server.MapPath("../Excel/tempexcel") + "/" + xlsName; OutFileToDisk(newDt, "DataSource2", FilnalName); this.PageState.Add("fileName", "/Excel/tempexcel/" + xlsName); } }
private void DefaultSelect() { string where = ""; foreach (CommonSearchCriterionItem item in SearchCriterion.Searches.Searches) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value.ToString())) { switch (item.PropertyName) { default: where += " and A." + item.PropertyName + " like '%" + item.Value + "%' "; break; } } } //iframe string qstSQl = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestData.Get("type") + "")) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestData.Get("Qty") + "")) { string Qty = RequestData.Get("Qty") + ""; switch ((RequestData.Get("GroupType") + "").Trim().ToLower()) { case "corp": //公司维度 where += " and A.Corp='" + Qty + "' "; break; case "sex": where += " and A.Sex='" + Qty + "' "; break; case "workage": if (Qty.Contains("未知")) { where += " and A.WorkAge is null "; } else { where += " and A.WorkAge=" + Qty + " "; } break; case "ageseg": { string OraStr = Qty; string[] Arr = Qty.Split('-'); if (Arr.Length > 1) { where += " and A.Age between " + Arr[0] + " and " + Arr[1] + " "; } else { where += " and A.age " + Arr[0] + " "; } } break; } string QuestionId = RequestData.Get("QuestionId") + ""; string QuestionItemId = RequestData.Get("QuestionItemId") + ""; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(QuestionId) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(QuestionItemId)) { string tmpSQL = @" and A.WorkNo in ( select Distinct WorkNo from FL_Culture..SummarySurvey_detail As A where A.SurveyId='{0}' and QuestionId='{1}' and QuestionItemId='{2}' ) " ; qstSQl = string.Format(tmpSQL, SurveyId, QuestionId, QuestionItemId); } } } //权限过滤 var Ent = SurveyQuestion.TryFind(SurveyId); if (Ent != null && Ent.IsFixed == "2") { CommPowerSplit PS = new CommPowerSplit(); if (PS.IsInAdminsRole(UserInfo.UserID) || PS.IsAdmin(UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName)) { } else { UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); where += " and B.Pk_corp='" + UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID) + "' "; } } //查询SQL string sql = @"select * from FL_Culture..SummarySurvey_detail As A left join FL_PortalHR..SysUser As B on A.WorkNo=B.WorkNo where SurveyId='{0}' and 1=1 "; sql = sql + where + qstSQl; sql = string.Format(sql, SurveyId); sql = sql.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB); DataTable OrigDt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql); DataTable newDt = CreateNewTable(OrigDt, SurveyId, ""); DataTable dt = GetPagedTable(newDt, SearchCriterion.CurrentPageIndex, SearchCriterion.PageSize); SearchCriterion.RecordCount = newDt.Rows.Count; PageState.Add("DataList", dt); }
private void Doeselect() { string where = ""; foreach (CommonSearchCriterionItem item in SearchCriterion.Searches.Searches) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value.ToString())) { switch (item.PropertyName) { case "StartTime": where += " and StartTime>='" + item.Value + "' "; break; case "EndTime": where += " and StartTime<='" + (item.Value.ToString()).Replace(" 0:00:00", " 23:59:59") + "' "; break; default: where += " and " + item.PropertyName + " like '%" + item.Value + "%' "; break; } } } string SQL = string.Empty; //问卷角色或管理员 CommPowerSplit Role = new CommPowerSplit(); if (Role.IsSurveyRole(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName)) { SQL = @" select A.*,B.SummitCount from FL_Culture..SurveyQuestion As A left join ( select SurveyId ,count(*) As SummitCount from FL_Culture..SurveyCommitHistory group by SurveyId ) As B on A.Id=B.SurveyId where A.IsFixed='0' and ( A.state='1' or A.state='2' ) "; } else { string CompanyId = string.Empty; UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); CompanyId = UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID); //判断公司登陆 //(A.state='1' or A.state='2') 开始 结束 SQL = @" select A.*,B.SummitCount from FL_Culture..SurveyQuestion As A left join ( select SurveyId ,count(*) As SummitCount from FL_Culture..SurveyCommitHistory group by SurveyId ) As B on A.Id=B.SurveyId where A.IsFixed='0' and A.CompanyId='{0}' and (A.state='1' or A.state='2') "; SQL = string.Format(SQL, CompanyId); } SQL += where; this.PageState.Add("DataList", GetPageData(SQL, SearchCriterion)); }
private void DoSelect() { // 角色 根据公司,部门找到配置的HR,然后具有查看权限 string where = string.Empty, Company = string.Empty; string sql = @"select B.WorkNo,A.*,A.CorpName+'/'+A.DeptName As Org from FL_Culture..EmpVoiceAskQuestion As A left join FL_PortalHR..SysUser As B on A.CreateId=B.UserID where 1=1 and Category<>'' "; sql = sql.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB); //公司权限 CommPowerSplit ps = new CommPowerSplit(); if (!ps.IsEmpVoiceRole(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName)) { //获取人员部门 var UsrEnt = SysUser.Find(UserInfo.UserID); string SQL = @"with GetTree as ( select * from HR_OA_MiddleDB..fld_bmml where pk_deptdoc='{0}' union all select A.* from HR_OA_MiddleDB..fld_bmml As A join GetTree as B on A.pk_deptdoc=B.pk_fathedept ) select deptname+',' as [text()] from getTree FOR XML PATH('') " ; SQL = SQL.Replace("HR_OA_MiddleDB", Global.HR_OA_MiddleDB); SQL = string.Format(SQL, UsrEnt.Pk_deptdoc); string DeptPathStr = DataHelper.QueryValue(SQL).ToString(); DeptPathStr = string.IsNullOrEmpty(DeptPathStr) ? "" : DeptPathStr; //找到配置的HR专员(HRUsrId) SQL = @"select top 1 *, case when patindex('%'+DeptName+'%','{1}')=0 then 100 else patindex('%'+DeptName+'%','{1}') end As SortIndex from FL_Culture..SysApproveConfig As A where A.CompanyId='{0}' and HRUsrId is not null and ( HRUsrId='{2}' or HRManagerId='{2}' ) order by SortIndex"; // 判断公司登陆 UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); Company = UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID); SQL = string.Format(SQL, Company, DeptPathStr, UserInfo.UserID); DataTable dt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(SQL); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { where += " and CorpId= '" + Company + "' "; } else { where += " and 1<>1 "; } } //分类 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeName) && (nodeName != "所有分类") && nodeName != "null") { sql += " and Category='" + nodeName + "' "; } sql += where; string qry = ""; foreach (CommonSearchCriterionItem item in SearchCriterion.Searches.Searches) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value.ToString())) { switch (item.PropertyName) { case "StartTime": qry += " and CreateTime>='" + item.Value + "' "; break; case "EndTime": qry += " and CreateTime<='" + (item.Value.ToString()).Replace(" 0:00:00", " 23:59:59") + "' "; break; default: qry += " and " + item.PropertyName + " like '%" + item.Value + "%' "; break; } } } sql += qry; SearchCriterion.SetOrder(EmpVoiceAskQuestion.Prop_CreateTime); OrderCriterionItem oci1 = new OrderCriterionItem(EmpVoiceAskQuestion.Prop_CreateTime); SearchCriterion.Orders.Add(oci1); this.PageState.Add("DataList", GetPageData(sql, SearchCriterion)); }
public ActionResult ShowAccountInfo() { ViewBag.Message = "Welcome!"; decimal balance = 0; try { using (var scope = new OperationContextScope(accountClient.InnerChannel)) { OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageHeaders.Add(GetSecurityTokenHeader()); var userInfoFromSession = new UserContextInfo() { //UserId = Session["userid"]) //BankBranch = Session["BankBranch"] //ExtensionData = Session["sometablestructure"]) }; var accountBalance = accountClient.GetAccountBalance(userInfoFromSession); balance = accountBalance.Amount; } } catch (FaultException fe) { ViewBag.Message = fe.Message; } return View("Account",new AccountInfoViewModel() { AccountBalance = balance }); }
/// <summary> /// 获取人员 /// </summary> private void GetNextUsers() { string CurrentNode = RequestData.Get <string>("taskName"); string nextName = RequestData.Get <string>("nextName"); string UserId = string.Empty, UserName = string.Empty; string CorpIds = string.Empty; //公司ID // according id find create user SysUser UsrEnt = null; UsrAppealList AppEnt = UsrAppealList.TryFind(id); if (AppEnt != null) { UsrEnt = SysUser.Find(AppEnt.UserId); CorpIds = UsrEnt.Pk_corp; } else { // 判断公司登陆 UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); CorpIds = UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID); UsrEnt = SysUser.Find(UserInfo.UserID); } string SQL = @"with GetTree as ( select * from HR_OA_MiddleDB..fld_bmml where pk_deptdoc='{0}' union all select A.* from HR_OA_MiddleDB..fld_bmml As A join GetTree as B on A.pk_deptdoc=B.pk_fathedept ) select deptname+',' as [text()] from getTree FOR XML PATH('') " ; SQL = SQL.Replace("HR_OA_MiddleDB", Global.HR_OA_MiddleDB); SQL = string.Format(SQL, UsrEnt.Pk_deptdoc); string DeptPathStr = DataHelper.QueryValue(SQL).ToString(); DeptPathStr = string.IsNullOrEmpty(DeptPathStr) ? "" : DeptPathStr; SQL = @"select top 1 *, case when patindex('%'+DeptName+'%','{1}')=0 then 100 else patindex('%'+DeptName+'%','{1}') end As SortIndex from FL_Culture..SysApproveConfig As A where A.CompanyId='{0}' and HRUsrId is not null order by SortIndex"; SQL = string.Format(SQL, CorpIds, DeptPathStr); DataTable dt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(SQL); if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count == 0) { return; } //HR专员-->HR经理(一级组织负责人)-->总部HR专员--->总部HR经理 if (CurrentNode == "AppealUsr" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextName))//申诉人 { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { var Ent = UsrAppealList.Find(id); if (ent != null) { UserId = Ent.UserId; UserName = Ent.UserName; } } } else if (CurrentNode == "AppealUsr" && nextName == "提交") //申诉人-->HR专员 { UserId = dt.Rows[0]["HRUsrId"].ToString(); UserName = dt.Rows[0]["HRUserName"].ToString(); } else if (CurrentNode == "AppealUsr" && nextName == "上诉") //申诉人-->总部HR专员 { //需跳环节 // string sql = @"select * from Task where PatIndex('%{0}%',EFormName)>0 and Status='4' // and ApprovalNodeName='总部HR经理' order by FinishTime asc"; // sql = string.Format(sql, id); // DataTable rowDt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql); // if (rowDt.Rows.Count > 0) //申诉人-->总部HR经理-->HR总监 // { // UserId = dt.Rows[0]["HQHRMajorId"].ToString(); // UserName = dt.Rows[0]["HQHRMajorName"].ToString(); // } // else // { UserId = dt.Rows[0]["HQHRUserId"].ToString(); UserName = dt.Rows[0]["HQHRUserName"].ToString(); // } } else if (CurrentNode == "HRUsr" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextName)) //申诉人-->HR专员 { UserId = dt.Rows[0]["HRUsrId"].ToString(); UserName = dt.Rows[0]["HRUserName"].ToString(); } else if (CurrentNode == "HRUsr" && nextName == "提交上一级") //Hr专员--> HR经理 { UserId = dt.Rows[0]["HRManagerId"].ToString(); UserName = dt.Rows[0]["HRManagerName"].ToString(); } else if (CurrentNode == "HQHRUser" && nextName == "提交上一级") //总部HR专员--> 总部HR经理 { UserId = dt.Rows[0]["HQHRManagerId"].ToString(); UserName = dt.Rows[0]["HQHRManagerName"].ToString(); } else if (CurrentNode == "HQHRManager" && nextName == "提交上一级") // 总部HR经理---->总部HR总监 { UserId = dt.Rows[0]["HQHRMajorId"].ToString(); UserName = dt.Rows[0]["HQHRMajorName"].ToString(); } //else if (CurrentNode == "CompanyLeader") //一级组织负责人 //{ // UserId = dt.Rows[0]["CompanyLeaderId"].ToString(); // UserName = dt.Rows[0]["CompanyLeaderName"].ToString(); PageState.Add("NextUsers", new { nextUserId = UserId, nextUserName = UserName }); }
/// <summary> /// 生成旅游金额 /// </summary> private void CreateMoney() { string CorpId = string.Empty; UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); CorpId = UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID); EasyDictionary LimitDate = SysEnumeration.GetEnumDict("TravelLimitDate"); string limitDateStr = string.Empty; if ((LimitDate["LimitDate"] + "").ToUpper() == "2L") //2 月最后一天 { limitDateStr = "'" + GetLastDayOfMonth(DateTime.Now.Year, 2).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; } else { string prefix = LimitDate["LimitDate"] + ""; limitDateStr = "'" + DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + prefix + "'"; } EasyDictionary Dic = SysEnumeration.GetEnumDict("BaseMoney"); string One = Dic[">1<5"] + ""; string Two = Dic[">=5<10"] + ""; string Three = Dic[">=10<15"] + ""; string Four = Dic[">=15<20"] + ""; EasyDictionary DicBase = SysEnumeration.GetEnumDict("WorkYearMoney"); string BaseMoney_One = DicBase["<1年"] + ""; string BaseMoney_two = DicBase[">1年"] + ""; string SQL = @"select A.* , case when 1<datediff(year, Indutydate,getdate())and datediff(year,Indutydate,getdate())<5 then {0} when 5<=datediff(year,Indutydate,getdate())and datediff(year,Indutydate,getdate())<10 then {1} when 10<=datediff(year,Indutydate,getdate())and datediff(year,Indutydate,getdate())<15 then {2} when 15<=datediff(year,Indutydate,getdate())and datediff(year,Indutydate,getdate())<20 then {3} else 0 end As YearMoney, case when charindex('正式工',B.psnclassname)>0 and year(Indutydate)>1 then {5} else {4} end As BaseMoney ,C.GroupID as CorpId,C.Name As CorpName,D.GroupID As DeptId,D.Name As DeptName from FL_PortalHR..sysuser As A left join HR_OA_MiddleDB..fld_rylb As B on B.pk_fld_rylb=A.Pk_rylb left join FL_PortalHR..SysGroup As C on C.GroupID=A.PK_Corp left join FL_PortalHR..SysGroup As D on D.GroupID=A.Pk_deptdoc where (OutdutyDate='' or OutdutyDate is null) and A.Status=1 and A.Indutydate<>'' ##QUERY## "; SQL = string.Format(SQL, One, Two, Three, Four, BaseMoney_One, BaseMoney_two); SQL = SQL.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB); SQL = SQL.Replace("HR_OA_MiddleDB", Global.HR_OA_MiddleDB); SQL = SQL.Replace("getdate()", limitDateStr); string where = string.Empty; CommPowerSplit PS = new CommPowerSplit(); if (PS.IsAdmin(UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName)) { } else { where += " and A.Pk_corp='" + CorpId + "' "; } SQL = SQL.Replace("##QUERY##", where); DataTable UDt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(SQL); for (int i = 0; i < UDt.Rows.Count; i++) { try { TravelMoneyConfig TM = new TravelMoneyConfig(); string YearMoney = UDt.Rows[i]["YearMoney"] + "", BaseMoney = UDt.Rows[i]["BaseMoney"] + ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(YearMoney)) { decimal M = 0.0m; if (decimal.TryParse(YearMoney, out M)) { TM.Money = M; } } else { TM.Money = 0; } //基本津贴 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BaseMoney)) { decimal M = 0.0m; if (decimal.TryParse(BaseMoney, out M)) { TM.BaseMoney = M; } } else { TM.BaseMoney = 0; } TM.UserId = UDt.Rows[i]["UserID"] + ""; TM.UserName = UDt.Rows[i]["Name"] + ""; TM.WorkNo = UDt.Rows[i]["WorkNo"] + ""; DateTime DTime = new DateTime(); if (DateTime.TryParse(UDt.Rows[i]["Indutydate"] + "", out DTime)) { TM.Indutydate = DTime; } TM.HaveUsed = "N"; TM.Corp = UDt.Rows[i]["CorpId"] + ""; TM.CorpName = UDt.Rows[i]["CorpName"] + ""; TM.DeptId = UDt.Rows[i]["DeptId"] + ""; TM.DeptName = UDt.Rows[i]["DeptName"] + ""; TM.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; TM.Ext1 = "C|" + CorpId + "_" + UserInfo.UserID + ""; //生成标志 TM.Create(); } catch { } } this.PageState.Add("State", "1"); }
/// <summary> /// Change the current user context. /// </summary> /// <param name="db">A valid <c ref="ProviderPortalentities"/> context.</param> /// <param name="context">The desired user context.</param> /// <param name="itemId">The related item ID.</param> /// <param name="force">When true, removes the record status check.</param> /// <returns>Whether the context change succeeded.</returns> public static bool SetUserContext(ProviderPortalEntities db, UserContextName context, int?itemId = null, bool force = false) { var currentContext = GetUserContext(); if (currentContext.ContextName == context && currentContext.ItemId == itemId) { return(true); } var currentUserId = Permission.GetCurrentUserId(); bool canViewAdmin = Permission.HasPermission(false, true, Permission.PermissionName.CanViewAdministratorHomePage); bool success = false; switch (context) { case UserContextName.DeletedProvider: case UserContextName.Provider: var provider = db.Providers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProviderId == itemId); if (provider == null) { break; } bool canViewProvider = Permission.HasPermission(false, true, Permission.PermissionName.CanViewProviderHomePage); // Success if an admin, associated provider user or organisation user with edit permission success = canViewProvider && (canViewAdmin || provider.AspNetUsers.Any(x => x.Id == currentUserId) || provider.OrganisationProviders.Any( x => x.CanOrganisationEditProvider && x.IsAccepted && !x.IsRejected && x.Organisation.AspNetUsers.Any(y => y.Id == currentUserId))); context = force ? context : provider.RecordStatusId != (int)Constants.RecordStatus.Live ? UserContextName.DeletedProvider : UserContextName.Provider; break; case UserContextName.DeletedOrganisation: case UserContextName.Organisation: var organisation = db.Organisations.FirstOrDefault(x => x.OrganisationId == itemId); if (organisation == null) { break; } bool canViewOrganisation = Permission.HasPermission(false, true, Permission.PermissionName.CanViewOrganisationHomePage); // Success if an admin or associated organisation user success = canViewOrganisation && (canViewAdmin || organisation.AspNetUsers.Any(x => x.Id == currentUserId)); context = force ? context : organisation.RecordStatusId != (int)Constants.RecordStatus.Live ? UserContextName.DeletedOrganisation : UserContextName.Organisation; break; case UserContextName.Administration: // Success if admin success = canViewAdmin; break; } if (success) { var newContext = new UserContextInfo(context, itemId); SetSessionContext(newContext); } return(success); }
private void DefaultSelect() { string where = ""; foreach (CommonSearchCriterionItem item in SearchCriterion.Searches.Searches) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value.ToString())) { switch (item.PropertyName) { case "WorkNo": where += " and A." + item.PropertyName + " like '%" + item.Value + "%' "; break; default: where += " and " + item.PropertyName + " like '%" + item.Value + "%' "; break; } } } //权限过滤 var Ent = SurveyQuestion.TryFind(SurveyId); if (Ent != null && Ent.IsFixed == "2") { CommPowerSplit PS = new CommPowerSplit(); if (PS.IsInAdminsRole(UserInfo.UserID) || PS.IsAdmin(UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName)) { } else { UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); where += " and D.Pk_corp='" + UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID) + "' "; } } string sql = @" IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ST') IS NOT NULL) DROP TABLE tempdb..#ST; select A.*, B.SortIndex As P, C.SortIndex As S into #ST from FL_Culture..SummarySurvey_detail As A left join FL_Culture..QuestionItem As B on B.Id=A.QuestionId and A.SurveyId=B.SurveyId left join FL_Culture..QuestionAnswerItem As C on A.SurveyId=C.SurveyId and A.QuestionItemId=C.Id left join FL_PortalHR..SysUser As D on A.UserId=D.UserId where A.SurveyId='{0}' and A.WorkNo is not null ##query## order by A.UserId, P,S "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(where)) { sql = sql.Replace("##query##", where); } else { sql = sql.Replace("##query##", ""); } sql = string.Format(sql, SurveyId); sql = sql.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB); sql = sql.Replace("HR_OA_MiddleDB", Global.HR_OA_MiddleDB); this.PageState.Add("DataList", GetPageData(sql, SearchCriterion)); }
/// <summary> /// 查询 /// </summary> private void DoSelect() { string SurveyId = this.RequestData.Get("surveyId") + ""; string where = ""; foreach (CommonSearchCriterionItem item in SearchCriterion.Searches.Searches) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value.ToString())) { switch (item.PropertyName) { case "StartTime": where += " and CreateTime>='" + item.Value + "' "; break; case "EndTime": where += " and CreateTime<='" + (item.Value.ToString()).Replace(" 0:00:00", " 23:59:59") + "' "; break; default: where += " and " + item.PropertyName + " like '%" + item.Value + "%' "; break; } } } //权限过滤 CommPowerSplit PS = new CommPowerSplit(); if (PS.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsAdmin(UserInfo.LoginName) || PS.IsInAdminsRole(UserInfo.UserID)) { } else { UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); where += " and C.GroupId='" + UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID) + "' "; } string sql = @"select A.Id,A.SurveyId,A.SurveyName,A.WorkNo,A.SurveyedUserId,A.SurveyedUserName,A.CreateTime, A.TotalScore,A.ScoreInfo, B.WorkNo As WorkNo1 , C.GroupID As CropId ,C.Name As CropName,D.GroupID As DeptId,D.Name AS DeptName, E.IsNoName from FL_Culture..SurveyCommitHistory As A left join FL_PortalHR..SysUser As B on A.SurveyedUserId=B.UserID or A.WorkNo=B.WorkNo left join FL_PortalHR..SysGroup As C on C.GroupID=B.Pk_corp left join FL_PortalHR..SysGroup As D on D.GroupID =B.Pk_deptdoc left join FL_Culture..SurveyQuestion As E on A.SurveyId=E.Id where A.SurveyId='{0}' "; sql = sql.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB); sql += where; sql = string.Format(sql, SurveyId); //SearchCriterion.SetSearch("SurveyId", SurveyId); //ents = SurveyCommitHistory.FindAll(SearchCriterion); //this.PageState.Add("SurveyCommitHistoryList", ents); this.PageState.Add("DataList", GetPageData(sql, SearchCriterion)); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the session context and any associated variables. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> private static void SetSessionContext(UserContextInfo context) { HttpContext.Current.Session[Constants.SessionFieldNames.UserContext] = context; // Set or clear session data related to quality QualityIndicator.SetSessionInformation(context); }