protected void SaveClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblError.Text = ""; lbloutput.Text = ""; UserContent uContent = new UserContent(); UserInterface user = new UserInterface(); alamaat_User _user = uContent.GetbyUsername(UserName.Text); if (null != _user) { lblError.Text = "Username is not available."; UserName.Focus(); return; } alamaat_User useremail = uContent.GetuserByEmail(Email.Text); if (null != useremail) { lblError.Text = "A user is already registered with this email address. Please try another email address."; Email.Focus(); return; } user.ID = Guid.NewGuid(); user.FirstName = tbfirstname.Text; user.MiddleName = tbmiddlename.Text; user.LastName = tblastname.Text; user.UserName = UserName.Text; user.Password = Password.Text; user.Email = Email.Text; user.Address = tbaddress.Text; user.City = tbcity.Text; user.Province = tbprovince.Text; user.Country = tbcountry.Text; user.PCode = tbpCode.Text; user.Phone = tbphone.Text; user.MobilePhone = tbMobilephone.Text; user.Fax = tbfax.Text; user.BirthDate = tbbirth.Text; if (uContent.InsertUser(user)) { regpanel.Visible = false; lbloutput.Visible = true; string emailcontent = "Hello " + user.UserName + "," + "<br/><br/><b>Username:</b> " + user.UserName + "<br/><br/>Thank you for registering at Alamaat. Your account is created and must be activated before you can use it." + "<br/>To activate the account click on the following link or copy-paste it in your browser:" + "<br/>" + user.ID + "<br/>After activation you may login to using the following username and the password you entered during registration:"; if (SendEmail(user.Email, "Alamaat Account Details for " + user.UserName, emailcontent)) { lbloutput.Text = "An email has been sent to you to activate your account."; return; } else { lbloutput.Text = "Failed to send activation email. please contact admin at [email protected] or (+92)-333-5113213211."; return; } } }