Esempio n. 1
        public new static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)

            _connectionServer.ErrorEvents += ServerOnErrorEvents;

            //create new list with GUID in the name to ensure uniqueness
            String strAlias = "TempUserServerResp_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");

            //generate a random number and tack it onto the end of some zeros so we're sure to avoid any legit numbers on the system.
            Random random       = new Random();
            int    iExtPostfix  = random.Next(100000, 999999);
            string strExtension = "000000" + iExtPostfix.ToString();

            //use a bogus extension number that's legal but non dialable to avoid conflicts
            var res = UserBase.AddUser(_connectionServer, "voicemailusertemplate", strAlias, strExtension, null, out _tempUser);

            Assert.IsTrue(res.Success, "Failed creating temporary user:"******"TempContactJsn_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
            res      = Contact.AddContact(_connectionServer, "systemcontacttemplate", strAlias, "", "", strAlias, null, out _tempContact);
            Assert.IsTrue(res.Success, "Failed creating temporary contact:" + res.ToString());

            strAlias = "TempInterviewer_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
            res      = InterviewHandler.AddInterviewHandler(_connectionServer, strAlias, _tempUser.ObjectId, "", null, out _tempInterviewer);
            Assert.IsTrue(res.Success, "Failed creating temporary interviewer:" + res.ToString());

            strAlias = "TempRecording_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
            res      = PostGreetingRecording.AddPostGreetingRecording(_connectionServer, strAlias, out _tempRecording);
            Assert.IsTrue(res.Success, "Failed creating temporary post greeting recording:" + res.ToString());
Esempio n. 2
        //create a new user - pop a dialog that allows the user to provide an alias, first name, last name, display name and extension - if at least
        //the alias and extension are provided this routine will then attempt to create that user on the Connection server.
        private void buttonAddItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //gather the new subscriber data from the user.
            using (FormNewUserInfo oForm = new FormNewUserInfo())
                if (oForm.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
                    //user canceled or closed the dialog without going through OK - bail out.

                //the call can take a minute to return - disable controls on the form to indicate we're busy.

                ConnectionPropertyList oProps = new ConnectionPropertyList();

                //fill up the props with the other items (if any) that are not blank
                if (oForm.FirstName.Length > 0)
                    oProps.Add("FirstName", oForm.FirstName);
                if (oForm.LastName.Length > 0)
                    oProps.Add("LastName", oForm.LastName);
                if (oForm.DisplayName.Length > 0)
                    oProps.Add("DisplayName", oForm.DisplayName);

                WebCallResult res = UserBase.AddUser(GlobalItems.CurrentConnectionServer, oForm.TemplateAlias, oForm.Alias, oForm.Extension, oProps);


                if (res.Success)
                    //force a refresh of the grid and then select the user you just added - the ObjectId of the newly added user is returned
                    //in the WebCallResult structure as the ReturnObjectID.
                    _currentPage = 0;
                    Logger.Log(string.Format("New user added:{0},{1}", oForm.Alias, res.ReturnedObjectId));
                    Logger.Log(string.Format(string.Format("New user add failed:{0}\r\n{1}", oForm.Alias, res.ToString())));
                    MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Error adding user: {0}\nresponse from CUPI: {1}", res.ErrorText, res.ResponseText));
Esempio n. 3
 public ActionResult LoginForm(LoginHelper userResponse)
     if (userResponse.CreateUser)
         currentBase.AddUser(userResponse.Email, userResponse.Password);
         currentBase.CurrentUser = currentBase.GetUserByCredentials(userResponse.Email, userResponse.Password);
         if ((currentBase.CurrentUser = currentBase.GetUserByCredentials(userResponse.Email, userResponse.Password)) == null)
             return(View(new LoginHelper()));
Esempio n. 4
        public new static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)

            //create new list with GUID in the name to ensure uniqueness
            String strUserAlias = "TempUserMbx_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");

            //generate a random number and tack it onto the end of some zeros so we're sure to avoid any legit numbers on the system.
            Random random       = new Random();
            int    iExtPostfix  = random.Next(100000, 999999);
            string strExtension = "000000" + iExtPostfix.ToString();

            //use a bogus extension number that's legal but non dialable to avoid conflicts
            WebCallResult res = UserBase.AddUser(_connectionServer, "voicemailusertemplate", strUserAlias, strExtension, null, out _tempUser);

            Assert.IsTrue(res.Success, "Failed creating temporary user:" + res.ToString());
Esempio n. 5
        private void Register_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            User user = UserBase.FindUser(usernameTextbox.Text, passwordTextbox.Text);

            if (user == null)
                //decrypt studd using this base
                if (passwordTextbox.Text != confirmPasswordTextbox.Text)
                    MessageBox.Show("Passwords do not match");
                    User newUser = new User(usernameTextbox.Text, passwordTextbox.Text);

                    MessageBox.Show($"Account for {newUser.username} has succesfully been created");
                MessageBox.Show("This user can not be created. Maybe try using a different username");
Esempio n. 6
        private static void RunTests()
            //you can attach to multiple different Connection servers an interact with them in the same program easily by just creating
            //new instances of ConnectionServer objects - all objects "know" which server they are associated with.  This example, of course,
            //just attaches to one server.
            ConnectionServerRest connectionServer = null;

            Logger.Log("Starting log output");

            //attach to server - insert your Connection server name/IP address and login information here.
                connectionServer = new ConnectionServerRest("connection server", "login", "password");

            catch (Exception ex)
                //return an exit code of 1 to indicate failure exit.
                Console.WriteLine("Could not attach to Connection server: " + ex.Message);

            //turn on "chatty" output to console
            connectionServer.DebugMode = true;

            //the Connection server object spits out the server name and version number in the ToString function.
            Console.WriteLine("Attached to Connection server: " + connectionServer);

            //do a version check - most things will work on older versions as well but voice name updates and some other functions will not.
            if (connectionServer.Version.IsVersionAtLeast(8, 5, 0, 0) == false)
                Console.WriteLine("WARNING! The ConnectionCUPIFunctions library was written and tested against Connection 8.5 and later."
                                  + "  The version you are attached to is less than that.");

            //the WebCallResult is the structure returned on most calls into the CUPIFunctions library.
            WebCallResult res;

            //fetch user with alias of "operator"
            UserFull oUserTestDude;

            res = UserBase.GetUser(out oUserTestDude, connectionServer, "", "operator");
            if (res.Success == false)

            List <UserMessage> oUserMessages;

            res = UserMessage.GetMessages(connectionServer, oUserTestDude.ObjectId, out oUserMessages);

            if (res.Success == false)

            ////play voice messages using the phone as a media device - aka TRAP
            PhoneRecording oPhone;

                oPhone = new PhoneRecording(connectionServer, "1001");

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to connect to phone extension:" + ex);

            List <UserMessage> oTestUserMessages;

            res = UserMessage.GetMessages(connectionServer, oUserTestDude.ObjectId, out oTestUserMessages);

            if (res.Success == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Error fetching messages:" + res.ToString());

            foreach (var oMessage in oTestUserMessages)
                res = oPhone.PlayMessageFile(oMessage.MsgId, 100, 100, 0, oUserTestDude.ObjectId);

                if (res.Success == false)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error playing stream:" + res.ToString());

            //hang up

            //get the schedule details off all the schedules (both holiday and regular) that the user is associated with.  The schedule
            //assignment comes through the user's primary call handler - it references a schedule set which can contain 1 or more schedules.
            //Each schedule has 0 or more details associated with it.
            foreach (var oSchedule in oUserTestDude.PrimaryCallHandler().GetScheduleSet().Schedules())
                Console.WriteLine("Schedle name=" + oSchedule.DisplayName);
                Console.WriteLine("    Details:");

                foreach (var oDetail in oSchedule.ScheduleDetails())
                    Console.WriteLine(oDetail.DumpAllProps("    "));

            //determine if the current schedule state is ACTIVE, INACTIVE or HOLIDAY.
            Console.WriteLine("Evaluating schedule state");
            Console.WriteLine("   Schedule state right now=" + oUserTestDude.PrimaryCallHandler().GetScheduleSet().GetScheduleState(DateTime.Now).ToString());

            TransferOption oTransferAlternateSmith;

            res = oUserTestDude.PrimaryCallHandler().GetTransferOption(TransferOptionTypes.Alternate, out oTransferAlternateSmith);

            //not a lot of reasons this would fail but just in case
            if (res.Success == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Could not find alternate transfer rule for jsmith");

            //update the transfer number to 12345
            oTransferAlternateSmith.Extension = "12345";

            //enable the transfer rule with no end date

            //Add a new user

            //The user template name passed here is the default one created by setup and should be present on any system.  There are functions included
            //in the library that make presenting lists of templates for user selection easy - see the CUPIFastStart project for details.

            UserFull oUser;

            res = UserBase.AddUser(connectionServer, "voicemailusertemplate", "TestUserAlias", "80001", null, out oUser);

            if (res.Success == false)
                //the ToString for the WebCallResult structure dumps its entire contents out which is handy for logging schenarios like this.
                Console.WriteLine("Failed creating new user:"******"\n\rUser created, new ObjectId=" + oUser.ObjectId);

            //Edit that user's display name

            //We could have passed the display name, first name and any other properties we wanted into the AddUser function above if we wanted.
            //This just demonstrates how easy it is to update properties on a standing user object with a few lines of code.  The library sends
            //only the items that have changed when sending the update.  The full list of properties send in the body is contained in the WebCallResult
            //structure passed back so if there's a problem the "ToString()" call will contain the entire URL, command type, body and everything
            //returned by the server for easy evaluation of what went wrong.
            oUser.DisplayName = "Test User";
            oUser.FirstName   = "Test";
            oUser.LastName    = "User";
            res = oUser.Update();

            if (res.Success == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed updating user:"******"\n\rUser Updated: " + res.ToString());

            //update greeting
            Greeting oMyGreeting;

            res = oUser.PrimaryCallHandler().GetGreeting(GreetingTypes.Alternate, out oMyGreeting);

            if (res.Success == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Error fetching alternate greeting:" + res.ToString());

            res = oMyGreeting.SetGreetingWavFile(1033, @"c:\clean.wav", true);

            if (res.Success == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Error applying greeting stream file:" + res.ToString());

            //Dump the user properties for review

            //the user "toString" shows the alias, display name and extension for the user.  The DumpAllProps does a complete list of every property
            //and it's value for the user.  You will find all objects defined in the ConnectionCUPIFunctions library follow this design pattern.
            Console.WriteLine("\n\rUser properties for: {0}\r\n{1}", oUser, oUser.DumpAllProps("     "));

            //Add an alternate extension to that User

            //this adds the alternate extension "800012" as the first administrator added alternate extension.
            res = AlternateExtension.AddAlternateExtension(connectionServer, oUser.ObjectId, 1, "800012");

            if (res.Success == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed adding alternate extension:" + res.ToString());

            //whenever adding a new object using a method that does not return an instance of that object (as we do with the alternate extension above) the ObjectId
            //of the newly created object (if the call suceeds) can be pulled from the WebCallResult structure's ReturnedObjectId property.
            Console.WriteLine("\n\rAlternate Extension added, ObjectId returned= " + res.ReturnedObjectId);

            //you can always turn around and now fetch an object instance of that alternate extension like this - remember that when fetching or editing alternate
            //extensions you have to provide the user's objectId as well.
            AlternateExtension oAltExt;

            res = AlternateExtension.GetAlternateExtension(connectionServer, oUser.ObjectId, res.ReturnedObjectId, out oAltExt);

            if (res.Success == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed fetching new alternate extension object: " + res.ToString());

            //now we can update the alternate extension easily - you'll find this same type of pattern on all objects in the library (when they are completed).
            oAltExt.DtmfAccessId = "800013";
            res = oAltExt.Update();

            if (res.Success == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to update the alternate extension: " + res.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine("\n\rAlternate extension updated: " + oAltExt);

            //List the user's notification devices
            Console.WriteLine("\n\rNotification devices for: " + oUser.Alias);

            foreach (NotificationDevice oDevice in oUser.NotificationDevices())
                Console.WriteLine(oDevice.DumpAllProps("     "));

            //List the users menu entry keys
            Console.WriteLine("\n\rMenu entry keys for: " + oUser.Alias);

            foreach (MenuEntry oMenu in oUser.PrimaryCallHandler().GetMenuEntries())
                //use the GetActionDescription method on the ConnectionServer object to produce a bit more readable output for the
                //actions menu keys are assigned to.  You can still use the oMenu.ToString() here as well to dump out the raw data instead.
                Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", oMenu.TouchtoneKey, connectionServer.GetActionDescription(oMenu.Action, oMenu.TargetConversation,

            //List the first 5 system call handlers found in the system.

            ////Pass the query for any object's "get(object name)s" by passing in a list of strings at the end - the library makes sure these are
            ////put onto the URL with proper escape codes and "?" and "&" symbols.  It does not check the syntax of the items, however, and remember
            ////that they ARE case sensitive.
            ////Remember "IsPrimary" is set to 1 when it's a special handler associated with a user.
            List <CallHandler> oCallHandlers;

            res = CallHandler.GetCallHandlers(connectionServer, out oCallHandlers, "query=(IsPrimary is 0)", "rowsPerPage=5", "pageNumber=1");

            if (res.Success == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed fetching system call handlers: " + res.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine("\n\rUp to the first 5 Call Handlers in the system:");

            foreach (CallHandler oHandler in oCallHandlers)

            //Reset the users PIN

            //pass the optional flags for forcing change, not expiring etc... if these are not passed the current values for the credential settings
            //will be left alone.  You can pass just these flags and a blank PIN string if you want - the PIN will NOT be set to blank (that is not
            //allowed in this class library).  If you wish to force a blank password (assuming such a thing is allowed in your configuration which is
            //not advisable) then you will have to do so manually calling the credential update on your own via the RestTransportFunctions library.
            res = oUser.ResetPin("123454321", false, false, false, true);

            if (res.Success == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Failure updating PIN for user: "******"True" to convert to PCM - it does more than just change the codec, it also forces it into 16 Khz, 8 bit mono which
            //Connection is happy with - even PCM with a different sample rate can cause it to send the dreded "invalid media format" error back.
            res = oUser.SetVoiceName(@"WAVFiles\TestGuyVoiceName.wav", true);

            if (res.Success == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Failure updating voice name for user: "******"Error fetching the alternate greeting for the user: "******"WAVFiles\TestGuyGreeting.wav", true);

            if (res.Success == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Error setting alternate greeting recording: " + res.ToString());

            //By default the greeting is set to play the system generated greeting prompts - to play the custom recorded greeting we just
            //uploaded you need to set the "PlayWhat" to "1" (which is wrapped in the PlayWhatTypes enum here for readability.
            oGreeting.PlayWhat = PlayWhatTypes.RecordedGreeting;
            res = oGreeting.Update();

            if (res.Success == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Error setting alternate greeting playwhat property: " + res.ToString());

            //use the helper function to enable the alternate greeting (it's disabled by default).  This call sets it to be enabled forever.
            res = oGreeting.UpdateGreetingEnabledStatus(true);

            if (res.Success == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Error alternate greeting enabled property: " + res.ToString());

            //GET the user's mailbox store stats (quotas, size etc...)
            MailboxInfo oMailboxInfo = new MailboxInfo(connectionServer, oUser.ObjectId);


            //get messages for user - get the first 50 messages, sorted by urgent first and restrict the list
            //to only unread voice messages.
            List <UserMessage> oMessages;

            res = UserMessage.GetMessages(connectionServer, oUser.ObjectId, out oMessages, 1, 50, MessageSortOrder.URGENT_FIRST,
                                          MessageFilter.Type_Voice | MessageFilter.Read_False);

            //list subject, sender and time sent for each message returned
            if (res.Success)
                foreach (UserMessage oMessage in oMessages)

            //remove test user
            res = oUser.Delete();

            if (res.Success)
                Console.WriteLine("User deleted...");

            //give you time to review the console output before exiting.
            Console.WriteLine("\n\rPress enter to exit...");

            //indicate success exit code
Esempio n. 7
        public void AddUser_InvalidTemplateAlias_Failure()
            var res = UserBase.AddUser(_connectionServer, "invalid template alias", "Alias", "1234", null);

            Assert.IsFalse(res.Success, "AddUser should fail if the template alias is invalid");
Esempio n. 8
        public void AddUser_EmptyDisplayName_Failure()
            var res = UserBase.AddUser(_mockServer, "voicemailusertemplate", "", "1234", null);

            Assert.IsFalse(res.Success, "AddUser should fail if the DisplayName parameter is empty");
Esempio n. 9
        public void AddUser_EmptyExtension_Failure()
            var res = UserBase.AddUser(_mockServer, "voicemailusertemplate", "Alias", "", null);

            Assert.IsFalse(res.Success, "AddUser should fail if the extension parameter is empty");
Esempio n. 10
        public void AddUser_EmptyTemplateAlias_Failure()
            var res = UserBase.AddUser(_mockServer, "", "Alias", "123", null);

            Assert.IsFalse(res.Success, "AddUser should fail if the template parameter is empty");
Esempio n. 11
        public void AddUser_NullConnectionServer_Failure()
            WebCallResult res = UserBase.AddUser(null, "voicemailusertemplate", "alias", "1234", null);

            Assert.IsFalse(res.Success, "AddUser should fail if the ConnectionServerRest parameter is null");
Esempio n. 12
 public void TestAddUser()
     Assert.IsTrue(testBase.AddUser("email", "pass") != -1);