private void GetUserAccountVideos() { if (_ua.UserAccountID <= 0) return; var uavs = new UserAccountVideos(); uavs.GetRecentUserAccountVideos(_ua.UserAccountID, 'F'); if (uavs.Count <= 0) return; var favvids = new Videos(); favvids.AddRange(uavs.Select(uav1 => new Video(uav1.VideoID)).Where(f1 => f1.IsEnabled)); var sngrcds2 = new SongRecords(); sngrcds2.AddRange(favvids.Select(v1 => new SongRecord(v1))); sngrcds2.IsUserSelected = true; ViewBag.UserFavorites = sngrcds2.VideosList(); }
public ActionResult ProfileDetail(string userName) { ViewBag.VideoHeight = (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice) ? 100 : 277; ViewBag.VideoWidth = (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice) ? 225 : 400; _ua = new UserAccount(userName); var uad = new UserAccountDetail(); uad.GetUserAccountDeailForUser(_ua.UserAccountID); uad.BandsSeen = ContentLinker.InsertBandLinks(uad.BandsSeen, false); uad.BandsToSee = ContentLinker.InsertBandLinks(uad.BandsToSee, false); var model = new ProfileModel(); model.ProfilePhotoMainRaw = uad.RawProfilePicUrl; if (_ua.UserAccountID > 0) { model.UserAccountID = _ua.UserAccountID; model.PhotoCount = PhotoItems.GetPhotoItemCountForUser(_ua.UserAccountID); model.CreateDate = _ua.CreateDate; } if (_mu != null) { ViewBag.IsBlocked = BlockedUser.IsBlockedUser(_ua.UserAccountID, Convert.ToInt32(_mu.ProviderUserKey)); ViewBag.IsBlocking = BlockedUser.IsBlockedUser(Convert.ToInt32(_mu.ProviderUserKey), _ua.UserAccountID); if (_ua.UserAccountID == Convert.ToInt32(_mu.ProviderUserKey)) { model.IsViewingSelf = true; } else { var ucon = new UserConnection(); ucon.GetUserToUserConnection(Convert.ToInt32(_mu.ProviderUserKey), _ua.UserAccountID); model.UserConnectionID = ucon.UserConnectionID; if (BlockedUser.IsBlockedUser(Convert.ToInt32(_mu.ProviderUserKey), _ua.UserAccountID)) { return RedirectToAction("index", "home"); } } } else { if (uad.MembersOnlyProfile) { return RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account"); } } ViewBag.ThumbIcon = uad.FullProfilePicURL; SetModelForUserAccount(model, uad); // var su = new StatusUpdate(); su.GetMostRecentUserStatus(_ua.UserAccountID); if (su.StatusUpdateID > 0) { model.LastStatusUpdate = su.CreateDate; model.MostRecentStatusUpdate = su.Message; } model.ProfileVisitorCount = ProfileLog.GetUniqueProfileVisitorCount(_ua.UserAccountID); GetUserPhotos(model); GetUserNews(model); model.MetaDescription = _ua.UserName + " " + Messages.Profile + " " + FromDate.DateToYYYY_MM_DD(_ua.LastActivityDate); GetUserPlaylist(); ForumThreads(_ua.UserAccountID, model); if (uad.UserAccountID > 0) { model.Birthday = uad.BirthDate; if (uad.ShowOnMapLegal) { // because of the foreign cultures, numbers need to stay in the English version unless a javascript encoding could be added string currentLang = Utilities.GetCurrentLanguageCode(); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(SiteEnums.SiteLanguages.EN.ToString()); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(SiteEnums.SiteLanguages.EN.ToString()); model.DisplayOnMap = uad.ShowOnMapLegal; var rnd = new Random(); int offset = rnd.Next(10, 100); SiteStructs.LatLong latlong = GeoData.GetLatLongForCountryPostal(uad.Country, uad.PostalCode); if (latlong.latitude != 0 && latlong.longitude != 0) { model.Latitude = Convert.ToDecimal(latlong.latitude + Convert.ToDouble("0.00" + offset)) .ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); model.Longitude = Convert.ToDecimal(latlong.longitude + Convert.ToDouble("0.00" + offset)) .ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { model.DisplayOnMap = false; } Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(currentLang); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(currentLang); } ViewBag.ThumbIcon = uad.FullProfilePicThumbURL; LoadCurrentImagesViewBag(uad.UserAccountID); } ViewBag.UserAccountDetail = uad; ViewBag.UserAccount = _ua; GetUserContacts(model); UserAccountDetail uadLooker = null; if (_mu != null) { uadLooker = new UserAccountDetail(); uadLooker.GetUserAccountDeailForUser(Convert.ToInt32(_mu.ProviderUserKey)); } if (uadLooker != null && (_mu != null && _ua.UserAccountID > 0 && uadLooker.EnableProfileLogging && uad.EnableProfileLogging)) { var pl = new ProfileLog { LookedAtUserAccountID = _ua.UserAccountID, LookingUserAccountID = Convert.ToInt32(_mu.ProviderUserKey) }; if (pl.LookingUserAccountID != pl.LookedAtUserAccountID) pl.Create(); ArrayList al = ProfileLog.GetRecentProfileViews(_ua.UserAccountID); if (al != null && al.Count > 0) { var uas = new UserAccounts(); foreach (UserAccount viewwer in al.Cast<int>().Select(id => new UserAccount(id)) .Where(viewwer => !viewwer.IsLockedOut && viewwer.IsApproved) .TakeWhile(viewwer => uas.Count < Maxcountusers)) { uas.Add(viewwer); } } } GetUserAccountVideos(); // this is either a youtube user or this is a band var art = new Artist(); art.GetArtistByAltname(userName); if (art.ArtistID > 0) { // try this way for dashers model.UserName = art.Name; } var vids = new Videos(); var sngrs = new SongRecords(); if (art.ArtistID == 0) { vids.GetAllVideosByUser(userName); var uavs = new UserAccountVideos(); uavs.GetRecentUserAccountVideos(_ua.UserAccountID, 'U'); foreach (Video f2 in uavs.Select(uav1 => new Video(uav1.VideoID)).Where(f2 => !vids.Contains(f2))) { vids.Add(f2); } vids.Sort((x, y) => (y.PublishDate.CompareTo(x.PublishDate))); model.UserName = _ua != null ? _ua.UserName : userName; } else { GetArtistProfile(art, vids); } vids.Sort((p1, p2) => p2.PublishDate.CompareTo(p1.PublishDate)); sngrs.AddRange(vids.Select(v1 => new SongRecord(v1))); if (_mu != null && _ua.UserAccountID != Convert.ToInt32(_mu.ProviderUserKey)) { var uc1 = new UserConnection(); uc1.GetUserToUserConnection(_ua.UserAccountID, Convert.ToInt32(_mu.ProviderUserKey)); if (uc1.UserConnectionID > 0) { switch (uc1.StatusType) { case 'C': if (uc1.IsConfirmed) { model.IsCyberFriend = true; } else { model.IsWatingToBeCyberFriend = true; } break; case 'R': if (uc1.IsConfirmed) { model.IsRealFriend = true; } else { model.IsWatingToBeRealFriend = true; } break; default: model.IsDeniedCyberFriend = true; model.IsDeniedRealFriend = true; break; } } } if (sngrs.Count == 0 && art.ArtistID == 0 && _ua.UserAccountID == 0) { // no longer exists Response.RedirectPermanent("/"); return new EmptyResult(); } var sngDisplay = new SongRecords(); sngDisplay.AddRange(from sr1 in sngrs let vidToShow = new Video(sr1.VideoID) where vidToShow.IsEnabled select sr1); model.SongRecords = sngDisplay.VideosList(); return View(model); }
public ActionResult ManageVideos() { var uavs = new UserAccountVideos(); if (_mu != null) uavs.GetVideosForUserAccount(Convert.ToInt32(_mu.ProviderUserKey), 'U'); if (uavs.Count > 0) { var favvids = new Videos(); favvids.AddRange(uavs.Select(uav1 => new Video(uav1.VideoID)).Where(f1 => f1.IsEnabled)); var sngrcds2 = new SongRecords(); sngrcds2.AddRange(favvids.Select(v1 => new SongRecord(v1))); sngrcds2.IsUserSelected = true; sngrcds2.EnableChangeOrder = false; ViewBag.UserUploaded = sngrcds2.VideoPlaylist(); } return View(uavs); }