public static void UsartTest() { Log("UsartTest begin"); var usartConfig = new UsartConfig(); usartConfig.BaudRate = UsartBaudRate.Baud115200; daq.UsartPort.SetConfig(usartConfig); daq.UsartPort.Write("Enter text and press 'enter' or wait for the 5 sec. timeout: "); var text = daq.UsartPort.Read(totalTimeoutMs: 5000); if (text.Length != 0) { Log("User input: " + text); } else { Log("No user input"); } Log("UsartTest end"); }
public static void Main() { daq.Initialize(GoSockets.Socket1); var usartConfig = new UsartConfig(); usartConfig.BaudRate = UsartBaudRate.Baud115200; daq.UsartPort.SetConfig(usartConfig); daq.UsartPort.Write("Enter text and press 'enter' or wait for the timeout: "); var text = daq.UsartPort.Read(totalTimeoutMs: 10000); if (text.Length != 0) { Debug.Print("User input: " + text); } else { Debug.Print("No user input"); } }
public static void Main() { daq.Initialize(GoSockets.Socket4); var state = daq.GetClockState(); if (state == NwazetDAQ.ClockState.Invalid) { daq.SetDateTime(new DateTime(2012, 10, 05, 20, 39, 00)); } var usartConfig = new UsartConfig(); usartConfig.BaudRate = UsartBaudRate.Baud57600; daq.UsartPort.SetConfig(usartConfig); daq.UsartPort.Write("\r\n\r\nNwazet DAQ Pro Kit - demo\r\n"); canvas.Initialize(GoSockets.Socket5); canvas.SetOrientation(Orientation.Landscape); InitDisplay(); seg.SetBrightness(.1f); seg.SetColon(true); while (true) { var hih = new HIH613x(daq.I2cPort); var bmp085 = new BoschBmp085(daq.I2cPort); var taos = new TaosTSL256x(daq.I2cPort); var pressure = 0; AdcSample sample = null; try { while (true) { try { seg.SetBrightness(pot.GetValue()); sample = daq.ReadAnalogInputs(); ShowTime(sample.Time); hih.Read(); pressure = bmp085.ReadPressurePascals(); taos.Read(); } catch (I2cException e) { Debug.Print("I2C transaction failed: " + e.Message); daq.I2cPort.BusReset(); } UpdateDisplay(hih.TemperatureCelsius, hih.RelativeHumidityPercent, pressure, taos.Lux, taos.InfraredSpectrum, sample); daq.UsartPort.Write( sample.Time.ToString() + "," + hih.TemperatureCelsius + "," + hih.RelativeHumidityPercent + "," + pressure + "," + taos.Lux + "," + taos.InfraredSpectrum + "," + sample.Values[(int)ADC.A0].ToString() + "\r\n"); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Print("Other exception: " + e.Message); hih.Dispose(); bmp085.Dispose(); taos.Dispose(); } } }