Esempio n. 1
        protected void DrawUsableMinMaxNumericField <T>(UsableMinMaxNumericItem <T> numericItem, string label,
                                                        float min = 0f, float max = 1E+09f) where T : struct, IComparable, IConvertible
            var tmpCheckedOn = numericItem.Use;

            var textMin = "PLINT_UsableMinMaxNumFieldMin".Translate();
            var textMax = "PLINT_UsableMinMaxNumFieldMax".Translate();

            ListingStandard.CheckboxLabeled(label, ref tmpCheckedOn, $"{"PLINT_UsableMinMaxNumFieldUse".Translate()} {textMin}/{textMax} {label}");
            numericItem.Use = tmpCheckedOn;

            var minValue          = numericItem.Min;
            var minValueString    = numericItem.MinString;
            var minValueLabelRect = ListingStandard.GetRect(DefaultElementHeight);

            Verse.Widgets.TextFieldNumericLabeled(minValueLabelRect, $"{textMin}: ", ref minValue, ref minValueString, min, max);
            numericItem.Min       = minValue;
            numericItem.MinString = minValueString;

            var maxValue          = numericItem.Max;
            var maxValueString    = numericItem.MaxString;
            var maxValueLabelRect = ListingStandard.GetRect(DefaultElementHeight);

            Verse.Widgets.TextFieldNumericLabeled(maxValueLabelRect, $"{textMax}: ", ref maxValue, ref maxValueString, min, max);
            numericItem.Max       = maxValue;
            numericItem.MaxString = maxValueString;
        protected virtual void DrawUsableMinMaxNumericField <T>(UsableMinMaxNumericItem <T> numericItem, string label,
                                                                float min = 0f, float max = 1E+09f) where T : struct, IComparable, IConvertible
            var tmpCheckedOn = numericItem.Use;

            ListingStandard.CheckboxLabeled(label, ref tmpCheckedOn, $"Use Min/Max {label}");
            numericItem.Use = tmpCheckedOn;

            var minValue          = numericItem.Min;
            var minValueString    = numericItem.MinString;
            var minValueLabelRect = ListingStandard.GetRect(DefaultElementHeight);

            Widgets.TextFieldNumericLabeled(minValueLabelRect, "Min: ", ref minValue, ref minValueString, min, max);
            numericItem.Min       = minValue;
            numericItem.MinString = minValueString;

            var maxValue          = numericItem.Max;
            var maxValueString    = numericItem.MaxString;
            var maxValueLabelRect = ListingStandard.GetRect(DefaultElementHeight);

            Widgets.TextFieldNumericLabeled(maxValueLabelRect, "Max: ", ref maxValue, ref maxValueString, min, max);
            numericItem.Max       = maxValue;
            numericItem.MaxString = maxValueString;
Esempio n. 3
        protected static void FilterMovementTime(int tileId, float yearPct, UsableMinMaxNumericItem <float> item,
                                                 List <int> resultList)
            var ticks = Mathf.Min(GenDate.TicksPerHour + WorldPathGrid.CalculatedCostAt(tileId, false, yearPct),

            ticks.TicksToPeriod(out var years, out var quadrums, out var days, out var hours);

            // combine everything into hours; note that we shouldn't get anything other than 'hours' and 'days'. Technically, a tile is should be passable in less than 48 hours.
            var totalHours = hours + days * GenDate.HoursPerDay +
                             quadrums * GenDate.DaysPerQuadrum * GenDate.HoursPerDay +
                             years * GenDate.DaysPerTwelfth * GenDate.TwelfthsPerYear * GenDate.HoursPerDay;

            //TODO: see how RimWorld rounds movement time numbers; e.g 4.06 is 4.1, does that mean that 4.02 is 4?

            if (item.InRange(totalHours))
Esempio n. 4
        private static void SaveUsableMinMax <T>(XContainer xRoot, string elementName, UsableMinMaxNumericItem <T> item)
            where T : struct, IComparable, IConvertible
            if (!item.Use)

            var xElement = new XElement(elementName);


            xElement.Add(new XElement(UseNode, item.Use));
            xElement.Add(new XElement(MinNode, item.Min));
            xElement.Add(new XElement(MaxNode, item.Max));
Esempio n. 5
        private static void LoadUsableMinMax <T>(XContainer xParent, string elementName, UsableMinMaxNumericItem <T> item)
            where T : struct, IComparable, IConvertible
            var xFoundElement = xParent.Element(elementName);

            var xUse = xFoundElement?.Element(UseNode);

            if (xUse == null)

            if (!Load(xFoundElement, UseNode, out bool use))

            if (!use)

            item.Use = true;

            if (!Load(xFoundElement, MinNode, out T value))

            item.Min       = value;
            item.MinString = xFoundElement.Element(MinNode)?.Value;

            if (!Load(xFoundElement, MaxNode, out value))

            item.Max       = value;
            item.MaxString = xFoundElement.Element(MaxNode)?.Value;