Esempio n. 1
        // TODO: STUB
        private async Task <bool> CheckUri(Uri uri)
            var parser = new UrlExtractor(uri);
            var text   = await parser.ExtractPlainTextAsync();

Esempio n. 2
        public void Connect(string user, string host)
            User = user;

            if (!host.Contains("://"))
                host = string.Format("http://{0}", host);
            Host = host;

            // Validate host
            Uri uri;

            UrlExtractor.TryCreate(Host, out uri, validHostUriSchemes);
            if (uri == null)
                ConnectionFailed(this, DateTime.Now, string.Format("Invalid format for host: {0}", Host));
            Host = uri.ToString();

            try {
                Binding binding;
                if (uri.Scheme.Equals(Uri.UriSchemeNetPipe))
                    var namedPipeBinding = new NetNamedPipeBinding();
                    namedPipeBinding.Security.Mode = NetNamedPipeSecurityMode.None;
                    binding = namedPipeBinding;
                else if (uri.Scheme.Equals(Uri.UriSchemeNetTcp))
                    var tcpBinding = new NetTcpBinding();
                    tcpBinding.Security.Mode = SecurityMode.None;
                    binding = tcpBinding;
                    var httpBinding = new WSDualHttpBinding();
                    httpBinding.Security.Mode = WSDualHttpSecurityMode.None;
                    binding = httpBinding;

                // Append service name
                // Note: URI creation appends any missing "/" to the host, so it's safe to just append
                if (!Host.EndsWith(serviceName) && !Host.EndsWith(string.Format("{0}/", serviceName)))
                    Host = string.Format("{0}{1}", Host, serviceName);

                // Create the endpoint address
                EndpointAddress endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress(Host);
                client = new ChatServiceClient(new InstanceContext(this), binding, endpointAddress);

            } catch (Exception exception) {
Esempio n. 3
        public void GetTextFromHtml()
            var uri     = new Uri("");
            var parser  = new UrlExtractor(uri);
            var content = parser.ExtractPlainText();

Esempio n. 4
        public void GetTextFromPdfUri()
            var uri     = new Uri("");
            var parser  = new UrlExtractor(uri);
            var content = parser.ExtractPlainText();

Esempio n. 5
        public void GetTextFromWordUri()
            var uri     = new Uri("");
            var parser  = new UrlExtractor(uri);
            var content = parser.ExtractPlainText();

        public List <string> ExtractUrls(string websiteUrl, bool isRecursive)
            UrlExtractor urlExtractor = new UrlExtractor();
            var          list         = urlExtractor.GetUrls(websiteUrl, isRecursive);

            //UrlExtractHelper urlExtractHelper = new UrlExtractHelper();
            //return urlExtractHelper.RetrieveUrls(websiteUrl);
Esempio n. 7
        public List <EntityInfo> ExtractUrls(string text)
            var result = new List <EntityInfo>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                UrlExtractor.Extract(text, this.ExtractsUrlWithoutProtocol, this._tldDictionary, this._longestTldLength, this._shortestTldLength, result);
Esempio n. 8
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetActivo()
            HttpClient client   = new HttpClient();
            var        response = await client.GetAsync($"{UrlExtractor.ExtractBaseUrl(Request.GetDisplayUrl())}/api/reportecaso");

            if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                return(Ok("API REST Activa."));
            return(Ok($"Hay un problema con el servicio. ${response.StatusCode}"));
Esempio n. 9
        public void ShouldExtractOnlyHrefLinks()
            string inputHtml    = @"<html><body><a href='first' /><img src=''><a href=""second""</body></html>";
            var    urlExtractor = new UrlExtractor();

            var urls = urlExtractor.ExtractUrlsFromPage(inputHtml);

Esempio n. 10
        public bool Send(ClientMessage message)
            bool outOfSync = OutOfSync;


            // See if this is a valid command (starts with /)
            if (TryHandleCommand(message.Content, message.Room))

            var userId = Context.User.Identity.Name;

            ChatUser user = _repository.VerifyUserId(userId);
            ChatRoom room = _repository.VerifyUserRoom(_cache, user, message.Room);

            // REVIEW: Is it better to use _repository.VerifyRoom(message.Room, mustBeOpen: false)
            // here?
            if (room.Closed)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("You cannot post messages to '{0}'. The room is closed.", message.Room));

            // Update activity *after* ensuring the user, this forces them to be active
            UpdateActivity(user, room);

            ChatMessage chatMessage = _service.AddMessage(user, room, message.Id, message.Content);

            var messageViewModel = new MessageViewModel(chatMessage);

            Clients.Group(room.Name).addMessage(messageViewModel, room.Name);


            string clientMessageId = chatMessage.Id;

            // Update the id on the message
            chatMessage.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("d");

            var urls = UrlExtractor.ExtractUrls(chatMessage.Content);

            if (urls.Count > 0)
                ProcessUrls(urls, room.Name, clientMessageId, message.Id);

Esempio n. 11
        public List <EntityInfo> ExtractEntities(string text)
            var result = new List <EntityInfo>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                UrlExtractor.Extract(text, this.ExtractsUrlWithoutProtocol, this._tldDictionary, this._longestTldLength, this._shortestTldLength, result);
                HashtagExtractor.Extract(text, result);
                MentionExtractor.Extract(text, true, result);
                CashtagExtractor.Extract(text, result);
Esempio n. 12
        public List <EntityInfo> ExtractHashtags(string text, bool checkUrlOverlap)
            var result = new List <EntityInfo>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                HashtagExtractor.Extract(text, result);

                if (checkUrlOverlap && result.Count > 0)
                    UrlExtractor.Extract(text, this.ExtractsUrlWithoutProtocol, this._tldDictionary, this._longestTldLength, this._shortestTldLength, result);
                    result.RemoveAll(x => x.Type != EntityType.Hashtag);
Esempio n. 13
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Launch at " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Version " + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString());

            // 実施判定
            if (!hasToCheckUpdate())

            // URL管理
            UrlManager manager = new UrlManager();

            // URL展開
            UrlExtractor  extractor = new UrlExtractor();
            List <string> urls      = extractor.ExtractUrls();

            // ご新規さんを抽出
            List <string> newUrls = manager.selectNonExists(urls);

            Console.WriteLine("  total: " + urls.Count + ", new: " + newUrls.Count);

            // ダウンロード
            PageDownloader downloader = new PageDownloader();

            foreach (string url in newUrls)

                Console.WriteLine("  new address: " + url);

                string fileName = downloader.Download(url);
                if (fileName != null)

            Console.WriteLine("Finish at " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
Esempio n. 14
        private void LoadSectionImages(string section)
            string   url   = "" + section;
            WebProxy proxy = Proxy.GetConfig();

            string[] images = UrlExtractor.GetImages(url, proxy);
            Gtk.Application.Invoke(delegate {
                ImageViewer imageViewer = new ImageViewer();
                notebookViewer.AppendCustom(imageViewer, section,
                                            new Gtk.Image("DeviantART", IconSize.Menu));

                foreach (string imgUrl in images)
                    byte[] imgData    = UrlUtils.FetchPage(imgUrl, proxy);
                    Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf(imgData);
                    imageViewer.Add(imgUrl, imgUrl, pixbuf);
Esempio n. 15
        public void PostNotification(ClientNotification notification, bool executeContentProviders)
            string userId = Context.User.GetUserId();

            ChatUser user = _repository.GetUserById(userId);
            ChatRoom room = _repository.VerifyUserRoom(_cache, user, notification.Room);

            // User must be an owner
            if (room == null ||
                !room.Owners.Contains(user) ||
                (room.Private && !user.AllowedRooms.Contains(room)))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("You're not allowed to post a notification");

            var chatMessage = new ChatMessage
                Id          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("d"),
                Content     = notification.Content,
                User        = user,
                Room        = room,
                HtmlEncoded = false,
                ImageUrl    = notification.ImageUrl,
                Source      = notification.Source,
                When        = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
                MessageType = (int)MessageType.Notification


            Clients.Group(room.Name).addMessage(new MessageViewModel(chatMessage), room.Name);

            if (executeContentProviders)
                var urls = UrlExtractor.ExtractUrls(chatMessage.Content);
                if (urls.Count > 0)
                    _resourceProcessor.ProcessUrls(urls, Clients, room.Name, chatMessage.Id);
Esempio n. 16
        private void AppendText(DateTime dateTime, string sender, string senderInfo, string text, Color color)
            // Create a textrange at the very end of the chat text box, extend the range with the new text
            var timestampTextRange = new TextRange(chatTextBox.Document.ContentEnd, chatTextBox.Document.ContentEnd)
                Text = string.Format("[{0}] ", dateTime)

            // Colorize the timestamp
            timestampTextRange.ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.ForegroundProperty, new SolidColorBrush(color));
            timestampTextRange.ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.FontWeightProperty, FontWeights.Normal);

            var senderTextRange = new TextRange(chatTextBox.Document.ContentEnd, chatTextBox.Document.ContentEnd)
                Text = string.Format("{0}", sender)

            // Colorize the sender and make it bold
            senderTextRange.ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.ForegroundProperty, new SolidColorBrush(color));
            senderTextRange.ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.FontWeightProperty, FontWeights.Bold);

            var senderInfoTextRange = new TextRange(chatTextBox.Document.ContentEnd, chatTextBox.Document.ContentEnd)
                Text = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(senderInfo) ? ": " : string.Format(" {0}: ", senderInfo)

            // Colorize the sender info
            senderInfoTextRange.ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.ForegroundProperty, new SolidColorBrush(color));
            senderInfoTextRange.ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.FontWeightProperty, FontWeights.Normal);

            // Try to extract URLs and make them clickable
            foreach (var partialText in UrlExtractor.Extract(text))
                if (partialText.Value != null)
                    var linkTextRange = new TextRange(chatTextBox.Document.ContentEnd, chatTextBox.Document.ContentEnd)
                        Text = partialText.Key
                    var link = new Hyperlink(linkTextRange.Start, linkTextRange.End);
                    link.NavigateUri      = partialText.Value;
                    link.RequestNavigate += LinkRequestNavigate;
                    var regularTextRange = new TextRange(chatTextBox.Document.ContentEnd, chatTextBox.Document.ContentEnd)
                        Text = partialText.Key
                    // Colorize the text
                    regularTextRange.ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.ForegroundProperty, new SolidColorBrush(color));
                    regularTextRange.ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.FontWeightProperty, FontWeights.Normal);

            // Add a new line and reset styles
            var resetTextRange = new TextRange(chatTextBox.Document.ContentEnd, chatTextBox.Document.ContentEnd)
                Text = Environment.NewLine

            resetTextRange.ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.FontWeightProperty, FontWeights.Normal);

            // Scroll to end of chat text if ScrollLock isn't on
            var scrollLock = (((ushort)GetKeyState(0x91)) & 0xffff) != 0;

            if (!scrollLock)
Esempio n. 17
 public void ExtractBaseUrlOk(string baseUrlExpected, string url)
     Assert.Equal(baseUrlExpected, UrlExtractor.ExtractBaseUrl(url));
Esempio n. 18
        public bool Send(ClientMessage clientMessage)

            // See if this is a valid command (starts with /)
            if (TryHandleCommand(clientMessage.Content, clientMessage.Room))

            var userId = Context.User.Identity.Name;

            ChatUser user = _repository.VerifyUserId(userId);
            ChatRoom room = _repository.VerifyUserRoom(_cache, user, clientMessage.Room);

            if (room == null || (room.Private && !user.AllowedRooms.Contains(room)))

            // REVIEW: Is it better to use _repository.VerifyRoom(message.Room, mustBeOpen: false)
            // here?
            if (room.Closed)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("You cannot post messages to '{0}'. The room is closed.", clientMessage.Room));

            // Update activity *after* ensuring the user, this forces them to be active
            UpdateActivity(user, room);

            // Create a true unique id and save the message to the db
            string      id          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("d");
            ChatMessage chatMessage = _service.AddMessage(user, room, id, clientMessage.Content);


            var messageViewModel = new MessageViewModel(chatMessage);

            if (clientMessage.Id == null)
                // If the client didn't generate an id for the message then just
                // send it to everyone. The assumption is that the client has some ui
                // that it wanted to update immediately showing the message and
                // then when the actual message is roundtripped it would "solidify it".
                Clients.Group(room.Name).addMessage(messageViewModel, room.Name);
                // If the client did set an id then we need to give everyone the real id first
                Clients.OthersInGroup(room.Name).addMessage(messageViewModel, room.Name);

                // Now tell the caller to replace the message
                Clients.Caller.replaceMessage(clientMessage.Id, messageViewModel, room.Name);

            // Add mentions

            var urls = UrlExtractor.ExtractUrls(chatMessage.Content);

            if (urls.Count > 0)
                _resourceProcessor.ProcessUrls(urls, Clients, room.Name, chatMessage.Id);

Esempio n. 19
        public bool Send(ClientMessage clientMessage)

            // reject it if it's too long
            if (_settings.MaxMessageLength > 0 && clientMessage.Content.Length > _settings.MaxMessageLength)
                throw new HubException(String.Format(LanguageResources.SendMessageTooLong, _settings.MaxMessageLength));

            // See if this is a valid command (starts with /)
            //if (TryHandleCommand(clientMessage.Content, clientMessage.Room))
            //    return true;

            var userId = Context.User.GetUserId();

            ChatUser user = _repository.VerifyUserId(userId);
            ChatRoom room = _chatRoomRepository.VerifyUserRoom(_repository, _cache, user, clientMessage.Room);

            if (room == null || (room.Private && !user.AllowedRooms.Contains(room)))

            // REVIEW: Is it better to use the extension method room.EnsureOpen here?
            if (room.Closed)
                throw new HubException(String.Format(LanguageResources.SendMessageRoomClosed, clientMessage.Room));

            // Update activity *after* ensuring the user, this forces them to be active
            UpdateActivity(user, room);

            // Create a true unique id and save the message to the db
            string      id          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("d");
            ChatMessage chatMessage = _service.AddMessage(user, room, id, clientMessage.Content);

            var messageViewModel = new MessageViewModel(chatMessage);

            if (clientMessage.Id == null)
                // If the client didn't generate an id for the message then just
                // send it to everyone. The assumption is that the client has some ui
                // that it wanted to update immediately showing the message and
                // then when the actual message is roundtripped it would "solidify it".
                Clients.Group(room.Name).addMessage(messageViewModel, room.Name);
                // If the client did set an id then we need to give everyone the real id first
                Clients.OthersInGroup(room.Name).addMessage(messageViewModel, room.Name);

                // Now tell the caller to replace the message
                Clients.Caller.replaceMessage(clientMessage.Id, messageViewModel, room.Name);

            // Add mentions

            var urls = UrlExtractor.ExtractUrls(chatMessage.Content);

            if (urls.Count > 0)
                //   _resourceProcessor.ProcessUrls(urls, Clients, room.Name, chatMessage.Id);
