private void LoadUrls() { var objUrls = new UrlController(); cboUrls.Items.Clear(); cboUrls.DataSource = objUrls.GetUrls(_objPortal.PortalID); cboUrls.DataBind(); }
private void ShowControls() { UrlController objUrls = new UrlController(); // set url type if (optType.SelectedItem == null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_Url)) { string TrackingUrl = _Url; _UrlType = Globals.GetURLType(_Url).ToString("g").Substring(0, 1); if (_UrlType == "F") { FileController objFiles = new FileController(); if (_Url.ToLower().StartsWith("fileid=")) { TrackingUrl = _Url; FileInfo objFile = objFiles.GetFileById(int.Parse(_Url.Substring(7)), _objPortal.PortalID); if (objFile != null) { _Url = objFile.Folder + objFile.FileName; } } else { // to handle legacy scenarios before the introduction of the FileServerHandler TrackingUrl = "FileID=" + objFiles.ConvertFilePathToFileId(_Url, _objPortal.PortalID); } } if (_UrlType == "M") { if (_Url.ToLower().StartsWith("userid=")) { UserInfo objUser = UserController.GetUser(_objPortal.PortalID, int.Parse(_Url.Substring(7)), false); if (objUser != null) { _Url = objUser.Username; } } } UrlTrackingInfo objUrlTracking = objUrls.GetUrlTracking(_objPortal.PortalID, TrackingUrl, ModuleID); if (objUrlTracking != null) { optType.Items.FindByValue(objUrlTracking.UrlType).Selected = true; chkNewWindow.Checked = objUrlTracking.NewWindow; chkTrack.Checked = objUrlTracking.TrackClicks; chkLog.Checked = objUrlTracking.LogActivity; } else // the url does not exist in the tracking table { optType.Items.FindByValue(_UrlType).Selected = true; chkNewWindow.Checked = false; chkTrack.Checked = true; chkLog.Checked = false; } } else { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_UrlType)) { if (optType.Items.FindByValue(_UrlType) != null) { optType.Items.FindByValue(_UrlType).Selected = true; } else { optType.Items[0].Selected = true; } } else { optType.Items[0].Selected = true; } chkNewWindow.Checked = false; chkTrack.Checked = true; chkLog.Checked = false; } } // load listitems switch (optType.SelectedItem.Value) { case "N": // None URLRow.Visible = false; TabRow.Visible = false; FileRow.Visible = false; UserRow.Visible = false; break; case "U": // Url URLRow.Visible = true; TabRow.Visible = false; FileRow.Visible = false; UserRow.Visible = false; if (txtUrl.Text == "") { txtUrl.Text = _Url; } if (txtUrl.Text == "") { txtUrl.Text = "http://"; } txtUrl.Visible = true; cmdSelect.Visible = true; cboUrls.Items.Clear(); cboUrls.DataSource = objUrls.GetUrls(_objPortal.PortalID); cboUrls.DataBind(); if (cboUrls.Items.FindByValue(_Url) != null) { cboUrls.Items.FindByValue(_Url).Selected = true; } cboUrls.Visible = false; cmdAdd.Visible = false; cmdDelete.Visible = false; break; case "T": // tab URLRow.Visible = false; TabRow.Visible = true; FileRow.Visible = false; UserRow.Visible = false; cboTabs.Items.Clear(); cboTabs.DataSource = Globals.GetPortalTabs(_objPortal.PortalID, !_Required, true, false, false, false); cboTabs.DataBind(); if (cboTabs.Items.FindByValue(_Url) != null) { cboTabs.Items.FindByValue(_Url).Selected = true; } break; case "F": // file URLRow.Visible = false; TabRow.Visible = false; FileRow.Visible = true; UserRow.Visible = false; LoadFolders(); if (cboFolders.Items.Count == 0) { lblMessage.Text = Localization.GetString("NoPermission", this.LocalResourceFile); FileRow.Visible = false; return; } // select folder string FileName; string FolderPath; if (_Url != string.Empty) { FileName = _Url.Substring(_Url.LastIndexOf("/") + 1); FolderPath = _Url.Replace(FileName, ""); } else { FileName = _Url; FolderPath = string.Empty; } if (cboFolders.Items.FindByValue(FolderPath) != null) { cboFolders.Items.FindByValue(FolderPath).Selected = true; } else { cboFolders.Items[0].Selected = true; FolderPath = cboFolders.SelectedValue; } //cboFiles.DataSource = GetFileList(FileFilter, !_Required, cboFolders.SelectedItem.Value); cboFiles.DataSource = GetFileList(!_Required); cboFiles.DataBind(); if (cboFiles.Items.FindByText(FileName) != null) { cboFiles.Items.FindByText(FileName).Selected = true; } cboFiles.Visible = true; txtFile.Visible = false; string strWriteRoles = GetWriteRoles(FolderPath); cmdUpload.Visible = PortalSecurity.IsInRoles(strWriteRoles) && _ShowUpLoad; SetStorageLocationType(); txtUrl.Visible = false; cmdSave.Visible = false; cmdCancel.Visible = false; break; case "M": // membership users URLRow.Visible = false; TabRow.Visible = false; FileRow.Visible = false; UserRow.Visible = true; if (txtUser.Text == "") { txtUser.Text = _Url; } break; } }