Esempio n. 1
        public void AddTripleWithUriSubject(string subject, string predicate, string obj)
            UriNode subj = myGraph.CreateUriNode(new Uri(subject));
            UriNode pred = myGraph.CreateUriNode(new Uri(predicate));

            myGraph.Assert(new Triple(subj, pred, myGraph.CreateUriNode(new Uri(obj))));
Esempio n. 2
        public void SELECTUnionOrderByClauses()
            var expectedQuery = "SELECT ?uri, ?label WHERE {{ ?uri <> ?label } {<> <> ?label} UNION {<> <> ?label}} ORDER BY ASC(?label)";
            var subject       = new UriNode("");
            var predicate     = new UriNode("");
            var obj           = new VariableNode("label");
            var triple        = new Triple(subject, predicate, obj);
            var triples       = new List <Triple> {

            subject = new UriNode("");
            triple  = new Triple(subject, predicate, obj);
            var unionClause = new dotNetSPARQL.Query.UnionClause(triples);

            triple = new Triple(
                new VariableNode("uri"),
                new UriNode(""),
                new VariableNode("label"));
            var orderByClause = new dotNetSPARQL.Query.OrderByClause("label");
            var select        = new dotNetSPARQL.Query.Select(new List <Triple>()
            }, new dotNetSPARQL.Query.BaseClause[] { orderByClause, unionClause }, new string[] { "uri", "label" });

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedQuery, select.ToString());
Esempio n. 3
        public static RailService CreateFromNode(UriNode _service)
            RailService result = new RailService(_service);

            result.txtName.Text = _service.ToDisplayString();
        public void addTripleWithLiteralSubject(string subject, string predicate, string obj, string language)
            UriNode subj = myGraph.CreateUriNode(new Uri(subject));
            UriNode pred = myGraph.CreateUriNode(new Uri(predicate));

            myGraph.Assert(new Triple(subj, pred, myGraph.CreateLiteralNode(obj, language)));
Esempio n. 5
        public static IEnumerable <Triple> GetContextualGraph(this IGraph graph, UriNode uriNode, HashSet <string> processed, int rank)
            if (rank == 0)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <Triple>());
            var triples      = graph.GetTriples(uriNode).ToList();
            var triplesToAdd = new List <Triple>();

            foreach (var triple in triples)
                var subject = triple.Subject.NodeType == NodeType.Uri ? (UriNode)triple.Subject : null;
                if (!processed.Contains(subject.ToString()))
                    triplesToAdd.AddRange(GetContextualGraph(graph, subject, processed, rank));
                var obj = triple.Object.NodeType == NodeType.Uri ? (UriNode)triple.Object : null;
                if (obj != null && !processed.Contains(obj.ToString()))
                    triplesToAdd.AddRange(GetContextualGraph(graph, obj, processed, rank));
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the list of Search Results which match the given search term
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">Search Term</param>
        /// <param name="callback">Callback to invoke when the operation completes</param>
        /// <param name="state">State to pass to the callback</param>
        public void Search(String text, PelletSearchServiceCallback callback, Object state)
            String search = this._searchUri + "?search=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(text);

            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(search);

            request.Method = this.Endpoint.HttpMethods.First();
            request.Accept = "text/json";

            if (Options.HttpDebugging)

            String jsonText;
            JArray json;
            request.BeginGetResponse(result =>
                using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.EndGetResponse(result))
                    if (Options.HttpDebugging)
                    jsonText = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
                    json     = JArray.Parse(jsonText);


                    //Parse the Response into Search Results

                    List <SearchServiceResult> results = new List <SearchServiceResult>();

                    foreach (JToken res in json.Children())
                        JToken hit  = res.SelectToken("hit");
                        String type = (String)hit.SelectToken("type");
                        INode node;
                        if (type.ToLower().Equals("uri"))
                            node = new UriNode(null, UriFactory.Create((String)hit.SelectToken("value")));
                            node = new BlankNode(null, (String)hit.SelectToken("value"));
                        double score = (double)res.SelectToken("score");

                        results.Add(new SearchServiceResult(node, score));

                    callback(results, state);
            }, null);
Esempio n. 7
 /// <summary>Create new <see cref="Quad"/>.</summary>
 public Quad(Node <UriOrBlank> graph, Node <UriOrBlank> subject,
             UriNode predicate, Node @object)
     Graph     = graph;
     Subject   = subject;
     Predicate = predicate;
     Object    = @object;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>Create an new <see cref="RdfsList"/>.</summary>
        public RdfsList(INodeFactory f, Graph owner)
            _f     = f;
            _owner = owner;

            _first = f.Uri(RDFS.First);
            _next  = f.Uri(RDFS.Rest);
            _nil   = f.Uri(RDFS.Nil);
Esempio n. 9
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public IRdfData Assert(Node <UriOrBlank> graph, Node <UriOrBlank> sub, UriNode predicate, Node val
                               , out Quad quad)
            quad = new Quad(graph, sub, predicate, val);


Esempio n. 10
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public IRdfData Assert(Node <UriOrBlank> graph,
                        Node <UriOrBlank> sub, UriNode predicate, Node val, out Quad q)
     lock (_locker)
         _inner.Assert(graph, sub, predicate, val, out q);
        private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            /* Connect To DBPedia
             * //First define a SPARQL Endpoint for DBPedia
             * SparqlRemoteEndpoint endpoint = new SparqlRemoteEndpoint(new Uri(""));
             * //Next define our query
             * //We're going to ask DBPedia to describe the first thing it finds which is a Person
             * String query = "DESCRIBE ?person WHERE {?person a <>} LIMIT 1";
             * //Get the result
             * Graph g = endpoint.QueryWithResultGraph(query);
             * FastRdfXmlWriter rxtw = new FastRdfXmlWriter();
             * rxtw.Save(g, "dbp.txt");*/

            Graph g = new Graph();

            UriNode     omid   = g.CreateUriNode(new Uri(""));
            UriNode     says   = g.CreateUriNode(new Uri(""));
            LiteralNode hello  = g.CreateLiteralNode("Hello World!!!");
            LiteralNode sallam = g.CreateLiteralNode("Sallam 2nyaaa!!!", "fa");

            g.Assert(new Triple(omid, says, hello));
            g.Assert(new Triple(omid, says, sallam));

            //foreach (Triple t in g.Triples)
            //    MessageBox.Show(t.ToString());

            String          query = "SELECT ?n ?p WHERE {?n ?p 'Hello World!!!'}"; // like select * => "SELECT ?n ?p ?m WHERE {?n ?p ?m}"
            SparqlResultSet res   = (SparqlResultSet)g.ExecuteQuery(query);

            foreach (SparqlResult r in res)

            FastRdfXmlWriter rxtw = new FastRdfXmlWriter();

            rxtw.Save(g, "omid.txt");

            //TripleStore ts = new TripleStore();
            //Object res = ts.ExecuteQuery("SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o}");
            //if (res is SparqlResultSet)
            //    SparqlResultSet results = (SparqlResultSet)res;
            //    foreach (SparqlResult sr in results)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine(sr.ToString());
            //    }
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>Read the first Node of type <typeparamref name="T"/></summary>
        /// <exception cref="TypeMustNotBeANode"></exception>
        public static IReadOnlyList <Quad> ValueOptional <T>(this IEnumerable <Quad> self,
                                                             UriNode predicate, out Node <T>?data) where T : notnull
            var ro = self.Ro();

            data = ro.FirstOrNull(x =>
                                  x.Predicate == predicate &&
                                  x.Object is Node <T>)?.Object as Node <T>;

Esempio n. 13
        public RdfDataFetcher(IRdfData rdf)
            _rdf        = rdf;
            BackingFile = _rdf.Uri("sys:/backingFile");

            if (!_rdf.Stats().Mappings.Any(x => x is FileInfoNodeMap))
                throw new Exception(
                          $"Must include node map {nameof(FileInfoNodeMap)}");
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>Read the first <typeparamref name="T"/> value.</summary>
        /// <exception cref="TypeMustNotBeANode"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="ValueNotFoundError"></exception>
        public static IReadOnlyList <Quad> Value <T>(this IEnumerable <Quad> self,
                                                     UriNode predicate, out T data) where T : notnull
            var ro = self.Ro();

            data = ro.FirstOrNull(x =>
                                  x.Predicate == predicate &&
                                  x.Object is Node <T>)?.Object is Node <T> node
                                ? node.Value : throw new ValueNotFoundError();

Esempio n. 15
        public void SELECTPredicateVariableNoLimit()
            var expectedQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT ?predicate WHERE { <> ?predicate <> }";
            var subject       = new UriNode(new Uri(""));
            var predicate     = new VariableNode("predicate");
            var obj           = new UriNode(new Uri(""));
            var triple        = new Triple(subject, predicate, obj);

            var query = new dotNetSPARQL.Query.Select(triple, "predicate", true);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedQuery, query.ToString());
Esempio n. 16
        public void ASKObjectVariable()
            var expectedQuery = "ASK WHERE { <> <> ?uri }";
            var subject       = new UriNode("");
            var predicate     = new UriNode("");
            var obj           = new VariableNode("uri");
            var triple        = new Triple(subject, predicate, obj);

            var query = new dotNetSPARQL.Query.Ask(triple);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedQuery, query.ToString());
Esempio n. 17
        public void ASKPredicateVariable()
            var expectedQuery = "ASK WHERE { <> ?predicate <> }";
            var subject       = new UriNode("");
            var predicate     = new VariableNode("predicate");
            var obj           = new UriNode("");
            var triple        = new Triple(subject, predicate, obj);

            var query = new dotNetSPARQL.Query.Ask(triple);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedQuery, query.ToString());
Esempio n. 18
        public void SELECTSubjectVariableNoLimit()
            var expectedQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT ?subject WHERE { ?subject <> <> }";

            var subject   = new VariableNode("subject");
            var predicate = new UriNode(new Uri(""));
            var obj       = new UriNode(new Uri(""));
            var triple    = new Triple(subject, predicate, obj);

            var query = new dotNetSPARQL.Query.Select(triple, "subject", true);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedQuery, query.ToString());
Esempio n. 19
        public void SELECTObjectVariableNoLimit()
            var expectedQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT ?uri WHERE { <> <> ?uri }";

            var subject   = new UriNode(new Uri(""));
            var predicate = new UriNode(new Uri(""));
            var obj       = new VariableNode("uri");
            var triple    = new Triple(subject, predicate, obj);

            var query = new dotNetSPARQL.Query.Select(triple, "uri", true);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedQuery, query.ToString());
Esempio n. 20
        public void ASKChainedQuery()
            var expectedQuery = "ASK WHERE { <> <> ?uri . ?uri <> ?obj }";
            var subject       = new UriNode("");
            var predicate     = new UriNode("");
            var obj           = new VariableNode("uri");
            var firstTriple   = new Triple(subject, predicate, obj);
            var secondTriple  = new Triple(obj, new UriNode(""), new VariableNode("obj"));

            var query = new dotNetSPARQL.Query.Ask(new List <Triple>()
                firstTriple, secondTriple

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedQuery, query.ToString());
Esempio n. 21
        public void SELECTPredicateObjectVariableLimit100()
            var expectedQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT ?predicate, ?object WHERE { <> ?predicate ?object } LIMIT 100";

            var subject   = new UriNode(new Uri(""));
            var predicate = new VariableNode("predicate");
            var obj       = new VariableNode("object");
            var triple    = new Triple(subject, predicate, obj);
            var variables = new string[] { "predicate", "object" };

            var query = new dotNetSPARQL.Query.Select(new List <Triple> {
            }, variables, true, 100);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedQuery, query.ToString());
Esempio n. 22
        public void SELECTSubjectPredicateVariableNoLimit()
            var expectedQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT ?subject, ?predicate WHERE { ?subject ?predicate <> }";

            var subject   = new VariableNode("subject");
            var predicate = new VariableNode("predicate");
            var obj       = new UriNode(new Uri(""));
            var triple    = new Triple(subject, predicate, obj);
            var variables = new string[] { "subject", "predicate" };

            var query = new dotNetSPARQL.Query.Select(new List <Triple> {
            }, variables, true);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedQuery, query.ToString());
Esempio n. 23
        public static string ToDisplayString(this UriNode node)
            IEnumerable <Triple> labels = node.Graph.GetTriplesWithSubjectPredicate(node,

            if (labels.Any())
                Triple       firstLabel = labels.First();
                ILiteralNode labelNode  = firstLabel.Object as ILiteralNode;
                return(node.Uri.Segments[node.Uri.Segments.Count() - 1]);
Esempio n. 24
        public void SELECTMultipleTriples()
            var expectedQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT ?object WHERE { <> <> ?uri . ?uri <> ?object }";

            var subject      = new UriNode("");
            var predicate    = new VariableNode("predicate");
            var obj          = new VariableNode("object");
            var firstTriple  = new Triple(new UriNode(""), new UriNode(""), new VariableNode("uri"));
            var secondTriple = new Triple(new VariableNode("uri"), new UriNode(""), new VariableNode("object"));
            var variables    = new string[] { "object" };

            var query = new dotNetSPARQL.Query.Select(new List <Triple> {
                firstTriple, secondTriple
            }, variables, true);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedQuery, query.ToString());
Esempio n. 25
        public void UNIONClause()
            var expectedQuery = "{<> <> ?label} UNION {<> <> ?label}";

            var subject   = new UriNode("");
            var predicate = new UriNode("");
            var obj       = new VariableNode("label");
            var triple    = new Triple(subject, predicate, obj);
            var triples   = new List <Triple> {

            subject = new UriNode("");
            triple  = new Triple(subject, predicate, obj);
            var unionClause = new dotNetSPARQL.Query.UnionClause(triples);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedQuery, unionClause.ToString());
Esempio n. 26
        public void ORDERBYQuery()
            var expectedQuery = "SELECT WHERE { <> <> ?uri } ORDER BY DESC(?uri)";

            var subject       = new UriNode("");
            var predicate     = new UriNode("");
            var obj           = new VariableNode("uri");
            var triple        = new Triple(subject, predicate, obj);
            var orderByClause = new dotNetSPARQL.Query.OrderByClause("uri", true);

            var clauses = new dotNetSPARQL.Query.BaseClause[] { orderByClause };
            var triples = new List <Triple> {
            var selectCountQuery = new dotNetSPARQL.Query.Select(
                triples, clauses, new string[0]);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedQuery, selectCountQuery.ToString());
Esempio n. 27
        public void TestVocab()
            //TODO: this is a bit nasty think about it (perhaps the method return nodes and then the graph does the adding??)
            var gn = new PredicateNet("p:", new Uri(""), (uri, graph) => {
                var net = graph as PredicateNet;
                graph.Add("p:name", "", "p:Place");
                graph.Add("p:code", "", "p:Place");
                graph.Add("p:flag", "", "p:Country");
                graph.Add("p:mayor", "", "p:City");
                graph.Add("p:Country", "", "p:Place");
                graph.Add("p:City", "", "p:Place");
                net.Add(net.GetPrefixNamespaceNode(), net.Node("has"), graph.Node("p:name"));
                net.Add(net.GetPrefixNamespaceNode(), net.Node("has"), graph.Node("p:code"));
                net.Add(net.GetPrefixNamespaceNode(), net.Node("has"), graph.Node("p:flag"));
                net.Add(net.GetPrefixNamespaceNode(), net.Node("has"), graph.Node("p:mayor"));

            gn.MaxNumberOfPaths = 5;
            //gn.MaxPathLenght = 10;
                "select * where { ?s a p:City . ?s p:mayor ?mayor }",
                "select * where { ?x a p:City . ?x p:mayor 'ted' }",
                //TODO: this should not throw the prediction off "select * where { ?s a p:City . ?s p:name ?name }",
                "select * where { ?s a p:Country . ?s p:flag ?flag }",
                "select * where { ?x a p:Country . ?x p:flag 'xxx' }"

            //var cityQuery = new Node("select *");
            var city = new UriNode("?x");

            city.UseEdgesAsInterface = false;
            //cityQuery.AddEdge("next", city, gn);
            city.AddEdge(new UriNode("a"), new UriNode(""));
            Assert.AreEqual("mayor", gn.Predict(city));

            //var countryQuery = new Node("select *");
            var country = new UriNode("?x");

            country.UseEdgesAsInterface = false;
            //countryQuery.AddEdge("next", country, gn);
            country.AddEdge(new UriNode("a"), new UriNode(""));
            Assert.AreEqual("flag", gn.Predict(country));
Esempio n. 28
        public static IEnumerable <Triple> GetMaxContextualGraph(this IGraph graph, UriNode uriNode, HashSet <UriNode> processed)
            var triples      = graph.GetTriples(uriNode).ToList();
            var triplesToAdd = new List <Triple>();

            foreach (var triple in triples)
                var subject = triple.Subject.NodeType == NodeType.Uri ? (UriNode)triple.Subject : null;
                if (!processed.Contains(subject))
                    triplesToAdd.AddRange(GetMaxContextualGraph(graph, subject, processed));
                var obj = triple.Object.NodeType == NodeType.Uri ? (UriNode)triple.Object : null;
                if (obj != null && !processed.Contains(obj))
                    triplesToAdd.AddRange(GetMaxContextualGraph(graph, obj, processed));
        public void initGraph()
            myGraph = new Graph();

            UriNode     omid   = myGraph.CreateUriNode(new Uri(""));
            UriNode     says   = myGraph.CreateUriNode(new Uri(""));
            LiteralNode hello  = myGraph.CreateLiteralNode("Hello World!!!");
            LiteralNode sallam = myGraph.CreateLiteralNode("Sallam 2nyaaa!!!", "fa");

            LiteralNode a = myGraph.CreateLiteralNode("A");
            // must be uri for being serializable and for that we can save it
            LiteralNode b = myGraph.CreateLiteralNode("B");
            LiteralNode c = myGraph.CreateLiteralNode("C");

            LiteralNode aa = myGraph.CreateLiteralNode("omid");
            // must be uri for being serializable and for that we can save it
            LiteralNode bb = myGraph.CreateLiteralNode("hast");
            LiteralNode cc = myGraph.CreateLiteralNode("askari");

            myGraph.Assert(new Triple(omid, says, hello));
            myGraph.Assert(new Triple(omid, says, sallam));
            myGraph.Assert(new Triple(a, b, c));
            myGraph.Assert(new Triple(aa, bb, cc));
Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Selects all Triples where the Subject is a Uri Node with the given Uri from a Subset of Graphs in the Triple Store
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphUris">List of the Graph URIs of Graphs you want to select over</param>
        /// <param name="u">Uri</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable<Triple> GetTriplesWithSubject(List<Uri> graphUris, Uri u)
            IUriNode uri = new UriNode(null, u);

            IEnumerable<Triple> ts = from g in this._graphs
                                     where graphUris.Contains(g.BaseUri)
                                     from t in g.Triples
                                     where t.HasSubject(uri)
                                     select t;

            return ts;
Esempio n. 31
        /// <summary>
        /// Selects all Triples which have a Uri Node with the given Uri from a Subset of Graphs in the Triple Store
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphUris">List of the Graph URIs of Graphs you want to select over</param>
        /// <param name="uri">Uri</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable<Triple> GetTriples(List<Uri> graphUris, Uri uri)
            IUriNode u = new UriNode(null, uri);

            IEnumerable<Triple> ts = from g in this._graphs
                                     where graphUris.Contains(g.BaseUri)
                                     from t in g.Triples
                                     where t.Involves(u)
                                     select t;

            return ts;
Esempio n. 32
        /// <summary>
        /// Selects all Triples which have a Uri Node with the given Uri from all the Query Triples
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uri">Uri</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable<Triple> GetTriples(Uri uri)
            IUriNode u = new UriNode(null, uri);
            return from g in this._graphs
                   from t in g.Triples
                   where t.Involves(u)
                   select t;

 public UriNodeControl(UriNode u)
     : this(u, new NTriplesFormatter()) { }
        private void TryParseCollection(SparqlQueryParserContext context, GraphPattern p, bool nested)

            //Check the next Token
            IToken next = context.Tokens.Peek();
            if (next.TokenType == Token.RIGHTBRACKET)
                //Empty Collection

                if (!nested)
                    //Push an rdf:nil Uri on the Stack
                    context.LocalTokens.Push(new UriToken("<" + NamespaceMapper.RDF + "nil>", next.StartLine, next.StartPosition, next.EndPosition));
                //Push a Blank Node Token onto the stack for the start of the collection
                BlankNodeWithIDToken blank; 
                if (!nested)
                    blank = new BlankNodeWithIDToken(context.GetNewBlankNodeID(), next.StartLine, next.StartPosition, next.EndPosition);
                    blank = new BlankNodeWithIDToken("_:sparql-autos" + context.BlankNodeID, next.StartLine, next.StartPosition, next.EndPosition);

                bool first = true;

                IUriNode rdfFirst, rdfRest, rdfNil;
                rdfFirst = new UriNode(null, new Uri(NamespaceMapper.RDF + "first"));
                rdfRest = new UriNode(null, new Uri(NamespaceMapper.RDF + "rest"));
                rdfNil = new UriNode(null, new Uri(NamespaceMapper.RDF + "nil"));

                    next = context.Tokens.Peek();

                    switch (next.TokenType)
                        case Token.BLANKNODE:
                        case Token.BLANKNODEWITHID:
                        case Token.KEYWORDA:
                        case Token.LITERAL:
                        case Token.LONGLITERAL:
                        case Token.PLAINLITERAL:
                        case Token.QNAME:
                        case Token.URI:
                        case Token.VARIABLE:
                            //Create the Triple pattern

                            if (first)
                                //rdf:first Pattern
                                p.AddTriplePattern(new TriplePattern(this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, blank), new NodeMatchPattern(rdfFirst), this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, next)));
                                first = false;
                                //Get new Blank Node ID
                                BlankNodeWithIDToken blank2 = new BlankNodeWithIDToken(context.GetNewBlankNodeID(), next.StartLine,next.StartPosition,next.EndPosition);

                                //rdf:rest Pattern
                                p.AddTriplePattern(new TriplePattern(this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, blank), new NodeMatchPattern(rdfRest), this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, blank2)));

                                blank = blank2;

                                //rdf:first Pattern
                                p.AddTriplePattern(new TriplePattern(this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, blank), new NodeMatchPattern(rdfFirst), this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, next)));


                        case Token.LEFTSQBRACKET:
                            //Is the next token a Right Square Bracket?
                            //ie. a [] for an anonymous blank node
                            next = context.Tokens.Peek();

                            if (next.TokenType == Token.RIGHTSQBRACKET)
                                BlankNodeWithIDToken anon = new BlankNodeWithIDToken(context.GetNewBlankNodeID(), next.StartLine, next.StartPosition, next.EndPosition);

                                if (first)
                                    //rdf:first Pattern
                                    p.AddTriplePattern(new TriplePattern(this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, blank), new NodeMatchPattern(rdfFirst), this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, anon)));
                                    first = false;
                                    //Get new Blank Node ID
                                    BlankNodeWithIDToken blank2 = new BlankNodeWithIDToken(context.GetNewBlankNodeID(), next.StartLine, next.StartPosition, next.EndPosition);

                                    //rdf:rest Pattern
                                    p.AddTriplePattern(new TriplePattern(this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, blank), new NodeMatchPattern(rdfRest), this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, blank2)));

                                    blank = blank2;

                                    //rdf:first Pattern
                                    p.AddTriplePattern(new TriplePattern(this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, blank), new NodeMatchPattern(rdfFirst), this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, anon)));
                                BlankNodeWithIDToken anon = new BlankNodeWithIDToken(context.GetNewBlankNodeID(), next.StartLine, next.StartPosition, next.EndPosition);

                                if (first)
                                    //rdf:first Pattern
                                    p.AddTriplePattern(new TriplePattern(this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, blank), new NodeMatchPattern(rdfFirst), this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, anon)));
                                    first = false;
                                    //Get new Blank Node ID
                                    BlankNodeWithIDToken blank2 = new BlankNodeWithIDToken(context.GetNewBlankNodeID(), next.StartLine, next.StartPosition, next.EndPosition);

                                    //rdf:rest Pattern
                                    p.AddTriplePattern(new TriplePattern(this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, blank), new NodeMatchPattern(rdfRest), this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, blank2)));

                                    blank = blank2;

                                    //rdf:first Pattern
                                    p.AddTriplePattern(new TriplePattern(this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, blank), new NodeMatchPattern(rdfFirst), this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, anon)));

                                //Parse the Blank Node Collection
                                this.TryParsePredicateObjectList(context, p, context.LocalTokens.Count + 1);

                        case Token.LEFTBRACKET:

                            BlankNodeWithIDToken innerCollection = new BlankNodeWithIDToken(context.GetNewBlankNodeID(), next.StartLine, next.StartPosition, next.EndPosition);

                            if (first)
                                //rdf:first Pattern
                                p.AddTriplePattern(new TriplePattern(this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, blank), new NodeMatchPattern(rdfFirst), this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, innerCollection)));
                                first = false;
                                //Get new Blank Node ID
                                BlankNodeWithIDToken blank2 = new BlankNodeWithIDToken(context.GetNewBlankNodeID(), next.StartLine, next.StartPosition, next.EndPosition);

                                //rdf:rest Pattern
                                p.AddTriplePattern(new TriplePattern(this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, blank), new NodeMatchPattern(rdfRest), this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, blank2)));

                                blank = blank2;

                                //rdf:first Pattern
                                p.AddTriplePattern(new TriplePattern(this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, blank), new NodeMatchPattern(rdfFirst), this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, innerCollection)));

                            this.TryParseCollection(context, p, true);

                        case Token.RIGHTBRACKET:
                            //End of Collection

                            //rdf:rest Pattern
                            p.AddTriplePattern(new TriplePattern(this.TryCreatePatternItem(context, blank), new NodeMatchPattern(rdfRest), new NodeMatchPattern(rdfNil)));

                            throw ParserHelper.Error("Unexpected Token '" + next.GetType().ToString() + "' encountered while trying to parse a Collection", next);

                } while (next.TokenType != Token.RIGHTBRACKET);
Esempio n. 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Copies a Node so it can be used in another Graph since by default Triples cannot contain Nodes from more than one Graph
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="original">Node to Copy</param>
        /// <param name="target">Graph to Copy into</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// <strong>Warning:</strong> Copying Blank Nodes may lead to unforseen circumstances since no remapping of IDs between Graphs is done
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public static INode CopyNode(INode original, IGraph target)
            //No need to copy if it's already in the relevant Graph
            if (ReferenceEquals(original.Graph, target)) return original;

            if (original.NodeType == NodeType.Uri)
                IUriNode u = (IUriNode)original;
                IUriNode u2 = new UriNode(target, u.Uri);

                return u2;
            else if (original.NodeType == NodeType.Literal)
                ILiteralNode l = (ILiteralNode)original;
                ILiteralNode l2;
                if (l.Language.Equals(String.Empty))
                    if (!(l.DataType == null))
                        l2 = new LiteralNode(target, l.Value, l.DataType);
                        l2 = new LiteralNode(target, l.Value);
                    l2 = new LiteralNode(target, l.Value, l.Language);

                return l2;
            else if (original.NodeType == NodeType.Blank)
                IBlankNode b = (IBlankNode)original;
                IBlankNode b2;

                b2 = new BlankNode(target, b.InternalID);
                return b2;
            else if (original.NodeType == NodeType.Variable)
                IVariableNode v = (IVariableNode)original;
                return new VariableNode(target, v.VariableName);
                throw new RdfException("Unable to Copy '" + original.GetType().ToString() + "' Nodes between Graphs");
Esempio n. 36
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the UriNode with the given QName if it exists
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="qname">The QName of the Node to select</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override IUriNode GetUriNode(String qname)
     IUriNode test = new UriNode(this, qname);
     IEnumerable<IUriNode> us = from u in this._nodes.UriNodes
                               where u.Equals(test)
                               select u;
     return us.FirstOrDefault();
Esempio n. 37
        private Uri TryParseContext(ITokenQueue tokens)
            IToken next = tokens.Dequeue();
            if (next.TokenType == Token.DOT)
                return null;
                INode context;
                switch (next.TokenType)
                    case Token.BLANKNODEWITHID:
                        context = new BlankNode(null, next.Value.Substring(2));
                    case Token.URI:
                        context = new UriNode(null, new Uri(next.Value));
                    case Token.LITERAL:
                        //Check for Datatype/Language
                        IToken temp = tokens.Peek();
                        if (temp.TokenType == Token.LANGSPEC)
                            context = new LiteralNode(null, next.Value, temp.Value);
                        else if (temp.TokenType == Token.DATATYPE)
                            context = new LiteralNode(null, next.Value, new Uri(temp.Value.Substring(1, temp.Value.Length - 2)));
                            context = new LiteralNode(null, next.Value);
                        throw ParserHelper.Error("Unexpected Token '" + next.GetType().ToString() + "' encountered, expected a Blank Node/Literal/URI as the Context of the Triple", next);

                //Ensure we then see a . to terminate the Quad
                next = tokens.Dequeue();
                if (next.TokenType != Token.DOT)
                    throw ParserHelper.Error("Unexpected Token '" + next.GetType().ToString() + "' encountered, expected a Dot Token (Line Terminator) to terminate a Triple", next);

                //Finally return the Context URI
                if (context.NodeType == NodeType.Uri)
                    return ((IUriNode)context).Uri;
                else if (context.NodeType == NodeType.Blank)
                    return new Uri("nquads:bnode:" + context.GetHashCode());
                else if (context.NodeType == NodeType.Literal)
                    return new Uri("nquads:literal:" + context.GetHashCode());
                    throw ParserHelper.Error("Cannot turn a Node of type '" + context.GetType().ToString() + "' into a Context URI for a Triple", next);
Esempio n. 38
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the list of Search Results which match the given search term
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">Search Term</param>
        /// <returns>A list of Search Results representing Nodes in the Knowledge Base that match the search term</returns>
        public List<SearchServiceResult> Search(String text)
            String search = this._searchUri + "?search=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(text);

            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(search);
            request.Method = this.Endpoint.HttpMethods.First();
            request.Accept = "text/json";

            if (Options.HttpDebugging)

            String jsonText;
            JArray json;
            using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
                if (Options.HttpDebugging)
                jsonText = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
                json = JArray.Parse(jsonText);


            //Parse the Response into Search Results
                List<SearchServiceResult> results = new List<SearchServiceResult>();

                foreach (JToken result in json.Children())
                    JToken hit = result.SelectToken("hit");
                    String type = (String)hit.SelectToken("type");
                    INode node;
                    if (type.ToLower().Equals("uri"))
                        node = new UriNode(null, new Uri((String)hit.SelectToken("value")));
                        node = new BlankNode(null, (String)hit.SelectToken("value"));
                    double score = (double)result.SelectToken("score");

                    results.Add(new SearchServiceResult(node, score));

                return results;
            catch (WebException webEx)
                if (Options.HttpDebugging)
                    if (webEx.Response != null) Tools.HttpDebugResponse((HttpWebResponse)webEx.Response);
                throw new RdfReasoningException("A HTTP error occurred while communicating with Pellet Server", webEx);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new RdfReasoningException("Error occurred while parsing Search Results from the Search Service", ex);
Esempio n. 39
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the Graph Clause by setting up the dataset, applying the pattern and then generating additional bindings if necessary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Evaluation Context</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public BaseMultiset Evaluate(SparqlEvaluationContext context)
            // Q: Can we optimise GRAPH when the input is the Null Multiset to just return the Null Multiset?

            bool datasetOk = false;

                List <String> activeGraphs = new List <string>();

                // Get the URIs of Graphs that should be evaluated over
                if (_graphSpecifier.TokenType != Token.VARIABLE)
                    switch (_graphSpecifier.TokenType)
                    case Token.URI:
                    case Token.QNAME:
                        Uri activeGraphUri = UriFactory.Create(Tools.ResolveUriOrQName(_graphSpecifier, context.Query.NamespaceMap, context.Query.BaseUri));
                        if (context.Data.HasGraph(activeGraphUri))
                            // If the Graph is explicitly specified and there are FROM/FROM NAMED present then the Graph
                            // URI must be in the graphs specified by a FROM/FROM NAMED or the result is null
                            if (context.Query == null ||
                                ((!context.Query.DefaultGraphs.Any() && !context.Query.NamedGraphs.Any()) ||
                                 context.Query.NamedGraphs.Any(u => EqualityHelper.AreUrisEqual(activeGraphUri, u)))
                                // Either there was no Query
                                // OR there were no Default/Named Graphs (hence any Graph URI is permitted)
                                // OR the specified URI was a Named Graph URI
                                // In any case we can go ahead and set the active Graph
                                // The specified URI was not present in the Named Graphs so return null
                                context.OutputMultiset = new NullMultiset();
                            // If specifies a specific Graph and not in the Dataset result is a null multiset
                            context.OutputMultiset = new NullMultiset();

                        throw new RdfQueryException("Cannot use a '" + _graphSpecifier.GetType().ToString() + "' Token to specify the Graph for a GRAPH clause");
                    String gvar = _graphSpecifier.Value.Substring(1);

                    // Watch out for the case in which the Graph Variable is not bound for all Sets in which case
                    // we still need to operate over all Graphs
                    if (context.InputMultiset.ContainsVariable(gvar) && context.InputMultiset.Sets.All(s => s[gvar] != null))
                        // If there are already values bound to the Graph variable for all Input Solutions then we limit the Query to those Graphs
                        List <Uri> graphUris = new List <Uri>();
                        foreach (ISet s in context.InputMultiset.Sets)
                            INode temp = s[gvar];
                            if (temp == null)
                            if (temp.NodeType != NodeType.Uri)
                        // Nothing yet bound to the Graph Variable so the Query is over all the named Graphs
                        if (context.Query != null && context.Query.NamedGraphs.Any())
                            // Query specifies one/more named Graphs
                            activeGraphs.AddRange(context.Query.NamedGraphs.Select(u => u.AbsoluteUri));
                        else if (context.Query != null && context.Query.DefaultGraphs.Any() && !context.Query.NamedGraphs.Any())
                            // Gives null since the query dataset does not include any named graphs
                            context.OutputMultiset = new NullMultiset();
                            // Query is over entire dataset/default Graph since no named Graphs are explicitly specified
                            activeGraphs.AddRange(context.Data.GraphUris.Select(u => u.ToSafeString()));

                // Remove all duplicates from Active Graphs to avoid duplicate results
                activeGraphs = activeGraphs.Distinct().ToList();

                // Evaluate the inner pattern
                BaseMultiset initialInput = context.InputMultiset;
                BaseMultiset finalResult  = new Multiset();

                // Evalute for each Graph URI and union the results
                foreach (String uri in activeGraphs)
                    // Always use the same Input for each Graph URI and set that Graph to be the Active Graph
                    // Be sure to translate String.Empty back to the null URI to select the default graph
                    // correctly
                    context.InputMultiset = initialInput;
                    Uri currGraphUri = (uri.Equals(String.Empty)) ? null : UriFactory.Create(uri);

                    // Set Active Graph
                    if (currGraphUri == null)
                        // GRAPH operates over named graphs only so default graph gets skipped
                    // The result of the HasGraph() call is ignored we just make it so datasets with any kind of
                    // load on demand behaviour work properly
                    // All we actually care about is setting the active graph
                    datasetOk = true;

                    // Evaluate for the current Active Graph
                    BaseMultiset result = context.Evaluate(_pattern);

                    // Merge the Results into our overall Results
                    if (result is NullMultiset)
                        // Don't do anything, adds nothing to the results
                    else if (result is IdentityMultiset)
                        // Adds a single row to the results
                        if (_graphSpecifier.TokenType == Token.VARIABLE)
                            // Include graph variable if not yet bound
                            INode currGraph = new UriNode(null, currGraphUri);
                            Set   s         = new Set();
                            s.Add(_graphSpecifier.Value.Substring(1), currGraph);
                            finalResult.Add(new Set());
                        // If the Graph Specifier is a Variable then we must either bind the
                        // variable or eliminate solutions which have an incorrect value for it
                        if (_graphSpecifier.TokenType == Token.VARIABLE)
                            String gvar      = _graphSpecifier.Value.Substring(1);
                            INode  currGraph = new UriNode(null, currGraphUri);
                            foreach (int id in result.SetIDs.ToList())
                                ISet s = result[id];
                                if (s[gvar] == null)
                                    // If Graph Variable is not yet bound for solution bind it
                                    s.Add(gvar, currGraph);
                                else if (!s[gvar].Equals(currGraph))
                                    // If Graph Variable is bound for solution and doesn't match
                                    // current Graph then we have to remove the solution
                        // Union solutions into the Results

                    // Reset the Active Graph after each pass
                    datasetOk = false;

                // Return the final result
                if (finalResult.IsEmpty)
                    finalResult = new NullMultiset();
                context.OutputMultiset = finalResult;
                if (datasetOk)

Esempio n. 40
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the list of Search Results which match the given search term
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">Search Term</param>
        /// <param name="callback">Callback to invoke when the operation completes</param>
        /// <param name="state">State to pass to the callback</param>
        public void Search(String text, PelletSearchServiceCallback callback, Object state)
            String search = this._searchUri + "?search=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(text);

            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(search);
            request.Method = this.Endpoint.HttpMethods.First();
            request.Accept = "text/json";

            if (Options.HttpDebugging)

            String jsonText;
            JArray json;
            request.BeginGetResponse(result =>
                    using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.EndGetResponse(result))
                        if (Options.HttpDebugging)
                        jsonText = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
                        json = JArray.Parse(jsonText);


                        //Parse the Response into Search Results

                        List<SearchServiceResult> results = new List<SearchServiceResult>();

                        foreach (JToken res in json.Children())
                            JToken hit = res.SelectToken("hit");
                            String type = (String)hit.SelectToken("type");
                            INode node;
                            if (type.ToLower().Equals("uri"))
                                node = new UriNode(null, new Uri((String)hit.SelectToken("value")));
                                node = new BlankNode(null, (String)hit.SelectToken("value"));
                            double score = (double)res.SelectToken("score");

                            results.Add(new SearchServiceResult(node, score));

                        callback(results, state);
                }, null);