Esempio n. 1
        public void Create()
            var obj = new UptimeRequest();

            Assert.AreEqual(UptimeRequest.RequestString, obj.CommandText);
        public async Task <TimeSpan> GetUptime()
            var uptimeRequest = new UptimeRequest();
            var uptimeBean    = await ExecuteTaskAsync <TimeSpan>(uptimeRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);

        public async Task <string> GetUptimeString()
            var uptimeRequest = new UptimeRequest();
            var uptimeBean    = await ExecuteTaskAsync <double>(uptimeRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var converter = new DoubleToDateStringConverter();

            return((string)converter.Convert(uptimeBean.Data, null, string.Empty, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
Esempio n. 4
 void updateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // Make sure a server name was provided.
     if (hostBox.Text.Trim().Length == 0)
         MessageBox.Show("Specify a server name first.");
     // Since creating a factory and sending a message can take
     // a noticeable amount of time, let the user know we're working
     // by setting the wait cursor.
     Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
     // Make sure the wait cursor has a chance to show up by calling
     // DoEvents.
     try {
         // Construct our channel factory, which we'll use to send
         // uptime requests.
         // In a production app, we would normally construct the
         // factory just once for the app, and reuse it to send
         // every message.
         var binding    = new BasicHttpBinding();
         var parameters = new BindingParameterCollection();
         var factory    =
             binding.BuildChannelFactory <IRequestChannel>(parameters);
         // We send the message in a try block to guarantee that we
         // close the channel and factory when we're done.
         try {
             // Open the channel to the server the user provided,
             // on the hard-coded port number.
             var addr = new EndpointAddress("http://" + hostBox.Text +
                                            ":" + UptimeRequest.ListeningPort);
             var channel = factory.CreateChannel(addr);
             try {
                 // Formulate our request, which is really simple.
                 var request = new UptimeRequest();
                 // Serialize that request into a WCF message.
                 Message requestMessage = Message.CreateMessage(
                     binding.MessageVersion, "urn:UptimeRequest",
                     new UptimeRequest(),
                 // Send the request and block waiting for a response.
                 var responseMessage = channel.Request(requestMessage);
                 // Deserialize the response.
                 var response = responseMessage.GetBody <UptimeResponse>
                 // Read the response and show results to user.
                 uptimeLabel.Text    = response.Uptime.ToString();
                 timestampLabel.Text = response.Timestamp.ToString();
             } finally {
         } finally {
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         // don't catch fatal exceptions
         if (ex is OutOfMemoryException || ex is StackOverflowException)
         // Display the error to the user to decide what to do.
         if (MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error querying server uptime",
                             MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation,
                             MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) == DialogResult.Retry)
             updateButton_Click(sender, e); // try again
     } finally {
         // Reset wait cursor in finally block to ensure it goes away
         // even in case of failure.
         Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;