private void Ga_Update(object sender, EventArgs e) { CurrentGeneration++; RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(ShortestRouteFound)); RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(CurrentGeneration)); UpdateUI?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
private void QueueWork() { string queuePath = Dns.GetHostName() + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["local_queue_path"]; MessageQueue queue = null; if (!MessageQueue.Exists(queuePath)) { queue = MessageQueue.Create(queuePath); } else { queue = new MessageQueue(queuePath); } queue.Formatter = new XmlMessageFormatter(new Type[] { typeof(String) }); while (true) { System.Messaging.Message message = queue.Receive(); if (message.Label == "key") { DataBlob blob = (DataBlob)Serializer.DeserializeObject(Convert.FromBase64String(message.Body.ToString())); ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Set("RSA", blob.Data); UpdateUI d = new UpdateUI(UpdateUIAfterRSARecieved); Invoke(d); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } } }
public void Init(GameController gameController, UpdateUI ui, MapRegion r) { this.gameController = gameController; this.ui = ui; this.region = r; isHovered = false; }
public void Deselect() { SelectedFaces.Clear(); SelectedVertices.Clear(); _isFaceSelected = false; UpdateUI?.Invoke(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates new <c>CommandUI</c> for use during an editing update. This doesn't refer to /// the UpdateUI itself, it refers to a command that is the subject of the update. /// </summary> /// <param name="editId">The ID of the edit this command deals with.</param> /// <param name="updcmd">The update command (not null) that is controlling this command.</param> protected CommandUI(IControlContainer cc, EditingActionId editId, UpdateUI updcmd) { if (updcmd == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } m_Container = cc; m_EditId = editId; m_UpdCmd = updcmd; m_Draw = updcmd.ActiveDisplay; //m_Update = updcmd.SelectedObject; m_Recall = null; /* * this.Update = update; * * if (update==null) * { * m_Draw = EditingController.Current.ActiveDisplay; * m_Recall = null; * } */ Debug.Assert(m_Draw != null); }
public void Execute(UndoItem ui) { ui.Redo(); Redo.Clear(); Undo.Push(ui); UpdateUI?.Invoke(); }
private void QueueWork() { string queuePath = Dns.GetHostName() + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["server_queue_path"]; UpdateUI d = new UpdateUI(UpdateUIWithQueuePath); Invoke(d); MessageQueue queue = null; if (!MessageQueue.Exists(queuePath)) { queue = MessageQueue.Create(queuePath); } else { queue = new MessageQueue(queuePath); } queue.Formatter = new XmlMessageFormatter(new Type[] { typeof(String) }); while (true) { System.Messaging.Message message = queue.Receive(); if (message.Label == "path") { DataBlob clientPath = (DataBlob)Serializer.DeserializeObject(Convert.FromBase64String(message.Body.ToString())); ClientConnectionHandler.SendRSAKeyToClientQueue(clientPath.Data); } } }
public static void ChangeState(string id, string state) { try { Form form = Application.OpenForms["Form1"]; if (form == null) { return; } Label ctrl = form.Controls.Find(id, true).FirstOrDefault() as Label; if (ctrl == null) { return; } if (ctrl.InvokeRequired) { UpdateUI ph = new UpdateUI(ChangeState); ctrl.BeginInvoke(ph, id, state); } else { ctrl.Text = state; } } catch (Exception e) { } }
public void SelectFaces(IEnumerable <Face> Faces) { SelectedFaces = Faces.ToList(); SelectedVertices.Clear(); _isFaceSelected = SelectedFaces.Count > 0; UpdateUI?.Invoke(); }
public Inventory() { InitializeComponent(); _Device = new DeviceSettings(this); _UpdateUIHandler = new UpdateUI(myUpdateUI); defaultType(); defaultServer(); disableSetButton(); RoomParser rooms = new RoomParser(); _RoomTable = rooms.Rooms; _TagTable = new Hashtable(1023); _TagList = new List<ListViewItem>(5000); _MaxRead = -100; _InRoom = false; _User = new User(); if (_User.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) userLabel.Text = _User.UserName; else Application.Exit(); Connect(); _TimeStamps = new Queue(); _TimeStamps.Enqueue(DateTime.Now.ToString(_DateFormat)); _TagRec = new TagRecords(); if (_IsConnected) StartSequence(); }
private void DownLoadUpdateFiles() { if (updateList == null || updateList.Count < 1) { BroadCastOnUpdateComplete(); return; } try { UpdateUI dUpdateUI = new UpdateUI(UpdateUIInfo); AsycDownLoadFile dAsycDownLoadFile = new AsycDownLoadFile(DownLoadFile); for (int i = 0; i < updateList.Count; i++) { string file = updateList[i]; string destFile = String.Concat(updateTmpPath, "\\", file); string destFileName = destFile.Substring(destFile.LastIndexOf("/") + 1); string srcFile = String.Concat(url, file); var srcFileName = file.Trim('/'); destFile = destFile.Replace("/", "\\"); Directory.CreateDirectory(destFile.Substring(0, destFile.LastIndexOf("\\"))); string curentFile = String.Concat("正在更新第", i + 1, "/", updateList.Count, "个", file); Invoke(dAsycDownLoadFile, new object[] { srcFileName, srcFileName, i }); Thread.Sleep(50); Invoke(dUpdateUI, new object[] { i, curentFile }); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } BroadCastOnUpdateComplete(); }
public void FindSmallestBoundaryPolygon(List <Point> points) { int step = 0; PointsToEnclose = points; int vertices = BoundaryPolygon.Vertices.Count; bool developed = true; while (developed) { developed = false; for (int v = 0; v < vertices; v++) { step++; Point vertex = BoundaryPolygon.Vertices.ElementAt(v); Point bestNeighbour = FindBestNeighbour(vertex, v); if (!vertex.Equals(bestNeighbour)) { BoundaryPolygon.ExchangeVertexAt(v, bestNeighbour); //v--; developed = true; Thread.Sleep(5); UpdateUI?.Invoke(this, new HillClimbingEventArgs(new Polygon(BoundaryPolygon))); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LineSubdivisionUpdateForm"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="up">The command that's running things.</param> internal LineSubdivisionUpdateForm(UpdateUI up) { InitializeComponent(); m_UpdCmd = up; this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Finish button. /// </summary> /// <returns>The point created at the intersection (null if an error was reported). /// The caller is responsible for disposing of the dialog and telling the controller /// the command is done)</returns> internal override PointFeature Finish() { // The intersection SHOULD be defined (the Finish button should have // been disabled if it wasn't) IPosition x = intersectInfo.Intersection; if (x == null) { MessageBox.Show("No intersection. Nothing to save"); return(null); } // If we're not doing an update, just save the edit UpdateUI up = (GetCommand() as UpdateUI); if (up == null) { return(SaveDirLine()); } // Remember the changes as part of the UI object (the original edit remains // unchanged for now) IntersectDirectionAndLineOperation op = (IntersectDirectionAndLineOperation)up.GetOp(); UpdateItemCollection changes = op.GetUpdateItems(getDirection.Direction, getLine.Line, intersectInfo.ClosestPoint); if (!up.AddUpdate(op, changes)) { return(null); } // Return the point previously created at the intersect return(op.IntersectionPoint); }
// Use this for initialization IEnumerator Start() { spawnWeapons = GameObject.Find("Items").GetComponent <SpawnWeapons>(); updateUI = GameObject.Find("PlayerUI").GetComponent <UpdateUIRefrence>().updateUI; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f)); checkDistances(); }
private void updateUI(int i) { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { lstSample.Items.Add(i); }); UpdateUI.Invoke(this, new EventArgs()); }
public void FetchLessons() { if (SelectedCategory == DefaultMessage) { return; } Lessons = (LessonDataStore as LessonDataStore).GetItemsByCategoryAsync(SelectedCategory).Result.ToList(); UpdateUI.Invoke(null, new EventArgs()); }
internal TerminalControl(UpdateUI updcmd, bool isLast) { InitializeComponent(); m_Cmd = updcmd; m_IsLast = isLast; m_Line = null; m_Terminal = null; }
private bool EndDelegate(PlaceHolderTextView placeView, UITextView textview, string formattedText) { if (scrollForward && textScroller.ContentOffset.X < 50f) { ScrollForward(true); DispatchQueue.MainQueue.DispatchAfter(DispatchTime.Now, () => { textScroller.FlashScrollIndicators(); }); } if (updateText) { int textViewLen = formattedText.Length; int formattedLen = placeView.Text.Length; if ((formattedLen > textViewLen) && !deleting) { char c = placeView.Text.Substring(textViewLen, 1).ToCharArray() [0]; if (c == ' ') { formattedText = formattedText + " "; } else if (c == '/') { formattedText = formattedText + "/"; } textViewLen = formattedText.Length; formattedLen = placeView.Text.Length; } placeView.SetShowTextOffSet(Math.Min(textViewLen, formattedLen)); if (!deleting || hasFullNumber || deletedSpace) { textview.Text = formattedText; } else { ret = true; } } if (flashForError) { FlashMessage("Please recheck number"); } if (ccText.Text.Length == cardHelper.LengthOfFormattedStringForType(Type) && expiryText.Text.Length == 5 && cvTwoText.Text.Length == (Type == CardType.AMEX ? 4 : 3)) { CompletelyDone = true; } else { CompletelyDone = false; } DispatchQueue.MainQueue.DispatchAsync(() => { UpdateUI.Invoke(); }); return(ret); }
void Awake() { updateUI = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCanvas").GetComponent <UpdateUI>(); GameObject enemyGo = Instantiate(enemyPrefab, enemyLocation); enemyUnit = enemyGo.GetComponent <EnemyUnit>(); timesAttempted = new int[enemyUnit.questions.Length]; }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); RefreshUI = UpdateImage; //test code here Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", SystemParameters.WorkArea.Width, SystemParameters.WorkArea.Height); Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenWidth, SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight); Console.WriteLine(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Vertex))); }
internal SimpleLineSubdivisionControl(UpdateUI updcmd) { InitializeComponent(); m_Cmd = updcmd; m_Line = null; m_IsFromEnd = false; m_Length = new Distance(); m_MaxLength = 0.0; }
void Awake() { updateUI = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCanvas").GetComponent <UpdateUI>(); GameObject enemyGo = Instantiate(enemyPrefab, enemyLocation); enemyUnit = enemyGo.GetComponent <EnemyUnit>(); enemyLocation.GetComponentInChildren <Image>().sprite = enemyUnit.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite; timesAttempted = new int[enemyUnit.questions.Length]; }
internal ParallelControl(UpdateUI updcmd) { InitializeComponent(); // Initialize everything. SetZeroValues(); // Remember the command that's running the show. m_Cmd = updcmd; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { jumpPuffs = 0; canJump = 0; rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); //distToGround = (GetComponent<Collider>().bounds.extents.y / 2); jumpingOnStar = false; anim = GetComponent <Animator> (); sphereCol = GetComponent <SphereCollider> (); ui = GetComponent <UpdateUI> (); }
private void ImageCallBack_2(IntPtr m_BufForDriver, ref MyCamera.MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX pFrameInfo, IntPtr pUser) { MyCamera.MVCC_INTVALUE stParam = new MyCamera.MVCC_INTVALUE(); int nRet = cameraArr1[0].MV_CC_GetIntValue_NET("PayloadSize", ref stParam); if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet) { MessageBox.Show("Get PayloadSize failed", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } UInt32 nPayloadSize = stParam.nCurValue; if (nPayloadSize > m_nBufSizeForDriver) { if (m_BufForDriver != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.Release(m_BufForDriver); } m_nBufSizeForDriver = nPayloadSize; m_BufForDriver = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((Int32)m_nBufSizeForDriver); } if (m_BufForDriver == IntPtr.Zero) { MessageBox.Show("采集失败,请重新连接设备", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } // 将海康数据类型转为Mat nRet = cameraArr1[0].MV_CC_GetOneFrameTimeout_NET(m_BufForDriver, nPayloadSize, ref pFrameInfo, 1000); // m_BufForDriver为图像数据接收指针 //pTemp = m_BufForDriver; byte[] byteImage = new byte[pFrameInfo.nHeight * pFrameInfo.nWidth]; Marshal.Copy(m_BufForDriver, byteImage, 0, pFrameInfo.nHeight * pFrameInfo.nWidth); Mat matImage = new Mat(pFrameInfo.nHeight, pFrameInfo.nWidth, MatType.CV_8UC1, byteImage); // 单通道图像转为三通道 Mat matImageNew = new Mat(); Cv2.CvtColor(matImage, matImageNew, ColorConversionCodes.GRAY2RGB); Bitmap bitmap = matImageNew.ToBitmap(); // Mat转为Bitmap // 是否进行推理 DeepLearning deepLearning = new DeepLearning(); if (isInference2) { bitmap = deepLearning.Inference(model2, modelType, bitmap); } if (pictureBox2.InvokeRequired) // 当一个控件的InvokeRequired属性值为真时,说明有一个创建它以外的线程想访问它 { UpdateUI update = delegate { pictureBox2.Image = bitmap; }; pictureBox2.BeginInvoke(update); } else { pictureBox2.Image = bitmap; } }
public void SelectVertex(Pt?vertex) { SelectedFaces.Clear(); SelectedVertices.Clear(); if (vertex != null) { SelectedVertices.Add(vertex.Value); } _isFaceSelected = false; UpdateUI?.Invoke(); }
public void SelectFace(Face face) { SelectedFaces.Clear(); if (face != null && Faces.Contains(face)) { SelectedFaces.Add(face); } SelectedVertices.Clear(); _isFaceSelected = SelectedFaces.Count > 0; UpdateUI?.Invoke(); }
public void SelectFace(int?index) { SelectedVertices.Clear(); SelectedFaces.Clear(); if (index != null && index.Value >= 0 && index.Value < Faces.Count) { SelectedFaces.Add(Faces[index.Value]); } _isFaceSelected = SelectedFaces.Count > 0; UpdateUI?.Invoke(); }
public void SelectVertices(IEnumerable <Pt> vertices) { SelectedVertices.Clear(); if (vertices != null) { SelectedVertices.AddRange(vertices.Distinct()); } SelectedFaces.Clear(); _isFaceSelected = false; UpdateUI?.Invoke(); }
void Update() { if (!started) { started = true; GameObject playerBlipInst = Instantiate(playerBlip); playerBlipInst.transform.SetParent(this.transform); playerBlipInst.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); PBI = playerBlipInst.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); PBI.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); PBI.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); playerLoc = player.GetComponent <UpdateUI>(); orbInst = new RectTransform[orbs.Length]; orbLocs = new OrbControl[orbs.Length]; receptors = new Receptor[orbs.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < orbs.Length; i++) { GameObject lInst = Instantiate(orbBlip); lInst.transform.SetParent(this.transform); lInst.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); GameObject rInst = Instantiate(receptorBlip); rInst.transform.SetParent(this.transform); rInst.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); orbInst[i] = lInst.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); orbInst[i].anchoredPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); orbInst[i].localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); orbLocs[i] = orbs[i].GetComponent <OrbControl>(); receptors[i] = orbLocs[i].receptor.GetComponent <Receptor>(); Debug.Log(receptors[i].location.toVector2); RectTransform rT = rInst.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); rT.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); rT.anchoredPosition = 150 / 90f * receptors[i].location.toVector2; lInst.GetComponent <Image>().color = orbLocs[i].color; rInst.GetComponent <Image>().color = orbLocs[i].color; } } PBI.anchoredPosition = 150 / 90f * playerLoc.getLocation().toVector2; for (int i = 0; i < orbs.Length; i++) { orbInst[i].anchoredPosition = 150 / 90f * orbLocs[i].getLocation().toVector2; } }
public test(string xoml, string rules) { InitializeComponent(); RefreshWFEvent = new UpdateUI(refreshWFInfoMethod); setSubmitEnabled = new UpdateUI(setSubmitEnabledMethod); setSubmitResult = new UpdateUI(setSubmitResultMethod); this.llSubmit.Enabled = false; rtbXoml = xoml; rtbRules = rules; this.start(); }
private void Awake() { if(AttachedType == { UpdateUI.healthBar = this; } else if(AttachedType == barType.shield) { UpdateUI.shieldBar = this; } else if(AttachedType == barType.ammo) { UpdateUI.ammoBar = this; } else if(AttachedType == barType.fuel) { UpdateUI.fuelBar = this; } slider = gameObject.GetComponent<UISlider> (); }
private void ProcessText(string text) { if (text == null || text.Length == 0||text.IndexOf("|")==-1) { return; } if (text[0] == 13) { text = text.Substring(1); } string[] data = text.Split('|'); if (text.StartsWith("HGFOZ")) { UpdateUI ui = new UpdateUI(ProcessFmz); //this.ProcessDimension(data); this.Invoke(ui, new object[] { data }); } else if (text.StartsWith("ZCCCH")) { UpdateUI ui = new UpdateUI(ProcessWhole); //this.ProcessDimension(data); this.Invoke(ui, new object[] { data }); //this.ProcessWhole(data); //this.Invoke() } else if (text.StartsWith("QTZS21_V1.0")) { UpdateUI ui = new UpdateUI(ProcessDimension); //this.ProcessDimension(data); this.Invoke(ui, new object[] { data }); } }
public void SetUpdateUIFunction(UpdateUI _updateUI) { this.updateUI = _updateUI; }
public ChatClient() { InitializeComponent(); updateUi = new UpdateUI(SetText); }