Esempio n. 1
        public async Task <TaskItem> UpdateTask(UpdateTaskItemCommand command)
            var existingItem = await _context.TaskItems.FindAsync(command.Id);

            if (existingItem == null)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(command.Id));

            if (existingItem.Status == TaskItem.TaskStatus.Closed)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("cannot change task in this status");

            existingItem.ProjectID   = command.ProjectId;
            existingItem.Priority    = command.Priority;
            existingItem.Status      = command.Status;
            existingItem.Description = command.Description;
            existingItem.Name        = command.Name;
            existingItem.Modified    = DateTime.UtcNow;

            _context.Entry(existingItem).State = EntityState.Modified;
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

        public async Task GivenValidRequestWithAttachfile_OnCreateException_ShouldRaiseBadRequest_and_DeletefileOnBlobStorage()
            var client = await _factory.GetAuthenticatedClientAsync();

            // init DB for test
            var context = _factory.InitializeDbForTests();

            var listAttachFiles = new List <AttachFileModel>();

            // Mock Attachfile 1
            var formData  = _factory.MockUploadFileAction("file1.txt", "data file 1");
            var response1 = await client.PostAsync($"/api/Upload/", formData);

            var fileAfterUpload = await IntegrationTestHelper.GetResponseContent <FileListDto>(response1);

            listAttachFiles.Add(new AttachFileModel()
                FileName        = fileAfterUpload.Files[0].FileName,
                FileStorageName = fileAfterUpload.Files[0].FileStorageName,
                BlobStorageUrl  = fileAfterUpload.Files[0].BlobStorageUrl,
                FileSize        = fileAfterUpload.Files[0].FileSize,
                ThumbnailImage  = fileAfterUpload.Files[0].ThumbnailImage,
                LocalUrl        = fileAfterUpload.Files[0].LocalUrl

            string taskId = "197d0438-e04b-453d-b5de-eca05960c6ae";
            UpdateTaskItemCommand command = new UpdateTaskItemCommand()
                Name        = "Task With AttachFiles",
                Description = "Description Test",
                TeamId      = Guid.Parse(taskId),
                AttachFiles = listAttachFiles,
                Assignee    = new UserModel()
                    UserId = Guid.NewGuid(), DisplayName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
                //CreatedBy = new UserModel() { UserId = Guid.NewGuid(), DisplayName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }, empty filed to Reproduce error
                Deadline  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Id        = new Guid(taskId),
                Status    = '2',
                Tags      = new List <TagModel>(),
                Relations = new List <RelatedObjectModel>()

            var content = IntegrationTestHelper.GetRequestContent(command);

            var response2 = await client.PutAsync($"/api/TaskItems/Update/{taskId}", content);


            // release DB
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task Handle(UpdateTaskItemCommand message)
            var task = _dataMapper.Map <TaskItem>(message.Item);

            var existingTask = await _repository.GetOneAsync <TaskItem>(task.Id);

            existingTask.Content        = task.Content;
            existingTask.UpdatedAt      = DateTime.UtcNow;
            existingTask.LastModifiedBy = _userIdentityProvider.GetUserId();

            var updatedTask = await _repository.UpdateAsync(existingTask);

            await _bus.RaiseEvent(new TaskItemUpdatedEvent(_dataMapper.Map <TaskItemDto>(updatedTask)));
Esempio n. 4
        public async Task Handle_LoginUserIsNotOwner_ShouldRaiseNotOwned()
            // Arrange
            var mediatorMock = new Mock <IMediator>();
            // Login user
            var currentUserServiceMock = new Mock <ICurrentUserService>();

            currentUserServiceMock.Setup(m => m.UserId)
            var sut = new UpdateTaskItemCommandHandler(_context, mediatorMock.Object, currentUserServiceMock.Object);

            var taskName    = "Task4";
            var description = "Description4";
            var teamId      = validTeamId;
            var user        = new UserModel()
                UserId      = userId1,
                DisplayName = "TestUser1"
            var attachFiles = new List <AttachFileModel>()
                new AttachFileModel()
                    FileName = "file 1",

            // Act
            var command = new UpdateTaskItemCommand
                Id          = validTaskItemId,
                Name        = taskName,
                Description = description,
                Status      = 1,
                TeamId      = teamId,
                Assignee    = user,
                CreatedBy   = user,
                AttachFiles = attachFiles,
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <NotOwnedException>(() => sut.Handle(command, CancellationToken.None));

            // Assert
            //mediatorMock.Verify(m => m.Publish(It.Is<UpdateTaskItemCommand>(cc => cc.Id == validTaskItemId), It.IsAny<CancellationToken>()), Times.Once);
Esempio n. 5
        public async Task Handle_GivenInvalidTeamId_ShouldRaiseNotFoundException()
            // Arrange
            var mediatorMock = new Mock <IMediator>();
            // Login user
            var currentUserServiceMock = new Mock <ICurrentUserService>();

            currentUserServiceMock.Setup(m => m.UserId)
            var sut = new UpdateTaskItemCommandHandler(_context, mediatorMock.Object, currentUserServiceMock.Object);

            var taskName    = "Task4";
            var description = "Description4";
            var teamId      = Guid.NewGuid();
            var user        = new UserModel()
                UserId      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                DisplayName = "TestUser1"
            var attachFiles = new List <AttachFileModel>()
                new AttachFileModel()
                    FileName = "file 1",

            // Act
            var command = new UpdateTaskItemCommand
                Id          = validTaskItemId,
                Name        = taskName,
                Description = description,
                Status      = 1,
                TeamId      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Assignee    = user,
                CreatedBy   = user,
                AttachFiles = attachFiles,
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <NotFoundException>(() => sut.Handle(command, CancellationToken.None));
Esempio n. 6
        public async Task GivenTaskItemIdDifferId_ReturnsNotFound()
            var client = await _factory.GetAuthenticatedClientAsync();

            var command = new UpdateTaskItemCommand
                Id          = new Guid("197d0438-e04b-453d-b5de-eca05960c6ae"),
                Name        = "TaskItem 1",
                Description = "Des11111",
                CreatedBy   = new UserModel()
                    UserId      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    DisplayName = "TestUser1"
                TeamId = new Guid("197d0438-e04b-453d-b5de-eca05960c6ae"),
                Status = 2

            var content = IntegrationTestHelper.GetRequestContent(command);

            var response = await client.PutAsync($"/api/TaskItems/Update/{Guid.NewGuid()}", content);

        public async Task <ActionResult <TaskItem> > UpdateItem(
            [FromRoute] int id,
            [FromBody] UpdateTaskParameters parameters)
                var command = new UpdateTaskItemCommand
                    Id          = id,
                    Name        = parameters.Name,
                    Description = parameters.Description,
                    Priority    = parameters.Priority,
                    ProjectId   = parameters.ProjectId,
                    Status      = parameters.Status

                return(await _taskRepository.UpdateTask(command));
            catch (Exception e)
        public async Task GivenValidRequestWithAttachfile_ShouldUpdateTaskWithAttachfile()
            var client = await _factory.GetAuthenticatedClientAsync();

            // init DB for test
            var context = _factory.InitializeDbForTests();

            var listAttachFiles = new List <AttachFileModel>();

            // Mock Attachfile 1
            var formData1       = _factory.MockUploadFileAction("file1.txt", "data file 1");
            var uploadResponse1 = await client.PostAsync($"/api/Upload/", formData1);

            var fileAfterUpload1 = await IntegrationTestHelper.GetResponseContent <FileListDto>(uploadResponse1);

            listAttachFiles.Add(new AttachFileModel()
                FileName        = fileAfterUpload1.Files[0].FileName,
                FileStorageName = fileAfterUpload1.Files[0].FileStorageName,
                BlobStorageUrl  = fileAfterUpload1.Files[0].BlobStorageUrl,
                FileSize        = fileAfterUpload1.Files[0].FileSize,
                ThumbnailImage  = fileAfterUpload1.Files[0].ThumbnailImage,
                LocalUrl        = fileAfterUpload1.Files[0].LocalUrl
            string taskId = "197d0438-e04b-453d-b5de-eca05960c6ae";
            UpdateTaskItemCommand command1 = new UpdateTaskItemCommand()
                Name        = "Task With AttachFiles",
                Description = "Description Test",
                TeamId      = Guid.Parse(taskId),
                AttachFiles = listAttachFiles,
                Assignee    = new UserModel()
                    UserId = Guid.NewGuid(), DisplayName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
                Deadline  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Id        = new Guid(taskId),
                Status    = '2',
                Tags      = new List <TagModel>(),
                Relations = new List <RelatedObjectModel>()

            var content1 = IntegrationTestHelper.GetRequestContent(command1);

            var response1 = await client.PutAsync($"/api/TaskItems/Update/{taskId}", content1);


            // Mock Attachfile 2
            var formData2       = _factory.MockUploadFileAction("file2.txt", "data file 2");
            var uploadResponse2 = await client.PostAsync($"/api/Upload/", formData2);

            var fileAfterUpload2 = await IntegrationTestHelper.GetResponseContent <FileListDto>(uploadResponse2);

            listAttachFiles = new List <AttachFileModel>();
            listAttachFiles.Add(new AttachFileModel()
                FileName        = fileAfterUpload2.Files[0].FileName,
                FileStorageName = fileAfterUpload2.Files[0].FileStorageName,
                BlobStorageUrl  = fileAfterUpload2.Files[0].BlobStorageUrl,
                FileSize        = fileAfterUpload2.Files[0].FileSize,
                ThumbnailImage  = fileAfterUpload2.Files[0].ThumbnailImage,
                LocalUrl        = fileAfterUpload2.Files[0].LocalUrl

            UpdateTaskItemCommand command2 = new UpdateTaskItemCommand()
                Name        = "Task With AttachFiles",
                Description = "Description Test",
                TeamId      = Guid.Parse(taskId),
                AttachFiles = listAttachFiles,
                Assignee    = new UserModel()
                    UserId = Guid.NewGuid(), DisplayName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
                Deadline  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Id        = new Guid(taskId),
                Status    = '2',
                Tags      = new List <TagModel>(),
                Relations = new List <RelatedObjectModel>()

            var content2 = IntegrationTestHelper.GetRequestContent(command2);

            var response2 = await client.PutAsync($"/api/TaskItems/Update/{taskId}", content2);


            // release DB
Esempio n. 9
        public async Task <ActionResult> UpdateTaskItem(string taskId, UpdateTaskItemCommand command)
            if (!taskId.Equals(command.Id.ToString()))

            TaskItemModel task = await Mediator.Send(new GetTaskItemQuery { TaskItemId = new Guid(taskId) });

            if (command.AttachFiles != null)
                // remove file in blob
                List <AttachFileModel> deleteList = task.AttachFiles?.Where(oldFile => !command.AttachFiles.Any(
                                                                                newFile => newFile.FileStorageName.Equals(oldFile.FileStorageName))).ToList();
                if (deleteList != null)
                    foreach (AttachFileModel deleteFile in deleteList)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(deleteFile.BlobStorageUrl))
                            await _blobStorageService.DeleteBlobData(deleteFile.BlobStorageUrl);

                foreach (AttachFileModel file in command.AttachFiles)
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(file.BlobStorageUrl))
                        file.BlobStorageUrl = await _blobStorageService
                                              .UploadFileToBlobAsync(file.LocalUrl.Replace("\\\\", "\\"), file.FileStorageName);
                // remove file in blob
                if (task.AttachFiles != null)
                    foreach (AttachFileModel deleteFile in task.AttachFiles)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(deleteFile.BlobStorageUrl))
                            await _blobStorageService.DeleteBlobData(deleteFile.BlobStorageUrl);

                await Mediator.Send(command);
            catch (Exception)
                if (command.AttachFiles != null)
                    foreach (AttachFileModel file in command.AttachFiles)
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(file.BlobStorageUrl))
                            await _blobStorageService.DeleteBlobData(file.BlobStorageUrl);
