public FirmwareDownloadResult DownloadFirmware(string firmwarePath, UpdateFirmwareCallback callback, Difference[] fwChanges) { if (callback(0, true, "Please put the LoadBoard into download mode by holding the SW1 button and then clicking SW2. \r\nAfter clicking OK do not disconnect board until the firmware download is complete.", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) != DialogResult.OK) { return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedNoError; } StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(firmwarePath); ArrayList firmware = new ArrayList(); try { while (reader.Peek() >= 0) { string str = reader.ReadLine().Trim(); if ((str.Length > 0) && (str[0] != ';')) { firmware.Add(str); } } } catch { callback(0, true, "There was an error while reading in the firmware file.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; } finally { reader.Close(); } if (firmware.Count < 2) { callback(0, true, "The firmware file is too small.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; } switch (this.WriteFirmwareToDevice(firmware, callback)) { case FDResult.OK: return FirmwareDownloadResult.OK; case FDResult.Error: return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; case FDResult.FatalError: return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithFatalError; } return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; }
public FirmwareDownloadResult DownloadFirmware(string firmwarePath, UpdateFirmwareCallback callback, Difference[] fwChanges) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(firmwarePath); ArrayList firmware = new ArrayList(); try { while (reader.Peek() >= 0) { string str = reader.ReadLine().Trim(); if ((str.Length > 0) && (str[0] != ';')) { firmware.Add(str); } } } catch { callback(0, true, "There was an error while reading in the firmware file.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; } finally { reader.Close(); } if (firmware.Count < 2) { callback(0, true, "There was an error while reading in the firmware file.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; } switch (WriteFirmwareToDevice(firmware, callback)) { case FDResult.OK: return FirmwareDownloadResult.OK; case FDResult.Error: return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; case FDResult.FatalError: return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithFatalError; } return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; }
private FDResult WriteFirmwareToDevice(ArrayList firmware, UpdateFirmwareCallback callback) { FDResult oK = FDResult.OK; try { if (_adtRecord.PortAddress.comAddr.COMPortId <= 0) { callback(0, true, "The com port: " + _adtRecord.PortAddress.comAddr.COMPortId.ToString() + " is not valid.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return FDResult.FatalError; } _ddi.enablePollerRun(false); Thread.Sleep(300); bool flag = false; do { flag = false; try { int num; _log.Info("==== WriteFirmwareToDevice ==== "); if (_adtRecord.DeviceInfo.DeviceType.TypeID != DeviceTypeID.SRW002) { num = _ddi.close(_adtRecord.PortAddress.handle); _adtRecord.PortAddress.comAddr.baudRate = 19200; _adtRecord.PortAddress.handle =, 'E'); } if (!SendRequest("bl\r")) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Error while writing command to change to boot loader mode of the device."); } Thread.Sleep(100); num = _ddi.close(_adtRecord.PortAddress.handle); _adtRecord.PortAddress.handle = null; if (num != 0) { oK = FDResult.Error; throw new Exception("Error while closing serial port."); } _adtRecord.PortAddress.comAddr.baudRate = 115200; _adtRecord.PortAddress.handle =, 'E'); if (_adtRecord.PortAddress.handle == null) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("The serial port could not be opened in high speed mode."); } Thread.Sleep(100); _log.Info("in bl mode: J cmd"); if (!SendRequest("J\r")) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Error while writing command to change the communication speed on the device."); } if (WaitForResponse("BLD", "V1.10W")) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Error while waiting for response to Get Bootloader revision."); } string response = respBuff.objectInfo(false); _log.Info("in bl mode: response of 'J':" + response); if (response.Contains("SRW")) { string[] strArray = response.Split(new char[] { ',' }); string text1 = strArray[0]; if (strArray[3].Substring(0, 3) != "BLD") { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("HW is not in Bootloader mode"); } if (strArray[2] != "01.2r") { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Bootloader revision mismatch."); } } response = ""; _log.Info("in bl mode: Na5f1H cmd"); if (!SendRequest("Na5f1H")) { oK = FDResult.Error; throw new Exception("Error while writing command to Set Key Sequence on the device."); } if (WaitForResponse("E09", null)) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Error while waiting for response to Set Key Sequence on the device."); } _log.Info("in bl mode: K cmd"); if (!SendRequest("K")) { oK = FDResult.Error; throw new Exception("Error while writing command to Set Key Sequence on the device."); } if (WaitForResponse("EA\r\nOK\r\n>", null, 50)) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Error while waiting for response to Set Key Sequence on the device."); } _log.Info("in bl mode: download loop"); for (int i = 0; i < firmware.Count; i++) { string fw_cmd = (string)firmware[i]; DataBuffer data = new DataBuffer(fw_cmd.Length); data.copy(fw_cmd); Thread.Sleep(1); if (_ddi.write(_adtRecord.PortAddress.handle, data) != 0) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Error while writing firmware command."); } callback((int)Math.Round((double)((((double)(i + 1)) / ((double)firmware.Count)) * 100.0), 0), false, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } _log.Info("in bl mode: end of download loop"); if (WaitForResponse("E09", null)) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Error while waiting for response to Hex download."); } _log.Info("in bl mode: L mcd"); if (!SendRequest("L")) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Error while checking image integrity."); } if (WaitForResponse("00000000", null)) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Error while waiting for response to check image integrity."); } _log.Info("in bl mode: M cmd"); if (!SendRequest("M")) { oK = FDResult.Error; throw new Exception("Error while starting application."); } _log.Info("==== WriteFirmwareToDevice has finished ===="); Thread.Sleep(1000); } catch (Exception exception) { _log.Info("in bl mode: error occured:" + exception.Message); flag = false; switch (callback(0, true, "There was an error while writing the firmware to the device.\r\n" + exception.Message, MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel)) { case DialogResult.Cancel: flag = false; break; case DialogResult.Retry: flag = true; break; default: flag = false; break; } } } while (flag); } catch (Exception exception2) { callback(0, true, "There was a fatal error while writing the firmware to the device.\r\n" + exception2.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK); } finally { _ddi.close(_adtRecord.PortAddress.handle); _adtRecord.PortAddress.comAddr.baudRate = 19200; _adtRecord.PortAddress.handle =, 'D'); _ddi.enablePollerRun(true); } return oK; }
private bool PromptUser(string a_msg, UpdateFirmwareCallback callback) { switch (callback(0, true, "There was an error while writing the firmware to the device.\r\n" + a_msg, MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel)) { case DialogResult.Cancel: return false; case DialogResult.Retry: return true; } return false; }
private FDResult WriteFirmwareToDevice(ArrayList firmware, UpdateFirmwareCallback callback, ushort vid, ushort pid, string serial, string hexFileName) { BootloadStatus fail = BootloadStatus.Fail; int num = 0; int num2 = 0; m_hidApp = _adtRecord.PortAddress.handle; if (((m_hidApp.HIDhnd.hnd.IsOpened() != 0) || m_hidApp.HIDhnd.hnd.Connect(vid, pid, serial, 0x7d0, 0x7d0)) && ((fail = LoadHexFile(hexFileName)) == BootloadStatus.Success)) { bool[] flashPageModified = m_flashPageModified; for (int i = 0; i < flashPageModified.Length; i++) if (flashPageModified[i]) num++; EzDCP2 zdcp = new EzDCP2(m_hidApp); fail = zdcp.initiateIcommand() ? BootloadStatus.Success : BootloadStatus.Fail; byte[] rxDara = new byte[1]; callback(0, false, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK); fail = zdcp.exchangeMessagese(new byte[] { 0x80, 0x55, 4, 0x18, 0x2a, 0, 0x36 }, ref rxDara, 0x9c4, true, false) ? BootloadStatus.Success : BootloadStatus.Fail; if (fail != BootloadStatus.Success) return FDResult.Error; for (int j = 0; j < m_flashPageModified.Length; j++) { if (m_flashPageModified[j]) { ushort num6; ushort sourceIndex = (ushort)(j * 512); for (ushort k = 0; k < 512; k = (ushort)(k + num6)) { num6 = (ushort)(512 - k); num6 = Math.Min(num6, (ushort)32); byte[] destinationArray = new byte[num6]; Array.Copy(m_flashMemory, sourceIndex, destinationArray, 0, num6); fail = zdcp.exchangeMessagese(zdcp.createDCP2Commands(destinationArray, sourceIndex), ref rxDara, 0, true, false) ? BootloadStatus.Success : BootloadStatus.Fail; if (fail != BootloadStatus.Success) return FDResult.Error; sourceIndex = (ushort)(sourceIndex + num6); } num2++; if (num > 0) { int percentageComplete = (num2 * 100) / num; callback(percentageComplete, false, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } if (fail != BootloadStatus.Success) return FDResult.Error; } } fail = zdcp.exchangeMessagese(new byte[] { 0x80, 0x55, 4, 0x18, 0x29, 0, 0x35 }, ref rxDara, 0, true, false) ? BootloadStatus.Success : BootloadStatus.Fail; zdcp.initiateIcommand(); } Thread.Sleep(500); return FDResult.OK; }
public FirmwareDownloadResult DownloadFirmware(string firmwarePath, UpdateFirmwareCallback callback, Difference[] fwChanges) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(firmwarePath); ArrayList firmware = new ArrayList(); try { while (reader.Peek() >= 0) { string str = reader.ReadLine().Trim(); if ((str.Length > 0) && (str[0] != ';')) firmware.Add(str); } } catch { callback(0, true, "There was an error while reading in the firmware file.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; } finally { reader.Close(); } if (firmware.Count < 2) { callback(0, true, "There was an error while reading in the firmware file.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; } ushort vID = _adtRecord.PortAddress.hidAddr.VID; ushort pID = _adtRecord.PortAddress.hidAddr.PID; string serial = _adtRecord.PortAddress.hidAddr.Serial; FDResult result = WriteFirmwareToDevice(firmware, callback, vID, pID, serial, firmwarePath); _adtRecord.DeviceInfo = _adtRecord.PortAddress.handle.HIDhnd.hnd.ADT.DeviceInfo = ((DDI_HID) _ddi).queryDeviceInfo(_adtRecord.PortAddress.handle); switch (result) { case FDResult.OK: return FirmwareDownloadResult.OK; case FDResult.Error: return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; case FDResult.FatalError: return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithFatalError; } return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; }
public FirmwareDownloadResult DownloadFirmware(string firmwarePath, UpdateFirmwareCallback callback, Difference[] fwChanges) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(firmwarePath); List<string> list = new List<string>(); string str = "tmp"; string path = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Application.CommonAppDataPath, str), Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetRandomFileName(), "hex")); try { while (reader.Peek() >= 0) { string item = reader.ReadLine().Trim(); if ((item.Length > 0) && (item[0] != ';')) { list.Add(item); } } if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(path))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); } File.WriteAllLines(path, list.ToArray()); if (fwChanges != null) { new HexFileManipulation(path).changeDifferences(fwChanges); } } catch (Exception exception) { callback(0, true, "There was an error while reading in the firmware file.\n" + exception.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK); return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; } finally { reader.Close(); } if (list.Count < 2) { callback(0, true, "There was an error while reading in the firmware file.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; } ushort vID = this._adtRecord.PortAddress.toolstickAddr.VID; ushort pID = this._adtRecord.PortAddress.toolstickAddr.PID; string serial = this._adtRecord.PortAddress.toolstickAddr.Serial; WDS_MainProg.frameWin().DisablePlugAndPlay(); ADTManager.instance().removeADTRecord(this._adtRecord); FDResult result = this.WriteFirmwareToDevice(path, callback, vID, pID, serial, firmwarePath); this._adtRecord.PortAddress.handle = DDI_TOOLSTICK.instance().open(this._adtRecord); if (this._adtRecord.PortAddress.handle != null) { this._adtRecord.PortAddress.handle.TOOLSTICKhnd.hnd.ADT.DeviceInfo = this._adtRecord.DeviceInfo; WDS_MainProg.frameWin().RestorePlugAndPlay(); switch (result) { case FDResult.OK: return FirmwareDownloadResult.OK; case FDResult.Error: return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; case FDResult.FatalError: return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithFatalError; } } return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; }
private FDResult WriteFirmwareToDevice(string firmwarePath, UpdateFirmwareCallback callback, ushort vid, ushort pid, string serial, string hexFileName) { int dwDevices = 0; new StringBuilder(0x100); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (ToolStickDebugUtil.USBDebugDevices(ref dwDevices) != 0) { Console.WriteLine("FatalError"); return FDResult.FatalError; } if (dwDevices > 0) { break; } } for (int j = 0; j < dwDevices; j++) { StringBuilder psSerialNum = new StringBuilder(0x80); if (((ToolStickDebugUtil.GetUSBDeviceSN(j, ref psSerialNum) == 0) && (psSerialNum.ToString() == serial)) && (ToolStickDebugUtil.ConnectUSB(psSerialNum, 1, 1, 0) == 0)) { if (ToolStickDebugUtil.Download(new StringBuilder(firmwarePath), 1, 1, 0, -1, 0, false) != 0) { return FDResult.Error; } if (ToolStickDebugUtil.SetTargetGo() != 0) { return FDResult.FatalError; } if (ToolStickDebugUtil.DisconnectUSB() != 0) { return FDResult.Error; } if (ToolStickDebugUtil.Connected()) { return FDResult.Error; } Thread.Sleep(250); return FDResult.OK; } } return FDResult.FatalError; }
public FirmwareDownloadResult DownloadFirmware(FirmwareItem item, UpdateFirmwareCallback callback, Difference[] fwChanges) { _driver = GetIOFD(_adtRecord, item); return _driver.DownloadFirmware(item.firmwareLocation, callback, fwChanges); }
private FDResult WriteFirmwareToDevice(ArrayList firmware, UpdateFirmwareCallback callback) { FDResult oK = FDResult.OK; try { if (this._adtRecord.PortAddress.comAddr.COMPortId <= 0) { callback(0, true, "The com port: " + this._adtRecord.PortAddress.comAddr.COMPortId.ToString() + " is not valid.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return FDResult.FatalError; } this._ddi.enablePollerRun(false); bool flag = false; Label_0065: flag = false; try { string str = "C\r"; DataBuffer data = new DataBuffer(str.Length); data.copy(str); if (this._ddi.write(this._adtRecord.PortAddress.handle, data) != 0) { oK = FDResult.Error; throw new Exception("Error while writing command to change the communication speed on the device."); } int num = this._ddi.close(this._adtRecord.PortAddress.handle); this._adtRecord.PortAddress.handle = null; if (num != 0) { oK = FDResult.Error; throw new Exception("Error while closing serial port."); } this._adtRecord.PortAddress.comAddr.baudRate = 0xe100; this._adtRecord.PortAddress.handle =, 'D'); if (this._adtRecord.PortAddress.handle == null) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("The serial port could not be opened in high speed mode."); } this.inputBuffer.Clear(); bool flag2 = true; for (int i = 0; i < firmware.Count; i++) { string str2 = ((string) firmware[i]) + "\r\n"; if (flag2) { str2 = "L" + str2; flag2 = false; } data = new DataBuffer(str.Length); data.copy(str2); if (this._ddi.write(this._adtRecord.PortAddress.handle, data) != 0) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Error while writing firmware command."); } if ((i + 1) < firmware.Count) { lock (this) { this.inputBuffer.Clear(); } if (this.WaitForResult(ResultType.XOFF)) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Error while waiting for XOFF while writing the file."); } if (this.WaitForResult(ResultType.XON)) { oK = FDResult.FatalError; throw new Exception("Error while waiting for XON while writing the file."); } } callback((int) Math.Round((double) ((((double) (i + 1)) / ((double) firmware.Count)) * 100.0), 0), false, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } if (this._adtRecord.PortAddress.handle != null) { this._ddi.close(this._adtRecord.PortAddress.handle); this._adtRecord.PortAddress.handle = null; this._adtRecord.PortAddress.comAddr.baudRate = 0x4b00; this._adtRecord.PortAddress.handle =, 'D'); } } catch (Exception exception) { switch (callback(0, true, "There was an error while writing the firmware to the device.\r\n" + exception.Message, MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel)) { case DialogResult.Cancel: flag = false; goto Label_0339; case DialogResult.Retry: flag = true; goto Label_0339; } flag = false; } Label_0339: if (flag) { goto Label_0065; } } catch (Exception exception2) { callback(0, true, "There was a fatal error while writing the firmware to the device.\r\n" + exception2.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK); } finally { this._ddi.enablePollerRun(true); } return oK; }
private FDResult WriteFirmwareToDevice(ArrayList firmware, UpdateFirmwareCallback callback, ushort vid, ushort pid, string serial, string hexFileName) { BootloadStatus fail = BootloadStatus.Fail; int num = 0; int num2 = 0; bool mode = false; if (this.m_hidApp.Connect(vid, pid, serial, 0x7d0, 0x7d0)) { if (!this.m_hidApp.GetBootloadMode(ref mode) || !mode) { fail = BootloadStatus.NotInBootloadMode; } else if ((((fail = this.LoadHexFile(hexFileName)) == BootloadStatus.Success) && ((fail = this.SetFlashKeyCodes(true)) == BootloadStatus.Success)) && ((fail = this.ErasePage(0xf7fc)) == BootloadStatus.Success)) { bool[] flashPageModified = this.m_flashPageModified; for (int i = 0; i < flashPageModified.Length; i++) { if (flashPageModified[i]) { num++; } } for (int j = 0; j < this.m_flashPageModified.Length; j++) { ushort num6; if (!this.m_flashPageModified[j]) { continue; } ushort address = (ushort) (j * 0x200); ushort num5 = 0; fail = this.ErasePage(address); if (fail == BootloadStatus.Success) { goto Label_011C; } break; Label_00CD: num6 = (ushort) (0x200 - num5); num6 = Math.Min(num6, (ushort)50); byte[] destinationArray = new byte[num6]; Array.Copy(this.m_flashMemory, address, destinationArray, 0, num6); fail = this.WriteBytes(destinationArray, address); if (fail != BootloadStatus.Success) { goto Label_0125; } address = (ushort) (address + num6); num5 = (ushort) (num5 + num6); Label_011C: if (num5 < 0x200) { goto Label_00CD; } Label_0125: num2++; if (num > 0) { int percentageComplete = (num2 * 100) / num; callback(percentageComplete, false, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } if (fail != BootloadStatus.Success) { break; } } switch (fail) { case BootloadStatus.Success: if ((((fail = this.WriteValidation()) != BootloadStatus.Success) || ((fail = this.SetFlashKeyCodes(false)) != BootloadStatus.Success)) || !this.m_hidApp.SetBootloadMode(false)) { } break; case BootloadStatus.Cancelled: this.SetFlashKeyCodes(false); break; } } } this.m_hidApp.Close(); return FDResult.OK; }
public FirmwareDownloadResult DownloadFirmware(string firmwarePath, UpdateFirmwareCallback callback, Difference[] fwChanges) { FormWait wait; StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(firmwarePath); ArrayList firmware = new ArrayList(); try { while (reader.Peek() >= 0) { string str = reader.ReadLine().Trim(); if ((str.Length > 0) && (str[0] != ';')) { firmware.Add(str); } } } catch { callback(0, true, "There was an error while reading in the firmware file.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; } finally { reader.Close(); } if (firmware.Count < 2) { callback(0, true, "There was an error while reading in the firmware file.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; } ushort vID = this._adtRecord.PortAddress.hidAddr.VID; ushort pID = this._adtRecord.PortAddress.hidAddr.PID; string serial = this._adtRecord.PortAddress.hidAddr.Serial; WDS_MainProg.frameWin().DisablePlugAndPlay(); if (!this._adtRecord.DeviceInfo.BootloaderMode) { if (!this.EnterBootloadMode()) { callback(0, true, "There was an error trying to enter booload mode.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); WDS_MainProg.frameWin().RestorePlugAndPlay(); return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; } ADTManager.instance().removeADTRecord(this._adtRecord); this._ddi.close(this._adtRecord.PortAddress.handle); Thread.Sleep(100); wait = new FormWait(vID, pID, serial, true, 0x1388, 100) { Text = "Enumerating Bootloader..." }; if (wait.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { callback(0, true, "There was an error trying to reenumerate in bootload mode.", MessageBoxButtons.OK); WDS_MainProg.frameWin().RestorePlugAndPlay(); return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; } } else { this._ddi.close(this._adtRecord.PortAddress.handle); ADTManager.instance().removeADTRecord(this._adtRecord); } FDResult result2 = this.WriteFirmwareToDevice(firmware, callback, vID, pID, serial, firmwarePath); wait = new FormWait(vID, pID, serial, false, 0x1388, 100) { Text = "Enumerating Device..." }; if (wait.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { this._adtRecord.PortAddress.handle = DDI_HID.instance().open(this._adtRecord, ' '); this._adtRecord.DeviceInfo = this._adtRecord.PortAddress.handle.HIDhnd.hnd.ADT.DeviceInfo; } WDS_MainProg.frameWin().RestorePlugAndPlay(); switch (result2) { case FDResult.OK: return FirmwareDownloadResult.OK; case FDResult.Error: return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; case FDResult.FatalError: return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithFatalError; } return FirmwareDownloadResult.StoppedWithError; }