Esempio n. 1
        public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateExecutionStatusAsync([Required] string executionId,
                                                                     [Required, FromBody] UpdateExecutionStatusApiModel updateApiModel)
            // Try to get the execution...

            var execution = await execRepository.GetExecutionAsync(executionId, userContext.Executor.TenantId);

            // If we can't find it, respond with [404 Not Found]...

            if (execution == null)
                return(NotFound($"[{ErrorCodes.ExecutionNotFound}]: Execution [{executionId}] not found."));

            // Make sure that the provided [statusUpdateKey] matches that of the execution. If it doesn't, respond with a [403 Forbidden].
            // For more information on the execution pipeline and the role of the status update key, see /doc/architecture/

            if (execution.StatusUpdateKey != updateApiModel.StatusUpdateKey)

            // Update the core execution model with the provided execution status update...

            execution = ApplyExecutionUpdate(updateApiModel, execution);

            // Check that the status update makes sense.
            // Specifically, check that the provided status itself is valid and the status transition makes sense.

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(updateApiModel.Status) == false)
                if (Enum.TryParse <ExecutionStatus>(updateApiModel.Status, out var execStatus))
                    if (execution.Status.CanTransitionTo(execStatus))
                        execution.Status = execStatus;
                        return(BadRequest($"[{ErrorCodes.InvalidExecutionStatusTransition}]: " +
                                          $"Unable to update execution state to [{updateApiModel.Status}]; " +
                                          $"execution is already [{updateApiModel.Status}]."));
                    return(BadRequest($"[{ErrorCodes.InvalidExecutionStatus}]: Execution status [{updateApiModel.Status}] is invalid."));

            // sSave the updated execution...

            await UpdateExecutionAsync(execution);

            // Respond with [200 OK] and let the caller know that the update was successfully processed...

            return(Ok(await ToExecutionUpdateApiModelAsync(execution)));
Esempio n. 2
        private Core.Models.Execution ApplyExecutionUpdate(UpdateExecutionStatusApiModel updateApiModel, Core.Models.Execution execution)
            execution.LastUpdatedDateTimeUtc = (updateApiModel.LastUpdatedDateTimeUtc ?? DateTime.UtcNow);
            execution.PercentComplete        = updateApiModel.PercentComplete;
            execution.ResultData    = (updateApiModel.ResultData ?? execution.ResultData);
            execution.StatusMessage = updateApiModel.StatusMessage;
            execution.ExecutionTimeoutDateTimeUtc = updateApiModel.ExecutionTimeoutDateTimeUtc.GetValueOrDefault();

                .Where(ve => execution.ValidationErrors.None(eve => (ve.ErrorId == eve.ErrorId)))
                .Select(ve => ve.ToCoreModel()));
