Esempio n. 1
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public FetchCoinsResponse FetchCoins(uint256[] txIds, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            Guard.NotNull(txIds, nameof(txIds));

            using (this.lockobj.LockRead())
                var result = new UnspentOutputs[txIds.Length];
                for (var i = 0; i < txIds.Length; i++)
                    result[i] = this.unspents.TryGet(txIds[i]);
                    if (result[i] != null)
                        result[i] = result[i].Clone();

                return(new FetchCoinsResponse(result, this.tipHash));
        public void RunRule_ProvenHeadersActive_And_InvalidStakeDepth_StakeDepthErrorIsThrown()
            // Setup previous chained header.
            PosBlock          prevPosBlock          = new PosBlockBuilder(;
            ProvenBlockHeader prevProvenBlockHeader = new ProvenBlockHeaderBuilder(prevPosBlock,;
            var previousChainedHeader = new ChainedHeader(prevProvenBlockHeader, prevProvenBlockHeader.GetHash(), null);

            previousChainedHeader.SetPrivatePropertyValue("Height", this.provenHeadersActivationHeight + 1);

            // Setup proven header with valid coinstake.
            PosBlock          posBlock          = new PosBlockBuilder(;
            ProvenBlockHeader provenBlockHeader = new ProvenBlockHeaderBuilder(posBlock,;

            provenBlockHeader.HashPrevBlock  = prevProvenBlockHeader.GetHash();
            provenBlockHeader.Coinstake.Time = provenBlockHeader.Time;

            // Setup chained header and move it to the height higher than proven header activation height.
            this.ruleContext.ValidationContext.ChainedHeaderToValidate = new ChainedHeader(provenBlockHeader, provenBlockHeader.GetHash(), previousChainedHeader);
            this.ruleContext.ValidationContext.ChainedHeaderToValidate.SetPrivatePropertyValue("Height", this.provenHeadersActivationHeight + 2);

            // Ensure that coinview returns a UTXO with valid outputs.
            var utxoOneTransaction = new Transaction();

            utxoOneTransaction.AddOutput(new TxOut());
            var utxoOne = new UnspentOutputs(10, utxoOneTransaction);

            // Setup coinstake transaction with an invalid stake age.
            .Setup(m => m.FetchCoins(It.IsAny <uint256[]>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))
            .Returns(new FetchCoinsResponse(new[] { utxoOne }, posBlock.GetHash()));

            // Setup stake validator to fail stake age check.
            .Setup(m => m.IsConfirmedInNPrevBlocks(It.IsAny <UnspentOutputs>(), It.IsAny <ChainedHeader>(), It.IsAny <long>()))

            // When we run the validation rule, we should hit coinstake depth error.
            Action ruleValidation = () => this.consensusRules.RegisterRule <ProvenHeaderCoinstakeRule>().Run(this.ruleContext);

            ruleValidation.Should().Throw <ConsensusErrorException>()
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task GetTxOutAsync_IncludeInMempool_UnspentTransactionFound_VOutNotFound_ReturnsModelAsync()
            var         txId           = new uint256(1243124);
            Transaction transaction    = this.CreateTransaction();
            var         unspentOutputs = new UnspentOutputs(1, transaction);

            this.pooledGetUnspentTransaction.Setup(s => s.GetUnspentTransactionAsync(txId))

            var model = await this.controller.GetTxOutAsync(txId.ToString(), 13, true).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Assert.Equal(this.chain.Tip.HashBlock, model.BestBlock);
            Assert.Equal(3, model.Confirmations);
 public override Task <FetchCoinsResponse> FetchCoinsAsync(uint256[] txIds)
     return(this.session.Execute(() =>
         using (StopWatch.Instance.Start(o => this.PerformanceCounter.AddQueryTime(o)))
             var blockHash = this.GetCurrentHash();
             UnspentOutputs[] result = new UnspentOutputs[txIds.Length];
             int i = 0;
             foreach (var input in txIds)
                 var coin = this.session.Transaction.Select <byte[], Coins>("Coins", input.ToBytes(false))?.Value;
                 result[i++] = coin == null ? null : new UnspentOutputs(input, coin);
             return new FetchCoinsResponse(result, blockHash);
Esempio n. 5
        private UnspentOutputSet GetMockOutputSet()
            Transaction transaction =;

            var fakeTxOut = new TxOut
                Value = 100_000_000

            var coins = new UnspentOutputs(new uint(), transaction)
                Outputs = new TxOut[] { fakeTxOut }

            var unspentOutputs = new UnspentOutputSet();

            unspentOutputs.SetCoins(new[] { coins });

Esempio n. 6
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task <UnspentOutputs> GetUnspentTransactionAsync(uint256 trxid)
            this.logger.LogTrace("({0}:'{1}')", nameof(trxid), trxid);

            TxMempoolInfo txInfo = await this.InfoAsync(trxid);

            if (txInfo == null)

            var memPoolCoinView = new MempoolCoinView(this.coinView, this.memPool, this.MempoolLock, this.Validator);
            await memPoolCoinView.LoadViewAsync(txInfo.Trx);

            UnspentOutputs unspentOutputs = memPoolCoinView.GetCoins(trxid);

            this.logger.LogTrace("(-):{0}.{1}='{2}'", nameof(UnspentOutputs), nameof(UnspentOutputs.TransactionId), unspentOutputs?.TransactionId);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if provided transaction is a valid coinstake transaction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Staking context.</param>
        /// <param name="prevChainedBlock">Previous chained block.</param>
        /// <param name="prevBlockStake">Information about previous staked block.</param>
        /// <param name="transaction">The transaction.</param>
        /// <param name="headerBits">Chained block's header bits, which define the difficulty target.</param>
        public void CheckProofOfStake(ContextStakeInformation context, ChainedBlock prevChainedBlock, BlockStake prevBlockStake, Transaction transaction, uint headerBits)
            this.logger.LogTrace("({0}:'{1}',{2}.{3}:'{4}',{5}:0x{6:X})", nameof(prevChainedBlock), prevChainedBlock.HashBlock, nameof(prevBlockStake), nameof(prevBlockStake.HashProof), prevBlockStake.HashProof, nameof(headerBits), headerBits);

            if (!transaction.IsCoinStake)

            TxIn txIn = transaction.Inputs[0];

            // First try finding the previous transaction in database.
            FetchCoinsResponse coins = this.coinView.FetchCoinsAsync(new[] { txIn.PrevOut.Hash }).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            if ((coins == null) || (coins.UnspentOutputs.Length != 1))

            ChainedBlock   prevBlock = this.chain.GetBlock(coins.BlockHash);
            UnspentOutputs prevUtxo  = coins.UnspentOutputs[0];

            // Verify signature.
            if (!this.VerifySignature(prevUtxo, transaction, 0, ScriptVerify.None))

            // Min age requirement.
            if (this.IsConfirmedInNPrevBlocks(prevUtxo, prevChainedBlock, this.consensusOptions.StakeMinConfirmations - 1))

            this.CheckStakeKernelHash(context, prevChainedBlock, headerBits, prevBlock.Header.Time, prevBlockStake, prevUtxo, txIn.PrevOut, transaction.Time);

        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void ProcessRule(PosRuleContext context, ChainedHeader chainedHeader, ProvenBlockHeader header)



            FetchCoinsResponse coins    = this.GetAndValidateCoins(header);
            UnspentOutputs     prevUtxo = this.GetAndValidatePreviousUtxo(coins);

            this.CheckCoinstakeAgeRequirement(chainedHeader, prevUtxo);

            this.CheckSignature(header, prevUtxo);

            this.CheckStakeKernelHash(context, prevUtxo, header, chainedHeader);


            this.CheckHeaderSignatureWithCoinstakeKernel(header, prevUtxo);
        public void MissingOutput_Returns_False()
            // Construct transaction.
            Transaction transaction =;

            transaction.Inputs.Add(new TxIn());

            // Setup coinview to return as if the PrevOut does not exist.
            var unspentOutputArray = new UnspentOutputs[0];

            this.coinView.Setup(x => x.FetchCoinsAsync(It.IsAny <uint256[]>(), default(CancellationToken)))
            .ReturnsAsync(new FetchCoinsResponse(unspentOutputArray, uint256.Zero));

            var blockTxs = new List <Transaction>();

            // Retriever fails but doesn't throw exception
            GetSenderResult result = this.senderRetriever.GetSender(transaction, this.coinView.Object, blockTxs);

            Assert.Equal(result.Error, SenderRetriever.OutputsNotInCoinView);
        public async Task GetTxOutAsync_IncludeInMempool_UnspentTransactionFound_ReturnsModelAsync()
            var         txId           = new uint256(1243124);
            Transaction transaction    = this.CreateTransaction();
            var         unspentOutputs = new UnspentOutputs(1, transaction);

            this.pooledGetUnspentTransaction.Setup(s => s.GetUnspentTransactionAsync(txId))

            this.controller = new FullNodeController(this.LoggerFactory.Object, this.pooledTransaction.Object, this.pooledGetUnspentTransaction.Object, this.getUnspentTransaction.Object, this.networkDifficulty.Object,
                                                     this.consensusLoop.Object, this.fullNode.Object, this.nodeSettings,, this.chain, this.chainState.Object, this.connectionManager.Object);
            GetTxOutModel model = await this.controller.GetTxOutAsync(txId.ToString(), 0, true).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Assert.Equal(this.chain.Tip.HashBlock, model.BestBlock);
            Assert.Equal(3, model.Confirmations);
            Assert.Equal(new ScriptPubKey(transaction.Outputs[0].ScriptPubKey,, model.ScriptPubKey.Hex);
            Assert.Equal(transaction.Outputs[0].Value, model.Value);
Esempio n. 11
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetTxOutAsync([FromQuery] string trxid, uint vout = 0,
                                                        bool includeMemPool = true)
                Guard.NotEmpty(trxid, nameof(trxid));

                uint256 txid;
                if (!uint256.TryParse(trxid, out txid))
                    throw new ArgumentException(nameof(trxid));

                UnspentOutputs unspentOutputs = null;
                if (includeMemPool)
                    unspentOutputs = this.pooledGetUnspentTransaction != null
                        ? await this.pooledGetUnspentTransaction.GetUnspentTransactionAsync(txid).ConfigureAwait(false)
                        : null;
                    unspentOutputs = this.getUnspentTransaction != null
                        ? await this.getUnspentTransaction.GetUnspentTransactionAsync(txid).ConfigureAwait(false)
                        : null;

                if (unspentOutputs == null)

                return(Json(new GetTxOutModel(unspentOutputs, vout,, this.chainIndexer.Tip)));
            catch (Exception e)
                this.logger.LogError("Exception occurred: {0}", e.ToString());
                return(ErrorHelpers.BuildErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, e.Message, e.ToString()));
Esempio n. 12
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public void CheckKernel(ContextStakeInformation context, ChainedBlock prevChainedBlock, uint headerBits, long transactionTime, OutPoint prevout)
            this.logger.LogTrace("({0}:'{1}',{2}:0x{3:X},{4}:{5},{6}:'{7}.{8}')", nameof(prevChainedBlock), prevChainedBlock,
                                 nameof(headerBits), headerBits, nameof(transactionTime), transactionTime, nameof(prevout), prevout.Hash, prevout.N);

            FetchCoinsResponse coins = this.coinView.FetchCoinsAsync(new[] { prevout.Hash }).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            if ((coins == null) || (coins.UnspentOutputs.Length != 1))

            ChainedBlock prevBlock = this.chain.GetBlock(coins.BlockHash);

            if (prevBlock == null)

            UnspentOutputs prevUtxo = coins.UnspentOutputs[0];

            if (this.IsConfirmedInNPrevBlocks(prevUtxo, prevChainedBlock, this.consensusOptions.StakeMinConfirmations - 1))

            BlockStake prevBlockStake = this.stakeChain.Get(prevChainedBlock.HashBlock);

            if (prevBlockStake == null)

            this.CheckStakeKernelHash(context, headerBits, prevBlockStake, prevUtxo, prevout, (uint)transactionTime);
        public async Task GetTxOutAsync_NullVoutandInMempool_PooledUnspentTransactionFound_ReturnsModelVoutZeroAsync()
            var         txId           = new uint256(1243124);
            Transaction transaction    = this.CreateTransaction();
            var         unspentOutputs = new UnspentOutputs(1, transaction);

            this.pooledGetUnspentTransaction.Setup(s => s.GetUnspentTransactionAsync(txId))
            string txid = txId.ToString();

            var json = (JsonResult)await this.controller.GetTxOutAsync(txid).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var resultModel = (GetTxOutModel)json.Value;

            Assert.Equal(this.chain.Tip.HashBlock, resultModel.BestBlock);
            Assert.Equal(3, resultModel.Confirmations);
            Assert.Equal(new ScriptPubKey(transaction.Outputs[0].ScriptPubKey,, resultModel.ScriptPubKey.Hex);
            Assert.Equal(transaction.Outputs[0].Value, resultModel.Value);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if coinstake is spent on another chain.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="header">The proven block header.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The POS rule context.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="UnspentOutputs"> found in a RewindData</returns>
        private UnspentOutputs CheckIfCoinstakeIsSpentOnAnotherChain(ProvenBlockHeader header, PosRuleContext context)
            Transaction coinstake = header.Coinstake;
            TxIn        input     = coinstake.Inputs[0];

            int?rewindDataIndex = this.PosParent.RewindDataIndexStore.Get(input.PrevOut.Hash, (int)input.PrevOut.N);

            if (!rewindDataIndex.HasValue)
                context.ValidationContext.InsufficientHeaderInformation = true;

            RewindData rewindData = this.PosParent.UtxoSet.GetRewindData(rewindDataIndex.Value).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            UnspentOutputs matchingUnspentUtxo = null;

            foreach (UnspentOutputs unspent in rewindData.OutputsToRestore)
                if (unspent.TransactionId == input.PrevOut.Hash)
                    if (input.PrevOut.N < unspent.Outputs.Length)
                        matchingUnspentUtxo = unspent;

            if (matchingUnspentUtxo == null)
                context.ValidationContext.InsufficientHeaderInformation = true;

        /// <see cref="IStakeValidator.CheckStakeKernelHash"/>
        /// <exception cref="ConsensusException">
        /// Throws exception with error <see cref="ConsensusErrors.PrevStakeNull" /> if check fails.
        /// </exception>
        private void CheckStakeKernelHash(PosRuleContext context, UnspentOutputs stakingCoins, ProvenBlockHeader header, ChainedHeader chainedHeader)
            OutPoint prevOut         = this.GetPreviousOut(header);
            uint     transactionTime = header.Coinstake.Time;
            uint     headerBits      = chainedHeader.Header.Bits.ToCompact();

            uint256 previousStakeModifier = this.GetPreviousStakeModifier(chainedHeader);

            if (previousStakeModifier == null)

            if (header.Coinstake.IsCoinStake)
                this.Logger.LogTrace("Found coinstake checking kernal hash.");
                this.stakeValidator.CheckStakeKernelHash(context, headerBits, previousStakeModifier, stakingCoins, prevOut, transactionTime);

            this.ComputeNextStakeModifier(header, chainedHeader, previousStakeModifier);
Esempio n. 16
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public Task <FetchCoinsResponse> FetchCoinsAsync(uint256[] txIds, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            Task <FetchCoinsResponse> task = Task.Run(() =>
                this.logger.LogTrace("({0}.{1}:{2})", nameof(txIds), nameof(txIds.Length), txIds?.Length);

                FetchCoinsResponse res = null;
                using (DBreeze.Transactions.Transaction transaction = this.dbreeze.GetTransaction())
                    transaction.SynchronizeTables("BlockHash", "Coins");
                    transaction.ValuesLazyLoadingIsOn = false;

                    using (new StopwatchDisposable(o => this.PerformanceCounter.AddQueryTime(o)))
                        uint256 blockHash = this.GetTipHash(transaction);
                        var result        = new UnspentOutputs[txIds.Length];

                        int i = 0;
                        foreach (uint256 input in txIds)
                            Row <byte[], Coins> row = transaction.Select <byte[], Coins>("Coins", input.ToBytes(false));
                            UnspentOutputs outputs  = row.Exists ? new UnspentOutputs(input, row.Value) : null;

                            this.logger.LogTrace("Outputs for '{0}' were {1}.", input, outputs == null ? "NOT loaded" : "loaded");

                            result[i++] = outputs;

                        res = new FetchCoinsResponse(result, blockHash);

                this.logger.LogTrace("(-):*.{0}='{1}',*.{2}.{3}={4}", nameof(res.BlockHash), res.BlockHash, nameof(res.UnspentOutputs), nameof(res.UnspentOutputs.Length), res.UnspentOutputs.Length);
            }, cancellationToken);

Esempio n. 17
        /// <see cref="IStakeValidator.CheckStakeKernelHash"/>
        /// <exception cref="ConsensusException">
        /// Throws exception with error <see cref="ConsensusErrors.PrevStakeNull" /> if check fails.
        /// </exception>
        private void CheckStakeKernelHash(PosRuleContext context, UnspentOutputs stakingCoins, ProvenBlockHeader header, ChainedHeader chainedHeader)
            OutPoint prevOut         = this.GetPreviousOut(header);
            uint     transactionTime = header.Coinstake.Time;
            uint     headerBits      = chainedHeader.Header.Bits.ToCompact();

            uint256 previousStakeModifier = this.GetPreviousStakeModifier(chainedHeader);

            if (header.Coinstake.IsCoinStake)
                this.Logger.LogTrace("Found coinstake checking kernal hash.");

                var validKernel = this.stakeValidator.CheckStakeKernelHash(context, headerBits, previousStakeModifier, stakingCoins, prevOut, transactionTime);

                if (!validKernel)

            this.ComputeNextStakeModifier(header, chainedHeader, previousStakeModifier);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets and validates unspent outputs based of coins fetched from coin view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="header">The header.</param>
        /// <param name="context">Rule context.</param>
        /// <returns>The validated previous <see cref="UnspentOutputs"/></returns>
        private UnspentOutputs GetAndValidatePreviousUtxo(ProvenBlockHeader header, PosRuleContext context)
            // First try and find the previous trx in the database.
            TxIn txIn = header.Coinstake.Inputs[0];

            UnspentOutputs prevUtxo = null;

            FetchCoinsResponse coins = this.PosParent.UtxoSet.FetchCoinsAsync(new[] { txIn.PrevOut.Hash }).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            if (coins.UnspentOutputs[0] == null)
                // We did not find the previous trx in the database, look in rewind data.
                prevUtxo = this.CheckIfCoinstakeIsSpentOnAnotherChain(header, context);
                // The trx was found now check if the UTXO is spent.
                prevUtxo = coins.UnspentOutputs[0];

                TxOut utxo = null;
                if (txIn.PrevOut.N < prevUtxo.Outputs.Length)
                    // Check that the size of the outs collection is the same as the expected position of the UTXO
                    // Note the collection will not always represent the original size of the transaction unspent
                    // outputs because when we store outputs do disk the last spent items are removed from the collection.
                    utxo = prevUtxo.Outputs[txIn.PrevOut.N];

                if (utxo == null)
                    // UTXO is spent so find it in rewind data.
                    prevUtxo = this.CheckIfCoinstakeIsSpentOnAnotherChain(header, context);

        public async Task GetTxOutAsync_IncludeInMempool_UnspentTransactionFound_VOutNotFound_ReturnsModelAsync()
            var         txId           = new uint256(1243124);
            Transaction transaction    = this.CreateTransaction();
            var         unspentOutputs = new UnspentOutputs(1, transaction);

            this.pooledGetUnspentTransaction.Setup(s => s.GetUnspentTransactionAsync(txId))
            string txid           = txId.ToString();
            uint   vout           = 13;
            bool   includeMemPool = true;

            var json = (JsonResult)await this.controller.GetTxOutAsync(txid, vout, includeMemPool).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var resultModel = (GetTxOutModel)json.Value;

            Assert.Equal(this.chain.Tip.HashBlock, resultModel.BestBlock);
            Assert.Equal(3, resultModel.Confirmations);
        public async Task TestRewindAsync()
            uint256 tip = await this.cachedCoinView.GetTipHashAsync();

            Assert.Equal(this.concurrentChain.Genesis.HashBlock, tip);

            int currentHeight = 0;

            // Create a lot of new coins.
            List <UnspentOutputs> outputsList = this.CreateOutputsList(currentHeight + 1, 100);

            await this.SaveChangesAsync(outputsList, new List <TxOut[]>(), currentHeight + 1);


            await this.cachedCoinView.FlushAsync(true);

            uint256 tipAfterOriginalCoinsCreation = await this.cachedCoinView.GetTipHashAsync();

            // Collection that will be used as a coinview that we will update in parallel. Needed to verify that actual coinview is ok.
            List <OutPoint> outPoints = this.ConvertToListOfOutputPoints(outputsList);

            // Copy of current state to later rewind and verify against it.
            List <OutPoint> copyOfOriginalOutPoints = new List <OutPoint>(outPoints);

            List <OutPoint> copyAfterHalfOfAdditions = new List <OutPoint>();
            uint256         coinviewTipAfterHalf     = null;

            int addChangesTimes = 500;

            // Spend some coins in the next N saves.
            for (int i = 0; i < addChangesTimes; ++i)
                uint256         txId     = outPoints[this.random.Next(0, outPoints.Count)].Hash;
                List <OutPoint> txPoints = outPoints.Where(x => x.Hash == txId).ToList();
                List <OutPoint> txPointsToSpend = txPoints.Take(txPoints.Count / 2).ToList();

                // First spend in cached coinview
                FetchCoinsResponse response = await this.cachedCoinView.FetchCoinsAsync(new[] { txId });


                UnspentOutputs coins          = response.UnspentOutputs[0];
                UnspentOutputs unchangedClone = coins.Clone();

                foreach (OutPoint outPointToSpend in txPointsToSpend)

                // Spend from outPoints.
                outPoints.RemoveAll(x => txPointsToSpend.Contains(x));

                // Save coinview
                await this.SaveChangesAsync(new List <UnspentOutputs>() { coins }, new List <TxOut[]>() { unchangedClone.Outputs }, currentHeight + 1);


                if (i == addChangesTimes / 2)
                    copyAfterHalfOfAdditions = new List <OutPoint>(outPoints);
                    coinviewTipAfterHalf     = await this.cachedCoinView.GetTipHashAsync();

            await this.ValidateCoinviewIntegrityAsync(outPoints);

            for (int i = 0; i < addChangesTimes; i++)
                await this.cachedCoinView.RewindAsync();

                uint256 currentTip = await this.cachedCoinView.GetTipHashAsync();

                if (currentTip == coinviewTipAfterHalf)
                    await this.ValidateCoinviewIntegrityAsync(copyAfterHalfOfAdditions);

            Assert.Equal(tipAfterOriginalCoinsCreation, await this.cachedCoinView.GetTipHashAsync());

            await this.ValidateCoinviewIntegrityAsync(copyOfOriginalOutPoints);
Esempio n. 21
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public bool CheckStakeKernelHash(PosRuleContext context, uint headerBits, uint256 prevStakeModifier,
                                         UnspentOutputs stakingCoins, OutPoint prevout, uint transactionTime)
            Guard.NotNull(context, nameof(context));
            Guard.NotNull(prevout, nameof(prevout));
            Guard.NotNull(stakingCoins, nameof(stakingCoins));

            if (transactionTime < stakingCoins.Time)
                this.logger.LogDebug("Coinstake transaction timestamp {0} is lower than it's own UTXO timestamp {1}.",
                                     transactionTime, stakingCoins.Time);

            // Base target.
            var target = new Target(headerBits).ToBigInteger();

            // TODO: Investigate:
            // The POS protocol should probably put a limit on the max amount that can be staked
            // not a hard limit but a limit that allow any amount to be staked with a max weight value.
            // the max weight should not exceed the max uint256 array size (array size = 32).

            // Weighted target.
            var valueIn        = stakingCoins.Outputs[prevout.N].Value.Satoshi;
            var weight         = BigInteger.ValueOf(valueIn);
            var weightedTarget = target.Multiply(weight);

            context.TargetProofOfStake = ToUInt256(weightedTarget);
            this.logger.LogDebug("POS target is '{0}', weighted target for {1} coins is '{2}'.", ToUInt256(target),
                                 valueIn, context.TargetProofOfStake);

            if (this.legacytimefield == null)
                this.legacytimefield =
           is IPosTransactionWithTime;

            // Calculate hash.
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                var serializer = new BitcoinStream(ms, true);
                if (this.legacytimefield == true) // to stay compatible with legacy ODN

                context.HashProofOfStake = Hashes.Hash256(ms.ToArray());

            this.logger.LogDebug("Stake modifier V2 is '{0}', hash POS is '{1}'.", prevStakeModifier,

            // Now check if proof-of-stake hash meets target protocol.
            var hashProofOfStakeTarget = new BigInteger(1, context.HashProofOfStake.ToBytes(false));

            if (hashProofOfStakeTarget.CompareTo(weightedTarget) > 0)

Esempio n. 22
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void SaveChanges(IList <UnspentOutputs> unspentOutputs, IEnumerable <TxOut[]> originalOutputs, uint256 oldBlockHash, uint256 nextBlockHash, int height, List <RewindData> rewindDataList = null)
            Guard.NotNull(oldBlockHash, nameof(oldBlockHash));
            Guard.NotNull(nextBlockHash, nameof(nextBlockHash));
            Guard.NotNull(unspentOutputs, nameof(unspentOutputs));

            lock (this.lockobj)
                if ((this.blockHash != null) && (oldBlockHash != this.blockHash))
                    this.logger.LogTrace("{0}:'{1}'", nameof(this.blockHash), this.blockHash);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid oldBlockHash");

                this.blockHeight = height;
                this.blockHash   = nextBlockHash;
                var rewindData = new RewindData(oldBlockHash);
                var indexItems = new Dictionary <OutPoint, int>();

                foreach (UnspentOutputs unspent in unspentOutputs)
                    if (!this.cachedUtxoItems.TryGetValue(unspent.TransactionId, out CacheItem cacheItem))
                        // This can happen very rarely in the case where we fetch items from
                        // disk but immediately call the Evict method which then removes the cached item(s).

                        this.logger.LogTrace("Outputs of transaction ID '{0}' are not found in cache, creating them.", unspent.TransactionId);

                        FetchCoinsResponse result = this.inner.FetchCoins(new[] { unspent.TransactionId });

                        UnspentOutputs unspentOutput = result.UnspentOutputs[0];

                        cacheItem = new CacheItem();
                        cacheItem.ExistInInner   = unspentOutput != null;
                        cacheItem.IsDirty        = false;
                        cacheItem.UnspentOutputs = unspentOutput?.Clone();

                        this.cachedUtxoItems.TryAdd(unspent.TransactionId, cacheItem);
                        this.logger.LogTrace("CacheItem added to the cache during save '{0}'.", cacheItem.UnspentOutputs);

                    // If cacheItem.UnspentOutputs is null this means the trx was not stored in the disk,
                    // that means the trx (and UTXO) is new and all the UTXOs need to be stored in cache
                    // otherwise we store to cache only the UTXO that have been spent.

                    if (cacheItem.UnspentOutputs != null)
                        // To handle rewind we'll need to restore the original outputs,
                        // so we clone it and save it in rewind data.
                        UnspentOutputs clone = unspent.Clone();

                        // We take the original items that are in cache and put them in rewind data.
                        clone.Outputs = cacheItem.UnspentOutputs.Outputs.ToArray();

                        this.logger.LogTrace("Modifying transaction '{0}' in OutputsToRestore rewind data.", unspent.TransactionId);

                        this.logger.LogTrace("Cache item before spend {0}:'{1}'.", nameof(cacheItem.UnspentOutputs), cacheItem.UnspentOutputs);

                        // Now modify the cached items with the mutated data.

                        this.logger.LogTrace("Cache item after spend {0}:'{1}'.", nameof(cacheItem.UnspentOutputs), cacheItem.UnspentOutputs);
                        // New trx so it needs to be deleted if a rewind happens.
                        this.logger.LogTrace("Adding transaction '{0}' to TransactionsToRemove rewind data.", unspent.TransactionId);

                        // Put in the cache the new UTXOs.
                        this.logger.LogTrace("Setting {0} to {1}: '{2}'.", nameof(cacheItem.UnspentOutputs), nameof(unspent), unspent);
                        cacheItem.UnspentOutputs = unspent;

                    cacheItem.IsDirty = true;

                    if (this.rewindDataIndexCache != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < unspent.Outputs.Length; i++)
                            var key = new OutPoint(unspent.TransactionId, i);
                            indexItems[key] = this.blockHeight;

                    // Inner does not need to know pruned unspent that it never saw.
                    if (cacheItem.UnspentOutputs.IsPrunable && !cacheItem.ExistInInner)
                        this.logger.LogTrace("Outputs of transaction ID '{0}' are prunable and not in underlaying coinview, removing from cache.", unspent.TransactionId);

                if (this.rewindDataIndexCache != null && indexItems.Any())

                this.cachedRewindDataIndex.Add(this.blockHeight, rewindData);
Esempio n. 23
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void CheckMaturity(UnspentOutputs coins, int spendHeight)
     base.CheckCoinbaseMaturity(coins, spendHeight);
 /// <summary>
 /// Contains checks that need to be performed on each input once UTXO data is available.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="transaction">The transaction that is having its input examined.</param>
 /// <param name="coins">The unspent output consumed by the input being examined.</param>
 protected virtual void CheckInputValidity(Transaction transaction, UnspentOutputs coins)
 protected override void CheckInputValidity(Transaction transaction, UnspentOutputs coins)
 /// <summary>
 /// Network specific logic that checks the maturity of UTXO sets.
 /// <para>
 /// Refer to <see cref="CheckMaturity(UnspentOutputs, int)"/>.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 public abstract void CheckMaturity(UnspentOutputs coins, int spendHeight);
Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the test chain with some default blocks and txs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="network">Network to create the chain on.</param>
        /// <param name="scriptPubKey">Public key to create blocks/txs with.</param>
        /// <returns>Context object representing the test chain.</returns>
        public static async Task <ITestChainContext> CreateAsync(Network network, Script scriptPubKey, string dataDir)
            var nodeSettings = new NodeSettings(network, args: new string[] { $"-datadir={dataDir}" });

            ILoggerFactory    loggerFactory    = nodeSettings.LoggerFactory;
            IDateTimeProvider dateTimeProvider = DateTimeProvider.Default;

            network.Consensus.Options = new ConsensusOptions();
            new FullNodeBuilderConsensusExtension.PowConsensusRulesRegistration().RegisterRules(network.Consensus);

            // Dont check PoW of a header in this test.
            network.Consensus.HeaderValidationRules.RemoveAll(x => x.GetType() == typeof(CheckDifficultyPowRule));

            var consensusSettings = new ConsensusSettings(nodeSettings);
            var chain             = new ConcurrentChain(network);
            var inMemoryCoinView  = new InMemoryCoinView(chain.Tip.HashBlock);

            var chainState  = new ChainState();
            var deployments = new NodeDeployments(network, chain);
            ConsensusRuleEngine consensusRules = new PowConsensusRuleEngine(network, loggerFactory, dateTimeProvider, chain, deployments, consensusSettings, new Checkpoints(),
                                                                            inMemoryCoinView, chainState, new InvalidBlockHashStore(dateTimeProvider), new NodeStats(dateTimeProvider)).Register();

            ConsensusManager consensus = ConsensusManagerHelper.CreateConsensusManager(network, dataDir, chainState);

            var genesis = new ChainedHeader(network.GetGenesis().Header, network.GenesisHash, 0);

            chainState.BlockStoreTip = genesis;
            await consensus.InitializeAsync(genesis).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var blockPolicyEstimator = new BlockPolicyEstimator(new MempoolSettings(nodeSettings), loggerFactory, nodeSettings);
            var mempool     = new TxMempool(dateTimeProvider, blockPolicyEstimator, loggerFactory, nodeSettings);
            var mempoolLock = new MempoolSchedulerLock();

            var minerSettings = new MinerSettings(nodeSettings);

            // Simple block creation, nothing special yet:
            var           blockDefinition = new PowBlockDefinition(consensus, dateTimeProvider, loggerFactory, mempool, mempoolLock, minerSettings, network, consensusRules);
            BlockTemplate newBlock        = blockDefinition.Build(chain.Tip, scriptPubKey);

            await consensus.BlockMinedAsync(newBlock.Block);

            List <BlockInfo> blockinfo = CreateBlockInfoList();

            // We can't make transactions until we have inputs therefore, load 100 blocks.
            var blocks = new List <Block>();
            var srcTxs = new List <Transaction>();

            for (int i = 0; i < blockinfo.Count; ++i)
                Block currentBlock = Block.Load(newBlock.Block.ToBytes(network.Consensus.ConsensusFactory), network);
                currentBlock.Header.HashPrevBlock = chain.Tip.HashBlock;
                currentBlock.Header.Version       = 1;
                currentBlock.Header.Time          = Utils.DateTimeToUnixTime(chain.Tip.GetMedianTimePast()) + 1;

                Transaction txCoinbase = network.CreateTransaction(currentBlock.Transactions[0].ToBytes());
                txCoinbase.Version = 1;
                txCoinbase.AddInput(new TxIn(new Script(new[] { Op.GetPushOp(blockinfo[i].extraNonce), Op.GetPushOp(chain.Height) })));
                // Ignore the (optional) segwit commitment added by CreateNewBlock (as the hardcoded nonces don't account for this)
                txCoinbase.AddOutput(new TxOut(Money.Zero, new Script()));
                currentBlock.Transactions[0] = txCoinbase;

                if (srcTxs.Count < 4)


                currentBlock.Header.Nonce = blockinfo[i].nonce;


            // Just to make sure we can still make simple blocks
            blockDefinition = new PowBlockDefinition(consensus, dateTimeProvider, loggerFactory, mempool, mempoolLock, minerSettings, network, consensusRules);
            blockDefinition.Build(chain.Tip, scriptPubKey);

            var mempoolValidator = new MempoolValidator(mempool, mempoolLock, dateTimeProvider, new MempoolSettings(nodeSettings), chain, inMemoryCoinView, loggerFactory, nodeSettings, consensusRules);

            var outputs = new List <UnspentOutputs>();

            foreach (Transaction tx in srcTxs)
                var output = new UnspentOutputs(0, tx);


            await inMemoryCoinView.SaveChangesAsync(outputs, new List <TxOut[]>(), chain.GetBlock(0).HashBlock, chain.GetBlock(1).HashBlock, chain.GetBlock(0).Height);

            return(new TestChainContext {
                MempoolValidator = mempoolValidator, SrcTxs = srcTxs
Esempio n. 28
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override Task SaveChangesAsync(IEnumerable <UnspentOutputs> unspentOutputs, IEnumerable <TxOut[]> originalOutputs, uint256 oldBlockHash, uint256 nextBlockHash)
            this.logger.LogTrace("({0}.Count():{1},{2}.Count():{3},{4}:'{5}',{6}:'{7}')", nameof(unspentOutputs), unspentOutputs?.Count(), nameof(originalOutputs), originalOutputs?.Count(), nameof(oldBlockHash), oldBlockHash, nameof(nextBlockHash), nextBlockHash);

            RewindData rewindData       = originalOutputs != null ? new RewindData(oldBlockHash) : null;
            int        insertedEntities = 0;

            List <UnspentOutputs>         all = unspentOutputs.ToList();
            Dictionary <uint256, TxOut[]> unspentToOriginal = new Dictionary <uint256, TxOut[]>(all.Count);

            using (new StopwatchDisposable(o => this.PerformanceCounter.AddInsertTime(o)))
                if (originalOutputs != null)
                    IEnumerator <TxOut[]> originalEnumerator = originalOutputs.GetEnumerator();
                    foreach (UnspentOutputs output in all)
                        unspentToOriginal.Add(output.TransactionId, originalEnumerator.Current);

            Task task = Task.Run(() =>

                using (DBreeze.Transactions.Transaction transaction = this.dbreeze.GetTransaction())
                    transaction.ValuesLazyLoadingIsOn = false;
                    transaction.SynchronizeTables("BlockHash", "Coins", "Rewind");

                    using (new StopwatchDisposable(o => this.PerformanceCounter.AddInsertTime(o)))
                        uint256 current = this.GetCurrentHash(transaction);
                        if (current != oldBlockHash)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid oldBlockHash");

                        this.SetBlockHash(transaction, nextBlockHash);

                        foreach (UnspentOutputs coin in all)
                            this.logger.LogTrace("Outputs of transaction ID '{0}' are {1} and will be {2} to the database.", coin.TransactionId, coin.IsPrunable ? "PRUNABLE" : "NOT PRUNABLE", coin.IsPrunable ? "removed" : "inserted");
                            if (coin.IsPrunable)
                                transaction.RemoveKey("Coins", coin.TransactionId.ToBytes(false));
                                transaction.Insert("Coins", coin.TransactionId.ToBytes(false), coin.ToCoins());

                            if (originalOutputs != null)
                                TxOut[] original = null;
                                unspentToOriginal.TryGetValue(coin.TransactionId, out original);
                                if (original == null)
                                    // This one haven't existed before, if we rewind, delete it.
                                    // We'll need to restore the original outputs.
                                    UnspentOutputs clone = coin.Clone();
                                    clone._Outputs       = original.ToArray();

                        if (rewindData != null)
                            int nextRewindIndex = this.GetRewindIndex(transaction) + 1;
                            this.logger.LogTrace("Rewind state #{0} created.", nextRewindIndex);
                            transaction.Insert("Rewind", nextRewindIndex, rewindData);

                        insertedEntities += all.Count;


Esempio n. 29
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task <FetchCoinsResponse> FetchCoinsAsync(uint256[] txIds, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            Guard.NotNull(txIds, nameof(txIds));
            this.logger.LogTrace("({0}.{1}:{2})", nameof(txIds), nameof(txIds.Length), txIds.Length);

            FetchCoinsResponse result = null;
            var outputs     = new UnspentOutputs[txIds.Length];
            var miss        = new List <int>();
            var missedTxIds = new List <uint256>();

            using (await this.lockobj.LockAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
                for (int i = 0; i < txIds.Length; i++)
                    CacheItem cache;
                    if (!this.unspents.TryGetValue(txIds[i], out cache))
                        this.logger.LogTrace("Cache missed for transaction ID '{0}'.", txIds[i]);
                        this.logger.LogTrace("Cache hit for transaction ID '{0}'.", txIds[i]);
                        outputs[i] = cache.UnspentOutputs == null ? null :
                                     cache.UnspentOutputs.IsPrunable ? null :

                this.PerformanceCounter.AddHitCount(txIds.Length - miss.Count);

            this.logger.LogTrace("{0} cache missed transaction needs to be loaded from underlying CoinView.", missedTxIds.Count);
            FetchCoinsResponse fetchedCoins = await this.Inner.FetchCoinsAsync(missedTxIds.ToArray(), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            using (await this.lockobj.LockAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
                uint256 innerblockHash = fetchedCoins.BlockHash;
                if (this.blockHash == null)
                    Debug.Assert(this.unspents.Count == 0);
                    this.innerBlockHash = innerblockHash;
                    this.blockHash      = this.innerBlockHash;

                for (int i = 0; i < miss.Count; i++)
                    int            index   = miss[i];
                    UnspentOutputs unspent = fetchedCoins.UnspentOutputs[i];
                    outputs[index] = unspent;
                    var cache = new CacheItem();
                    cache.ExistInInner    = unspent != null;
                    cache.IsDirty         = false;
                    cache.UnspentOutputs  = unspent;
                    cache.OriginalOutputs = unspent?.Outputs.ToArray();
                    this.unspents.TryAdd(txIds[index], cache);
                result = new FetchCoinsResponse(outputs, this.blockHash);

            int cacheEntryCount = this.CacheEntryCount;

            if (cacheEntryCount > this.MaxItems)
                this.logger.LogTrace("Cache is full now with {0} entries, evicting ...", cacheEntryCount);
                await this.EvictAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            this.logger.LogTrace("(-):*.{0}='{1}',*.{2}.{3}={4}", nameof(result.BlockHash), result.BlockHash, nameof(result.UnspentOutputs), nameof(result.UnspentOutputs.Length), result.UnspentOutputs.Length);
Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks that the stake kernel hash satisfies the target difficulty.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Staking context.</param>
        /// <param name="headerBits">Chained block's header bits, which define the difficulty target.</param>
        /// <param name="prevBlockStake">Information about previous staked block.</param>
        /// <param name="stakingCoins">Coins that participate in staking.</param>
        /// <param name="prevout">Information about transaction id and index.</param>
        /// <param name="transactionTime">Transaction time.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Coinstake must meet hash target according to the protocol:
        /// kernel (input 0) must meet the formula
        /// <c>hash(stakeModifierV2 + stakingCoins.Time + prevout.Hash + prevout.N + transactionTime) &lt; target * weight</c>.
        /// This ensures that the chance of getting a coinstake is proportional to the amount of coins one owns.
        /// <para>
        /// The reason this hash is chosen is the following:
        /// <list type="number">
        /// <item><paramref name="prevBlockStake.StakeModifierV2"/>: Scrambles computation to make it very difficult to precompute future proof-of-stake.</item>
        /// <item><paramref name="stakingCoins.Time"/>: Time of the coinstake UTXO. Slightly scrambles computation.</item>
        /// <item><paramref name="prevout.Hash"/> Hash of stakingCoins UTXO, to reduce the chance of nodes generating coinstake at the same time.</item>
        /// <item><paramref name="prevout.N"/>: Output number of stakingCoins UTXO, to reduce the chance of nodes generating coinstake at the same time.</item>
        /// <item><paramref name="transactionTime"/>: Timestamp of the coinstake transaction.</item>
        /// </list>
        /// Block or transaction tx hash should not be used here as they can be generated in vast
        /// quantities so as to generate blocks faster, degrading the system back into a proof-of-work situation.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="ConsensusErrors.StakeTimeViolation">Thrown in case transaction time is lower than it's own UTXO timestamp.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ConsensusErrors.StakeHashInvalidTarget">Thrown in case PoS hash doesn't meet target protocol.</exception>
        private void CheckStakeKernelHash(ContextStakeInformation context, uint headerBits, BlockStake prevBlockStake, UnspentOutputs stakingCoins,
                                          OutPoint prevout, uint transactionTime)
                                 nameof(headerBits), headerBits, nameof(prevBlockStake), nameof(prevBlockStake.HashProof), prevBlockStake.HashProof, nameof(stakingCoins),
                                 stakingCoins.TransactionId, stakingCoins.Height, nameof(prevout), prevout, nameof(transactionTime), transactionTime);

            if (transactionTime < stakingCoins.Time)
                this.logger.LogTrace("Coinstake transaction timestamp {0} is lower than it's own UTXO timestamp {1}.", transactionTime, stakingCoins.Time);

            // Base target.
            BigInteger target = new Target(headerBits).ToBigInteger();

            // TODO: Investigate:
            // The POS protocol should probably put a limit on the max amount that can be staked
            // not a hard limit but a limit that allow any amount to be staked with a max weight value.
            // the max weight should not exceed the max uint256 array size (array size = 32).

            // Weighted target.
            long       valueIn        = stakingCoins.Outputs[prevout.N].Value.Satoshi;
            BigInteger weight         = BigInteger.ValueOf(valueIn);
            BigInteger weightedTarget = target.Multiply(weight);

            context.TargetProofOfStake = ToUInt256(weightedTarget);
            this.logger.LogTrace("POS target is '{0}', weighted target for {1} coins is '{2}'.", ToUInt256(target), valueIn, context.TargetProofOfStake);

            uint256 stakeModifierV2 = prevBlockStake.StakeModifierV2;

            // Calculate hash.
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                var serializer = new BitcoinStream(ms, true);

                context.HashProofOfStake = Hashes.Hash256(ms.ToArray());

            this.logger.LogTrace("Stake modifier V2 is '{0}', hash POS is '{1}'.", stakeModifierV2, context.HashProofOfStake);

            // Now check if proof-of-stake hash meets target protocol.
            var hashProofOfStakeTarget = new BigInteger(1, context.HashProofOfStake.ToBytes(false));

            if (hashProofOfStakeTarget.CompareTo(weightedTarget) > 0)
