internal static extern int StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes(
     UnsafeNativeILockBytes plkbyt, 
     UnsafeNativeIStorage pStgPriority, // Most often NULL
     int grfMode, 
     IntPtr snbExclude, // Pointer to SNB struct, not marshalled, must be null. 
     int reserved, // Must be zero
     out UnsafeNativeIStorage ppstgOpen 
 internal static extern int StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes(
     UnsafeNativeILockBytes plkbyt,
     UnsafeNativeIStorage pStgPriority, // Most often NULL
     int grfMode,
     IntPtr snbExclude,                 // Pointer to SNB struct, not marshalled, must be null.
     int reserved,                      // Must be zero
     out UnsafeNativeIStorage ppstgOpen
 internal static extern int StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes(
     UnsafeNativeILockBytes plkbyt, 
     int grfMode,
     int reserved, // Must be zero 
     out UnsafeNativeIStorage ppstgOpen 
 internal static extern int StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes(
     UnsafeNativeILockBytes plkbyt,
     int grfMode,
     int reserved, // Must be zero
     out UnsafeNativeIStorage ppstgOpen