Esempio n. 1
    static void CopyBitsTest(ref UnsafeBitArray dstBitArray, int dstPos, ref UnsafeBitArray srcBitArray, int srcPos, int numBits)
        for (int pos = 0; pos < dstBitArray.Length; pos += 64)
            dstBitArray.SetBits(pos, 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaul, 64);

        srcBitArray.SetBits(srcPos, true, numBits);
        dstBitArray.Copy(dstPos, ref srcBitArray, srcPos, numBits);
        Assert.AreEqual(true, dstBitArray.TestAll(dstPos, numBits));

        for (int pos = 0; pos < dstBitArray.Length; ++pos)
            if ((pos >= dstPos && pos < dstPos + numBits) ||
                (pos >= srcPos && pos < srcPos + numBits))
                Assert.AreEqual(true, dstBitArray.IsSet(pos));
                Assert.AreEqual((0 != (pos & 1)), dstBitArray.IsSet(pos));

    static void CopyBitsTest(ref UnsafeBitArray test, int dstPos, int srcPos, int numBits)
        for (int pos = 0; pos < test.Length; pos += 64)
            test.SetBits(pos, 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaul, 64);

        test.SetBits(srcPos, true, numBits);
        test.Copy(dstPos, srcPos, numBits);
        Assert.AreEqual(true, test.TestAll(dstPos, numBits));

        for (int pos = 0; pos < test.Length; ++pos)
            if ((pos >= dstPos && pos < dstPos + numBits) ||
                (pos >= srcPos && pos < srcPos + numBits))
                Assert.AreEqual(true, test.IsSet(pos));
                Assert.AreEqual((0 != (pos & 1)), test.IsSet(pos));

Esempio n. 3
    public void UnsafeBitArray_CopyBetweenBitArrays()
        var numBits = 512;

        var test0 = new UnsafeBitArray(numBits, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);
        var test1 = new UnsafeBitArray(numBits, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);
        var test2 = new UnsafeBitArray(numBits, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);

        for (int pos = 0; pos < test0.Length; pos += 64)
            test0.SetBits(pos, 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaul, 64);
            test1.SetBits(pos, 0x5555555555555555ul, 64);

        var numCopyBits = 255;

        test0.SetBits(13, true, numCopyBits);

        test1.Copy(1, ref test0, 13, numCopyBits);
        Assert.AreEqual(true, test1.TestAll(1, numCopyBits));

        test2.Copy(43, ref test1, 1, numCopyBits);
        Assert.AreEqual(true, test2.TestAll(43, numCopyBits));

Esempio n. 4
    public void UnsafeBitArray_FindWithPattern()
        var test = new UnsafeBitArray(512, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);

        // Separated test for some more interesting patterns
        findWithPattern(ref test, 0x81, 1);
        findWithPattern(ref test, 0x81, 2);
        findWithPattern(ref test, 0x81, 3);
        findWithPattern(ref test, 0x81, 6);
        findWithPattern(ref test, 0x88, 3);
        findWithPattern(ref test, 0x99, 2);
        findWithPattern(ref test, 0xaa, 1);
        findWithPattern(ref test, 0xc3, 1);
        findWithPattern(ref test, 0xc3, 2);
        findWithPattern(ref test, 0xc3, 4);
        findWithPattern(ref test, 0xe7, 1);
        findWithPattern(ref test, 0xe7, 2);

        // Test all patterns
        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
            findWithPattern(ref test, (byte)i, 1);

Esempio n. 5
    public unsafe void UnsafeBitArray_Find_With_Begin_End()
        var numBits = 512;

        using (var test = new UnsafeBitArray(numBits, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory))
            Assert.AreEqual(0, test.Find(0, 2, 1));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, test.Find(1, 2, 1));
            test.SetBits(0, true, 6);
            Assert.AreEqual(int.MaxValue, test.Find(0, 2, 1));

            for (var j = 0; j < 64; ++j)
                for (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
                    var numBitsToFind = 7 + i;
                    var padding       = 11;
                    var begin         = 37 + j;
                    var end           = begin + padding + numBitsToFind;
                    var count         = end - begin;

                    test.SetBits(begin, true, count);
                    test.SetBits(begin + padding + 1, false, numBitsToFind - 1);

                    Assert.AreEqual(begin + padding + 1, test.Find(begin, count, numBitsToFind - 1)); //, $"{j}/{i}: begin {begin}, end {end}, count {count}, numBitsToFind {numBitsToFind}");
                    Assert.AreEqual(int.MaxValue, test.Find(begin, count, numBitsToFind));            //, $"{j}/{i}: begin {begin}, end {end}, count {count}, numBitsToFind {numBitsToFind}");
 static void GetBitsTest(ref UnsafeBitArray test, int pos, int numBits)
     test.SetBits(pos, true, numBits);
     Assert.AreEqual(numBits, test.CountBits(0, test.Length));
     Assert.AreEqual(0xfffffffffffffffful >> (64 - numBits), test.GetBits(pos, numBits));
    // Simple grassfire to calculate shortest distance along path to target position for every position.
    // - i.e. breadth-first expansion from target position.
    static void CalculateShortestWalkableDistancesToTarget(int rowCount, int colCount, byte *gridWalls, CartesianGridCoordinates targetPosition, NativeArray <int> targetDistances)
        var cellCount = rowCount * colCount;
        var closed    = new UnsafeBitArray(cellCount, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);
        var pending   = new UnsafeBitArray(cellCount, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);
        var open      = new UnsafeRingQueue <int>(cellCount, Allocator.Temp);

        var targetCellIndex = (targetPosition.y * colCount) + targetPosition.x;
        var cellIndexNorth  = targetCellIndex + colCount;
        var cellIndexSouth  = targetCellIndex - colCount;
        var cellIndexWest   = targetCellIndex - 1;
        var cellIndexEast   = targetCellIndex + 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < targetDistances.Length; i++)
            targetDistances[i] = -1;
        targetDistances[targetCellIndex] = 0;

        pending.Set(targetCellIndex, true);
        closed.Set(targetCellIndex, true);

        var validDirections = CartesianGridMovement.ValidDirections(targetPosition, rowCount, colCount, gridWalls);
        var validNorth      = ((validDirections & (byte)CartesianGridDirectionBit.North) != 0);
        var validSouth      = ((validDirections & (byte)CartesianGridDirectionBit.South) != 0);
        var validWest       = ((validDirections & (byte)CartesianGridDirectionBit.West) != 0);
        var validEast       = ((validDirections & (byte)CartesianGridDirectionBit.East) != 0);

        if (validNorth)
            pending.Set(cellIndexNorth, true);

        if (validSouth)
            pending.Set(cellIndexSouth, true);

        if (validWest)
            pending.Set(cellIndexWest, true);

        if (validEast)
            pending.Set(cellIndexEast, true);

        CalculateShortestWalkableDistancesToTargetInner(rowCount, colCount, gridWalls, targetDistances, pending, closed, open);

Esempio n. 8
 public void UnsafeBitArray_FindLastUnsetBit([NUnit.Framework.Range(1, 64)] int numBits)
     using (var bits = new UnsafeBitArray(numBits, Allocator.Persistent))
         // Set all bits to one then unset a single bit to find.
         for (int i = 0; i < numBits; ++i)
             bits.SetBits(0, true, numBits);
             bits.Set(i, false);
             Assert.AreEqual(i, bits.Find(0, 1));
Esempio n. 9
    public unsafe void UnsafeBitArray_Find_Throws()
        var numBits = 512;

        using (var test = new UnsafeBitArray(numBits, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory))
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { test.Find(0, 0, 1); });   // empty range
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { test.Find(0, 1, 0); });   // zero bits
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { test.Find(0, 1, 2); });   // numBits is larger than range
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { test.Find(10, 0, 0); });  // empty range, numBits is less than 1
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { test.Find(1, 10, -2); }); // numBits can't be negative
Esempio n. 10
        NativeBitArray(int numBits, Allocator allocator, NativeArrayOptions options, int disposeSentinelStackDepth)
            DisposeSentinel.Create(out m_Safety, out m_DisposeSentinel, disposeSentinelStackDepth, allocator);
            if (s_staticSafetyId.Data == 0)
            AtomicSafetyHandle.SetStaticSafetyId(ref m_Safety, s_staticSafetyId.Data);
            m_BitArray = new UnsafeBitArray(numBits, allocator, options);
Esempio n. 11
    public void UnsafeBitArray_GetBits()
        var numBits = 256;

        var test = new UnsafeBitArray(numBits, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);

        GetBitsTest(ref test, 0, 5);
        GetBitsTest(ref test, 1, 3);
        GetBitsTest(ref test, 1, 64);
        GetBitsTest(ref test, 62, 5);
        GetBitsTest(ref test, 127, 3);

Esempio n. 12
    public unsafe void UnsafeBitArray_Throws()
        var numBits = 256;

        var test = new UnsafeBitArray(numBits, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);

        Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { test.TestAll(0, numBits); });
        Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { test.IsSet(-1); });
        Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { test.IsSet(numBits); });

        Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { new UnsafeBitArray(null, 7); /* check sizeInBytes must be multiple of 8-bytes. */ });

Esempio n. 13
    public void UnsafeBitArray_FindInTinyBitArray()
        var test = new UnsafeBitArray(3, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);

        Assert.AreEqual(3, test.Length);

        test.SetBits(0, 0x55, test.Length);

        Assert.AreEqual(1, test.Find(0, 1));
        Assert.AreEqual(1, test.Find(0, test.Length, 1));
        test.SetBits(1, true, 1);
        Assert.True(test.TestAll(0, test.Length));
        Assert.AreEqual(int.MaxValue, test.Find(0, test.Length, 1));

Esempio n. 14
    public unsafe void UnsafeBitArray_Throws()
        var numBits = 256;

        using (var test = new UnsafeBitArray(numBits, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory))
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { test.TestAll(0, numBits); });
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { test.IsSet(-1); });
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { test.IsSet(numBits); });

            // GetBits numBits must be 1-64.
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { test.GetBits(0, 0); });
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { test.GetBits(0, 65); });
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { test.GetBits(63, 2); });

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { new UnsafeBitArray(null, 7); /* check sizeInBytes must be multiple of 8-bytes. */ });
Esempio n. 15
    void findWithPattern(ref UnsafeBitArray test, byte pattern, int numBits)
        for (int pos = 0; pos < test.Length; pos += 8)
            test.SetBits(pos, pattern, 8);

        var bitCount     = math.countbits((int)pattern);
        var numEmptyBits = test.Length - (test.Length / 8 * bitCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < numEmptyBits; i += numBits)
            var pos = test.Find(0, numBits);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(int.MaxValue, pos, $"{i}");
            test.SetBits(pos, true, numBits);

        Assert.True(test.TestAll(0, test.Length));
Esempio n. 16
        NativeBitArray(int numBits, Allocator allocator, NativeArrayOptions options, int disposeSentinelStackDepth)
            if (allocator <= Allocator.None)
                throw new ArgumentException("Allocator must be Temp, TempJob or Persistent", nameof(allocator));

            DisposeSentinel.Create(out m_Safety, out m_DisposeSentinel, disposeSentinelStackDepth, allocator);
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
            if (s_staticSafetyId.Data == 0)
            AtomicSafetyHandle.SetStaticSafetyId(ref m_Safety, s_staticSafetyId.Data);
            m_BitArray = new UnsafeBitArray(numBits, allocator, options);
Esempio n. 17
    public unsafe void UnsafeBitArray_Copy_Throws()
        var numBits = 512;

        var test = new UnsafeBitArray(numBits, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);

        Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { CopyBitsTest(ref test, 0, numBits - 1, 16); });  // short up to 64-bits copy out of bounds
        Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { CopyBitsTest(ref test, numBits - 1, 0, 16); });  // short up to 64-bits copy out of bounds

        Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { CopyBitsTest(ref test, 0, numBits - 1, 80); });  // short up to 128-bits copy out of bounds
        Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { CopyBitsTest(ref test, numBits - 1, 0, 80); });  // short up to 128-bits copy out of bounds

        Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { CopyBitsTest(ref test, 1, numBits - 7, 127); }); // long copy aligned
        Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { CopyBitsTest(ref test, numBits - 7, 1, 127); }); // long copy aligned

        Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { CopyBitsTest(ref test, 2, numBits - 1, 127); }); // long copy unaligned
        Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { CopyBitsTest(ref test, numBits - 1, 2, 127); }); // long copy unaligned

Esempio n. 18
    private void Start()
        //var replace = module.Replace("金三胖3r3r");
        var bitArray = new UnsafeBitArray(129, Allocator.Temp);

        bitArray.Set(0, true);
        bitArray.Set(1, true);
        bitArray.Set(5, true);
        Debug.Log("Length:" + bitArray.Length);
        for (int i = 0; i < bitArray.Length; i++)
            var value = bitArray.GetBits(i);
            Debug.Log("index:" + i);
            var value2 = bitArray.TestAll(i);
Esempio n. 19
    public void UnsafeBitArray_Get_Set()
        var numBits = 256;

        var test = new UnsafeBitArray(numBits, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);

        test.Set(123, true);

        Assert.False(test.TestAll(0, numBits));
        Assert.False(test.TestNone(0, numBits));
        Assert.True(test.TestAny(0, numBits));
        Assert.AreEqual(1, test.CountBits(0, numBits));

        Assert.False(test.TestAll(0, 122));
        Assert.True(test.TestNone(0, 122));
        Assert.False(test.TestAny(0, 122));

        Assert.AreEqual(0, test.CountBits(0, numBits));

        test.SetBits(40, true, 4);
        Assert.AreEqual(4, test.CountBits(0, numBits));

        test.SetBits(0, true, numBits);
        Assert.False(test.TestNone(0, numBits));
        Assert.True(test.TestAll(0, numBits));

        test.SetBits(0, false, numBits);
        Assert.True(test.TestNone(0, numBits));
        Assert.False(test.TestAll(0, numBits));

        test.SetBits(123, true, 7);
        Assert.True(test.TestAll(123, 7));

Esempio n. 20
    public void UnsafeBitArray_Copy()
        var numBits = 512;

        var test = new UnsafeBitArray(numBits, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);

        CopyBitsTest(ref test, 1, 16, 12);  // short up to 64-bits copy
        CopyBitsTest(ref test, 1, 80, 63);  // short up to 64-bits copy
        CopyBitsTest(ref test, 1, 11, 12);  // short up to 64-bits copy overlapped
        CopyBitsTest(ref test, 11, 1, 12);  // short up to 64-bits copy overlapped

        CopyBitsTest(ref test, 1, 16, 76);  // short up to 128-bits copy
        CopyBitsTest(ref test, 1, 80, 127); // short up to 128-bits copy
        CopyBitsTest(ref test, 1, 11, 76);  // short up to 128-bits copy overlapped
        CopyBitsTest(ref test, 11, 1, 76);  // short up to 128-bits copy overlapped

        CopyBitsTest(ref test, 1, 81, 255); // long copy aligned
        CopyBitsTest(ref test, 8, 0, 255);  // long copy overlapped aligned
        CopyBitsTest(ref test, 1, 80, 255); // long copy unaligned
        CopyBitsTest(ref test, 80, 1, 255); // long copy overlapped unaligned

Esempio n. 21
    public unsafe void UnsafeBitArray_Find()
        var numBits = 512;

        using (var test = new UnsafeBitArray(numBits, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory))
            test.SetBits(0, true, 11);

            for (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
                Assert.AreEqual(11, test.Find(0, i + 1));

            for (var j = 0; j < 64; ++j)
                for (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
                    var numBitsToFind = 7 + i;
                    var pos           = 37 + j;

                    test.SetBits(0, true, test.Length);
                    test.SetBits(pos, false, numBitsToFind);

                    Assert.AreEqual(pos, test.Find(0, numBitsToFind), $"{j}/{i}: pos {pos}, numBitsToFind {numBitsToFind}");
                    Assert.AreEqual(pos, test.Find(pos, numBitsToFind), $"{j}/{i}:pos {pos}, numBitsToFind {numBitsToFind}");

                    Assert.AreEqual(pos, test.Find(0, numBitsToFind), $"{j}/{i}: pos {pos}, numBitsToFind {numBitsToFind}");
                    Assert.AreEqual(pos, test.Find(pos, numBitsToFind), $"{j}/{i}: pos {pos}, numBitsToFind {numBitsToFind}");

                    Assert.IsTrue(test.TestNone(test.Find(0, numBitsToFind), numBitsToFind));

                    Assert.AreEqual(int.MaxValue, test.Find(pos + 1, numBitsToFind), $"{j}/{i}: pos {pos}, numBitsToFind {numBitsToFind}");
    public void UnsafeBitArray_Get_Set_Short()
        var numBits = 31;

        var test = new UnsafeBitArray(numBits, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);

        test.Set(13, true);

        Assert.False(test.TestAll(0, numBits));
        Assert.False(test.TestNone(0, numBits));
        Assert.True(test.TestAny(0, numBits));
        Assert.AreEqual(1, test.CountBits(0, numBits));

        Assert.False(test.TestAll(0, 12));
        Assert.True(test.TestNone(0, 12));
        Assert.False(test.TestAny(0, 12));

        Assert.AreEqual(0, test.CountBits(0, numBits));

        test.SetBits(4, true, 4);
        Assert.AreEqual(4, test.CountBits(0, numBits));

        test.SetBits(0, true, numBits);
        Assert.False(test.TestNone(0, numBits));
        Assert.True(test.TestAll(0, numBits));

        test.SetBits(0, false, numBits);
        Assert.True(test.TestNone(0, numBits));
        Assert.False(test.TestAll(0, numBits));

        test.SetBits(13, true, 7);
        Assert.True(test.TestAll(13, 7));

        test.SetBits(4, true, 4);
        Assert.AreEqual(false, test.IsSet(3));
        Assert.AreEqual(true, test.TestAll(4, 4));
        Assert.AreEqual(false, test.IsSet(18));
        Assert.AreEqual(4, test.CountBits(4, 4));
        Assert.AreEqual(4, test.CountBits(0, numBits));

        test.SetBits(5, true, 2);
        Assert.AreEqual(false, test.IsSet(4));
        Assert.AreEqual(true, test.TestAll(5, 2));
        Assert.AreEqual(false, test.IsSet(17));
        Assert.AreEqual(2, test.CountBits(4, 4));
        Assert.AreEqual(2, test.CountBits(0, numBits));

        test.SetBits(6, true, 4);
        Assert.AreEqual(false, test.IsSet(5));
        Assert.AreEqual(true, test.TestAll(6, 4));
        Assert.AreEqual(false, test.IsSet(10));
        Assert.AreEqual(4, test.CountBits(6, 4));
        Assert.AreEqual(4, test.CountBits(0, numBits));

Esempio n. 23
    static void CalculateShortestWalkableDistancesToTargetInner(NativeArray <int> targetDistances, int rowCount, byte *gridWalls, float4x4 *faceLocalToLocal, UnsafeBitArray pending, UnsafeBitArray closed, UnsafeRingQueue <int> open)
        var cellCount     = rowCount * rowCount;
        var maxPathLength = 6 * (cellCount + 1);

        while (open.Length > 0)
            var cellIndex    = open.Dequeue();
            var cellPosition = CartesianGridOnCubeUtility.CellFaceCoordinates(cellIndex, rowCount);
            var faceIndex    = CartesianGridOnCubeUtility.CellFaceIndex(cellIndex, rowCount);

            var rowStride           = (rowCount + 1) / 2;
            var faceStride          = rowCount * rowStride;
            var faceGridWallsOffset = faceIndex * faceStride;

            var validDirections = CartesianGridMovement.ValidDirections(cellPosition, rowCount, rowCount, gridWalls + faceGridWallsOffset);
            var validNorth      = ((validDirections & (byte)CartesianGridDirectionBit.North) != 0);
            var validSouth      = ((validDirections & (byte)CartesianGridDirectionBit.South) != 0);
            var validWest       = ((validDirections & (byte)CartesianGridDirectionBit.West) != 0);
            var validEast       = ((validDirections & (byte)CartesianGridDirectionBit.East) != 0);

            var cellIndexNorth = CartesianGridOnCubeUtility.CellIndexNorth(cellIndex, rowCount, faceLocalToLocal);
            var cellIndexSouth = CartesianGridOnCubeUtility.CellIndexSouth(cellIndex, rowCount, faceLocalToLocal);
            var cellIndexWest  = CartesianGridOnCubeUtility.CellIndexWest(cellIndex, rowCount, faceLocalToLocal);
            var cellIndexEast  = CartesianGridOnCubeUtility.CellIndexEast(cellIndex, rowCount, faceLocalToLocal);

            var distanceNorth = maxPathLength;
            var distanceSouth = maxPathLength;
            var distanceEast  = maxPathLength;
            var distanceWest  = maxPathLength;

            var closedNorth = false;
            var closedSouth = false;
            var closedWest  = false;
            var closedEast  = false;

            if (validNorth)
                if (closed.IsSet(cellIndexNorth))
                    distanceNorth = targetDistances[cellIndexNorth];
                    closedNorth   = true;
                else if (!pending.IsSet(cellIndexNorth))
                    pending.Set(cellIndexNorth, true);

            if (validSouth)
                if (closed.IsSet(cellIndexSouth))
                    distanceSouth = targetDistances[cellIndexSouth];
                    closedSouth   = true;
                else if (!pending.IsSet(cellIndexSouth))
                    pending.Set(cellIndexSouth, true);

            if (validWest)
                if (closed.IsSet(cellIndexWest))
                    distanceWest = targetDistances[cellIndexWest];
                    closedWest   = true;
                else if (!pending.IsSet(cellIndexWest))
                    pending.Set(cellIndexWest, true);

            if (validEast)
                if (closed.IsSet(cellIndexEast))
                    distanceEast = targetDistances[cellIndexEast];
                    closedEast   = true;
                else if (!pending.IsSet(cellIndexEast))
                    pending.Set(cellIndexEast, true);

            var closedNeighbor = closedNorth || closedSouth || closedWest || closedEast;

            var bestDist = math.cmin(new int4(distanceNorth, distanceSouth, distanceEast, distanceWest)) + 1;
            Assert.IsFalse(bestDist > (maxPathLength + 1));

            targetDistances[cellIndex] = bestDist;
            closed.Set(cellIndex, true);
    static void CalculateShortestWalkableDistancesToTargetInner(int rowCount, int colCount, byte *gridWalls, NativeArray <int> targetDistances, UnsafeBitArray pending, UnsafeBitArray closed, UnsafeRingQueue <int> open)
        var cellCount = rowCount * colCount;

        while (open.Count > 0)
            var cellIndex    = open.Dequeue();
            var y            = cellIndex / colCount;
            var x            = cellIndex - (y * colCount);
            var cellPosition = new CartesianGridCoordinates {
                x = (short)x, y = (short)y

            var validDirections = CartesianGridMovement.ValidDirections(cellPosition, rowCount, colCount, gridWalls);
            var validNorth      = ((validDirections & (byte)CartesianGridDirectionBit.North) != 0);
            var validSouth      = ((validDirections & (byte)CartesianGridDirectionBit.South) != 0);
            var validWest       = ((validDirections & (byte)CartesianGridDirectionBit.West) != 0);
            var validEast       = ((validDirections & (byte)CartesianGridDirectionBit.East) != 0);

            var cellIndexNorth = cellIndex + colCount;
            var cellIndexSouth = cellIndex - colCount;
            var cellIndexWest  = cellIndex - 1;
            var cellIndexEast  = cellIndex + 1;

            var distanceNorth = cellCount + 1;
            var distanceSouth = cellCount + 1;
            var distanceEast  = cellCount + 1;
            var distanceWest  = cellCount + 1;

            if (validNorth)
                if (closed.IsSet(cellIndexNorth))
                    distanceNorth = targetDistances[cellIndexNorth];
                else if (!pending.IsSet(cellIndexNorth))
                    pending.Set(cellIndexNorth, true);

            if (validSouth)
                if (closed.IsSet(cellIndexSouth))
                    distanceSouth = targetDistances[cellIndexSouth];
                else if (!pending.IsSet(cellIndexSouth))
                    pending.Set(cellIndexSouth, true);

            if (validWest)
                if (closed.IsSet(cellIndexWest))
                    distanceWest = targetDistances[cellIndexWest];
                else if (!pending.IsSet(cellIndexWest))
                    pending.Set(cellIndexWest, true);

            if (validEast)
                if (closed.IsSet(cellIndexEast))
                    distanceEast = targetDistances[cellIndexEast];
                else if (!pending.IsSet(cellIndexEast))
                    pending.Set(cellIndexEast, true);

            var bestDist = math.cmin(new int4(distanceNorth, distanceSouth, distanceEast, distanceWest)) + 1;

            targetDistances[cellIndex] = bestDist;
            closed.Set(cellIndex, true);
Esempio n. 25
    // Simple grassfire to calculate shortest distance along path to target position for every position.
    // - i.e. breadth-first expansion from target position.
    static void CalculateShortestWalkableDistancesToTarget(NativeArray <int> targetDistances, int rowCount, byte *gridWalls, CartesianGridCoordinates targetPosition, CartesianGridOnCubeFace cubeFace, float4x4 *faceLocalToLocal)
        var cellCount = rowCount * rowCount;
        var closed    = new UnsafeBitArray(6 * cellCount, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);
        var pending   = new UnsafeBitArray(6 * cellCount, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);
        var open      = new UnsafeRingQueue <int>(6 * cellCount, Allocator.Temp);

        var faceIndex           = cubeFace.Value;
        var faceTargetCellIndex = (targetPosition.y * rowCount) + targetPosition.x;

        for (int i = 0; i < targetDistances.Length; i++)
            targetDistances[i] = -1;

        var targetCellIndex = (faceIndex * cellCount) + faceTargetCellIndex;

        targetDistances[targetCellIndex] = 0;

        pending.Set(targetCellIndex, true);
        closed.Set(targetCellIndex, true);

        var cellIndexNorth = CartesianGridOnCubeUtility.CellIndexNorth(targetCellIndex, rowCount, faceLocalToLocal);
        var cellIndexSouth = CartesianGridOnCubeUtility.CellIndexSouth(targetCellIndex, rowCount, faceLocalToLocal);
        var cellIndexWest  = CartesianGridOnCubeUtility.CellIndexWest(targetCellIndex, rowCount, faceLocalToLocal);
        var cellIndexEast  = CartesianGridOnCubeUtility.CellIndexEast(targetCellIndex, rowCount, faceLocalToLocal);

        var rowStride           = (rowCount + 1) / 2;
        var faceStride          = rowCount * rowStride;
        var faceGridWallsOffset = faceIndex * faceStride;

        var validDirections = CartesianGridMovement.ValidDirections(targetPosition, rowCount, rowCount, gridWalls + faceGridWallsOffset);
        var validNorth      = ((validDirections & (byte)CartesianGridDirectionBit.North) != 0);
        var validSouth      = ((validDirections & (byte)CartesianGridDirectionBit.South) != 0);
        var validWest       = ((validDirections & (byte)CartesianGridDirectionBit.West) != 0);
        var validEast       = ((validDirections & (byte)CartesianGridDirectionBit.East) != 0);

        if (validNorth)
            pending.Set(cellIndexNorth, true);

        if (validSouth)
            pending.Set(cellIndexSouth, true);

        if (validWest)
            pending.Set(cellIndexWest, true);

        if (validEast)
            pending.Set(cellIndexEast, true);

        CalculateShortestWalkableDistancesToTargetInner(targetDistances, rowCount, gridWalls, faceLocalToLocal, pending, closed, open);

Esempio n. 26
 static void SetBitsTest(ref UnsafeBitArray test, int pos, ulong value, int numBits)
     test.SetBits(pos, value, numBits);
     Assert.AreEqual(value, test.GetBits(pos, numBits));
Esempio n. 27
 static void CopyBitsTest(ref UnsafeBitArray test, int dstPos, int srcPos, int numBits)
     CopyBitsTest(ref test, dstPos, ref test, srcPos, numBits);
Esempio n. 28
        public void CheckInternalConsistency(object[] managedComponentData)
            var managedComponentIndices = new UnsafeBitArray(m_ManagedComponentIndex, Allocator.Temp);

            Assert.IsTrue(managedComponentData.Length >= m_ManagedComponentIndex);
            for (int i = m_ManagedComponentIndex; i < managedComponentData.Length; ++i)

            // Iterate by archetype
            var entityCountByArchetype = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < m_Archetypes.Length; ++i)
                var archetype        = m_Archetypes.Ptr[i];
                int managedTypeBegin = archetype->FirstManagedComponent;
                int managedTypeEnd   = archetype->ManagedComponentsEnd;

                var countInArchetype = 0;
                for (var j = 0; j < archetype->Chunks.Count; ++j)
                    var chunk = archetype->Chunks.p[j];
                    Assert.IsTrue(chunk->Archetype == archetype);
                    Assert.IsTrue(chunk->Capacity >= chunk->Count);
                    Assert.AreEqual(chunk->Count, archetype->Chunks.GetChunkEntityCount(j));

                    var chunkEntities = (Entity *)chunk->Buffer;
                    AssertEntitiesExist(chunkEntities, chunk->Count);

                    if (!chunk->Locked)
                        if (chunk->Count < chunk->Capacity)
                            if (archetype->NumSharedComponents == 0)
                                Assert.IsTrue(chunk->ListWithEmptySlotsIndex >= 0 && chunk->ListWithEmptySlotsIndex <
                                    chunk == archetype->ChunksWithEmptySlots.Ptr[chunk->ListWithEmptySlotsIndex]);

                    countInArchetype += chunk->Count;

                    if (chunk->Archetype->HasChunkHeader) // Chunk entities with chunk components are not supported

                    Assert.AreEqual(chunk->Archetype->HasChunkComponents, chunk->metaChunkEntity != Entity.Null);
                    if (chunk->metaChunkEntity != Entity.Null)
                        var chunkHeaderTypeIndex = TypeManager.GetTypeIndex <ChunkHeader>();
                        AssertEntitiesExist(&chunk->metaChunkEntity, 1);
                        AssertEntityHasComponent(chunk->metaChunkEntity, chunkHeaderTypeIndex);
                        var chunkHeader =
                            *(ChunkHeader *)GetComponentDataWithTypeRO(chunk->metaChunkEntity,
                        Assert.IsTrue(chunk == chunkHeader.ArchetypeChunk.m_Chunk);
                        var metaChunk = GetChunk(chunk->metaChunkEntity);
                        Assert.IsTrue(metaChunk->Archetype == chunk->Archetype->MetaChunkArchetype);

                    for (int iType = managedTypeBegin; iType < managedTypeEnd; ++iType)
                        var managedIndicesInChunk = (int *)(chunk->Buffer + archetype->Offsets[iType]);
                        for (int ie = 0; ie < chunk->Count; ++ie)
                            var index = managedIndicesInChunk[ie];
                            if (index == 0)

                            Assert.IsTrue(index < m_ManagedComponentIndex, "Managed component index in chunk is out of range.");
                            Assert.IsFalse(managedComponentIndices.IsSet(index), "Managed component index is used multiple times.");
                            managedComponentIndices.Set(index, true);

                Assert.AreEqual(countInArchetype, archetype->EntityCount);

                entityCountByArchetype += countInArchetype;

            for (int i = 0; i < m_ManagedComponentIndex; ++i)
                Assert.AreEqual(managedComponentData[i] != null, managedComponentIndices.IsSet(i));

            var freeManagedIndices = (int *)m_ManagedComponentFreeIndex.Ptr;
            var freeManagedCount   = m_ManagedComponentFreeIndex.Length / sizeof(int);

            for (int i = 0; i < freeManagedCount; ++i)
                var index = freeManagedIndices[i];
                Assert.IsTrue(0 < index && index < m_ManagedComponentIndex, "Managed component index in free list is out of range.");
                Assert.IsFalse(managedComponentIndices.IsSet(index), "Managed component was marked as free but is used in chunk.");
                managedComponentIndices.Set(index, true);

            Assert.IsTrue(m_ManagedComponentIndex - 1 == 0 || managedComponentIndices.TestAll(1, m_ManagedComponentIndex - 1), "Managed component index has leaked.");

            // Iterate by free list
            Assert.IsTrue(m_EntityInChunkByEntity[m_NextFreeEntityIndex].Chunk == null);

            var entityCountByFreeList = EntitiesCapacity;
            int freeIndex             = m_NextFreeEntityIndex;

            while (freeIndex != -1)
                Assert.IsTrue(m_EntityInChunkByEntity[freeIndex].Chunk == null);
                Assert.IsTrue(freeIndex < EntitiesCapacity);

                freeIndex = m_EntityInChunkByEntity[freeIndex].IndexInChunk;


            // iterate by entities
            var entityCountByEntities = 0;
            var entityType            = TypeManager.GetTypeIndex <Entity>();

            for (var i = 0; i != EntitiesCapacity; i++)
                var chunk = m_EntityInChunkByEntity[i].Chunk;
                if (chunk == null)

                var archetype = m_ArchetypeByEntity[i];
                Assert.AreEqual((IntPtr)archetype, (IntPtr)chunk->Archetype);
                Assert.AreEqual(entityType, archetype->Types[0].TypeIndex);
                Assert.IsTrue(m_EntityInChunkByEntity[i].IndexInChunk < m_EntityInChunkByEntity[i].Chunk->Count);
                var entity = *(Entity *)ChunkDataUtility.GetComponentDataRO(m_EntityInChunkByEntity[i].Chunk,
                                                                            m_EntityInChunkByEntity[i].IndexInChunk, 0);
                Assert.AreEqual(i, entity.Index);
                Assert.AreEqual(m_VersionByEntity[i], entity.Version);


            Assert.AreEqual(entityCountByEntities, entityCountByArchetype);

            // Enabling this fails SerializeEntitiesWorksWithBlobAssetReferences.
            // There is some special entity 0 usage in the serialization code.

            // @TODO: Review with simon looks like a potential leak?
            //Assert.AreEqual(entityCountByEntities, entityCountByFreeList);
Esempio n. 29
 public UnsafeBitArrayDebugView(UnsafeBitArray data)
     Data = data;