public UnityProjectDataCache BuildData(FileSystemPath projectFileLocation, XmlDocument document)
            var documentElement = document.DocumentElement;

            if (documentElement == null || documentElement.Name != "Project")

            var explicitLangVersion = false;
            var unityVersion        = new Version(0, 0);

            var appPath        = UnityInstallationFinder.GetAppPathByDll(documentElement);
            var versionFromDll = UnityVersion.GetVersionByAppPath(appPath);

            foreach (XmlNode propertyGroup in documentElement.GetElementsByTagName("PropertyGroup"))
                var xmlElement = propertyGroup as XmlElement;
                if (xmlElement == null)

                // We can't just grab the value here because there may be multiple values set, one per configuration.
                // I haven't seen Unity or Rider do this, so it must be VSTU, but I don't have proof...
                if (xmlElement.GetElementsByTagName("LangVersion").Count > 0)
                    explicitLangVersion = true;

                if (versionFromDll != null)

                // Ideally, we could get the defines through the project model (see IManagedProjectConfiguration), but
                // that only seems to give us the currently active project settings, and Unity's own .csproj creator
                // only sets the version for the Debug build, not the Release build. VSTU sets the defines in both
                // configurations.
                foreach (XmlNode defines in xmlElement.GetElementsByTagName("DefineConstants"))
                    unityVersion = GetVersionFromDefines(defines.InnerText, unityVersion);

            return(new UnityProjectDataCache(versionFromDll ?? unityVersion, explicitLangVersion, appPath));