public void OnClick(Vector3 mousePosition) { selectedTile = null; selectedStack.Clear(); if (Physics.Raycast(Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(mousePosition), out RaycastHit hit)) { if (pointer != null) { pointer.SetActive(true); pointer.transform.position = hit.point; } var go = hit.collider.transform.gameObject; while (go != null) { var ti = go.GetComponent <TileInfo>(); if (ti != null) { selectedTile = ti.Tile; break; } go = go.transform.parent != null ? go.transform.parent.gameObject : null; } } else { if (pointer != null) { pointer.SetActive(false); } } }
public void OnClick(Vector3 mousePosition) { selectedTile = null; selectedStack.Clear(); if (Physics.Raycast(Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(mousePosition), out RaycastHit hit)) { if (pointer != null) { pointer.SetActive(true); pointer.transform.position = hit.point; } var go = hit.collider.transform.gameObject; while (go != null) { var ti = go.GetComponent <Unity3DTileInfo>(); if (ti != null) { selectedTile = ti.Tile; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl)) { UnityEditor.Selection.activeGameObject = go; } #endif break; } go = go.transform.parent != null ? go.transform.parent.gameObject : null; } } else { if (pointer != null) { pointer.SetActive(false); } } }
private void UpdateSelectedTileset() { if (tileset != null) { tileset.ClearForcedTiles(); } if (selectedTile == null) { return; } float bv = selectedTile.BoundingVolume.Volume(); float cbv = -1; if (selectedTile.ContentBoundingVolume != null) { cbv = selectedTile.ContentBoundingVolume.Volume(); } builder.Append("\n"); if (tilesets.Count > 0) { var sts = selectedTile.Tileset; builder.Append("\nselected tileset " + sts.TilesetOptions.Name + " (" + tilesets.FindIndex(ts => ts == sts) + ")"); } builder.Append("\nselected tile " + selectedTile.Id + ", depth " + selectedTile.Depth); builder.Append(", " + selectedTile.Children.Count + " children"); builder.Append(", geometric error " + selectedTile.GeometricError.ToString("F3")); builder.Append("\nbounds vol " + bv + ": " + selectedTile.BoundingVolume.SizeString()); if (cbv >= 0 && cbv != bv) { builder.Append(", content vol " + cbv); } var tc = selectedTile.Content; if (tc != null && selectedTile.ContentState == Unity3DTileContentState.READY) { builder.Append("\n" + FmtKMG(tc.FaceCount) + " tris, " + FmtKMG(tc.PixelCount) + " pixels, "); builder.Append(tc.TextureCount + " textures, max " + tc.MaxTextureSize.x + "x" + tc.MaxTextureSize.y); } selectedTile.Tileset.GetRootTransform(out Vector3 translation, out Quaternion rotation, out Vector3 scale, convertToUnityFrame: false); if (translation != { builder.Append("\ntileset translation " + translation.ToString("f3")); } if (rotation != Quaternion.identity) { builder.Append("\ntileset rotation " + rotation.ToString("f3")); } if (scale != { builder.Append("\ntileset scale " + scale.ToString("f3")); } if (selectedTile.Parent != null) { builder.Append("\npress up/left/right"); if (selectedTile.Children.Count > 0) { builder.Append("/down"); } builder.Append(" to select parent/sibling"); if (selectedTile.Children.Count > 0) { builder.Append("/child"); } } else if (selectedTile.Children.Count > 0) { builder.Append("\npress down to select child"); } if (selectedTile.Parent != null && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)) { selectedStack.Push(selectedTile); selectedTile = selectedTile.Parent; } if (selectedTile.Children.Count > 0 && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow)) { selectedTile = selectedStack.Count > 0 ? selectedStack.Pop() : selectedTile.Children.First(); } int sibling = Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow) ? -1 : Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow) ? 1 : 0; if (selectedTile.Parent != null && sibling != 0) { var siblings = selectedTile.Parent.Children; int idx = siblings.FindIndex(c => c == selectedTile) + sibling; idx = idx < 0 ? siblings.Count - 1 : idx == siblings.Count ? 0 : idx; if (siblings[idx] != selectedTile) { selectedStack.Clear(); } selectedTile = siblings[idx]; } builder.Append("\npress b to toggle bounds"); if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.B)) { if (!drawSelectedBounds && !drawParentBounds) { drawSelectedBounds = true; } else if (drawSelectedBounds && !drawParentBounds) { drawParentBounds = true; } else { drawSelectedBounds = drawParentBounds = false; } } if (drawSelectedBounds) { selectedTile.BoundingVolume.DebugDraw(Color.magenta, selectedTile.Tileset.Behaviour.transform); if (cbv >= 0 && cbv != bv) { selectedTile.ContentBoundingVolume.DebugDraw(, selectedTile.Tileset.Behaviour.transform); } } if (drawParentBounds && selectedTile.Parent != null) { var parent = selectedTile.Parent; float pbv = parent.BoundingVolume.Volume(); float pcbv = parent.ContentBoundingVolume != null?parent.ContentBoundingVolume.Volume() : -1; parent.BoundingVolume.DebugDraw(Color.cyan, selectedTile.Tileset.Behaviour.transform); if (pcbv >= 0 && pcbv != pbv) { parent.ContentBoundingVolume.DebugDraw(, selectedTile.Tileset.Behaviour.transform); } } if (tilesets != null && tilesets.Count > 0) { builder.Append("\npress i to hide tileset"); if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.I)) { selectedTile.Tileset.TilesetOptions.Show = false; showStack.Push(selectedTile.Tileset); selectedTile = null; selectedStack.Clear(); } } builder.Append("\npress esc to clear selection"); if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { selectedTile = null; selectedStack.Clear(); } if (selectedTile != null) { selectedTile.Tileset.Traversal.ForceTiles.Add(selectedTile); } }
private void UpdateTilesets() { if (tileset is MultiTilesetBehaviour) { tilesets = ((MultiTilesetBehaviour)tileset).GetTilesets().ToList(); } if (tilesets != null && tilesets.Count > 1) { string mods = ""; if (tilesets.Count > 10) { mods += "[shift]+"; } if (tilesets.Count > 20) { mods = "[ctrl]" + mods; } if (tilesets.Count > 40) { mods = "[alt]" + mods; } builder.Append("\npress " + mods + "0-9 to hide/show a tileset"); int offset = 0; if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift)) { offset += 10; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl)) { offset += 20; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightAlt)) { offset += 40; } int idx = Mathf.Max(alphaNumerals.FindIndex(code => Input.GetKeyDown(code)), keypadNumerals.FindIndex(code => Input.GetKeyDown(code))); if (idx >= 0) { idx += offset; if (idx < tilesets.Count) { tilesets[idx].TilesetOptions.Show = !tilesets[idx].TilesetOptions.Show; if (!tilesets[idx].TilesetOptions.Show) { showStack.Push(tilesets[idx]); if (selectedTile != null && selectedTile.Tileset == tilesets[idx]) { selectedTile = null; selectedStack.Clear(); } } } } } if (!showStack.Any(ts => !ts.TilesetOptions.Show)) { showStack.Clear(); } if (showStack.Count > 0) { builder.Append("\npress o to show last hidden tileset"); if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.O)) { while (showStack.Count > 0) { var ts = showStack.Pop(); if (!ts.TilesetOptions.Show) { ts.TilesetOptions.Show = true; break; } } } } }
private void UpdateSelectedTileset() { if (tileset != null) { tileset.ClearForcedTiles(); } if (selectedTile == null) { return; } float bv = selectedTile.BoundingVolume.Volume(); float cbv = -1; if (selectedTile.ContentBoundingVolume != null) { cbv = selectedTile.ContentBoundingVolume.Volume(); } builder.Append("\n"); if (tilesets != null && tilesets.Count > 0) { var sts = selectedTile.Tileset; builder.Append("\nselected tileset " + sts.TilesetOptions.Name + " (" + tilesets.FindIndex(ts => ts == sts) + ")"); } var opts = selectedTile.Tileset.TilesetOptions; double maxSSE = opts.MaximumScreenSpaceError; builder.Append("\nmax SSE " + opts.MaximumScreenSpaceError.ToString("F3") + " (hit PageUp/Down to adjust)"); if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.PageDown)) { opts.MaximumScreenSpaceError = Math.Max(0, opts.MaximumScreenSpaceError - 1); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.PageUp)) { opts.MaximumScreenSpaceError = opts.MaximumScreenSpaceError + 1; } double dist = selectedTile.FrameState.DistanceToCamera; double ctrDist = selectedTile.FrameState.PixelsToCameraCenter; builder.Append("\nselected tile " + selectedTile.Id + ", depth " + selectedTile.Depth); builder.Append(", " + selectedTile.Children.Count + " children"); builder.Append("\ngeometric error " + selectedTile.GeometricError.ToString("F3")); builder.Append(", distance " + (dist < float.MaxValue ? dist : -1).ToString("F3")); builder.Append(", SSE " + selectedTile.FrameState.ScreenSpaceError.ToString("F3")); builder.Append("\n" + ((int)ctrDist) + " pixels to view center"); builder.Append("\nbounds vol " + bv + ": " + selectedTile.BoundingVolume.SizeString()); if (cbv >= 0 && cbv != bv) { builder.Append(", content vol " + cbv); } var tc = selectedTile.Content; if (tc != null && selectedTile.ContentState == Unity3DTileContentState.READY) { builder.Append("\n" + FmtKMG(tc.FaceCount) + " tris, " + FmtKMG(tc.PixelCount) + " pixels, "); builder.Append(tc.TextureCount + " textures, max " + tc.MaxTextureSize.x + "x" + tc.MaxTextureSize.y); if (tc.Index != null) { builder.Append("\n" + tc.Index.Width + "x" + tc.Index.Height + " index, " + tc.Index.NumNonzero + " nonzero"); } } selectedTile.Tileset.GetRootTransform(out Vector3 translation, out Quaternion rotation, out Vector3 scale, convertToUnityFrame: false); if (translation != { builder.Append("\ntileset translation " + translation.ToString("f3")); } if (rotation != Quaternion.identity) { builder.Append("\ntileset rotation " + rotation.ToString("f3")); } if (scale != { builder.Append("\ntileset scale " + scale.ToString("f3")); } if (selectedTile.Parent != null) { builder.Append("\npress up/left/right"); if (selectedTile.Children.Count > 0) { builder.Append("/down"); } builder.Append(" to select parent/sibling"); if (selectedTile.Children.Count > 0) { builder.Append("/child"); } } else if (selectedTile.Children.Count > 0) { builder.Append("\npress down to select child"); } if (selectedTile.Parent != null && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)) { selectedStack.Push(selectedTile); selectedTile = selectedTile.Parent; } if (selectedTile.Children.Count > 0 && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow)) { var child = selectedTile.Children .Where(c => c.BoundingVolume.Contains(pointer.transform.position)) .FirstOrDefault(); selectedTile = selectedStack.Count > 0 ? selectedStack.Pop() : (child ?? selectedTile.Children.First()); } int sibling = Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow) ? -1 : Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow) ? 1 : 0; if (selectedTile.Parent != null && sibling != 0) { var siblings = selectedTile.Parent.Children; int idx = siblings.FindIndex(c => c == selectedTile) + sibling; idx = idx < 0 ? siblings.Count - 1 : idx == siblings.Count ? 0 : idx; if (siblings[idx] != selectedTile) { selectedStack.Clear(); } selectedTile = siblings[idx]; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.B)) { var modes = (DrawBoundsMode[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(DrawBoundsMode)); int curMode = Math.Max(Array.IndexOf(modes, boundsMode), 0); boundsMode = modes[(curMode + 1) % modes.Length]; } builder.Append("\ndrawing " + boundsMode + " bounds, press b to toggle"); switch (boundsMode) { case DrawBoundsMode.No: break; case DrawBoundsMode.Selected: { selectedTile.BoundingVolume.DebugDraw(Color.magenta, selectedTile.Tileset.Behaviour.transform); if (cbv >= 0 && cbv != bv) { selectedTile.ContentBoundingVolume.DebugDraw(, selectedTile.Tileset.Behaviour.transform); } break; } case DrawBoundsMode.Parent: { var parent = selectedTile.Parent; if (parent != null) { float pbv = parent.BoundingVolume.Volume(); float pcbv = parent.ContentBoundingVolume != null?parent.ContentBoundingVolume.Volume() : -1; parent.BoundingVolume.DebugDraw(Color.cyan, selectedTile.Tileset.Behaviour.transform); if (pcbv >= 0 && pcbv != pbv) { parent.ContentBoundingVolume.DebugDraw(, selectedTile.Tileset.Behaviour.transform); } } break; } case DrawBoundsMode.Ancestor: { for (var ancestor = selectedTile; ancestor != null; ancestor = ancestor.Parent) { ancestor.BoundingVolume.DebugDraw(Color.magenta, ancestor.Tileset.Behaviour.transform); } break; } case DrawBoundsMode.All: { void drawBounds(Unity3DTile tile) { tile.BoundingVolume.DebugDraw(Color.magenta, tile.Tileset.Behaviour.transform); foreach (var child in tile.Children) { drawBounds(child); } } drawBounds(selectedTile.Tileset.Root); break; } case DrawBoundsMode.Leaf: { void drawBounds(Unity3DTile tile) { if (tile.Children.Count == 0) { tile.BoundingVolume.DebugDraw(Color.magenta, tile.Tileset.Behaviour.transform); } foreach (var child in tile.Children) { drawBounds(child); } } drawBounds(selectedTile.Tileset.Root); break; } case DrawBoundsMode.Active: { void drawBounds(Unity3DTile tile) { if (tile.ContentActive) { tile.BoundingVolume.DebugDraw(Color.magenta, tile.Tileset.Behaviour.transform); } foreach (var child in tile.Children) { drawBounds(child); } } drawBounds(selectedTile.Tileset.Root); break; } default: Debug.LogWarning("unknown bounds mode: " + boundsMode); break; } if (tilesets != null && tilesets.Count > 0) { builder.Append("\npress i to hide tileset"); if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.I)) { selectedTile.Tileset.TilesetOptions.Show = false; showStack.Push(selectedTile.Tileset); selectedTile = null; selectedStack.Clear(); } } builder.Append("\npress esc to clear selection"); if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { selectedTile = null; selectedStack.Clear(); } if (selectedTile != null) { if (forceSelectedTile) { builder.Append("\nforcing selected tile to render, hit r to toggle"); selectedTile.Tileset.Traversal.ForceTiles.Add(selectedTile); } else { builder.Append("\nnot forcing selected tile to render, hit r to toggle"); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) { forceSelectedTile = !forceSelectedTile; } } }