public static ulong GenerateStableValueForMathOp(MathOperationsMetaData.MathOps mathOp, ValueType returnType, ValueType[] paramTypes)
            uint signature = GenerateSignatureFlag(returnType, paramTypes);
            uint op        = (uint)mathOp;

            Assert.AreNotEqual((op & k_IsCustomOpBit), k_IsCustomOpBit, $"Op {mathOp} uses the {nameof(k_IsCustomOpBit)} bit");
            ulong result = ((ulong)signature << 32) | op;

        internal static ulong GenerateStableValueForCustomOp(MathOperationsMetaData.CustomOps customOp,
                                                             Runtime.ValueType returnType, Runtime.ValueType[] paramTypes)
            uint signature = GenerateSignatureFlag(returnType, paramTypes);

            uint op = (uint)customOp;

            Assert.AreNotEqual((op & k_IsCustomOpBit), k_IsCustomOpBit, $"Op {customOp} uses the {nameof(k_IsCustomOpBit)} bit");

            op |= k_IsCustomOpBit;
            ulong result = ((ulong)signature << 32) | op;
