Esempio n. 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Moves along the build chain skipping units until it finds the matching unit.
    /// If it is the target unit, returns build actions for it, if no, pass the rest of the chain to each child and returns merged actions.
    /// </summary>
    public override bool GatherBuildActions(BuildChain buildChain, out WeightedBuildActionBag?actionBag, int inputWeight)
        var hasActions = false;

        // ReSharper disable once AccessToModifiedClosure - yes, I need it to be captured
        using (Log.ConditionalMode(LogLevel.Verbose, () => hasActions))
            using (Log.NamedBlock(LogLevel.Verbose, nameof(SkipTillUnit)))
                Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Verbose, () => $"Pattern = {UnitPattern.ToHoconString()}, Weight = {Weight.ToHoconString()}");

                for (var i = 0; i < buildChain.Length; i++)
                    var unitInfo = buildChain[i];

                    var isPatternMatches = UnitPattern.Matches(unitInfo);
                    if (isPatternMatches)
                        Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Verbose, LogConst.Matched, true);
                        hasActions = GetOwnOrChildrenBuildActions(buildChain.GetTail(i), inputWeight, out actionBag);

                Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Trace, LogConst.Matched, false);

        actionBag = null;
Esempio n. 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks if the first unit in the build chain matches the specified patter.
    /// If it is the target unit, returns build actions for it, if no, pass the rest of the build chain to each child and returns all actions from children merged
    /// </summary>
    public override bool GatherBuildActions(BuildChain buildChain, out WeightedBuildActionBag?actionBag, int inputWeight)
        actionBag = null;

        var hasActions = false;

        // ReSharper disable once AccessToModifiedClosure - yes, I need it to be captured
        using (Log.ConditionalMode(LogLevel.Verbose, () => hasActions))
            using (Log.NamedBlock(LogLevel.Verbose, nameof(IfFirstUnit)))
                Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Verbose, () => $"Pattern = {UnitPattern.ToHoconString()}, Weight = {Weight.ToHoconString()}");

                var isPatternMatches = UnitPattern.Matches(buildChain[0]);
                Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Verbose, LogConst.Matched, isPatternMatches);

                hasActions = isPatternMatches && GetOwnOrChildrenBuildActions(buildChain, inputWeight, out actionBag);
Esempio n. 3
    public override bool GatherBuildActions(BuildChain buildChain, out WeightedBuildActionBag?actionBag, int inputWeight)
        var hasActions = false;

        // ReSharper disable once AccessToModifiedClosure - yes, I need it to be captured
        using (Log.ConditionalMode(LogLevel.Verbose, () => hasActions))
            using (Log.NamedBlock(LogLevel.Verbose, nameof(SkipWhileUnit)))
                Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Verbose, () => $"Pattern = {UnitPattern.ToHoconString()}, Weight = {Weight.ToHoconString()}");

                var i = 0;
                for (; i < buildChain.Length - 1; i++) // target unit is not the subject of skipping
                    if (!UnitPattern.Matches(buildChain[i]))

                hasActions = GetChildrenActions(buildChain.GetTail(i), inputWeight, out actionBag);