private static List <Type> FindIndicatorFromFlags(string ns, UnitFlags flags) { if (Indicators == null) { Indicators = new List <Type>(); Type[] types = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes(); foreach (Type type in types) { SpellIndicatorFlags[] npi = (SpellIndicatorFlags[])type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SpellIndicatorFlags), false); if (npi.Length <= 0) { continue; } Indicators.Add(type); } } List <Type> lv = new List <Type>(); foreach (Type type in Indicators) { if (type.Namespace != ns) { continue; } SpellIndicatorFlags[] npi = (SpellIndicatorFlags[])type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SpellIndicatorFlags), false); if ((npi[0].Flags & flags) != 0) { lv.Add(type); } } return(lv); }
public DebugUnitEntry(int snoid, string name, UnitFlags flags) { SNOID = snoid; Name = name; ActorType = PluginActorType.Monster; UnitFlags = flags; TargetType = TargetType.Unit; }
public CacheUnitEntry(int snoID, UnitFlags flags, string internalname = "", int interactRange = -1, int collisionRadius = -1) : base(snoID) { InternalName = internalname; _objectType = flags; InteractRange = interactRange; CollisionRadius = collisionRadius; }
public UnitEntry(int snoID, UnitFlags flags, string internalname = "") : base(snoID) { InternalName = internalname; _objectType = flags; //Monstertype=monstertype; //Monstersize=monstersize; }
public override void OnDisable() { for (int i = 0; i < Indicators.Count; i++) { Indicators[i].Dispose(); } Indicators.Clear(); LastFlags = 0; }
public SettingCluster() { EnableClusteringTargetLogic = true; ClusterDistance = 10d; ClusterMinimumUnitCount = 2; IgnoreClusterLowHPValue = 0.55d; ClusterMaxDistance = 100; UnitException_RareElites = true; UnitExceptions = UnitFlags.SucideBomber | UnitFlags.Unique | UnitFlags.Boss | UnitFlags.AdventureModeBoss | UnitFlags.TreasureGoblin | UnitFlags.AvoidanceSummoner; }
Buff(UnitManager source, float totalDuration, UnitStats flatStats, UnitStats percentStats, UnitFlags flags, List<SerializableEffect> periodicEffects, float period, string animationBool) { this.source = source; this.totalDuration = totalDuration; this.duration = 0; this.flatStats = flatStats; this.percentStats = percentStats; this.flags = flags; this.periodicEffects = new List<SerializableEffect> (periodicEffects); this.period = period; this.animationBool = animationBool; }
public override System.Collections.Generic.Queue <Moonfish.Tags.BlamPointer> ReadFields(System.IO.BinaryReader binaryReader) { System.Collections.Generic.Queue <Moonfish.Tags.BlamPointer> pointerQueue = new System.Collections.Generic.Queue <Moonfish.Tags.BlamPointer>(base.ReadFields(binaryReader)); this.UnitUnitFlags = ((UnitFlags)(binaryReader.ReadInt32())); this.DefaultTeam = ((DefaultTeamEnum)(binaryReader.ReadInt16())); this.ConstantSoundVolume = ((ConstantSoundVolumeEnum)(binaryReader.ReadInt16())); this.IntegratedLightToggle = binaryReader.ReadTagReference(); this.CameraFieldOfView = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.CameraStiffness = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); pointerQueue = new System.Collections.Generic.Queue <Moonfish.Tags.BlamPointer>(pointerQueue.Concat(this.UnitCamera.ReadFields(binaryReader))); pointerQueue = new System.Collections.Generic.Queue <Moonfish.Tags.BlamPointer>(pointerQueue.Concat(this.Acceleration.ReadFields(binaryReader))); this.SoftPingThreshold = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.SoftPingInterruptTime = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.HardPingThreshold = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.HardPingInterruptTime = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.HardDeathThreshold = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.FeignDeathThreshold = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.FeignDeathTime = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.DistanceOfEvadeAnim = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.DistanceOfDiveAnim = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.StunnedMovementThreshold = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.FeignDeathChance = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.FeignRepeatChance = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.SpawnedTurretCharacter = binaryReader.ReadTagReference(); this.SpawnedActorCount = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); this.SpawnedVelocity = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.AimingVelocityMaximum = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.AimingAccelerationMaximum = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.CasualAimingModifier = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.LookingVelocityMaximum = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.LookingAccelerationMaximum = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.RightHandNode = binaryReader.ReadStringID(); this.LeftHandNode = binaryReader.ReadStringID(); pointerQueue = new System.Collections.Generic.Queue <Moonfish.Tags.BlamPointer>(pointerQueue.Concat(this.MoreDamnNodes.ReadFields(binaryReader))); this.MeleeDamage = binaryReader.ReadTagReference(); pointerQueue = new System.Collections.Generic.Queue <Moonfish.Tags.BlamPointer>(pointerQueue.Concat(this.YourMomma.ReadFields(binaryReader))); this.MotionSensorBlipSize = ((MotionSensorBlipSizeEnum)(binaryReader.ReadInt16())); this.fieldpad3 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); pointerQueue.Enqueue(binaryReader.ReadBlamPointer(16)); pointerQueue.Enqueue(binaryReader.ReadBlamPointer(8)); pointerQueue.Enqueue(binaryReader.ReadBlamPointer(12)); this.GrenadeVelocity = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.GrenadeType = ((GrenadeTypeEnum)(binaryReader.ReadInt16())); this.GrenadeCount = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); pointerQueue.Enqueue(binaryReader.ReadBlamPointer(8)); pointerQueue.Enqueue(binaryReader.ReadBlamPointer(8)); pointerQueue.Enqueue(binaryReader.ReadBlamPointer(176)); pointerQueue = new System.Collections.Generic.Queue <Moonfish.Tags.BlamPointer>(pointerQueue.Concat(this.Boost.ReadFields(binaryReader))); pointerQueue = new System.Collections.Generic.Queue <Moonfish.Tags.BlamPointer>(pointerQueue.Concat(this.Lipsync.ReadFields(binaryReader))); return(pointerQueue); }
/// <summary> /// Execute the Abilities effect. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The ability name.</param> public UnitFlags Execute(UnitManager source, Vector3 mousePos) { if ((source.Flags & disableFlags) == 0) { cooldown = cooldownTime / source.Stats.cooldownRate; targetPos = mousePos; abilityFlags = new UnitFlags(windup.Start (source, mousePos, ref current)); if (current.endOnCollision) { source.AddCollisionCallback (NextPhase); } return abilityFlags; } else { return null; } }
SpellCastResult DoCheckCast() { Pet pet = GetCaster().ToPlayer().GetPet(); if (pet == null || !pet.IsAlive()) { return(SpellCastResult.CantDoThatRightNow); } // Do a mini Spell::CheckCasterAuras on the pet, no other way of doing this SpellCastResult result = SpellCastResult.SpellCastOk; UnitFlags unitflag = (UnitFlags)pet.GetUInt32Value(UnitFields.Flags); if (!pet.GetCharmerGUID().IsEmpty()) { result = SpellCastResult.Charmed; } else if (unitflag.HasAnyFlag(UnitFlags.Stunned)) { result = SpellCastResult.Stunned; } else if (unitflag.HasAnyFlag(UnitFlags.Fleeing)) { result = SpellCastResult.Fleeing; } else if (unitflag.HasAnyFlag(UnitFlags.Confused)) { result = SpellCastResult.Confused; } if (result != SpellCastResult.SpellCastOk) { return(result); } Unit target = GetExplTargetUnit(); if (!target) { return(SpellCastResult.BadTargets); } if (!pet.IsWithinLOSInMap(target)) { return(SpellCastResult.LineOfSight); } return(SpellCastResult.SpellCastOk); }
SpellCastResult DoCheckCast() { Guardian pet = GetCaster().ToPlayer().GetGuardianPet(); if (pet == null || !pet.IsPet() || !pet.IsAlive()) { return(SpellCastResult.NoPet); } // Do a mini Spell::CheckCasterAuras on the pet, no other way of doing this SpellCastResult result = SpellCastResult.SpellCastOk; UnitFlags unitflag = (UnitFlags)(uint)pet.m_unitData.Flags; if (!pet.GetCharmerGUID().IsEmpty()) { result = SpellCastResult.Charmed; } else if (unitflag.HasAnyFlag(UnitFlags.Stunned)) { result = SpellCastResult.Stunned; } else if (unitflag.HasAnyFlag(UnitFlags.Fleeing)) { result = SpellCastResult.Fleeing; } else if (unitflag.HasAnyFlag(UnitFlags.Confused)) { result = SpellCastResult.Confused; } if (result != SpellCastResult.SpellCastOk) { return(result); } Unit target = GetExplTargetUnit(); if (!target) { return(SpellCastResult.BadTargets); } if (!pet.IsWithinLOSInMap(target)) { return(SpellCastResult.LineOfSight); } return(SpellCastResult.SpellCastOk); }
private void UnitFlags2_BmspChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { BitmaskCheckBox bmcb = (BitmaskCheckBox)sender; if (bmcb.GetValue() == 1) // feign death sets play dead { if (bmcb.IsChecked == true) { UnitFlags.SetValueIsChecked(536870912, true); } else { UnitFlags.SetValueIsChecked(536870912, false); } } }
private void Notification_Unit(GattCharacteristic sender, GattValueChangedEventArgs args) { lastCommunication = DateTime.UtcNow; UnitFlags unit = (UnitFlags)BitConverter.ToInt16(args.CharacteristicValue.ToArray(), 0); if (unit.HasFlag(UnitFlags.Metric)) { Log($"Unit change notification METRIC", LoggingLevel.Information); ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values[MetricDisplayKey] = true; } else if (unit.HasFlag(UnitFlags.Inch)) { Log($"Unit change notification INCH", LoggingLevel.Information); ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values[MetricDisplayKey] = false; } else { Log($"Notified of unit change has neither METRIC nor INCH flag: {unit}", LoggingLevel.Warning); } }
internal static bool CheckFlag(UnitFlags property, UnitFlags flag) { return((property & flag) != 0); }
public static bool HasAnyFlag(this UnitFlags flags, UnitFlags otherFlags) { return (flags & otherFlags) != 0; }
/// <summary> /// Removes flags from the unit. /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if flags was removed, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="f">The UnitFlags containing flag modifiers.</param> internal bool RemoveFlags(UnitFlags f) { if (f != null) { return flagModifiers.Remove (f); } else return false; }
public void OnMouseOver() { if (!UnityEngine.GameObject.Find("InfoPanel")) { UnityEngine.GameObject tempAuth = Instantiate(Resources.Load("InfoPanel") as UnityEngine.GameObject, new Vector3(Screen.width - 50, 100, 0), Quaternion.identity); tempAuth.transform.SetParent(UnityEngine.GameObject.Find("Canvas").gameObject.transform); tempAuth.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); = "InfoPanel"; targetHealth = UnityEngine.GameObject.Find("targethealthBarInfo").GetComponent <Image>(); targetHealth.fillAmount = 0f; Transform[] ts = tempAuth.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(true); foreach (Transform t in ts) { if ( == "InfoPanelName") { Text temo = t.gameObject.GetComponent <Text>(); temo.text = obj.Name; } if (obj is Unit) { unit = obj as Unit; if ( == "InfoPanelLevel") { Text temo = t.gameObject.GetComponent <Text>(); if (obj is Unit) { if (unit.Health <= 0) { temo.text = unit.Level.ToString() + " (Corpse)"; } else { temo.text = unit.Level.ToString(); } } } uint healthPercent = (unit.Health * 200 + unit.MaxHealth) / (unit.MaxHealth * 2); targetHealth.fillAmount = healthPercent / 100f; } if (obj is Player) { player = obj as Player; if ( == "InfoPanelLevel") { Text temo = t.gameObject.GetComponent <Text>(); temo.text = player.Level.ToString() + " " + player.Race + " " + player.Class; } uint healthPercent = (player.Health * 200 + player.MaxHealth) / (player.MaxHealth * 2); targetHealth.fillAmount = healthPercent / 100f; } } } if (this.obj is Unit) { Unit unit = this.obj as Unit; UnitFlags flags = (UnitFlags)unit.UnitFlags; UnitFlags2 flags2 = (UnitFlags2)unit.UnitFlags2; NPCFlags NpcFlags = (NPCFlags)unit.NpcFlags; float distance = Vector3.Distance(UnityEngine.GameObject.Find(Exchange.gameClient.Player.GUID.ToString()).transform.position, transform.position); if (NpcFlags.HasAnyFlag(NPCFlags.Gossip)) { if (distance > 4) { Texture2D texture2D = Resources.Load("Images/login/speak") as Texture2D; Cursor.SetCursor(texture2D,, CursorMode.Auto); } else { Texture2D texture2D = Resources.Load("Images/login/speak") as Texture2D; Cursor.SetCursor(texture2D,, CursorMode.Auto); } } if (NpcFlags.HasAnyFlag(NPCFlags.QuestGiver)) { if (distance > 4) { Texture2D texture2D = Resources.Load("Images/login/unablequest") as Texture2D; Cursor.SetCursor(texture2D,, CursorMode.Auto); } else { Texture2D texture2D = Resources.Load("Images/login/quest") as Texture2D; Cursor.SetCursor(texture2D,, CursorMode.Auto); } } } if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Mouse0)) { if (this.obj is GameObject) { return; } if (Exchange.gameClient.Player.Target == this.obj) { return; } if (Exchange.gameClient.Player.Target != null) { UnityEngine.GameObject.Find(Exchange.gameClient.Player.Target.GUID.ToString() + "targetSelectUnderlay").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false; } UnityEngine.GameObject.Find(obj.GUID.ToString() + "targetSelectUnderlay").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = true; //UnityEngine.GameObject.Find(obj.GUID.ToString() + "targetSelectUnderlay").GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color =; Exchange.gameClient.ThreadHelper.playAudio(obj, "interface/iselecttarget").Play(); Exchange.gameClient.ThreadHelper.setTarget(this.obj); } if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Mouse1)) { if (Exchange.gameClient.Player.Target != this.obj) { if (Exchange.gameClient.Player.Target != null) { UnityEngine.GameObject.Find(Exchange.gameClient.Player.Target.GUID.ToString() + "targetSelectUnderlay").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false; } UnityEngine.GameObject.Find(obj.GUID.ToString() + "targetSelectUnderlay").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = true; //UnityEngine.GameObject.Find(obj.GUID.ToString() + "targetSelectUnderlay").GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color =; Exchange.gameClient.ThreadHelper.playAudio(obj, "interface/iselecttarget").Play(); Exchange.gameClient.ThreadHelper.setTarget(this.obj); } float distance = Vector3.Distance(UnityEngine.GameObject.Find(Exchange.gameClient.Player.GUID.ToString()).transform.position, UnityEngine.GameObject.Find(Exchange.gameClient.Player.Target.GUID.ToString()).transform.position); if (distance > 4) { System.Random random = new System.Random(); int[] AudioFile = new int[3] { 2, 4, 5 }; int slot = AudioFile[random.Next(0, AudioFile.Length)]; Exchange.gameClient.ThreadHelper.playAudio(Exchange.gameClient.Player, "character/" + Exchange.gameClient.Player.Race.ToString() + "/" + Exchange.gameClient.Player.Race.ToString() + Exchange.gameClient.Player.Gender.ToString() + "errormessages/" + Exchange.gameClient.Player.Race.ToString() + Exchange.gameClient.Player.Gender.ToString() + "_err_outofrange0" + slot.ToString()).Play(); } } }
public bool HasAttachFlag(UnitFlags flag) { return((currentUnit & flag) == flag); }
public override void OnEnable() { LastFlags = 0; Indicators = new List <MapProjectile>(); }
/// <summary> /// Inidicating whether the unit has the specified flags. /// </summary> /// <param name="flags">Set of the flags to check. Multiple flags should be write as 'Flag1 | Flag2 | Flag3 ...'.</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> if the unit has all the checked flags; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns> public bool HasUnitFlags(UnitFlags flags) { return (flags & this.unitFlags) == flags; }
public static bool HasAnyFlag(this UnitFlags flags, UnitFlags otherFlags) { return((flags & otherFlags) != UnitFlags.None); }
public string ReturnCacheEntryString() { string sUnitFlags = "UnitFlags." + UnitFlags.ToString().Replace(", ", " | UnitFlags."); return("new UnitEntry(" + SNOID + ", UnitFlags." + sUnitFlags + @", """ + Name + @"""),"); }
public SNO(int sno, string internalname, ActorType? actortype = null, TargetType? targettype = null, float? collisionradius = null, int? interactrange=null, bool? canburrow = null, bool? isbarricade = null, ObstacleType? obstacletype = null, float? actorsphereradius = null, GizmoType? gimzotype = null, PluginDroppedItemTypes? baseitemtype = null, UnitFlags? unitflags = null, GizmoTargetTypes? gizmotargettypes = null, CacheEntry snoentry = null) { //Creates the perm data SNOID = sno; _actortype = actortype; _targettype = targettype; _collisionradius = collisionradius; _internalname = internalname; _CanBurrow = canburrow; _IsBarricade = isbarricade; _obstacletype = obstacletype; _actorsphereradius = actorsphereradius; _gizmotype = gimzotype; _itemdroptype = baseitemtype; _unitflags = unitflags; _gizmoTargetTypes = gizmotargettypes; _snoentry = snoentry; UpdateLookUpFinalValues(); IsFinalized = true; }
public CacheUnitEntry(int snoID, UnitFlags flags, string internalname = "") : base(snoID) { InternalName = internalname; _objectType = flags; }
public CommandsHelper(RealmServerSession session, string message) { string[] splitMessage = message.Split(' '); Console.WriteLine($@"[Comando]: {splitMessage[0].ToLower()}"); if (splitMessage[0].ToLower() == "db") { XmlReader.Boot(); } if (splitMessage[0].ToLower() == "obj") { session.SendPacket(UpdateObject.CreateGameObject(session.Character.MapX, session.Character.MapY, session.Character.MapZ)); } if (splitMessage[0].ToLower() == "unt") { session.SendPacket(UpdateObject.CreateUnit(session.Character.MapX, session.Character.MapY, session.Character.MapZ, session.Character.MapO)); } if (splitMessage[0].ToLower() == "item") { Console.WriteLine($@"Veio item aqui {Aba} => {int.Parse(splitMessage[1].ToLower())}"); MainForm.Database.ItemUpdate(int.Parse(splitMessage[1].ToLower())); Thread.Sleep(1500); var inventory = MainForm.Database.GetInventory(session.Character); for (int j = 0; j < 112; j++) { if (inventory.Find(item => item.slot == j) != null) { if (j < 19) { session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)PlayerFields.PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_1_0 + (int)inventory.Find(item => item.slot == j).slot * 12, inventory.Find(item => item.slot == j).item); session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)PlayerFields.PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_1_PROPERTIES + j * 12, 0); } session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)PlayerFields.PLAYER_FIELD_INV_SLOT_HEAD + j * 2, inventory.Find(item => item.slot == j).item); session.SendPacket(UpdateObject.CreateItem(inventory.Find(item => item.slot == j), session.Character)); } else { if (j < 19) { session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)PlayerFields.PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_1_0 + j * 12, 0); session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)PlayerFields.PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_1_PROPERTIES + j * 12, 0); } session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)PlayerFields.PLAYER_FIELD_INV_SLOT_HEAD + j * 2, 0); } } Aba++; } if (splitMessage[0].ToLower() == "gps") { session.SendMessageMotd( $"MapX: {session.Character.MapX} = MapY: {session.Character.MapY} = MapZ: {session.Character.MapZ} = MapO: {session.Character.MapO}"); Console.WriteLine($@"MapX: {session.Character.MapX} = MapY: {session.Character.MapY} = MapZ: {session.Character.MapZ} = MapO: {session.Character.MapO}"); Console.WriteLine($@"----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($@"Players: {session.Entity.KnownPlayers.Count}"); Console.WriteLine($@"Objects: {session.Entity.KnownGameObjects.Count} "); // Creatures // Corpses // You are seen by: } if (splitMessage[0].ToLower() == "a") { //session.SendPacket(new SmsgSetRestStart()); session.SendPacket(new SmsgTriggerCinematic(int.Parse(splitMessage[1].ToLower()))); } if (splitMessage[0].ToLower() == "c") { session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)UnitFields.UNIT_NPC_EMOTESTATE, int.Parse(splitMessage[1].ToLower())); } if (splitMessage[0].ToLower() == "b") { // Disable Movement session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)UnitFields.UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UnitFlags.UNIT_FLAG_STUNTED); // UNIT_FLAG_STUNTED Console.WriteLine($@"Atual: [{Value}] NEW {Enum.GetValues(typeof(UnitFlags)).Cast<UnitFlags>().SkipWhile(e => e != Value).Skip(1).First()}"); Value = Enum.GetValues(typeof(UnitFlags)).Cast <UnitFlags>().SkipWhile(e => e != Value).Skip(1).First(); // StandState -> Sit session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)UnitFields.UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_1, 1); //StandStates.STANDSTATE_SIT); Thread.Sleep(1000); session.SendPacket(new SmsgStandstateUpdate(1)); Console.WriteLine(Aba); Aba++; } if (splitMessage[0].ToLower() == "emote") { session.SendPacket(new SmsgTextEmote((int)session.Entity.ObjectGuid.RawGuid, Convert.ToUInt32(splitMessage[2]), Convert.ToInt32(splitMessage[1]))); } if (splitMessage[0].ToLower() == "vai") { string attributeName = splitMessage[1].ToLower(); string attributeValue = splitMessage[2]; switch (attributeName) { case "l": session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)UnitFields.UNIT_FIELD_LEVEL, int.Parse(attributeValue)); break; case "s": session.Entity.Scale = float.Parse(attributeValue); break; case "g": session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)UnitFields.UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_0, (byte)int.Parse(attributeValue), 2); break; case "m": session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)UnitFields.UNIT_FIELD_DISPLAYID, int.Parse(attributeValue)); break; case "e": session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)UnitFields.UNIT_NPC_EMOTESTATE, (byte)int.Parse(attributeValue)); break; } } }
internal static bool CheckFlag(UnitFlags property, UnitFlags flag) { return (property & flag) != 0; }
public override void Process() { if (Unit.Flags != LastFlags) { UnitFlags leftFlags = Unit.Flags; // remove unused projectiles for (int i = 0; i < Indicators.Count; i++) { UnitFlags flag = 0; switch (Indicators[i].ClassID) { case AllodsProjectile.ProtectionFire: flag = UnitFlags.ProtectionFire; break; case AllodsProjectile.ProtectionWater: flag = UnitFlags.ProtectionWater; break; case AllodsProjectile.ProtectionAir: flag = UnitFlags.ProtectionAir; break; case AllodsProjectile.ProtectionEarth: flag = UnitFlags.ProtectionEarth; break; } if ((Unit.Flags & flag) == 0) { Indicators[i].Dispose(); i--; continue; } else { leftFlags &= ~flag; } } if (leftFlags.HasFlag(UnitFlags.ProtectionAir)) { CreateProjectile(AllodsProjectile.ProtectionAir); } if (leftFlags.HasFlag(UnitFlags.ProtectionWater)) { CreateProjectile(AllodsProjectile.ProtectionWater); } if (leftFlags.HasFlag(UnitFlags.ProtectionEarth)) { CreateProjectile(AllodsProjectile.ProtectionEarth); } if (leftFlags.HasFlag(UnitFlags.ProtectionFire)) { CreateProjectile(AllodsProjectile.ProtectionFire); } LastFlags = Unit.Flags; } for (int i = 0; i < Indicators.Count; i++) { float indicatorAngle = (Mathf.PI * 2) / Indicators.Count * i + Mathf.PI * 0.5f; MapProjectile p = Indicators[i]; float pX = -Mathf.Cos(indicatorAngle) * 0.25f; float pY = Mathf.Sin(indicatorAngle) * 0.25f; if (Indicators.Count == 1) { pY = -pY; } float pZ = MapLogic.Instance.GetHeightAt(Unit.X + Unit.FracX, Unit.Y + Unit.FracY, Unit.Width, Unit.Height) / 32 + (1f + (((Unit.Width + Unit.Height) / 2f) - 1f) / 2f); p.Alpha = (Unit.GetVisibility() == 2) ? 1f : 0; p.SetPosition(Unit.X + Unit.FracX + Unit.Width / 2f + pX, Unit.Y + Unit.FracY + Unit.Height / 2f + pY, pZ); p.ZAbsolute = true; p.ZOffset = -32; if (Unit.IsFlying) { p.ZOffset += 128; } p.CurrentFrame = (p.CurrentFrame + 1) % p.Class.Phases; p.DoUpdateView = true; } }
public UnitEntry(int snoID, UnitFlags flags, string internalname = "", int interactRange = -1, int collisionRadius = -1) : base(snoID) { InternalName=internalname; _objectType = flags; InteractRange = interactRange; CollisionRadius = collisionRadius; }
/// <summary> /// Adds flags to the unit. /// Adding a CC_IMMUNE_FLAG will clear all crowd control type flags. /// Adding a DEAD_FLAG will remove all other flags. /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if flags was added, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="f">The UnitFlags containing flag modifiers.</param> internal bool AddFlags(UnitFlags f) { //Add conditional effects for when CC_IMMUNE flag or DEAD flag is passed if (f != null) { //if dead flag is passed, remove all flags and add dead flag and return true if ((f.Flags & UnitFlags.DEAD_FLAG) == UnitFlags.DEAD_FLAG) { flagModifiers.Clear (); flagModifiers.Add (f); return true; } //if cc_immune flag passed remove all unitflags with stun, silence, or imobilized, add flag and return true if ((f.Flags & UnitFlags.CC_IMMUNE_FLAG) == UnitFlags.CC_IMMUNE_FLAG) { List<UnitFlags> removeFlags = new List<UnitFlags> (); foreach (UnitFlags uf in flagModifiers) { if ((uf.Flags & (UnitFlags.STUNNED_FLAG | UnitFlags.SILENCED_FLAG | UnitFlags.IMMOBILIZED_FLAG)) != 0) { removeFlags.Add (uf); } } foreach (UnitFlags uf in removeFlags) { flagModifiers.Remove (uf); } flagModifiers.Add (f); return true; } //if a cc flag is passed and unit is currently cc immune return false; if ((Flags & UnitFlags.CC_IMMUNE_FLAG) == UnitFlags.CC_IMMUNE_FLAG && (f.Flags & (UnitFlags.STUNNED_FLAG | UnitFlags.SILENCED_FLAG | UnitFlags.IMMOBILIZED_FLAG)) != 0) { return false; } flagModifiers.Add (f); return true; } return false; }
public override void Process(CmdTrigger <RealmServerCmdArgs> trigger) { string str = trigger.Text.NextModifiers(); string name = ""; if (str.Contains("n")) { name = trigger.Text.NextWord(); } Unit target = trigger.Args.Target; if (target == null) { trigger.Reply("No target found."); } else { Map rgn = target.Map; if (rgn == null) { trigger.Reply("Instances are currently not supported."); } else { NPC npc = null; rgn.ExecuteInContext(() => { foreach (WorldObject worldObject in rgn) { if (worldObject is NPC && (name == "" || worldObject.Name.ContainsIgnoreCase(name))) { npc = (NPC)worldObject; break; } } }); if (npc == null) { trigger.Reply("Could not find a matching NPC."); } else { Character character = trigger.Args.Character; if (trigger.Args.HasCharacter) { if (name == "" && character.Target != null) { if (character.Target is NPC) { npc = character.Target as NPC; } else { character.Target = npc; } } else { character.Target = npc; } } else { trigger.Args.Target = npc; trigger.Args.Context = npc; } trigger.Reply("Selected: {0}", (object)npc); NPCFlags npcFlags = npc.NPCFlags; trigger.Reply("NPCFlags {0}:{1}", (object)npcFlags, (object)npcFlags); UnitDynamicFlags dynamicFlags = npc.DynamicFlags; trigger.Reply("DynamicFlags {0}:{1}", (object)dynamicFlags, (object)dynamicFlags); UnitExtraFlags extraFlags = npc.ExtraFlags; trigger.Reply("ExtraFlags {0}:{1}", (object)extraFlags, (object)extraFlags); StateFlag stateFlags = npc.StateFlags; trigger.Reply("StateFlags {0}:{1}", (object)stateFlags, (object)stateFlags); UnitFlags unitFlags = npc.UnitFlags; trigger.Reply("UnitFlags {0}:{1}", (object)unitFlags, (object)(int)unitFlags); UnitFlags2 unitFlags2 = npc.UnitFlags2; trigger.Reply("UnitFlags2 {0}:{1}", (object)unitFlags2, (object)unitFlags2); } } } }
public SpellIndicatorFlags(UnitFlags flags) { Flags = flags; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the Unit class. /// </summary> public Unit() { SetDeathState(DeathStates.Alive); this.unitFlags = UnitFlags.None; this.respawnLocation = new GridLocation(); ObjectType = ObjectTypes.Unit; this.unitType = UnitTypes.Unit; this.unitSide = UnitSides.Evil; this.effectList = new EffectCollection(this); this.collidingUnits = new List<Unit>(); BaseSpeed = 1.0d; SpeedRate = BaseSpeed; this.respawnTimer = 3000; this.effectList.EffectApplied += new EffectCollection.EffectHandler(OnEffectApplied); this.effectList.EffectRemoved += new EffectCollection.EffectHandler(OnEffectRemoved); }
public CachedSNOEntry(int sno, string internalname, ActorType? actortype = null, TargetType? targettype = null, float? collisionradius = null, int? interactrange=null, bool? canburrow = null, bool? isbarricade = null, ObstacleType? obstacletype = null, float? actorsphereradius = null, GizmoType? gizmotype = null, PluginDroppedItemTypes? baseitemtype = null, UnitFlags? unitflags = null, GizmoTargetTypes? gizmotargettypes = null, CacheEntry snoentry = null) : base(sno, internalname, actortype, targettype, collisionradius, interactrange, canburrow, isbarricade, obstacletype, actorsphereradius, gizmotype, baseitemtype, unitflags, gizmotargettypes, snoentry) { }
public int UnitLibLoad(string fname) { string path = "Assets/Resources/DB/"+fname; try{ XmlSerializer SerializerObj = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Unit_Lib_Entry)); // Create a new file stream for reading the XML file FileStream ReadFileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); // Load the object saved above by using the Deserialize function Unit_Lib_Entry LoadedObject = (Unit_Lib_Entry)SerializerObj.Deserialize(ReadFileStream); ReadFileStream.Close(); this.ammo = LoadedObject.ammo; this.atks = LoadedObject.atks; this.atk_count = LoadedObject.atk_count; this.def_air = LoadedObject.def_air; this.def_cls = LoadedObject.def_cls; this.def_grnd = LoadedObject.def_grnd; this.end_year = LoadedObject.end_year; this.entr_rate = LoadedObject.entr_rate; this.eval_score = LoadedObject.eval_score; this.flags = LoadedObject.flags; this.fuel = LoadedObject.fuel; this.icon_img_name = LoadedObject.icon_img_name; this.icon_h = LoadedObject.icon_h; this.icon_tiny_img_name = LoadedObject.icon_tiny_img_name; this.icon_tiny_h = LoadedObject.icon_tiny_h; this.icon_tiny_w = LoadedObject.icon_tiny_w; this.icon_type = LoadedObject.icon_type; this.icon_w = LoadedObject.icon_w; =; this.ini = LoadedObject.ini; =; this.mov_type = LoadedObject.mov_type; this.mov_types = LoadedObject.mov_types; this.mov_type_count = LoadedObject.mov_type_count; =; this.rng = LoadedObject.rng; this.spt = LoadedObject.spt; this.start_month = LoadedObject.start_month; this.start_year = LoadedObject.start_year; this.trgt_type = LoadedObject.trgt_type; this.trgt_types = LoadedObject.trgt_types; this.trgt_type_count = LoadedObject.trgt_type_count; this.unit_class = LoadedObject.unit_class; this.unit_classes = LoadedObject.unit_classes; this.unit_class_count = LoadedObject.unit_class_count; this.unit_info_icons = LoadedObject.unit_info_icons; #if TODO_RR this.unit_info_icons = new Unit_Info_Icons(); this.unit_info_icons.atk_img_name = LoadedObject.unit_info_icons.atk_img_name; this.unit_info_icons.guard_img_name = LoadedObject.unit_info_icons.guard_img_name; this.unit_info_icons.mov_img_name = LoadedObject.unit_info_icons.mov_img_name; this.unit_info_icons.str_img_name = LoadedObject.unit_info_icons.str_img_name; this.unit_info_icons.str_h = LoadedObject.unit_info_icons.str_h; this.unit_info_icons.str_w = LoadedObject.unit_info_icons.str_w; #endif this.unit_lib = LoadedObject.unit_lib; this.unit_lib_main_loaded = true; this.offset_img = LoadedObject.offset_img; return 0; }catch(Exception ex){ Debug.LogError("exception: "+ex.Message); return -1; } }
public static bool HasFlag(this UnitFlags flags, UnitFlags toCheck) { return (flags & toCheck) != 0; }
public static bool HasTargetFlag(this UnitFlags baseFlags, UnitFlags flag) { return((baseFlags & flag) == flag); }
public static List <Type> FindIndicatorFromFlags(UnitFlags flags) { return(FindIndicatorFromFlags("SpellEffects", flags)); }