public int Column(float column)
     return(UnitConverter.ConvertUnitsToPixels(this.Dpi, column, Unit.Column));
        public void MilesToKilometers_GivenSingleValue_ReturnsCorrectString(string input, string expected)
            var converter = new UnitConverter();

            Assert.Equal(expected, converter.MilesToKilometers(input).Single());
 public int Cm(float cm)
     return(UnitConverter.ConvertUnitsToPixels(this.Dpi, cm, Unit.Cm));
 public int Point(float point)
     return(UnitConverter.ConvertUnitsToPixels(this.Dpi, point, Unit.Point));
Esempio n. 5
 public void TryConvertByAbbreviation_ReturnsTrueOnSuccessAndOutputsResult(double expectedValue, double inputValue, string quantityTypeName, string fromUnit,
                                                                           string toUnit)
     Assert.True(UnitConverter.TryConvertByAbbreviation(inputValue, quantityTypeName, fromUnit, toUnit, out double result), "TryConvertByAbbreviation() return value.");
     Assert.Equal(expectedValue, result);
 public int Inch(float inches)
     return(UnitConverter.ConvertUnitsToPixels(this.Dpi, inches, Unit.Inch));
Esempio n. 7
    //builds a street from the center of a large unit to the edge in the given direction
    private void buildMidCurve(TULarge lu, Vector2 outsideConPoint, Dir dir, TransportUnit powMid, PSide side) //powmid is the mid unit that contains the large's conpoint
        int gix = 0, giy = 0;                                                                                  //goal index x and y of the goal mid unit

        float outSlope = GridMath.findSlope(lu.conPoint, outsideConPoint);                                     //find the average slope from this conPoint to the outsideConPoint

        Debug.DrawLine(UnitConverter.getWP(new SurfacePos(PSide.TOP, lu.conPoint.x, lu.conPoint.y), 10000, sideLength),
                       UnitConverter.getWP(new SurfacePos(PSide.TOP, outsideConPoint.x, outsideConPoint.y), 10000, sideLength),, Mathf.Infinity);
        //determine the goal mid unit
        if (dir == Dir.RIGHT)
            //find the index of the goal mid unit
            float goalPosX = (lu.indexI + 1) * sideLengthLarge;               //the x value of the very right side of the large unit in mid units
            float goalPosY = GridMath.findY(goalPosX, lu.conPoint, outSlope); //the y value on the line between teh two conpoints
            GridMath.findMidIndexfromPoint(new Vector2(goalPosX - 0.5f, goalPosY), midTUWidth, out gix, out giy);

            TransportUnit goalMid = buildMid(gix, giy, side);
            goalMid.conRight = true;
            goalMid.RightLev = 1;
            //Debug.DrawLine(UnitConverter.getWP(new SurfacePos(PSide.TOP, lu.conPoint.x, lu.conPoint.y), 10000, 1024),
            //             UnitConverter.getWP(new SurfacePos(PSide.TOP, goalPosX, goalPosY), 10000, 1024),, Mathf.Infinity);
        else if (dir == Dir.LEFT)
            //find the index of the goal mid unit
            float goalPosX = (lu.indexI) * sideLengthLarge;                   //the x value of the very right side of the large unit in mid units
            float goalPosY = GridMath.findY(goalPosX, lu.conPoint, outSlope); //the y value on the line between teh two conpoints
            GridMath.findMidIndexfromPoint(new Vector2(goalPosX + 0.5f, goalPosY), midTUWidth, out gix, out giy);
            //buildMid(gix, giy, side).conLeft=true;
        else if (dir == Dir.UP)
            //find the index of the goal mid unit
            float goalPosY = (lu.indexJ + 1) * sideLengthLarge;               //the x value of the very right side of the large unit in mid units
            float goalPosX = GridMath.findX(goalPosY, lu.conPoint, outSlope); //the y value on the line between teh two conpoints
            GridMath.findMidIndexfromPoint(new Vector2(goalPosX, goalPosY - 0.5f), midTUWidth, out gix, out giy);
            TransportUnit goalMid = buildMid(gix, giy, side);
            goalMid.conUp = true;
            goalMid.UpLev = 1;
        else if (dir == Dir.DOWN)
            //find the index of the goal mid unit
            float goalPosY = (lu.indexJ) * sideLengthLarge;                   //the x value of the very right side of the large unit in mid units
            float goalPosX = GridMath.findX(goalPosY, lu.conPoint, outSlope); //the y value on the line between teh two conpoints
            GridMath.findMidIndexfromPoint(new Vector2(goalPosX, goalPosY + 0.5f), midTUWidth, out gix, out giy);
        //the x and y index of the mid unit last created in the loop(starts as if pows were last created)
        //int lastix = powIndexX, lastiy = powIndexY;
        TransportUnit lastMid = powMid;

        while (true)
            //the difference in indexes between the current and goal mid units
            int xdif = gix - lastMid.indexI;
            int ydif = giy - lastMid.indexJ;

            //the direction to move in this loop iteration(1=x 2=y)
            int movedir;

            //if they are both not on the goal index, pick a random one to change
            if (xdif != 0 && ydif != 0)
                movedir = lu.rng.NextDouble() > 0.5 ? 1:2;
            else if (xdif != 0)
                movedir = 1;
            else if (ydif != 0)
                movedir = 2;
            else            //if they are both zero we are done maybe?
                break;      //?
            //the index of the mid unit to be created
            int curix = lastMid.indexI, curiy = lastMid.indexJ;

            //if moving in the x direction
            if (movedir == 1)
                if (xdif > 0)
            else            //movedir==2
                if (ydif > 0)

            //create or retrieve the new mid unit
            TransportUnit curMid = buildMid(curix, curiy, side);

            //set its conpoint if it has not already been set
            curMid.setConPoint(new Vector2((curix + (float)lu.rng.NextDouble()) * midTUWidth, (curiy + (float)lu.rng.NextDouble()) * midTUWidth));

            //MyDebug.placeMarker(UnitConverter.getWP(new SurfacePos(PSide.TOP, curMid.conPoint.x, curMid.conPoint.y), 10000, 1024), 5);

            connectUnits(curMid, lastMid, 1);

            lastMid = curMid;
        public void LengthValueFromDIPToMicron_Should_Succeed()
            var value = UnitConverter.LengthValueFromDIPToMicron(100d);

            Assert.IsTrue(value > 0);
Esempio n. 9
 private static IEnumerable <double> MakeStatistic(IEnumerable <MetricDatum> data, StandardUnit unit, Func <StatisticSet, double> func)
     return(data.Select(d => d.StatisticValues == null
         ? UnitConverter.Convert(d.Value).From(d.Unit).To(unit)
         : UnitConverter.Convert(func(d.StatisticValues)).From(d.Unit).To(unit)));
Esempio n. 10
    //populates a large unit with mid units
    private void populateLarge(TULarge lu, SurfaceUnit lus)
        //Debug.Log("built " + lus);

        //clear the index list

        //find the mid unit that the large unit's conpoint falls in
        int powIndexX, powIndexY;

        GridMath.findMidIndexfromPoint(lu.conPoint, midTUWidth, out powIndexX, out powIndexY);
        TransportUnit powMid = buildMid(powIndexX, powIndexY, lus.side);

        powMid.conPoint = lu.conPoint;        //same conpoint, or could change to not be, doesn't really  matter
        powMid.conSet   = true;

        TULarge rightLU = getLarge(new SurfaceUnit(lus.side, lus.u + 1, lus.v));
        TULarge leftLU  = getLarge(new SurfaceUnit(lus.side, lus.u - 1, lus.v));
        TULarge upLU    = getLarge(new SurfaceUnit(lus.side, lus.u, lus.v + 1));
        TULarge downLU  = getLarge(new SurfaceUnit(lus.side, lus.u, lus.v - 1));
        //Vector2 conPointRight = rightLU.conPoint;

        //determine in which direction the streets should be built
        bool conRight = lu.conRight;
        bool conLeft  = false;
        bool conUp    = lu.conUp;
        bool conDown  = false;

        //check for null large units
        if (leftLU != null)
            conLeft = leftLU.conRight;
        if (downLU != null)
            conDown = downLU.conUp;

        //list of the index of all the mid transport units that are connected in some way
        if (conRight)
            buildMidCurve(lu, rightLU.conPoint, Dir.RIGHT, powMid, lus.side);
        if (conLeft)
            buildMidCurve(lu, leftLU.conPoint, Dir.LEFT, powMid, lus.side);
        if (conUp)
            buildMidCurve(lu, upLU.conPoint, Dir.UP, powMid, lus.side);
        if (conDown)
            buildMidCurve(lu, downLU.conPoint, Dir.DOWN, powMid, lus.side);

        //build some level 2 streets coming off the level 1 streets or other level 2 streets
        int numStreets = 80;        //(int)(Random.value*5);

        for (int i = 0; i < numStreets; i++)
            int           startNum = lu.rng.Next(0, indexList.Count);
            TransportUnit startMid = indexList[startNum];
            buildLev2(lu, startMid, lu.rng.Next(2, 80), lus.side);

        Vector3 topright = UnitConverter.getWP(new SurfacePos(lus.side, (lu.indexI + 1) * sideLengthLarge, (lu.indexJ + 1) * sideLengthLarge), 10000, sideLength);
        Vector3 topleft  = UnitConverter.getWP(new SurfacePos(lus.side, (lu.indexI) * sideLengthLarge, (lu.indexJ + 1) * sideLengthLarge), 10000, sideLength);
        Vector3 botright = UnitConverter.getWP(new SurfacePos(lus.side, (lu.indexI + 1) * sideLengthLarge, (lu.indexJ) * sideLengthLarge), 10000, sideLength);
        Vector3 botleft  = UnitConverter.getWP(new SurfacePos(lus.side, (lu.indexI) * sideLengthLarge, (lu.indexJ) * sideLengthLarge), 10000, sideLength);

        Debug.DrawLine(topleft, botleft,, Mathf.Infinity);
        Debug.DrawLine(topleft, topright,, Mathf.Infinity);
        Debug.DrawLine(topright, botright,, Mathf.Infinity);
        Debug.DrawLine(botright, botleft,, Mathf.Infinity);

        lu.populated = true;
Esempio n. 11
 public bool WriteInPort(int port, string contentInHex)
     Data = UnitConverter.HexToBinary(contentInHex);
Esempio n. 12
 public double Convert(QuantityValue fromValue, Enum fromUnitValue, Enum toUnitValue)
     return(UnitConverter.Convert(fromValue, fromUnitValue, toUnitValue));
        public void LengthValueFromMicronToDIP_Should_Succeed()
            var value = UnitConverter.LengthValueFromMicronToDIP(100);

            Assert.IsTrue(value > double.Epsilon);
Esempio n. 14
        public static void ExportActiveView(IActiveView pView, long iOutputResolution, long lResampleRatio, 
                    string sExportType, string sOutputDir, string sOutputName,
                    Boolean bClipToGraphicsExtent = true, IEnvelope pEnvelope = null)
            IActiveView docActiveView = pView;
            IExport docExport;
            long iPrevOutputImageQuality;
            IOutputRasterSettings docOutputRasterSettings;
            IEnvelope PixelBoundsEnv;
            tagRECT exportRECT;
            tagRECT DisplayBounds;
            IDisplayTransformation docDisplayTransformation;
            IPageLayout docPageLayout;
            IEnvelope docMapExtEnv;

            if (pEnvelope == null)
                pEnvelope = GetGraphicsExtent(pView);

            long hdc;
            long tmpDC;
            //string sNameRoot;
            long iScreenResolution;
            bool bReenable = false;

            IEnvelope docGraphicsExtentEnv;
            IUnitConverter pUnitConvertor;
            if (GetFontSmoothing())
                bReenable = true;
                if (GetFontSmoothing())
                    //font smoothing is NOT successfully disabled, error out.
                //else font smoothing was successfully disabled.

            // The Export*Class() type initializes a new export class of the desired type.
            if (String.Compare(sExportType,"PDF",true) == 0)
                docExport = new ExportPDFClass();
            else if (String.Compare(sExportType,"EPS",true) == 0)
                docExport = new ExportPSClass();
            else if (String.Compare(sExportType,"AI",true) == 0)
                docExport = new ExportAIClass();
            else if (String.Compare(sExportType,"BMP",true) == 0)
                docExport = new ExportBMPClass();
            else if (String.Compare(sExportType,"TIFF",true) == 0)
                docExport = new ExportTIFFClass();
            else if (String.Compare(sExportType,"SVG",true) == 0)
                docExport = new ExportSVGClass();
            else if (String.Compare(sExportType,"PNG",true) == 0)
                docExport = new ExportPNGClass();
            else if (String.Compare(sExportType,"GIF",true) == 0)
                docExport = new ExportGIFClass();
            else if (String.Compare(sExportType,"EMF",true) == 0)
                docExport = new ExportEMFClass();
            else if (String.Compare(sExportType,"JPEG",true) == 0 ||
                     String.Compare(sExportType,"JPG",true) == 0)
                docExport = new ExportJPEGClass();
                MessageBox.Show("!!不支持的格式 " + sExportType + ", 默认导出 EMF.");
                sExportType = "EMF";
                docExport = new ExportEMFClass();

            //  save the previous output image quality, so that when the export is complete it will be set back.
            docOutputRasterSettings = docActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation as IOutputRasterSettings;
            iPrevOutputImageQuality = docOutputRasterSettings.ResampleRatio;

            if (docExport is IExportImage)
                // always set the output quality of the DISPLAY to 1 for image export formats
                SetOutputQuality(docActiveView, 1);
                // for vector formats, assign the desired ResampleRatio to control drawing of raster layers at export time
                SetOutputQuality(docActiveView, lResampleRatio);
            //set the name root for the export
            // sNameRoot = "ExportActiveViewSampleOutput";
            //set the export filename (which is the nameroot + the appropriate file extension)
            docExport.ExportFileName = sOutputDir + "\\" + sOutputName + "." + docExport.Filter.Split('.')[1].Split('|')[0].Split(')')[0];

            tmpDC = GetDC(0);

            iScreenResolution = GetDeviceCaps((int)tmpDC, 88); //88 is the win32 const for Logical pixels/inch in X)

            ReleaseDC(0, (int)tmpDC);
            docExport.Resolution = iOutputResolution;

            if (docActiveView is IPageLayout)
                //get the bounds of the "exportframe" of the active view.
                DisplayBounds = docActiveView.ExportFrame;
                //set up pGraphicsExtent, used if clipping to graphics extent.
                docGraphicsExtentEnv = pEnvelope;
                //Get the bounds of the deviceframe for the screen.
                docDisplayTransformation = docActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation;
                DisplayBounds = docDisplayTransformation.get_DeviceFrame();
            PixelBoundsEnv = new Envelope() as IEnvelope;
            if (bClipToGraphicsExtent && (docActiveView is IPageLayout))
                docGraphicsExtentEnv = pEnvelope;
                docPageLayout = docActiveView as PageLayout;
                pUnitConvertor = new UnitConverter();
                //assign the x and y values representing the clipped area to the PixelBounds envelope
                PixelBoundsEnv.XMin = 0;
                PixelBoundsEnv.YMin = 0;
                PixelBoundsEnv.XMax = pUnitConvertor.ConvertUnits(docGraphicsExtentEnv.XMax, docPageLayout.Page.Units, esriUnits.esriInches) * docExport.Resolution - pUnitConvertor.ConvertUnits(docGraphicsExtentEnv.XMin, docPageLayout.Page.Units, esriUnits.esriInches) * docExport.Resolution;
                PixelBoundsEnv.YMax = pUnitConvertor.ConvertUnits(docGraphicsExtentEnv.YMax, docPageLayout.Page.Units, esriUnits.esriInches) * docExport.Resolution - pUnitConvertor.ConvertUnits(docGraphicsExtentEnv.YMin, docPageLayout.Page.Units, esriUnits.esriInches) * docExport.Resolution;
                //'assign the x and y values representing the clipped export extent to the exportRECT
                exportRECT.bottom = (int)(PixelBoundsEnv.YMax) + 1;
                exportRECT.left = (int)(PixelBoundsEnv.XMin);
       = (int)(PixelBoundsEnv.YMin);
                exportRECT.right = (int)(PixelBoundsEnv.XMax) + 1;
                //since we're clipping to graphics extent, set the visible bounds.
                docMapExtEnv = docGraphicsExtentEnv;
                double tempratio = iOutputResolution / iScreenResolution;
                double tempbottom = DisplayBounds.bottom * tempratio;
                double tempright = DisplayBounds.right * tempratio;
                //'The values in the exportRECT tagRECT correspond to the width
                //and height to export, measured in pixels with an origin in the top left corner.
                exportRECT.bottom = (int)Math.Truncate(tempbottom);
                exportRECT.left = 0;
       = 0;
                exportRECT.right = (int)Math.Truncate(tempright);

                //populate the PixelBounds envelope with the values from exportRECT.
                // We need to do this because the exporter object requires an envelope object
                // instead of a tagRECT structure.
                PixelBoundsEnv.PutCoords(exportRECT.left,, exportRECT.right, exportRECT.bottom);
                //since it's a page layout or an unclipped page layout we don't need docMapExtEnv.
                docMapExtEnv = null;
            // Assign the envelope object to the exporter object's PixelBounds property.  The exporter object
            // will use these dimensions when allocating memory for the export file.
            docExport.PixelBounds = PixelBoundsEnv;
            // call the StartExporting method to tell docExport you're ready to start outputting.
            hdc = docExport.StartExporting();
            // Redraw the active view, rendering it to the exporter object device context instead of the app display.
            // We pass the following values:
            //  * hDC is the device context of the exporter object.
            //  * exportRECT is the tagRECT structure that describes the dimensions of the view that will be rendered.
            // The values in exportRECT should match those held in the exporter object's PixelBounds property.
            //  * docMapExtEnv is an envelope defining the section of the original image to draw into the export object.
            docActiveView.Output((int)hdc, (int)docExport.Resolution, ref exportRECT, docMapExtEnv, null);
            //finishexporting, then cleanup.
            MessageBox.Show("成功导出地图: " + docExport.ExportFileName, "提示");
            //set the output quality back to the previous value
            SetOutputQuality(docActiveView, iPrevOutputImageQuality);

            if (bReenable)
                bReenable = false;
                if (!GetFontSmoothing())
                    //error: cannot reenable font smoothing.
                    MessageBox.Show("Unable to reenable Font Smoothing", "Font Smoothing error");

            docMapExtEnv = null;
            PixelBoundsEnv = null;
Esempio n. 15
    //will return a TransportUnit object from the requested a base unit
    public TUBase getBase(SurfaceUnit su)
        //quick test check, see getMid\
        if (su.u < -halfSideLength || su.u >= halfSideLength || su.v < -halfSideLength || su.v >= halfSideLength)

        //	return null;

        //the base unit to be returned eventually
        TUBase bu = null;

        //if the base unit exists in the list, return it
        if (baseTUs.TryGetValue(su, out bu))

        //if the base unit is not in the list, check if a mid unit is

        //the coordinates of the mid unit
        SurfaceUnit mus = getMidSU(su);

        //retrieve the actual mid unit (or not if it will never exist)
        TransportUnit mu = getMid(mus);

        //if the mid unit will never exist, the base unit will never exist
        if (mu == null)

        //if the mu has already been populated, the base unit will never exist
        if (mu.populated)
            //populate it

            /*int startu = mus.u*midTUWidth;
             * int startv = mus.v*midTUWidth;
             * for(int i = startu; i<startu+midTUWidth; i++)
             * {
             *      for(int j = startv; j<startv+midTUWidth; j++)
             *      {
             *              //create a new base unit, set its properties, and add it to the base list
             *              TUBase newTU = new TUBase();
             *              newTU.conUp = Random.value>0.5f;
             *              newTU.conRight = Random.value>0.5f;
             *              newTU.conPoint = new Vector2(i + Random.value, j + Random.value);
             *              newTU.conPointWorld = UnitConverter.getWP(new SurfacePos(su.side, newTU.conPoint.x, newTU.conPoint.y),
             *                                                     WorldManager.curPlanet.radius, sideLength);
             *              baseTUs.Add(new SurfaceUnit(su.side, i, j), newTU);
             *      }
             * }*/
            Dictionary <SurfaceUnit, TUBase> bases = midfill.populate(mu, mus);
            foreach (KeyValuePair <SurfaceUnit, TUBase> pair in bases)
                //Debug.Log(su.side+" " + pair.Key.u + " " + pair.Key.v);
                SurfaceUnit newKey = new SurfaceUnit(su.side, pair.Key.u, pair.Key.v);
                //if the key is not already in the list, add it
                if (!baseTUs.ContainsKey(newKey))
                    //find the world connection point
                    Vector3 conPointWorld = UnitConverter.getWP(new SurfacePos(su.side, pair.Value.conPoint.x, pair.Value.conPoint.y),
                                                                UniverseSystem.curPlanet.radius, sideLength);
                    conPointWorld = planet.noise.altitudePos(conPointWorld);
                    //Debug.Log(su.side+" " + pair.Key.u + " " + pair.Key.v + " ");
                    pair.Value.conPointWorld = conPointWorld;
                    baseTUs.Add(newKey, pair.Value);

            mu.populated = true;

            //use recursion to return to the top of the function and get the base unit from the list(or not if it was not generated)
Esempio n. 16
        public void TriangulateFace(Autodesk.Revit.DB.Face vFace, Transform instTransform)
                //setup utility class
                LuxExporter.UnitConverter Converter = new UnitConverter();

                //process face
                Mesh vMesh = vFace.Triangulate();

                //check if we have a quad mesh (4 edges to a face)
                if (vMesh.Vertices.Count == 4)
                    //increase face counter

                    //found quad
                    Data.NumberOfVerticesinFace = 4;
                    //loop through all vertices and add
                    foreach (XYZ ii in vMesh.Vertices)
                        XYZ point = ii;
                        XYZ transformedPoint;

                        //transform geometry (only required in nested families / or elements like baluster
                        if (instTransform == null)
                            transformedPoint = point;
                            transformedPoint = instTransform.OfPoint(point);

                        //get the normal
                        XYZ NormalAtPoint;

                        IntersectionResult IntResult= vFace.Project(ii);

                        if (IntResult != null)
                            UV UVatPoint = IntResult.UVPoint;
                            NormalAtPoint = new XYZ(vFace.ComputeNormal(UVatPoint).X, vFace.ComputeNormal(UVatPoint).Y, vFace.ComputeNormal(UVatPoint).Z);
                            //this needs fixing!!!
                            NormalAtPoint = new XYZ(0, 0, 0);

                        //convert to meter
                        transformedPoint = Converter.ConvertPointCoordToMeter(transformedPoint);
                        //NormalAtPoint = Converter.ConvertPointCoordToMeter(NormalAtPoint);

                        //add to ply class


                    // set pointer
                    Data.NumberOfVerticesinFace = 3;

                    //export all triangles in face
                    for (int i = 0; i < vMesh.NumTriangles; i++)
                        //increase face counter

                        MeshTriangle objTriangular = vMesh.get_Triangle(i);

                        for (int iPointsCounter = 0; iPointsCounter < 3; iPointsCounter++)
                            XYZ point = objTriangular.get_Vertex(iPointsCounter);
                            XYZ transformedPoint;
                            //transform geometry (only required in nested families / or elements like baluster
                            if (instTransform == null)
                                transformedPoint = point;
                                transformedPoint = instTransform.OfPoint(point);

                            XYZ NormalAtPoint;

                            //get the normal
                            IntersectionResult IntResult = vFace.Project(point);
                            if (IntResult!=null)
                                UV UVatPoint = IntResult.UVPoint;
                                NormalAtPoint = new XYZ(vFace.ComputeNormal(UVatPoint).X,vFace.ComputeNormal(UVatPoint).Y,vFace.ComputeNormal(UVatPoint).Z);
                                //this needs fixing
                                NormalAtPoint = new XYZ(0, 0, 0);

                            //convert to meter
                            transformedPoint = Converter.ConvertPointCoordToMeter(transformedPoint);
                            //NormalAtPoint = Converter.ConvertPointCoordToMeter(NormalAtPoint);
                            //add to ply class


            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error in module PLY_by_material::TriangulateMesh "+ex.Message);
Esempio n. 17
 public static Temperature AmbientTemperature(TemperatureUnit TemperatureUnit)
     return(UnitConverter.ConvertMeasure(new Temperature(20, Celsius), TemperatureUnit));
Esempio n. 18
 public void TryConvertByAbbreviation_ReturnsFalseForInvalidInput(double inputValue, string quantityTypeName, string fromUnit, string toUnit)
     Assert.False(UnitConverter.TryConvertByAbbreviation(inputValue, quantityTypeName, fromUnit, toUnit, out double result));
     Assert.Equal(0, result);
Esempio n. 19
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

            Name            = Intent.Extras.GetString("name");
            Address         = Intent.Extras.GetString("address");
            DatasetName     = Intent.Extras.GetString("datasetName");
            DatasetAlias    = Intent.Extras.GetString("datasetAlias");
            TimestampOffset = Intent.Extras.GetLong("timestampOffset");
            var sourceUnit = Intent.Extras.GetString("datasetSourceUnit");
            var targetUnit = Intent.Extras.GetString("datasetTargetUnit");

            Title = $"{Name} ({Address})";

                Converter = UnitConverter.Create(sourceUnit, targetUnit);

                Api = new ApiClient(Address);

                Api.Call <Api.Responses.Dataset>(new Api.Requests.Dataset(DatasetName, null, null), Canceller.Token)
                .ContinueWith(t =>
                    if (t.IsCanceled)

                    if (t.IsFaulted)
                        Log.Error(TAG, $"Failed to fetch dataset {DatasetName} with error {t.Exception.Flatten().InnerException}.");
                        Toast.MakeText(this, "Failed to get performance information.", ToastLength.Short).Show();

                    RunOnUiThread(() =>
                        // Change units.
                        var dataset = t
                                      .Select(d => new DataPoint
                            Timestamp = d.Timestamp - TimestampOffset,
                            Value     = Converter.ChangeUnits(d.Value),

                        var minValue = dataset.Min(d => d.Value);
                        var min      = dataset.First(d => d.Value == minValue);
                        var maxValue = dataset.Max(d => d.Value);
                        var max      = dataset.First(d => d.Value == maxValue);
                        var width    = maxValue - minValue;

                        var datasetMap = dataset.ToDictionary(d => new BarModel
                            Value = d.Value,
                            ValueCaptionHidden = true,

                        var chart = new BarChartView(this)
                            ItemsSource  = datasetMap.Keys,
                            BarWidth     = 3,
                            BarOffset    = 1,
                            MinimumValue = min.Value - width / 2,
                            MaximumValue = max.Value + width / 2,

                        chart.AutoLevelsEnabled = false;
                        chart.AddLevelIndicator(min.Value, StringizeValue(min.Value));
                        chart.AddLevelIndicator(max.Value, StringizeValue(max.Value));

                        chart.BarClick += (sender, args) => {
                            DataPoint data = null;
                            if (!datasetMap.TryGetValue(args.Bar, out data))

                            new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                            .SetPositiveButton("OK", (s, e) => { })

                        SetContentView(chart, new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(
                                           ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent)
            catch (Exception e)
                Toast.MakeText(this, $"Failed to get performance information for {DatasetName} for {Title}", ToastLength.Short).Show();
                Log.Error(TAG, $"Failed to start activity for dataset {DatasetName} with error {e}.");
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Encodes the image to the specified stream from the <see cref="ImageFrame{TPixel}"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TPixel">The pixel format.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="image">The <see cref="ImageFrame{TPixel}"/> to encode from.</param>
        /// <param name="stream">The <see cref="Stream"/> to encode the image data to.</param>
        public void Encode <TPixel>(Image <TPixel> image, Stream stream)
            where TPixel : struct, IPixel <TPixel>
            Guard.NotNull(image, nameof(image));
            Guard.NotNull(stream, nameof(stream));

            this.configuration = image.GetConfiguration();
            ImageMetadata metadata    = image.Metadata;
            BmpMetadata   bmpMetadata = metadata.GetFormatMetadata(BmpFormat.Instance);

            this.bitsPerPixel = this.bitsPerPixel ?? bmpMetadata.BitsPerPixel;

            short bpp          = (short)this.bitsPerPixel;
            int   bytesPerLine = 4 * (((image.Width * bpp) + 31) / 32);

            this.padding = bytesPerLine - (int)(image.Width * (bpp / 8F));

            // Set Resolution.
            int hResolution = 0;
            int vResolution = 0;

            if (metadata.ResolutionUnits != PixelResolutionUnit.AspectRatio)
                if (metadata.HorizontalResolution > 0 && metadata.VerticalResolution > 0)
                    switch (metadata.ResolutionUnits)
                    case PixelResolutionUnit.PixelsPerInch:

                        hResolution = (int)Math.Round(UnitConverter.InchToMeter(metadata.HorizontalResolution));
                        vResolution = (int)Math.Round(UnitConverter.InchToMeter(metadata.VerticalResolution));

                    case PixelResolutionUnit.PixelsPerCentimeter:

                        hResolution = (int)Math.Round(UnitConverter.CmToMeter(metadata.HorizontalResolution));
                        vResolution = (int)Math.Round(UnitConverter.CmToMeter(metadata.VerticalResolution));

                    case PixelResolutionUnit.PixelsPerMeter:
                        hResolution = (int)Math.Round(metadata.HorizontalResolution);
                        vResolution = (int)Math.Round(metadata.VerticalResolution);


            int infoHeaderSize = BmpInfoHeader.SizeV4;
            var infoHeader     = new BmpInfoHeader(
                headerSize: infoHeaderSize,
                height: image.Height,
                width: image.Width,
                bitsPerPixel: bpp,
                planes: 1,
                imageSize: image.Height * bytesPerLine,
                clrUsed: 0,
                clrImportant: 0,
                xPelsPerMeter: hResolution,
                yPelsPerMeter: vResolution)
                RedMask     = Rgba32RedMask,
                GreenMask   = Rgba32GreenMask,
                BlueMask    = Rgba32BlueMask,
                Compression = BmpCompression.BitFields

            if (this.bitsPerPixel == BmpBitsPerPixel.Pixel32)
                infoHeader.AlphaMask = Rgba32AlphaMask;

            var fileHeader = new BmpFileHeader(
                type: BmpConstants.TypeMarkers.Bitmap,
                fileSize: BmpFileHeader.Size + infoHeaderSize + infoHeader.ImageSize,
                reserved: 0,
                offset: BmpFileHeader.Size + infoHeaderSize);

            Span <byte> buffer = stackalloc byte[infoHeaderSize];
            byte[] buffer = new byte[infoHeaderSize];

            stream.Write(buffer, 0, BmpFileHeader.Size);


            stream.Write(buffer, 0, infoHeaderSize);

            this.WriteImage(stream, image.Frames.RootFrame);

Esempio n. 21
        private void displayNutrInfo()
            //check if there is a quantity
            if (Quantity != "")
                //remove old info

                var db = DataAccessor.getDataAccessor();
                //get selected food with nutrient info
                var foodItem = db.getFoodItem(selectedResult.food_no, UnitConverter.getMultiplier(getQuantifier(), selectedResult.food_no) * Convert.ToDouble(Quantity));

                //remove extra omega values, only want totals

                //add preliminary table titles
                var colTitle = new StackLayout()
                    Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal
                colTitle.Children.Add(new Label() //nutrients
                    Text              = "Nutrient",
                    WidthRequest      = 150,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand,
                    //TextColor = (Color)App.Current.Resources["BtnBkgColor"],
                    FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold
                colTitle.Children.Add(new Label()
                    Text = "Amount",
                    //HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand,

                    //TextColor = (Color)App.Current.Resources["BtnBkgColor"],
                    FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold
                //////TODO show what these nutrient values are as percentages of the DRI
                //colTitle.Children.Add(new Label()
                //    Text = "DRI %",
                //    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End,
                //    TextColor = (Color)App.Current.Resources["BtnBkgColor"],
                //    FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold
                //add to table

                nutTable.Add(new ViewCell()
                    View = colTitle

                //add each nutrient into table
                foreach (var item in foodItem.nutrients)
                    //create a new stack to put in table
                    var layout = new StackLayout()
                        Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal
                    //stack contains nutrient name
                    layout.Children.Add(new Label()
                        Text = item.DisplayName,
                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand,
                        WidthRequest      = 150,
                        //Style = App.Current.Resources["LabelStyle"] as Style
                    //stack contains nutrient quantity
                    layout.Children.Add(new Label()
                        Text = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(item.quantity, 4)),
                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand,
                        //Style = App.Current.Resources["LabelStyle"] as Style

                    ///////////TODO add DRI %'s
                    //layout.Children.Add(new Label()
                    //    Text = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(item.quantity, 4)),
                    //    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End,
                    //    Style = App.Current.Resources["LabelStyle"] as Style

                    //add nutrient to xaml table
                    nutTable.Add(new ViewCell()
                        View = layout
Esempio n. 22
 public int Mm(float mm)
     return(UnitConverter.ConvertUnitsToPixels(this.Dpi, mm, Unit.Mm));
        public ValidationResult Validate()
            var val = new ValidationResult();

            //var magic = 0;

            //example #13 p175

            #region creating model

            var model = new Model();

            var l = UnitConverter.In2M(40);
            var w = UnitConverter.In2M(10);
            var h = UnitConverter.In2M(5);
            var t = UnitConverter.In2M(0.25);

            var e  = UnitConverter.Ksi2Pas(10000); //10'000 ksi
            var no = 0.3;

            var n = 9;

            var xSpan = l / (n - 1);

            var nodes = new Node[n][];

            for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                var x = i * xSpan;

                nodes[i] = new Node[7];

                nodes[i][0] = new Node(x, 0, 0);
                nodes[i][1] = new Node(x, w / 2, 0);
                nodes[i][2] = new Node(x, w, 0);

                nodes[i][3] = new Node(x, w / 2, h / 2);

                nodes[i][4] = new Node(x, 0, h);
                nodes[i][5] = new Node(x, w / 2, h);
                nodes[i][6] = new Node(x, w, h);


            var pairs = new int[6][];

            pairs[0] = new int[] { 0, 1 };
            pairs[1] = new int[] { 1, 2 };
            pairs[2] = new int[] { 1, 3 };
            pairs[3] = new int[] { 3, 5 };
            pairs[4] = new int[] { 4, 5 };
            pairs[5] = new int[] { 5, 6 };

            var mat = new Materials.UniformIsotropicMaterial(e, no);
            var sec = new Sections.UniformParametric2DSection(t);

            for (var i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                    var n11 = nodes[i][pairs[j][0]];
                    var n12 = nodes[i][pairs[j][1]];

                    var n21 = nodes[i + 1][pairs[j][0]];
                    var n22 = nodes[i + 1][pairs[j][1]];

                        var elm1 = new TriangleElement()
                            Material = mat, Section = sec

                        elm1.Nodes[0] = n11;
                        elm1.Nodes[1] = n12;
                        elm1.Nodes[2] = n21;


                        var elm2 = new TriangleElement()
                            Material = mat, Section = sec

                        elm2.Nodes[0] = n21;
                        elm2.Nodes[1] = n22;
                        elm2.Nodes[2] = n12;


            nodes.Last()[0].Loads.Add(new NodalLoad(new Force(0, UnitConverter.Kip2N(1.6), 0, 0, 0, 0)));
            nodes.Last()[6].Loads.Add(new NodalLoad(new Force(0, -UnitConverter.Kip2N(1.6), 0, 0, 0, 0)));

            nodes[0].ToList().ForEach(i => i.Constraints = Constraints.Fixed);


            model.Trace.Listeners.Add(new BriefFiniteElementNet.Common.ConsoleTraceListener());
            new ModelWarningChecker().CheckModel(model);



            var A = nodes.Last()[2];
            var B = nodes.Last()[4];
            var C = nodes.First()[1];
            var D = nodes.First()[0];
            var E = nodes.Last()[6];

             * for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Last().Length; i++)
             * {
             *  nodes.Last()[i].Label = i.ToString();
             * }

            A.Label = "A";
            B.Label = "B";
            C.Label = "C";
            D.Label = "D";
            E.Label = "E";

            val.Title = "I Beam torsion with triangle element";

            var da = 1 / 0.0254 * A.GetNodalDisplacement().Displacements;        // [inch]
            var db = 1 / 0.0254 * B.GetNodalDisplacement().Displacements;        // [inch]

            var sap2000Da = new Vector(-0.014921, 0.085471, 0.146070);           //tbl 7.14
            var sap2000Db = new Vector(-0.014834, -0.085475, -0.144533);         //tbl 7.14

            var abaqusDa = new Vector(-15.4207E-03, 88.2587E-03, 150.910E-03);   //node 9
            var abaqusDb = new Vector(-15.3246E-03, -88.2629E-03, -148.940E-03); //node 5

            Console.WriteLine("Err at A against abaqus (displacement): {0:0.00}%", GetError(da, abaqusDa));
            Console.WriteLine("Err at B against abaqus (displacement): {0:0.00}%", GetError(db, abaqusDb));

                var e81 = model.Elements[85] as TriangleElement;

                var stress = e81.GetLocalInternalStress(LoadCase.DefaultLoadCase, 1 / 6.0, 1 / 6.0, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < model.Elements.Count; i++)
                model.Elements[i].Label = i.ToString();

            throw new NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 24
 public int Meter(float m)
     return(UnitConverter.ConvertUnitsToPixels(this.Dpi, m, Unit.M));
Esempio n. 25
 public void ConvertByName_QuantityCaseInsensitive()
     Assert.Equal(0, UnitConverter.ConvertByName(0, "length", "Meter", "Centimeter"));
Esempio n. 26
 public int Pica(float pica)
     return(UnitConverter.ConvertUnitsToPixels(this.Dpi, pica, Unit.Pica));
Esempio n. 27
 public void ConvertByName_UnitTypeCaseInsensitive()
     Assert.Equal(0, UnitConverter.ConvertByName(0, "Length", "meter", "Centimeter"));
Esempio n. 28
 public int Twip(float twip)
     return(UnitConverter.ConvertUnitsToPixels(this.Dpi, twip, Unit.Twip));
Esempio n. 29
 public void ConvertByName_ThrowsUnitNotFoundExceptionOnUnknownQuantity(double inputValue, string quantityTypeName, string fromUnit, string toUnit)
     Assert.Throws <UnitNotFoundException>(() => UnitConverter.ConvertByName(inputValue, quantityTypeName, fromUnit, toUnit));
Esempio n. 30
 private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (_loaded) return;
     _conv = new UnitConverter();
     _currentheader = "";
     _loaded = true;
Esempio n. 31
 public void ConvertByAbbreviation_ConvertsTheValueToGivenUnit(double expectedValue, double inputValue, string quantityTypeName, string fromUnit, string toUnit)
     Assert.Equal(expectedValue, UnitConverter.ConvertByAbbreviation(inputValue, quantityTypeName, fromUnit, toUnit));
Esempio n. 32
        //function processing the meash
        public void TriangulateTopoMesh(Autodesk.Revit.DB.Mesh vMesh)
            //setup utility class
            LuxExporter.UnitConverter Converter = new UnitConverter();

            // set pointer
            Data.NumberOfVerticesinFace = 3;

            //export all triangles
            for (int i = 0; i < vMesh.NumTriangles; i++)
                //increase face counter

                //create a triangle
                MeshTriangle objTriangular = vMesh.get_Triangle(i);

                //calculate normal of triangle
                LuxExporter.NormalOfTriangle NormalofT = new NormalOfTriangle();
                XYZ NormalAtPoint =  NormalofT.calcNormal(objTriangular.get_Vertex(0), objTriangular.get_Vertex(1), objTriangular.get_Vertex(2));

                for (int iPointsCounter = 0; iPointsCounter < 3; iPointsCounter++)
                    XYZ point = objTriangular.get_Vertex(iPointsCounter);
                    //convert to meter
                    point = Converter.ConvertPointCoordToMeter(point);
                    //add to ply class
                    Data.AddVertice(point, NormalAtPoint);
Esempio n. 33
 public void ConvertByAbbreviation_ThrowsUnitNotFoundExceptionOnUnknownFromOrToUnitAbbreviation(double inputValue, string quantityTypeName, string fromUnit, string toUnit)
     Assert.Throws <UnitNotFoundException>(() => UnitConverter.ConvertByAbbreviation(inputValue, quantityTypeName, fromUnit, toUnit));
Esempio n. 34
        private void ExportActiveViewParameterized(long iOutputResolution, long lResampleRatio, string ExportType, string sOutputDir,string sOutputFileName, Boolean bClipToGraphicsExtent)
            IActiveView docActiveView = m_hookHelper.ActiveView;
            IExport docExport;
            long iPrevOutputImageQuality;
            IOutputRasterSettings docOutputRasterSettings;
            IEnvelope PixelBoundsEnv;
            tagRECT exportRECT;
            tagRECT DisplayBounds;
            IDisplayTransformation docDisplayTransformation;
            IPageLayout docPageLayout;
            IEnvelope docMapExtEnv;
            long hdc;
            long tmpDC;
            long iScreenResolution;
            bool bReenable = false;

            IEnvelope docGraphicsExtentEnv;
            IUnitConverter pUnitConvertor;

            if (GetFontSmoothing())
                bReenable = true;
                if (GetFontSmoothing())

            if (ExportType == "PDF")
                docExport = new ExportPDFClass();
            else if (ExportType == "EPS")
                docExport = new ExportPSClass();
            else if (ExportType == "AI")
                docExport = new ExportAIClass();
            else if (ExportType == "BMP")

                docExport = new ExportBMPClass();
            else if (ExportType == "TIFF")
                docExport = new ExportTIFFClass();
            else if (ExportType == "SVG")
                docExport = new ExportSVGClass();
            else if (ExportType == "PNG")
                docExport = new ExportPNGClass();
            else if (ExportType == "GIF")
                docExport = new ExportGIFClass();
            else if (ExportType == "EMF")
                docExport = new ExportEMFClass();
            else if (ExportType == "JPEG")
                docExport = new ExportJPEGClass();
                MessageBox.Show("��֧�ֵ��������� " + ExportType + ", Ĭ�ϵ���ΪEMF��ʽ������");
                ExportType = "EMF";
                docExport = new ExportEMFClass();

            docOutputRasterSettings = docActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation as IOutputRasterSettings;
            iPrevOutputImageQuality = docOutputRasterSettings.ResampleRatio;

            if (docExport is IExportImage)
                SetOutputQuality(docActiveView, 1);
                SetOutputQuality(docActiveView, lResampleRatio);

            docExport.ExportFileName = sOutputFileName + "." + docExport.Filter.Split('.')[1].Split('|')[0].Split(')')[0];

            tmpDC = GetDC(0);
            iScreenResolution = GetDeviceCaps((int)tmpDC, 88); //88 is the win32 const for Logical pixels/inch in X)
            ReleaseDC(0, (int)tmpDC);
            frmSetResolution mSetResolution = new frmSetResolution(iOutputResolution);
            iOutputResolution = mSetResolution.m_Resolution ;
            docExport.Resolution = iOutputResolution;

            if (docActiveView is IPageLayout)
                DisplayBounds = docActiveView.ExportFrame;
                docGraphicsExtentEnv = GetGraphicsExtent(docActiveView);
                docDisplayTransformation = docActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation;
                DisplayBounds = docDisplayTransformation.get_DeviceFrame();

            PixelBoundsEnv = new Envelope() as IEnvelope;

            if (bClipToGraphicsExtent && (docActiveView is IPageLayout))
                docGraphicsExtentEnv = GetGraphicsExtent(docActiveView);
                docPageLayout = docActiveView as PageLayout;
                pUnitConvertor = new UnitConverter();

                PixelBoundsEnv.XMin = 0;
                PixelBoundsEnv.YMin = 0;
                PixelBoundsEnv.XMax = pUnitConvertor.ConvertUnits(docGraphicsExtentEnv.XMax, docPageLayout.Page.Units, esriUnits.esriInches) * docExport.Resolution - pUnitConvertor.ConvertUnits(docGraphicsExtentEnv.XMin, docPageLayout.Page.Units, esriUnits.esriInches) * docExport.Resolution;
                PixelBoundsEnv.YMax = pUnitConvertor.ConvertUnits(docGraphicsExtentEnv.YMax, docPageLayout.Page.Units, esriUnits.esriInches) * docExport.Resolution - pUnitConvertor.ConvertUnits(docGraphicsExtentEnv.YMin, docPageLayout.Page.Units, esriUnits.esriInches) * docExport.Resolution;

                exportRECT.bottom = (int)(PixelBoundsEnv.YMax) + 1;
                exportRECT.left = (int)(PixelBoundsEnv.XMin);
       = (int)(PixelBoundsEnv.YMin);
                exportRECT.right = (int)(PixelBoundsEnv.XMax) + 1;

                docMapExtEnv = docGraphicsExtentEnv;
                double tempratio = iOutputResolution / iScreenResolution;
                double tempbottom = DisplayBounds.bottom * tempratio;
                double tempright = DisplayBounds.right * tempratio;
                exportRECT.bottom = (int)Math.Truncate(tempbottom);
                exportRECT.left = 0;
       = 0;
                exportRECT.right = (int)Math.Truncate(tempright);

                PixelBoundsEnv.PutCoords(exportRECT.left,, exportRECT.right, exportRECT.bottom);

                docMapExtEnv = null;
            docExport.PixelBounds = PixelBoundsEnv;

                hdc = docExport.StartExporting();
                docActiveView.Output((int)hdc, (int)docExport.Resolution, ref exportRECT, docMapExtEnv, null);


                MessageBox.Show("�ɹ����� " + sOutputDir + sOutputFileName + "." + docExport.Filter.Split('.')[1].Split('|')[0].Split(')')[0] + ".", "�����ͼͼƬ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                MessageBox.Show("�����ͼͼƬ�����г������⣡", "�����ͼͼƬ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                SetOutputQuality(docActiveView, iPrevOutputImageQuality);
                if (bReenable)
                    bReenable = false;
                    if (!GetFontSmoothing())
                        MessageBox.Show("Unable to reenable Font Smoothing", "Font Smoothing error");

                docMapExtEnv = null;
                PixelBoundsEnv = null;
Esempio n. 35
 /// <summary>
 /// A method for retrieving the contents from provided address.
 /// Throws an exception if provided address is not found within current VirtualMemory instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="decimalAddress">The address (decimal) to read from memory</param>
 /// <exception cref="IndexOutOfRangeException">If invalid address</exception>
 /// <returns>string representation of contents in current VirtualMemory in Binary.</returns>
 public string GetContentsInBin(int decimalAddress)