Esempio n. 1
        public void MiscTest()
            var rxCol = new ReactiveCollection <int> {
                1, 10, 100

            this.Convert(rxCol).Is(1, 10, 100);
            Unit?nullUnit = null;

Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the MetricDefinition class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="isDimensionRequired">Flag to indicate whether the
 /// dimension is required.</param>
 /// <param name="resourceId">the resource identifier of the resource
 /// that emitted the metric.</param>
 /// <param name="name">the name and the display name of the metric,
 /// i.e. it is a localizable string.</param>
 /// <param name="unit">the unit of the metric. Possible values include:
 /// 'Count', 'Bytes', 'Seconds', 'CountPerSecond', 'BytesPerSecond',
 /// 'Percent', 'MilliSeconds', 'ByteSeconds', 'Unspecified'</param>
 /// <param name="primaryAggregationType">the primary aggregation type
 /// value defining how to use the values for display. Possible values
 /// include: 'None', 'Average', 'Count', 'Minimum', 'Maximum',
 /// 'Total'</param>
 /// <param name="metricAvailabilities">the collection of what
 /// aggregation intervals are available to be queried.</param>
 /// <param name="id">the resource identifier of the metric
 /// definition.</param>
 /// <param name="dimensions">the name and the display name of the
 /// dimension, i.e. it is a localizable string.</param>
 public MetricDefinition(bool?isDimensionRequired = default(bool?), string resourceId = default(string), LocalizableString name = default(LocalizableString), Unit?unit = default(Unit?), AggregationType?primaryAggregationType = default(AggregationType?), IList <MetricAvailability> metricAvailabilities = default(IList <MetricAvailability>), string id = default(string), IList <LocalizableString> dimensions = default(IList <LocalizableString>))
     IsDimensionRequired = isDimensionRequired;
     ResourceId          = resourceId;
     Name = name;
     Unit = unit;
     PrimaryAggregationType = primaryAggregationType;
     MetricAvailabilities   = metricAvailabilities;
     Id         = id;
     Dimensions = dimensions;
Esempio n. 3
 internal MetricDefinition(bool?isDimensionRequired, string resourceId, string @namespace, LocalizableString name, Unit?unit, AggregationType?primaryAggregationType, IReadOnlyList <AggregationType> supportedAggregationTypes, IReadOnlyList <MetricAvailability> metricAvailabilities, string id, IReadOnlyList <LocalizableString> dimensions)
     IsDimensionRequired = isDimensionRequired;
     ResourceId          = resourceId;
     Namespace           = @namespace;
     Name = name;
     Unit = unit;
     PrimaryAggregationType    = primaryAggregationType;
     SupportedAggregationTypes = supportedAggregationTypes;
     MetricAvailabilities      = metricAvailabilities;
     Id         = id;
     Dimensions = dimensions;
 private FormItemBlock(
     bool hideIfEmpty, string heading, bool useFormItemListMode, int? numberOfColumns, int defaultFormItemCellSpan, Unit? firstColumnWidth,
     Unit? secondColumnWidth, TableCellVerticalAlignment verticalAlignment, IEnumerable<FormItem> formItems)
     this.hideIfEmpty = hideIfEmpty;
     this.heading = heading;
     this.useFormItemListMode = useFormItemListMode;
     this.numberOfColumns = numberOfColumns;
     this.defaultFormItemCellSpan = defaultFormItemCellSpan;
     this.firstColumnWidth = firstColumnWidth;
     this.secondColumnWidth = secondColumnWidth;
     this.verticalAlignment = verticalAlignment;
     this.formItems = ( formItems ?? new FormItem[ 0 ] ).ToList();
 private FormItemBlock(
     bool hideIfEmpty, string heading, bool useFormItemListMode, int?numberOfColumns, int defaultFormItemCellSpan, Unit?firstColumnWidth,
     Unit?secondColumnWidth, TableCellVerticalAlignment verticalAlignment, IEnumerable <FormItem> formItems)
     this.hideIfEmpty             = hideIfEmpty;
     this.heading                 = heading;
     this.useFormItemListMode     = useFormItemListMode;
     this.numberOfColumns         = numberOfColumns;
     this.defaultFormItemCellSpan = defaultFormItemCellSpan;
     this.firstColumnWidth        = firstColumnWidth;
     this.secondColumnWidth       = secondColumnWidth;
     this.verticalAlignment       = verticalAlignment;
     this.formItems               = (formItems ?? new FormItem[0]).ToList();
Esempio n. 6
        public static DrawCommand Parse(ReadOnlySpan <char> text)
            if (text.StartsWith("draw(".AsSpan()))
                text = text.Slice(5, text.Length - 6);

            var parser = new DrawArgumentReader(text);

            Alignment align     = default;
            BlendMode blendMode = BlendMode.Normal;
            Unit?     x         = null;
            Unit?     y         = null;
            string    fill      = null;
            string    stroke    = null;

            var objects = new List <Shape>();

            while (parser.TryRead(out var arg))
                // circle

                if (arg.Name == null)
                    string value = arg.Value.ToString();

                    switch (arg.Name)
                    case "align": align = AlignmentHelper.Parse(value); break;

                    case "blendMode": blendMode = BlendModeHelper.Parse(value); break;

                    case "x": x = Unit.Parse(value); break;

                    case "y": y = Unit.Parse(value); break;

                    case "fill": fill = value; break;

                    case "stroke": stroke = value; break;

            return(new DrawCommand(align, x, y, blendMode, fill, stroke, objects.ToArray()));
Esempio n. 7
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int?id)
            if (id == null)

            Unit = await _context.Units.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Id == id);

            if (Unit == null)
Esempio n. 8
        public Unit?GetEnemy2(Unit unit, Game game)
            Unit?nearestEnemy = null;

            foreach (var other in game.Units)
                if (other.PlayerId != unit.PlayerId)
                    if (!nearestEnemy.HasValue || unit.Id > nearestEnemy.Value.Id)
                        nearestEnemy = other;

Esempio n. 9
 public DrawCommand(
     Alignment align,
     BlendMode blendMode,
     string fill,
     string stroke,
     Shape[] objects)
     Align     = align;
     X         = x;
     Y         = y;
     BlendMode = blendMode;
     Fill      = fill;
     Stroke    = stroke;
     Objects   = objects;
Esempio n. 10
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(int?id)
            if (id == null)

            Unit = await _context.Units.FindAsync(id);

            if (Unit != null)
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Esempio n. 11
        public Unit?GetEnemy(Unit unit, Game game)
            Unit?nearestEnemy = null;

            foreach (var other in game.Units)
                if (other.PlayerId != unit.PlayerId)
                    if (!nearestEnemy.HasValue || unit.Position.DistanceSqr(other.Position) < unit.Position.DistanceSqr(nearestEnemy.Value.Position))
                        nearestEnemy = other;

        // Adding a New User

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets password and "password again" form items. The validation sets this data value to the provided password, and ensures that the two form items contain
        /// identical, valid passwords.
        /// </summary>
        public static IReadOnlyCollection <FormItem> GetPasswordModificationFormItems(
            this DataValue <string> password, Unit?textBoxWidth = null, FormItemLabel firstLabel = null, FormItemLabel secondLabel = null)
            var passwordAgain         = new DataValue <string>();
            var passwordAgainFormItem = FormItem.Create(
                secondLabel ?? "Password again",
                new EwfTextBox("", masksCharacters: true, disableBrowserAutoComplete: true),
                validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation((pbv, v) => passwordAgain.Value = control.GetPostBackValue(pbv)));

            if (textBoxWidth.HasValue)
                passwordAgainFormItem.Control.Width = textBoxWidth.Value;

            var passwordFormItem = FormItem.Create(
                firstLabel ?? "Password",
                new EwfTextBox("", masksCharacters: true, disableBrowserAutoComplete: true),
                validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation(
                    (pbv, v) => {
                password.Value = control.GetPostBackValue(pbv);
                if (password.Value != passwordAgain.Value)
                    v.NoteErrorAndAddMessage("Passwords do not match.");
                    var strictProvider = SystemProvider as StrictFormsAuthUserManagementProvider;
                    if (strictProvider != null)
                        strictProvider.ValidatePassword(v, password.Value);
                    else if (password.Value.Length < 7)
                        v.NoteErrorAndAddMessage("Passwords must be at least 7 characters long.");

            if (textBoxWidth.HasValue)
                passwordFormItem.Control.Width = textBoxWidth.Value;

            return(new[] { passwordFormItem, passwordAgainFormItem });
    /// <summary>
    /// Looks for a unit with the <paramref name="id"/> property value, returning a value that indicates whether such value exists.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="id">A unit id property value.</param>
    /// <param name="value">When this method returns, contains the <see cref="Unit"/> associated with the <paramref name="id"/> property value.</param>
    /// <param name="abilities">A value indicating whether to include ability parsing.</param>
    /// <param name="subAbilities">A value indicating whether to include sub-ability parsing.</param>
    /// <returns><see langword="true"/> if the value was found; otherwise <see langword="false"/>.</returns>
    public bool TryGetUnitById(string?id, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Unit?value, bool abilities, bool subAbilities)
        value = null;

        if (id is null)

        if (JsonDataDocument.RootElement.TryGetProperty(id, out JsonElement element))
            value = GetUnitData(id, element, abilities, subAbilities);


Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Add core properties of class
        /// </summary>
        private void _AddCoreProperty(PropertyInfo property, string prePath, DomainPropertyAttribute attribute,
                                      IList <object> mapProperties, IList <object> selectedMapProperties, StringCollection selectedConfig)
            Unit?displayUnits = null;
            Unit?valueUnits   = null;

            if (Attribute.IsDefined(property, typeof(UnitPropertyAttribute)))
                UnitPropertyAttribute unitAttribute = (UnitPropertyAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(
                    property, typeof(UnitPropertyAttribute));

                displayUnits = (RegionInfo.CurrentRegion.IsMetric) ? unitAttribute.DisplayUnitMetric : unitAttribute.DisplayUnitUS;
                valueUnits   = unitAttribute.ValueUnits;

            _AddPropertyTip(prePath, property.Name, attribute.Title, mapProperties,
                            selectedMapProperties, selectedConfig, valueUnits, displayUnits);
Esempio n. 15
            public static bool Parse(SeekableReader r, out Unit?unit)
                if (Pair.Parse(r, out Pair p))
                    unit = p;
                if (Star.Parse(r, out Star? s))
                    unit = s;

                unit = null;
Esempio n. 16
        private void ReduceFirst()
            Unit?previousUnit  = null;
            var  count         = 0;
            var  previousCount = -10;

            foreach (var element in _sequence)
                if (previousUnit?.CanReactWith(element) ?? false)
                previousCount = count;
                previousUnit  = element;
Esempio n. 17
        private bool PropertyLookup(string propertyId, string?propertyValue, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Unit?value, bool abilities, bool subAbilities)
            value = null;

            if (propertyValue is null)

            foreach (JsonProperty unitProperty in JsonDataDocument.RootElement.EnumerateObject())
                if (unitProperty.Value.TryGetProperty(propertyId, out JsonElement nameElement) && nameElement.ValueEquals(propertyValue))
                    value = GetUnitData(unitProperty.Name, unitProperty.Value, abilities, subAbilities);


Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Compare this unit of measure to another
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">UnitOfMeasure</param>
        /// <returns>True if equal</returns>
        public override bool Equals(Object other)
            if (other == null || GetType() != other.GetType())
            UnitOfMeasure otherUnit = (UnitOfMeasure)other;

            // same enumerations
            Unit?thisEnumeration  = Enumeration;
            Unit?otherEnumeration = otherUnit.Enumeration;

            if (thisEnumeration != null && otherEnumeration != null && !thisEnumeration.Equals(otherEnumeration))

            // same abscissa unit symbols
            string thisSymbol  = AbscissaUnit.Symbol;
            string otherSymbol = otherUnit.AbscissaUnit.Symbol;

            if (!thisSymbol.Equals(otherSymbol))

            // same factors
            if (ScalingFactor.CompareTo(otherUnit.ScalingFactor) != 0)

            // same offsets
            if (Offset.CompareTo(otherUnit.Offset) != 0)

Esempio n. 19
        static void CreateMatrixColumns(List <TransactionMatrixColumn> cols, Unit?sectionWidth = null)
            Unit?colWidth = null;

            if (sectionWidth != null)
                Unit correction = new Unit {
                    Millimeter = 10
                colWidth = sectionWidth / cols.Count - correction;
            Column column = _table.AddColumn();

            //first empty col
            column.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
            if (colWidth != null)
                column.Width = (Unit)colWidth;
            for (var index = 0; index < cols.Count; index++)
                column = _table.AddColumn();
                if (colWidth != null)
                    column.Width = (Unit)colWidth;
                column.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;
            Row row = _table.AddRow();

            FillRow(row, ParagraphAlignment.Center, true, TableHeaderBackground, 0, "", true, ParagraphAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Center, true, TableHeaderFont, fontSize: 11);

            for (var index = 0; index < cols.Count; index++)
                var col = cols[index];
                FillRow(row, ParagraphAlignment.Center, true, TableHeaderBackground, index + 1,
                        col.Name, true, ParagraphAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Center, true, TableHeaderFont, fontSize: 11);
Esempio n. 20
 public bool Equals(Unit?other)
Esempio n. 21
 private double ConvertToUnit(double length, Unit?unit)
     return((unit == Unit.Foot) ? length * 3.28084d : length);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a block with a classic "label on the left, value on the right" layout.
 /// </summary>
 public static FormItemBlock CreateFormItemTable(
     bool hideIfEmpty = false, string heading = "", Unit?firstColumnWidth = null, Unit?secondColumnWidth = null, IEnumerable <FormItem> formItems = null)
     return(new FormItemBlock(hideIfEmpty, heading, false, null, 1, firstColumnWidth, secondColumnWidth, TableCellVerticalAlignment.NotSpecified, formItems));
Esempio n. 23
 public double GetHeight(Unit?unit, [Parent] ICharacter character)
     return(ConvertToUnit(character.Height, unit));
Esempio n. 24
 public double GetLength(Unit?unit, [Parent] Starship starship)
     return(ConvertToUnit(starship.Length, unit));
Esempio n. 25
        public UnitAction GetAction(Unit unit, Game game, Debug debug)
            Unit?nearestEnemy = null;

            foreach (var other in game.Units)
                if (other.PlayerId != unit.PlayerId)
                    if (!nearestEnemy.HasValue || DistanceSqr(unit.Position, other.Position) < DistanceSqr(unit.Position, nearestEnemy.Value.Position))
                        nearestEnemy = other;
            LootBox?nearestWeapon = null;

            foreach (var lootBox in game.LootBoxes)
                if (lootBox.Item is Item.Weapon)
                    if (!nearestWeapon.HasValue || DistanceSqr(unit.Position, lootBox.Position) < DistanceSqr(unit.Position, nearestWeapon.Value.Position))
                        nearestWeapon = lootBox;
            Vec2Double targetPos = unit.Position;

            if (!unit.Weapon.HasValue && nearestWeapon.HasValue)
                targetPos = nearestWeapon.Value.Position;
            else if (nearestEnemy.HasValue)
                targetPos = nearestEnemy.Value.Position;
            debug.Draw(new CustomData.Log("Target pos: " + targetPos));
            Vec2Double aim = new Vec2Double(0, 0);

            if (nearestEnemy.HasValue)
                aim = new Vec2Double(nearestEnemy.Value.Position.X - unit.Position.X, nearestEnemy.Value.Position.Y - unit.Position.Y);
            bool jump = targetPos.Y > unit.Position.Y;

            if (targetPos.X > unit.Position.X && game.Level.Tiles[(int)(unit.Position.X + 1)][(int)(unit.Position.Y)] == Tile.Wall)
                jump = true;
            if (targetPos.X < unit.Position.X && game.Level.Tiles[(int)(unit.Position.X - 1)][(int)(unit.Position.Y)] == Tile.Wall)
                jump = true;
            UnitAction action = new UnitAction();

            action.Velocity   = targetPos.X - unit.Position.X;
            action.Jump       = jump;
            action.JumpDown   = !jump;
            action.Aim        = aim;
            action.Shoot      = true;
            action.SwapWeapon = false;
            action.PlantMine  = false;
Esempio n. 26
 static void FillRow(Row row, ParagraphAlignment rowParAligment, bool rowBold, Color rowBackgroundColor, int cellIndex, string colText,
                     bool colBold, ParagraphAlignment colParAligment, VerticalAlignment colVerAlignment, bool rowHeadingFormat = false, Color?fontColor = null, Unit?rowHeight = null, int?fontSize = null)
     row.HeadingFormat    = rowHeadingFormat;
     row.Format.Alignment = rowParAligment;
     row.Format.Font.Bold = rowBold;
     if (rowHeight != null)
         row.Height = (float)rowHeight;
     // if (fontColor != null) row.Format.Font.Color = (Color)fontColor;
     row.Shading.Color = rowBackgroundColor;
     row.Cells[cellIndex].Format.Font.Bold = colBold;
     if (fontSize != null)
         row.Cells[cellIndex].Format.Font.Size = (int)fontSize;
     row.Cells[cellIndex].Format.Alignment  = colParAligment;
     row.Cells[cellIndex].VerticalAlignment = colVerAlignment;
     if (fontColor != null)
         row.Cells[cellIndex].Format.Font.Color = (Color)fontColor;
Esempio n. 27
        static int CreateConcatcPage(FilterContactReport filter, int colCount)
            // Each MigraDoc document needs at least one section.
            _section = _document.AddSection();
            //_section.PageSetup = _document.DefaultPageSetup.Clone();
            var pageSize = _document.DefaultPageSetup.Clone();

            //  pageSize.Orientation = colCount < 5 ? Orientation.Portrait : Orientation.Landscape;
            pageSize.Orientation = Orientation.Portrait;
            pageSize.PageFormat  = PageFormat.A4;
            pageSize.LeftMargin  = new Unit {
                Centimeter = 1.5
            pageSize.RightMargin = new Unit {
                Centimeter = 1.5
            pageSize.OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter = true;
            pageSize.StartingNumber = 1;
            _section.PageSetup      = pageSize;
            Paragraph paragraph = _section.Headers.Primary.AddParagraph();

            paragraph.Format.Font.Size = 9;
            paragraph.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;

            // Create the item table
            _table       = _section.AddTable();
            _table.Style = "Table";

            _table.Borders.Color       = TableBorder;
            _table.Borders.Width       = 0.25;
            _table.Borders.Left.Width  = 0.5;
            _table.Borders.Right.Width = 0.5;
            _table.Rows.LeftIndent     = 0;
            _table.Rows.HeightRule     = RowHeightRule.AtLeast;
            _table.Rows.Height         = 12;
            Unit curPageWidth = new Unit {
                Centimeter = pageSize.Orientation == Orientation.Landscape ? 29.7 : 21
            Unit?pageWidth = curPageWidth - _section.PageSetup.LeftMargin - _section.PageSetup.RightMargin;

            colCount = CreateColumns(filter, colCount, pageWidth);
            _table.SetEdge(0, 0, colCount, 1, Edge.Box, BorderStyle.Single, 0.75, Color.Empty);

            //page num
            var style = _document.Styles[StyleNames.Footer];

            style.ParagraphFormat.AddTabStop("9cm", TabAlignment.Center);
            style.Font.Name  = "Verdana";
            style.Font.Name  = "Times New Roman";
            style.Font.Size  = 9;
            style.Font.Color = FontColor;
            // Create a paragraph with centered page number. See definition of style "Footer".
            Paragraph paragraph2 = new Paragraph();

            paragraph2.Style = StyleNames.Footer;

            // Add paragraph to footer for odd pages.
            // Add clone of paragraph to footer for odd pages. Cloning is necessary because an object must
            // not belong to more than one other object. If you forget cloning an exception is thrown.

Esempio n. 28
        static int CreateColumns(FilterContactReport filter, int colsCount, Unit?sectionWidth = null)
            Unit?colWidth = null;

            if (sectionWidth != null)
                colWidth = sectionWidth / colsCount;
            List <ReportColumn> checkedCols = new List <ReportColumn>();
            Column column = _table.AddColumn();

            //first name col
            column.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
            if (colWidth != null)
                column.Width = (Unit)colWidth;
            //create cols obj
            checkedCols = filter.Columns.Where(r => r.IsChecked).ToList();
            if (checkedCols.Any(e => e.Column == ReportColumns.Company))
                column = _table.AddColumn();
                if (colWidth != null)
                    column.Width = (Unit)colWidth;
                column.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;
            if (checkedCols.Any(e => (int)e.Column >= 8 && (int)e.Column <= 12))
                //col for address
                if (checkedCols.Any(r => r.Column == ReportColumns.Address && r.IsChecked))
                    column = _table.AddColumn();
                    if (colWidth != null)
                        column.Width = (Unit)colWidth;
                    column.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;
                //col for city,state,zip, country
                if (checkedCols.Any(e => (int)e.Column >= 8 && (int)e.Column <= 12 && e.IsChecked))
                    column = _table.AddColumn();
                    if (colWidth != null)
                        column.Width = (Unit)colWidth;
                    column.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;
            //Contact data
            foreach (ReportColumn col in checkedCols.Where(e => (int)e.Column <= 7).OrderBy(e => e.Column))
                column = _table.AddColumn();
                if (colWidth != null)
                    column.Width = (Unit)colWidth;
                column.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;

            //fill col obj
            var startedIsnex = 1;
            Row row          = _table.AddRow();

            FillRow(row, ParagraphAlignment.Center, true, TableHeaderBackground, 0, Grouping.GetTranslation("new_report_Name"), true, ParagraphAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment.Bottom, true, TableHeaderFont, fontSize: 11);
            if (checkedCols.Any(e => e.Column == ReportColumns.Company))
                var col = checkedCols.First(e => e.Column == ReportColumns.Company);
                FillRow(row, ParagraphAlignment.Center, true, TableHeaderBackground, 1,
                        Grouping.GetTranslation(Grouping.GetTranslation(col.Name)), true, ParagraphAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Bottom, true, TableHeaderFont, fontSize: 11);
            if (checkedCols.Any(e => (int)e.Column >= 8 && (int)e.Column <= 12))
                var colName     = "";
                var colPosition = checkedCols.Any(r => r.Column == ReportColumns.Company) ? 2 : 1;
                if (checkedCols.Any(e => e.Column == ReportColumns.Address && e.IsChecked))
                    colName += Grouping.GetTranslation(checkedCols.First(e => e.Column == ReportColumns.Address).Name);
                    FillRow(row, ParagraphAlignment.Center, true, TableHeaderBackground, colPosition,
                            colName, true, ParagraphAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Bottom, true, TableHeaderFont, fontSize: 11);
                colName = "";
                if (checkedCols.Any(e => (int)e.Column >= 8 && (int)e.Column <= 12 && e.IsChecked))
                    if (checkedCols.Any(e => e.Column == ReportColumns.City))
                        colName +=
                            $"{Grouping.GetTranslation(checkedCols.First(e => e.Column == ReportColumns.City).Name)}";
                    if (checkedCols.Any(e => e.Column == ReportColumns.State))
                        colName +=
                            $"/{Grouping.GetTranslation(checkedCols.First(e => e.Column == ReportColumns.State).Name)}";
                    if (checkedCols.Any(e => e.Column == ReportColumns.Zip))
                        colName +=
                            $"/{Grouping.GetTranslation(checkedCols.First(e => e.Column == ReportColumns.Zip).Name)}";
                    if (checkedCols.Any(e => e.Column == ReportColumns.Country))
                        colName +=
                            $"/{Grouping.GetTranslation(checkedCols.First(e => e.Column == ReportColumns.Country).Name)}";
                    FillRow(row, ParagraphAlignment.Center, true, TableHeaderBackground, colPosition,
                            colName, true, ParagraphAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Bottom, true, TableHeaderFont,
                            fontSize: 11);
            //Contact data
            checkedCols = checkedCols.Where(e => (int)e.Column <= 7).OrderBy(e => e.Column).ToList();

            for (var i = 0; i < checkedCols.Count; i++)
                var          index = startedIsnex + i;
                ReportColumn col   = checkedCols[i];
                FillRow(row, ParagraphAlignment.Center, true, TableHeaderBackground, index,
                        Grouping.GetTranslation(Grouping.GetTranslation(col.Name)), true, ParagraphAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Bottom, true, TableHeaderFont, fontSize: 11);

            var colCount = row.Cells.Count;

Esempio n. 29
 public int CompareTo(Unit?other)
 /// <summary>
 /// Looks for a unit with the <paramref name="hyperlinkId"/> property value, returning a value that indicates whether such value exists.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="hyperlinkId">A unit hyperlinkId property value.</param>
 /// <param name="value">When this method returns, contains the <see cref="Unit"/> associated with the <paramref name="hyperlinkId"/> property value.</param>
 /// <param name="abilities">A value indicating whether to include ability parsing.</param>
 /// <param name="subAbilities">A value indicating whether to include sub-ability parsing.</param>
 /// <returns><see langword="true"/> if the value was found; otherwise <see langword="false"/>.</returns>
 public bool TryGetUnitByHyperlinkId(string?hyperlinkId, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Unit?value, bool abilities, bool subAbilities)
 => PropertyLookup("hyperlinkId", hyperlinkId, out value, abilities, subAbilities);
Esempio n. 31
        static int CreateColumns(FilterTransactionReport filter, Unit?sectionWidth = null)
            //for total
            Unit?colWidth = null;

            if (sectionWidth != null)
                colWidth = sectionWidth / (filter.ReportType == TransFilterType.Payment ? 2 : 5);
            List <ReportColumn> checkedCols = new List <ReportColumn>();
            Column column = _table.AddColumn();

            //first empty col
            column.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
            if (colWidth != null)
                column.Width = (Unit)colWidth;
            //create cols obj
            if (filter.view == TransFilterView.Details)
                checkedCols = filter.Columns.Where(r => r.IsChecked && r.ColumnOnly).ToList();
                for (var index = 0; index < checkedCols.Count; index++)
                    column = _table.AddColumn();
                    column.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;
            if (filter.ReportType == TransFilterType.Payment)
                column = _table.AddColumn();
                if (colWidth != null)
                    column.Width = (Unit)colWidth;
                column.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;
            if (filter.ReportType == TransFilterType.Bill)
                //bill amount
                column = _table.AddColumn();
                if (colWidth != null)
                    column.Width = (Unit)colWidth;
                column.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;
                //paid amount
                column = _table.AddColumn();
                if (colWidth != null)
                    column.Width = (Unit)colWidth;
                column.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;
                //due amount
                column = _table.AddColumn();
                if (colWidth != null)
                    column.Width = (Unit)colWidth;
                column.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;
                //unasignet amount
                column = _table.AddColumn();
                if (colWidth != null)
                    column.Width = (Unit)colWidth;
                column.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;

            //fill col obj
            Row row = _table.AddRow();

            FillRow(row, ParagraphAlignment.Center, true, TableHeaderBackground, 0, "", true, ParagraphAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment.Bottom, true, TableHeaderFont, fontSize: 11);

            if (filter.view == TransFilterView.Details)
                for (var index = 0; index < checkedCols.Count; index++)
                    ReportColumn col = checkedCols[index];
                    FillRow(row, ParagraphAlignment.Center, true, TableHeaderBackground, index + 1,
                            Grouping.GetTranslation(Grouping.GetTranslation(col.Column.ToString())), true, ParagraphAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Bottom, true, TableHeaderFont, fontSize: 11);
                    AddColToPositionList((TransactioReportColumns)col.TransactionColumn, index + 1);
            if (filter.ReportType == TransFilterType.Payment)
                var index = checkedCols.Count + 1;
                FillRow(row, ParagraphAlignment.Center, true, TableHeaderBackground, index, Grouping.GetTranslation("report_trans_amount"), true, ParagraphAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Bottom, true, TableHeaderFont, fontSize: 11);
            if (filter.ReportType == TransFilterType.Bill)
                var index = checkedCols.Count + 1;
                FillRow(row, ParagraphAlignment.Center, true, TableHeaderBackground, index, Grouping.GetTranslation("report_trans_billAmount"), true, ParagraphAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Center, true, TableHeaderFont, fontSize: 11);
                FillRow(row, ParagraphAlignment.Center, true, TableHeaderBackground, index + 1, Grouping.GetTranslation("report_trans_paidAmount"), true, ParagraphAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Center, true, TableHeaderFont, fontSize: 11);
                FillRow(row, ParagraphAlignment.Center, true, TableHeaderBackground, index + 2, Grouping.GetTranslation("report_trans_dueAmount"), true, ParagraphAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Center, true, TableHeaderFont, fontSize: 11);
                FillRow(row, ParagraphAlignment.Center, true, TableHeaderBackground, index + 3, Grouping.GetTranslation("report_trans_unasignedAmount"), true, ParagraphAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Center, true, TableHeaderFont, fontSize: 11);

            var colCount = row.Cells.Count;
