Esempio n. 1
// ----------------------------------------------

		public string Upload(string url, string fieldname, CookieContainer cookies, CredentialCache credentials, string param1, string param2, string param3, string param4, string val1, string val2, string val3, string val4)
			if (UploadALLAccounts.Checked) {
				string InstallPath = GetInstallPath();
				string[] Accounts = GetAccounts(InstallPath);

				if (Accounts == null) {
					return "";

				foreach (string Account in Accounts) {
					tmpmainSvLocation = InstallPath + "\\WTF\\Account\\" + Account + "\\SavedVariables.lua";
					DebugLine("UploadALL: Name \"" + Account + "\"");
					UploadALL(url, fieldname, cookies, credentials, param1, param2, param3, param4, val1, val2, val3, val4, Account, tmpmainSvLocation);

				return "";

			Hashtable files = new Hashtable();
			string fullFilePath = "";
			string sep = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString();
			foreach (string checkedSV in SVList.CheckedItems) //itterate through all checked files in the sv file list
				if (checkedSV != "SavedVariables")

					fullFilePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(this.mainSvLocation) + sep + "SavedVariables" + sep + checkedSV + ".lua";

					fullFilePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(this.mainSvLocation) + sep + "SavedVariables.lua";

				// Error checking required here to make sure that the file exists else no point in trying to upload it!
				if (File.Exists(fullFilePath))
					files[checkedSV] = fullFilePath;
			ArrayList AllParams = new ArrayList();
			AllParams.Add(new string[2] { param1, val1 });
			AllParams.Add(new string[2] { param2, val2 });
			AllParams.Add(new string[2] { param3, val3 });
			AllParams.Add(new string[2] { param4, val4 });
			UniUploader.http.FILE_COMPRESSION_METHODS CompressionMethod = UniUploader.http.FILE_COMPRESSION_METHODS.NONE;
			if (GZcompress.Checked)
				CompressionMethod = UniUploader.http.FILE_COMPRESSION_METHODS.GZIP;
			http.UserAgent = getUserAgent();

			DebugLine("Upload: ------------------------------------------------------------------------");
			//http.onInformationMessage += new UniUploader.http.httpInfoDelegate(http_onInformationMessage);
			//string result =, AllParams, url, UniUploader.http.ENCODING_TYPES.MULTI_FORM_DATA, UniUploader.http.REQUEST_METHODS.POST, "", CompressionMethod, cookies, credentials);

			UniUploader.http.Response Response = new UniUploader.http.Response();
			if (! Response, url, AllParams, files, CompressionMethod))
				if (cbUpErrorPop.Checked)
					MessageBox.Show("Error - Check Debug Log");
				DebugLine("Failed to Upload");

			//http.onInformationMessage -= new UniUploader.http.httpInfoDelegate(http_onInformationMessage);
			DebugLine("[See Server Response Tab for upload result]");
			DebugLine("Upload: ------------------------------------------------------------------------");
			return Response.ToString();
Esempio n. 2
// ----------------------------------------------

		private string RetrData(string url, CookieContainer cookies, CredentialCache credentials, string param1, string val1, string param2, string val2, string param3, string val3, int Timeout, string param4, string val4, Hashtable Files)
			DebugLine("RetrData: url: " + url);
			if (param1 != null)
				DebugLine("RetrData: param1: " + param1);
				DebugLine("RetrData: val1: (hidden)");
			if (param2 != null)
				DebugLine("RetrData: param2: " + param2);
				DebugLine("RetrData: val2: (hidden)");
			if (param3 != null)
				DebugLine("RetrData: param3: " + param3);
				DebugLine("RetrData: val3: (hidden)");
			if (param4 != null)
				DebugLine("RetrData: param4: " + param4);
				DebugLine("RetrData: val4: (hidden)");
			DebugLine("RetrData: Timeout: " + Timeout);
			DebugLine("RetrData: ------------------------------------------------------------------------");
			ArrayList allParams = new ArrayList();
			allParams.Add(new string[2] { param1, val1 });
			allParams.Add(new string[2] { param2, val2 });
			allParams.Add(new string[2] { param3, val3 });
			allParams.Add(new string[2] { param4, val4 });
			UniUploader.http.Response Response = new UniUploader.http.Response();
			if (! Response, url, allParams))
				if (cbUpErrorPop.Checked)
					MessageBox.Show("Error - Check Debug Log");
				DebugLine("Failed to Retrieve Data");
			DebugLine("RetrData: ------------------------------------------------------------------------");
			return Response.ToString();
Esempio n. 3
// ----------------------------------------------

		private void doScreenshots()
			Hashtable files = new Hashtable();//getSVFileList();
			string dummyFilePath = writeDummyScreenshotsLuaFile();
			files["screenshots"] = dummyFilePath;

			SetStatusBarPanelText(statusBarPanel1, Environment.NewLine + "Checking Screenshots" + Environment.NewLine);
			Hashtable h = get_screenshot_list();
			string data = "";
			foreach (DictionaryEntry de in h)
				data += de.Value + "\n";
			ArrayList allParams = get_all_params();
			allParams.Add(new string[2] { "OPERATION", "CHECKSHOTS" });
			allParams.Add(new string[2] { "data", data });
			UniUploader.http.Response Response = new UniUploader.http.Response();
			if ( Response, URL.Text, allParams, files))
				TextBoxAppendText(servResponse, Environment.NewLine + "Screenshot Process Step 1 Response:" + Environment.NewLine);
				TextBoxAppendText(servResponse, fixLineEnds(Response.ToString()));

				string[] NotUploadedYet = Response.ToString().Split('\n');
				foreach (string ssToUp in NotUploadedYet)
					foreach (DictionaryEntry de in h)
						if ((string)de.Value == ssToUp)
							files[ssToUp] = de.Key;
				if (files.Count - 1 > 0)
					allParams = get_all_params();
					allParams.Add(new string[2] { "OPERATION", "UPSHOTS" });
					SetStatusBarPanelText(statusBarPanel1, "Uploading " + (files.Count - 1).ToString() + " Screenshots");
					if ( Response, URL.Text, allParams, files))
						TextBoxAppendText(servResponse, Environment.NewLine + "Screenshot Process Step 2 Response:" + Environment.NewLine);
						TextBoxAppendText(servResponse, fixLineEnds(Response.ToString()));
						DebugLine("Uploaded " + (files.Count - 1).ToString() + " Screenshots");
						if (cbUpErrorPop.Checked)
							MessageBox.Show("Error - Check Debug Log");

				if (cbUpErrorPop.Checked)
					MessageBox.Show("Error - Check Debug Log");
				DebugLine("Failed to upload screenshots");

			SetStatusBarPanelText(statusBarPanel1, _READY);