Esempio n. 1
        public override object GetUndoDiff()
            XmlElement oldElem     = UndoManager.GetObjectStatus(this);
            UndoWriter writer      = new UndoWriter(oldElem.OwnerDocument, UndoManager);
            XmlElement newElem     = Write(writer);
            ObjectDiff actionsDiff = GetDiffGenerator().GetDiff(this, oldElem);

            UndoManager.UpdateObjectStatus(this, newElem);
Esempio n. 2
        public override object ApplyUndoRedoDiff(object diff)
            ObjectDiff actionsDiff = (ObjectDiff)diff;

            XmlElement status = UndoManager.GetObjectStatus(this);

            DiffGenerator differ = GetDiffGenerator();

            differ.ApplyDiff(this, actionsDiff);
            actionsDiff = differ.GetDiff(this, status);

            UndoWriter writer  = new UndoWriter(status.OwnerDocument, UndoManager);
            XmlElement newElem = Write(writer);

            UndoManager.UpdateObjectStatus(this, newElem);

Esempio n. 3
		public override object ApplyUndoRedoDiff (object diff)
			ObjectDiff actionsDiff = (ObjectDiff) diff;
			XmlElement status = UndoManager.GetObjectStatus (this);
			DiffGenerator differ = GetDiffGenerator();
			differ.ApplyDiff (this, actionsDiff);
			actionsDiff = differ.GetDiff (this, status);
			UndoWriter writer = new UndoWriter (status.OwnerDocument, UndoManager);
			XmlElement newElem = Write (writer);
			UndoManager.UpdateObjectStatus (this, newElem);
			return actionsDiff;
Esempio n. 4
		public override object GetUndoDiff ()
			XmlElement oldElem = UndoManager.GetObjectStatus (this);
			UndoWriter writer = new UndoWriter (oldElem.OwnerDocument, UndoManager);
			XmlElement newElem = Write (writer);
			ObjectDiff actionsDiff = GetDiffGenerator().GetDiff (this, oldElem);
			UndoManager.UpdateObjectStatus (this, newElem);
			return actionsDiff;
Esempio n. 5
		public override object ApplyUndoRedoDiff (object data)
			ObjectDiff diff = ((ObjectDiff[]) data)[0];
			ObjectDiff actionsDiff = ((ObjectDiff[]) data)[1];
			ObjectDiff reverseDiff = null;
			ObjectDiff reverseActionsDiff = null;
			XmlElement status = UndoManager.GetObjectStatus (this);
			XmlElement oldStatus = (XmlElement) status.CloneNode (true);
			UndoReader reader = new UndoReader (Project, FileFormat.Native, UndoManager);
			// Only apply the actions diff if the widget has not been completely reloaded
			if (actionsDiff != null && !(diff != null && diff.ChildChanges != null)) {
				// Apply the patch
				LocalActionGroups.ApplyDiff (Project, actionsDiff);
				// Get the redo patch
				reverseActionsDiff = LocalActionGroups.GetDiff (Project, oldStatus);
				// Update the status of the action group list in the undo status tree.
				// It has to remove all action groups and then write them again 
				foreach (XmlElement group in status.SelectNodes ("action-group"))
					status.RemoveChild (group);

				UndoWriter writer = new UndoWriter (status.OwnerDocument, UndoManager);
				foreach (ActionGroup actionGroup in LocalActionGroups)
					status.InsertBefore (actionGroup.Write (writer), status.FirstChild);
			if (diff != null) {
				containerDiffGenerator.ApplyDiff (status, diff);
				reverseDiff = containerDiffGenerator.GetDiff (status, oldStatus);
				// Avoid reading the whole widget tree if only the properties have changed.
				if (diff.ChildChanges == null) {
					ReadProperties (reader, status);
				} else {
//					Console.WriteLine ("BEFORE PATCH: " + status.OuterXml);
					Read (reader, status);
//					Console.WriteLine ("\nAFTER PATCH:");
//					UndoManager.Dump ();
					EmitContentsChanged ();
			if (reverseDiff != null || reverseActionsDiff != null)
				return new ObjectDiff[] { reverseDiff, reverseActionsDiff };
				return null;
Esempio n. 6
		public override object GetUndoDiff ()
			XmlElement oldElem = UndoManager.GetObjectStatus (this);

//			Console.WriteLine ("UNDO status: ");
//			Console.WriteLine (oldElem.OuterXml);
			// Write the new status of the object. This is going to replace the old status in undoManager.
			// In the process, register new objects found.
			UndoWriter writer = new UndoWriter (oldElem.OwnerDocument, UndoManager);
			XmlElement newElem = Write (writer);
//			Console.WriteLine ("CURRENT status: ");
//			Console.WriteLine (newElem.OuterXml);
			// Get the changes since the last undo checkpoint
			ObjectDiff actionsDiff = null;
			ObjectDiff objectDiff = containerDiffGenerator.GetDiff (newElem, oldElem);
			// If there are child changes there is no need to look for changes in the
			// actions, since the whole widget will be read again
			if (IsTopLevel && (objectDiff == null || objectDiff.ChildChanges == null))
				actionsDiff = LocalActionGroups.GetDiff (Project, oldElem);
			// The undo writer skips children which are already registered in the undo manager
			// to avoid writing information we already have. Now it's the moment to fill the gaps
			foreach (XmlElement newChild in newElem.SelectNodes ("child[widget/@unchanged_marker='yes']")) {
				string cid = newChild.GetAttribute ("undoId");
				XmlElement oldChild = (XmlElement) oldElem.SelectSingleNode ("child[@undoId='" + cid + "']");
				if (oldChild == null)
					throw new InvalidOperationException ("Child not found when filling widget info gaps.");
				XmlElement oldWidgetChild = oldChild ["widget"];
				XmlElement newWidgetChild = newChild ["widget"];
				oldChild.RemoveChild (oldWidgetChild);
				if (newWidgetChild != null)
					newChild.ReplaceChild (oldWidgetChild, newWidgetChild);

			// Update the status tree
			UndoManager.UpdateObjectStatus (this, newElem);
//			UndoManager.Dump ();
			if (objectDiff != null || actionsDiff != null)
				return new ObjectDiff[] { objectDiff, actionsDiff };
				return null;