Esempio n. 1
		/// <summary> Tests the specified expression on all possible caching methods for specified existence of unary operators. </summary>
		/// <param name="unaidedTestcase"> The expression to test, where each character is converted to the corresponding test domain. </param>
		/// <param name="cachingMethod"> The setting on which caching method to apply in this test. </param>
		/// <param name="enableUnaryPlusMinusOperators"> The setting on whether on not to include unary operators in this test. </param>
		/// <param name="partialExpectations"> Parts of the expected result, which are tested to be part of the result. Specify null to indicate expected failure. </param>
		private static void Test(Testcase unaidedTestcase, UnaryOperatorEnabledness enableUnaryPlusMinusOperators, TestASTNode[] partialExpectations, bool toExpectOrNotToExpect)
			TestDomain.UseOtherNumberTypes = false;
			UnaryOperators.Enabled = enableUnaryPlusMinusOperators == UnaryOperatorEnabledness.Enabled;

			SortedReadOnlyList<ICompositeNotationForm<TestDomain>> enabledNotations;
			var testExpressions = unaidedTestcase.ToExpressions(out enabledNotations).ToList();
			Contract.Assert(enabledNotations.Count != 0);
			ASTBaseNode result = GetAST(testExpressions, enabledNotations);

			//the actual tests:
			if (partialExpectations == null)
				//check that is failed if failure is expected
				Contract.Assert(result == null);
				Contract.Assert(partialExpectations.Any(), "You're testing nothing");
				//otherwise, check whether the result contains each partial expectation
				foreach (TestASTNode partialExpectation in partialExpectations)
					if (partialExpectation.Position is LinearPosition)
						Contract.Assert(((LinearPosition)partialExpectation.Position).EndIndex <= testExpressions.Count, "Test expectations are impossible to begin with");
					Contract.Assert(Contains(result, partialExpectation) == toExpectOrNotToExpect);
Esempio n. 2
		public static void Test(string aidedTestcase, UnaryOperatorEnabledness enabledUnOp, params TestASTNode[] partialExpectations)
			var testcase = Testcase.Create(aidedTestcase);
			Test(testcase, enabledUnOp, partialExpectations, true);
Esempio n. 3
		public static void TestWithAutomatedExpectations(string aidedTestcase, UnaryOperatorEnabledness a, params TestASTNode[] additionalExpectations)
			Test(Testcase.Create(aidedTestcase), a, TestResolution.InferExpectations(aidedTestcase).Concat(additionalExpectations).ToArray(), true);