Esempio n. 1
        public ToastNotifier(IUserPreferences preferences, UltraDesktopAlert desktopAlert)
            if (preferences == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("preferences");
            if (desktopAlert == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("desktopAlert");

            _preferences       = preferences;
            _alertWindow       = desktopAlert;
            _alertWindow.Style = DesktopAlertStyle.Office2007;
            _alertWindow.DesktopAlertLinkClicked += OnDesktopAlertLinkClicked;
Esempio n. 2
        public void NotifyStampaBatch(StampaBatchDTO dto, Image image, string message)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                CommonMessages.DisplayWarning(string.Format("Si sono verificati degli errori nell'elaborazione della funzione:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, message));

            const ScreenPosition screenPosition = ScreenPosition.BottomRight;

            //  If the UltraDesktopAlert component has not yet been created,
            //  create it now, and set the properties of interest.
            if (_desktopAlert == null)
                _desktopAlert = new UltraDesktopAlert(components)
                    Style = DesktopAlertStyle.WindowsLiveMessenger,
                    CaptionAreaAppearance = {Image = CondominioResources.App_16.ToBitmap()},
                    MainImageAreaBorderColor = Color.Transparent,
                    TextAppearance = {TextHAlign = HAlign.Left},
                    AutoClose = DefaultableBoolean.False
                //  There is no specific Appearance exposed for the close button
                //  (or dropdown button), but we can use Application Styling to
                //  change the image that appears.
                //var library = new ApplicationStyleLibrary();
                //var styleSet = library.StyleSets.Add("Default");
                //Image closeImage = CondominioResources.Exit_16.ToBitmap();
                //styleSet.RoleStyles.GetStyle("DesktopAlertCloseButton", true).States.GetState(RoleState.Normal, true).Appearance.Image = closeImage;
                //styleSet.RoleStyles.GetStyle("DesktopAlertCloseButton", true).States.GetState(RoleState.HotTracked, true).Appearance.Image = closeImage;
                //styleSet.RoleStyles.GetStyle("DesktopAlertCloseButton", true).States.GetState(RoleState.Pressed, true).Appearance.Image = closeImage;

                //  Remove the border that appears by default around the main image
                //  by setting the MainImageAreaBorderColor to Transparent.

                //  Set the alignment for the text link to left

                //  Populate the AlertButtons collection
                var alertButtons = _desktopAlert.AlertButtons;

                //  Add a button that enables the end user to unload the stock watcher
                //var button = alertButtons.Add("no_more");
                //button.Appearance.Image = CondominioResources.NoMore_16.ToBitmap();
                //button.ToolTipText = "Stop notifying me about this stock";

                //  Add a button that enables the end user to display data history
                var button = alertButtons.Add("data_history");
                button.Appearance.Image = getStampeBatchUIService().SmallIcon;
                button.ToolTipText = "Visualizza l'elenco delle stampe batch disponibili";

                //  There are no properties for the tooltip text displayed by
                //  the links, but we can change it easily using the resource customizer
                //  since they are localized strings. In this case we should probably hide
                //  the tooltip since clicking it doesn't do anything, so set the resource
                //  value to an empty string.
                Infragistics.Win.Misc.Resources.Customizer.SetCustomizedString("DesktopAlertLinkUIElement_Caption_ToolTipText", string.Empty);
                Infragistics.Win.Misc.Resources.Customizer.SetCustomizedString("DesktopAlertLinkUIElement_Text_ToolTipText", "Clicca qui per aprire il report");

                //  Set the AnimationStyleShow and AnimationStyleAutoClose properties according
                //  to the screen position...if the screen position is such that the desktop alert
                //  windows are not aligned with an edge of the screen, use 'Fade', otherwise, use
                //  'Scroll'
                const AnimationStyle animationStyle = screenPosition == ScreenPosition.Manual ? AnimationStyle.Fade : AnimationStyle.Scroll;

                _desktopAlert.AnimationStyleShow = animationStyle;
                _desktopAlert.AnimationStyleAutoClose = animationStyle;

                //  If we used the 'Fade' setting for the AnimationStyle properties,
                //  set the AnimationSpeed property to 'Slow', only because it looks
                //  a little better. Use 'Fast' for the 'Scroll' AnimationStyle setting.
                _desktopAlert.AnimationSpeed = animationStyle == AnimationStyle.Fade ?
                    AnimationSpeed.Slow :

                //  Disallow multiple desktop alert windows, so that each new
                //  notification closes the last, if one should happen to be open
                //  at the time the new one appears.
                _desktopAlert.MultipleWindowDisplayStyle = MultipleWindowDisplayStyle.Tiled;

                //  Disallow moving the desktop alert windows
                _desktopAlert.AllowMove = DefaultableBoolean.False;

                //  Center align the footer text
                _desktopAlert.FooterTextAppearance.TextHAlign = HAlign.Center;

                //  Hook the events of interest.

            //  Create the UltraDesktopAlertShowWindowInfo instance which we will use to
            //  customize the appearance and content for the desktop alert window we are
            //  about to display.
            var showInfo = new UltraDesktopAlertShowWindowInfo
                Caption = "Stampe Batch",
                Text = "<strong>" + dto.Condominio + "</strong><br/><strong>" + dto.Esercizio + "</strong><br/>" + dto.Descrizione + " è ora disponibile",
                Data = dto,
                FooterText = "Visualizza la stampa",
                Image = image,
                ScreenPosition = screenPosition

            //  Show the desktop alert window