public void TestMyObjectEncryption() { Debug.Log("Running TestMyObjectEncryption()"); PubnubCrypto pc = new PubnubCrypto("enigma"); //create an object of the custom class CustomClass cc = new CustomClass(); //serialize it string result = new JsonFXDotNet().SerializeToJsonString(cc); //JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cc); //encrypt it string encryptedMessage = pc.Encrypt(result); UUnitAssert.Equals("Zbr7pEF/GFGKj1rOstp0tWzA4nwJXEfj+ezLtAr8qqE=", encryptedMessage); }
public void TestPubNubDecryption2() { Debug.Log("Running TestPubNubDecryption2()"); PubnubCrypto pc = new PubnubCrypto("enigma"); //Deserialized string string message = "f42pIQcWZ9zbTbH8cyLwB/tdvRxjFLOYcBNMVKeHS54="; //Decrypt string decryptedMessage = pc.Decrypt(message); //Deserialize message = new JsonFXDotNet().DeserializeToObject(decryptedMessage) as string; //JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<string>(decryptedMessage); UUnitAssert.Equals("Pubnub Messaging API 2", message); }
public void TestPubNubEncryption1() { Debug.Log("Running TestPubNubEncryption1()"); PubnubCrypto pc = new PubnubCrypto("enigma"); //non serialized string string message = "Pubnub Messaging API 1"; //serialize message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(message); //encrypt string encryptedMessage = pc.Encrypt(message); UUnitAssert.Equals("f42pIQcWZ9zbTbH8cyLwByD/GsviOE0vcREIEVPARR0=", encryptedMessage); }
public void TestObjectEncryption() { Debug.Log("Running TestObjectEncryption()"); PubnubCrypto pc = new PubnubCrypto("enigma"); //create an object System.Object obj = new System.Object(); //serialize string serializedObject = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj); //encrypt string encryptedMessage = pc.Encrypt(serializedObject); UUnitAssert.Equals("IDjZE9BHSjcX67RddfCYYg==", encryptedMessage); }
public void TestGermanCharsDecryption() { Debug.Log("Running TestGermanCharsDecryption()"); PubnubCrypto pc = new PubnubCrypto("enigma"); string message = "stpgsG1DZZxb44J7mFNSzg=="; //decrypt string decryptedMessage = pc.Decrypt(message); //deserialize message = (decryptedMessage != "**DECRYPT ERROR**") ? JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string>(decryptedMessage) : ""; UUnitAssert.Equals("ÜÖ", message); }
public void TestArrayEncryption() { Debug.Log("Running TestArrayEncryption()"); PubnubCrypto pc = new PubnubCrypto("enigma"); //create an empty array object object[] emptyArray = { }; //serialize string serializedArray = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(emptyArray); //Encrypt string encryptedMessage = pc.Encrypt(serializedArray); UUnitAssert.Equals("Ns4TB41JjT2NCXaGLWSPAQ==", encryptedMessage); }
public void TestUnicodeCharsDecryption() { Debug.Log("Running TestUnicodeCharsDecryption()"); PubnubCrypto pc = new PubnubCrypto("enigma"); string message = "+BY5/miAA8aeuhVl4d13Kg=="; //decrypt string decryptedMessage = pc.Decrypt(message); //deserialize //message = (decryptedMessage != "**DECRYPT ERROR**") ? JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<string>(decryptedMessage) : ""; message = (decryptedMessage != "**DECRYPT ERROR**") ? (string)(new JsonFXDotNet().DeserializeToObject(decryptedMessage)) : ""; UUnitAssert.Equals("漢語", message); }
public void TestPubNubEncryption2() { Debug.Log("Running TestPubNubEncryption2()"); PubnubCrypto pc = new PubnubCrypto("enigma"); //Deserialized string message = "Pubnub Messaging API 2"; //serialize the message message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(message); //encrypt string encryptedMessage = pc.Encrypt(message); UUnitAssert.Equals("f42pIQcWZ9zbTbH8cyLwB/tdvRxjFLOYcBNMVKeHS54=", encryptedMessage); }
public void TestPubNubDecryption1() { Debug.Log("Running TestPubNubDecryption1()"); PubnubCrypto pc = new PubnubCrypto("enigma"); //deserialized string string message = "f42pIQcWZ9zbTbH8cyLwByD/GsviOE0vcREIEVPARR0="; //decrypt string decryptedMessage = pc.Decrypt(message); //deserialize //message = (decryptedMessage != "**DECRYPT ERROR**") ? JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<string>(decryptedMessage) : ""; message = (decryptedMessage != "**DECRYPT ERROR**") ? (string)(new JsonFXDotNet().DeserializeToObject(decryptedMessage)) : ""; UUnitAssert.Equals("Pubnub Messaging API 1", message); }
public void TestYayEncryption() { Debug.Log("Running TestYayEncryption()"); PubnubCrypto pc = new PubnubCrypto("enigma"); //deserialized string string message = "yay!"; //serialize the string message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(message); Console.WriteLine(message); //Encrypt string enc = pc.Encrypt(message); UUnitAssert.Equals("Wi24KS4pcTzvyuGOHubiXg==", enc); }
public void TestMyObjectDecryption() { Debug.Log("Running TestMyObjectDecryption()"); PubnubCrypto pc = new PubnubCrypto("enigma"); //Deserialized string message = "Zbr7pEF/GFGKj1rOstp0tWzA4nwJXEfj+ezLtAr8qqE="; //Decrypt string decryptedMessage = pc.Decrypt(message); //create an object of the custom class CustomClass cc = new CustomClass(); //Serialize it string result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cc); UUnitAssert.Equals(result, decryptedMessage); }
public void TestArrayDecryption() { Debug.Log("Running TestArrayDecryption()"); PubnubCrypto pc = new PubnubCrypto("enigma"); //Input the deserialized string string message = "Ns4TB41JjT2NCXaGLWSPAQ=="; //decrypt string decryptedMessage = pc.Decrypt(message); //create a serialized object object[] emptyArrayObject = { }; string result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(emptyArrayObject); //compare the serialized object and the return of the Decrypt method UUnitAssert.Equals(result, decryptedMessage); }
public void lerpHalfwayToPlane() { Debug.Log(" === lerp 1/2 way to plane test === "); // test point Vector3 p = new Vector3(0, 10, 0); // test mesh is plane at z = 0 GameObject pl = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Plane); MeshFilter mf = pl.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); Vector3 expected = new Vector3(0, 5, 0); Vector3 result = lerpNearestOnMesh.lerpNearest(p, mf, 0.5f); UUnitAssert.Equals(expected, result); }
public void TestObjectDecryption() { Debug.Log("Running TestObjectDecryption()"); PubnubCrypto pc = new PubnubCrypto("enigma"); //Deserialized string message = "IDjZE9BHSjcX67RddfCYYg=="; //Decrypt string decryptedMessage = pc.Decrypt(message); //create an object System.Object obj = new System.Object(); //Serialize the object string result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj); UUnitAssert.Equals(result, decryptedMessage); }
public void TestYayDecryption() { Debug.Log("Running TestYayDecryption()"); PubnubCrypto pc = new PubnubCrypto("enigma"); //string strMessage= "\"q/xJqqN6qbiZMXYmiQC1Fw==\""; //Non deserialized string string message = "\"Wi24KS4pcTzvyuGOHubiXg==\""; //Deserialize message = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string>(message); //decrypt string decryptedMessage = pc.Decrypt(message); //deserialize again message = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string>(decryptedMessage); UUnitAssert.Equals("yay!", message); }
public void nearestPointOnPrimitivePlane_is_projectedVertex() { Debug.Log(" === known PrimitiveType.Plane-projected vertex test === "); // test point @ origin Vector3 p = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); // test mesh is 1x1 plane at z = 1 //GameObject pl = new GameObject("testPlane"); GameObject pl = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Plane); MeshFilter mf = pl.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); Vector3 projection = new Vector3(1, 0, 1); Vector3 result = NearestPointOnMesh.getNearestPointOnMesh(p, mf); UUnitAssert.Equals(projection, result); }
public void shouldCalculateNumberOfNeighborsOnForWeirdCase() { FieldLogic underTest = new FieldLogic(3, 3); underTest.AddCellAt(new CellLogic(null, null, cellOn), 0, 0); underTest.AddCellAt(new CellLogic(null, null, cellOn), 0, 1); underTest.AddCellAt(new CellLogic(null, null, cellOn), 0, 2); underTest.AddCellAt(new CellLogic(null, null, cellOn), 1, 0); underTest.AddCellAt(new CellLogic(null, null, cellOn), 1, 1); underTest.AddCellAt(new CellLogic(null, null, cellOn), 1, 2); underTest.AddCellAt(new CellLogic(null, null, cellOn), 2, 0); underTest.AddCellAt(new CellLogic(null, null, cellOff), 2, 1); underTest.AddCellAt(new CellLogic(null, null, cellOn), 2, 2); int neighbors = underTest.NeighborsOnAt(1, 1); UUnitAssert.Equals(7, neighbors); }
public void shouldCallAllCells() { FieldLogic underTest = new FieldLogic(3, 3); int timesTurnOffCalled = 0; CellLogic.TurnOff testTurnOff = () => { timesTurnOffCalled++; }; underTest.AddCellAt(new CellLogic(emptyTurnOn, testTurnOff, cellOn), 0, 0); underTest.AddCellAt(new CellLogic(emptyTurnOn, testTurnOff, cellOff), 0, 1); underTest.AddCellAt(new CellLogic(emptyTurnOn, testTurnOff, cellOn), 0, 2); underTest.AddCellAt(new CellLogic(emptyTurnOn, testTurnOff, cellOff), 1, 0); underTest.AddCellAt(new CellLogic(emptyTurnOn, testTurnOff, cellOff), 1, 1); underTest.AddCellAt(new CellLogic(emptyTurnOn, testTurnOff, cellOff), 1, 2); underTest.AddCellAt(new CellLogic(emptyTurnOn, testTurnOff, cellOn), 2, 0); underTest.AddCellAt(new CellLogic(emptyTurnOn, testTurnOff, cellOff), 2, 1); underTest.AddCellAt(new CellLogic(emptyTurnOn, testTurnOff, cellOn), 2, 2); underTest.Iterate(); UUnitAssert.Equals(9, timesTurnOffCalled); }
void EnumConversionTest() { string expectedJson, actualJson; EnumConversionTestClass expectedObj = new EnumConversionTestClass(), actualObj = new EnumConversionTestClass(); expectedObj.enumList = new List <testRegion>() { testRegion.USEast, testRegion.USCentral, testRegion.Japan }; expectedObj.enumArray = new testRegion[] { testRegion.USEast, testRegion.USCentral, testRegion.Japan }; expectedObj.enumValue = testRegion.Australia; expectedJson = "{\"enumList\":[\"USEast\",\"USCentral\",\"Japan\"],\"enumArray\":[\"USEast\",\"USCentral\",\"Japan\"],\"enumValue\":\"Australia\"}"; JsonConvert.PopulateObject(expectedJson, actualObj, Util.JsonSettings); actualJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actualObj, Util.JsonFormatting, Util.JsonSettings); UUnitAssert.Equals(expectedJson.Replace(" ", "").Replace("\n", ""), actualJson.Replace(" ", "").Replace("\n", "")); UUnitAssert.ObjEquals(expectedObj, actualObj); }
public void nearestPointOnScaledCube_is_scaled() { // ensures that a point at 1,0,0 moves to a point at .5,0,0 if cube at origin w/ scale .5,.5,.5 Debug.Log(" === scaled cube test === "); Vector3 p = new Vector3(1, 2, 2); GameObject cu = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); cu.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.5f, 2f, 2f); MeshFilter mf = cu.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); Vector3 expected = new Vector3(.5f, 2f, 2f); Vector3 result = NearestPointOnMesh.getNearestPointOnMesh(p, mf); Debug.Log(expected.ToString() + "=?=" + result.ToString()); UUnitAssert.Equals(expected, result); }
public void nearestPointOnPlane_is_projectedVertex_if_pointBetweenPlaneAndOrigin() { Debug.Log(" === known plane-projected vertex test for point(0,0,10) === "); // test point @ origin Vector3 p = new Vector3(0, 0, 5); // test mesh is 1x1 plane at z = 1 GameObject plane = new GameObject("testPlane"); MeshFilter mf = (MeshFilter)plane.AddComponent(typeof(MeshFilter)); Vector3[] pl = new Vector3[] { new Vector3(10, 10, 10), new Vector3(10, -10, 10), new Vector3(-10, 10, 10), new Vector3(-10, -10, 10) }; mf.mesh = CreateMesh(pl); Vector3 projection = new Vector3(0, 0, 10); Vector3 result = NearestPointOnMesh.getNearestPointOnMesh(p, mf); UUnitAssert.Equals(projection, result); }
public void HealthShouldNotGoBelowZero() { _playerHealthManager.SetHealth(1); _playerHealthManager.TakeDamage(2); UUnitAssert.Equals(_playerHealthManager.GetHealth(), 0, "Health should not go below zero"); }
public void NoteMissShouldBreakCombo() { _scoreController.NoteHit(1); _scoreController.NoteMissed(); UUnitAssert.Equals(_comboManager.GetCombo(), 0, "Combo not broken after miss"); }