private async Task AddToCollection() { StaticData._stationCollection = new ObservableCollection <StationTotal>(); UTMConverter utmConverter = new UTMConverter(); MessageDialog msg = new MessageDialog("Location Service is not available!", "Error"); try { var pos = await _geolocator.GetGeopositionAsync(); if (pos != null) { Location location = new Location(pos.Coordinate.Latitude, pos.Coordinate.Longitude); LocationPointWithId a = new LocationPointWithId(); a.latitude = pos.Coordinate.Latitude; a.longitude = pos.Coordinate.Longitude; LocationPointWithId temp = new LocationPointWithId(); foreach (StationTotal b in StaticData._stationTotal) { utmConverter.ToLatLon(b.latitude, b.longitude, 48, 0); temp.latitude = utmConverter.Latitude; temp.longitude = utmConverter.Longitude; if (StaticMethod.Distance(a, temp) < StaticData.defaultDistance) { StaticData._stationCollection.Add(b); } } } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageDialog messageDialog = new MessageDialog("Error: " + exception.Message); messageDialog.ShowAsync(); //return; } }
private void AddPushPin() { pushPin = new MapLayer(); UTMConverter utmConverter = new UTMConverter(); foreach (StationTotal temp in StaticData._stationCollection) { BusStationsPushPin pin = new BusStationsPushPin(); utmConverter.ToLatLon(temp.latitude, temp.longitude, 48, 0); Location location = new Location(utmConverter.Latitude, utmConverter.Longitude); string pushPinContent = ""; string busNumTemp = ""; foreach (Bus busTemp in temp.busList) { if (busNumTemp != busTemp.busNumber) { pushPinContent = pushPinContent + " - " + busTemp.busNumber; busNumTemp = busTemp.busNumber; } } pin.TextContent = pushPinContent; pin.Width = double.NaN; pin.Tag = temp; pin.Tapped += pin_Tapped; pushPin.Children.Add(pin); MapLayer.SetPosition(pin, location); } map.Children.Add(pushPin); }
private async Task AddToCollectionWithCustomLocation(Location location) { StaticData._stationCollection = new ObservableCollection <StationTotal>(); UTMConverter utmConverter = new UTMConverter(); LocationPointWithId a = new LocationPointWithId(); a.latitude = location.Latitude; a.longitude = location.Longitude; LocationPointWithId temp = new LocationPointWithId(); foreach (StationTotal b in StaticData._stationTotal) { utmConverter.ToLatLon(b.latitude, b.longitude, 48, 0); temp.latitude = utmConverter.Latitude; temp.longitude = utmConverter.Longitude; if (StaticMethod.Distance(a, temp) < StaticData.defaultDistance) { StaticData._stationCollection.Add(b); } } }
/// <summary> /// StationInfo.xml - All Station Information - Each bus have 1 record in this Collection /// StaticData._busStationCollection /// </summary> private void LoadStationInfo() { UTMConverter utmConverter; StaticData._busStationCollection = new ObservableCollection <BusStationCollection>(); if (!StaticData._busStationCollection.Any()) { StaticData._busStationCollection = new ObservableCollection <BusStationCollection>(); XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("Data/StationInfo.xml"); BusStationCollection newBusStationCollection; foreach (var item in doc.Element("Stations").Elements("Stations")) { newBusStationCollection = new BusStationCollection(); = item.Attribute("BusNum").Value; foreach (var direction in item.Elements("Direction")) { if (direction.Attribute("go").Value == "1") { newBusStationCollection.goDirection = new ObservableCollection <BusStation>(); foreach (var station in direction.Elements("ID")) { utmConverter = new UTMConverter(); double tempLat = Convert.ToDouble(station.Element("latitude").Value); double tempLon = Convert.ToDouble(station.Element("longitude").Value); //Lat and Lon is in reverse order utmConverter.ToLatLon(tempLon, tempLat, 48, 0); BusStation newBusStation = new BusStation() { id = "[" + station.Attribute("id").Value + "]", number = station.Element("number").Value, address = "đường " + station.Element("address").Value, district = "quận " + station.Element("district").Value, lat = utmConverter.Latitude, lon = utmConverter.Longitude, stationId = station.Element("stationId").Value, }; newBusStationCollection.goDirection.Add(newBusStation); } } if (direction.Attribute("go").Value == "0") { newBusStationCollection.backDirection = new ObservableCollection <BusStation>(); foreach (var station in direction.Elements("ID")) { utmConverter = new UTMConverter(); double tempLat = Convert.ToDouble(station.Element("latitude").Value); double tempLon = Convert.ToDouble(station.Element("longitude").Value); utmConverter.ToLatLon(tempLon, tempLat, 48, 0); BusStation newBusStation = new BusStation() { id = "[" + station.Attribute("id").Value + "]", number = station.Element("number").Value, address = "đường " + station.Element("address").Value, district = "quận " + station.Element("district").Value, lat = utmConverter.Latitude, lon = utmConverter.Longitude, stationId = station.Element("stationId").Value, }; newBusStationCollection.backDirection.Add(newBusStation); } } } StaticData._busStationCollection.Add(newBusStationCollection); } //Enable Async //StorageFile destinationFile = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFileAsync( // "placeHolderData.dat", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); } }