Esempio n. 1
        public void createBackgroundMapsForLinearFeature(List<LINEAR_FEATURE> linearFeatures, String UTMZone, bool downloadMap)
            /////////////////TODO -- put in a input file
            double maxIncrementAlonPathMeters = 5.0 * 5280.0 * 0.3048; // 5.0 miles

            for (int iFeat = 0; iFeat < linearFeatures.Count; iFeat++)
                LINEAR_FEATURE  linearFeature = linearFeatures[iFeat];

                polygonMath polyMath = new polygonMath(linearFeature.EastingProNavS, linearFeature.NorthingProNavS, datasetFolder);
                UTM2Geodetic utm = new UTM2Geodetic();

                linearFeature.NWMapCorner = new List<PointD>();
                linearFeature.SEMapCorner = new List<PointD>();
                linearFeature.mapNames = new List<string>();

                //find a deltaRange along the path < maxIncrementAlonPathMeters such that deltaRange * N = totalPathLength
                int nMaps = (int)(linearFeature.pathLength / maxIncrementAlonPathMeters);
                //above gives a number of increments such that one additional increment will fall outside the endpoint.
                double incrementAlongPath = linearFeature.pathLength / (nMaps + 1);
                //this gives an incerment that is < maxIncrementAlonPathMeters such that
                //there will be nMaps+1 increments that end exactly on the end of the path
                //We will need nMaps + 2 maps with one map at the beginning and one map at the end
                int totalMaps = nMaps + 2;

                //this lets us put N equispaced 10mix10mi maps along the path.
                for (int i = 0; i < totalMaps; i++)

                    //get a map
                    //build up the URL to retrieve the Google Map -- see the above model for the syntax

                    //this zoom level gives ~ 10mi X 10mi
                    int zoom = 12;

                    //increment the path
                    PointD pap = polyMath.pointAlongPathFromStart(i * incrementAlongPath);

                    double latitude = 0.0, longitude = 0.0;
                    utm.UTMtoLL(pap.Y, pap.X, UTMZone, ref latitude, ref longitude);

                    setMap(zoom, new PointD(longitude, latitude));

                    /*  below used only to get the width & height of the returned map with zoom = 12
                    double NWNorthing = 0.0, NWEasting = 0.0;
                    double SENorthing = 0.0, SEEasting = 0.0;
                    utm.LLtoUTM(mapNWCornerCordinates.Y * Constants.Deg2Rad, mapNWCornerCordinates.X * Constants.Deg2Rad,
                        ref NWNorthing, ref NWEasting, ref UTMZone, true);
                    utm.LLtoUTM(mapSECornerCordinates.Y * Constants.Deg2Rad, mapSECornerCordinates.X * Constants.Deg2Rad,
                        ref SENorthing, ref SEEasting, ref UTMZone, true);

                    double mapNSDimensionMi = (NWNorthing - SENorthing) / 0.3048 / 5280.0;
                    double mapEWDimensionMi = (SEEasting  - NWEasting)  / 0.3048 / 5280.0;
                     * */


                    String GoogleMapsURL = "" +
                                latitude.ToString() + "," +
                                longitude.ToString() + "&zoom=" + zoom.ToString() + "&size=640x480&sensor=false";

                    //this downloads a map that can be opened --- need to figure out the scaling...
                    //GoogleMapsURL = ",WA;64;1&wp.1=Redmond,WA;66;2&key=" +
                    //    Constants.bingKey;

                    //set the file storage location
                    String backgroundImageFolder = datasetFolder + "\\" + polygonName + "_Background";
                    if (!Directory.Exists(backgroundImageFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(backgroundImageFolder);

                    String SaveToFile = backgroundImageFolder + "\\linearMap_" + iFeat.ToString("D2") +"_" + i.ToString("D3") + ".png";

                    if (downloadMap)
                        //get the file from the web using a webClient
                        getFileFromWeb(GoogleMapsURL, SaveToFile);


Esempio n. 2
        void LinearFeaturePlanner(Polygon p, double flightAlt, double swathWidthKm, 
            double aircraftSpeedKnots, double aircraftSpeedKPH, double DRImageHeightKm)
            //if (p.polyCoverageType == COVERAGE_TYPE.linearFeature)
                //show the "PLAN" button
                button3.Visible = true;
                button3.Enabled = true;

                //  wait here til user clicks considers the coverage options and clicks:  "PLAN"
                while (!MissionPlanningInitiated)
                    Application.DoEvents();  //wait for user inputs

                //get the flyable aircraft paths that will cover the input linear feature path
                //there will be one linearFeature object for each of the parallel paths
                List<LINEAR_FEATURE> linearFeatures =
                    linearFeatureCoverage(numParallelPaths, linearPathCentering,
                    flightAlt, swathWidthKm * 1000.0, aircraftSpeedKnots * 0.514);

                //the above procedure writes kml files for forward, backward, & smoothed trajectory
                //also writes out the image boresight projection and the image endpoints as kml files

                GoogleMaps ggl = new GoogleMaps(datasetFolder, p.PolygonName);

                //get the project map for the path -- shows complete extent of the path and takeoff airport
                ggl.getGoogleMapToCoverProject(ref p, downloadMap);

                //get the path-segment maps that will be used to form a aircraft-centered sliding window map
                //get rectangular maps sized 10mi x 10mi at 5mi intervals along the path
                ggl.createBackgroundMapsForLinearFeature(linearFeatures, p.UTMZone, downloadMap);

                double totalPathDistance = 0.0;
                polygonMath polymath = new polygonMath(linearFeatures[0].EastingProNavS, linearFeatures[0].NorthingProNavS, datasetFolder);

                //get the along-path altitudes
                for (int iLF = 0; iLF < linearFeatures.Count; iLF++)
                    totalPathDistance += linearFeatures[iLF].pathLength;

                    List<PointD> pointsAlongPath = new List<PointD>();
                    UTM2Geodetic utm = new UTM2Geodetic();
                    //create a sequence of points along path based on the smoothed trajectory
                    for (int i = 0; i < linearFeatures[iLF].NorthingProNavS.Count; i++)
                        double lat = 0.0, lon = 0.0;
                        utm.UTMtoLL(linearFeatures[iLF].NorthingProNavS[i], linearFeatures[iLF].EastingProNavS[i], p.UTMZone, ref lat, ref lon);
                        pointsAlongPath.Add(new PointD(lon, lat));
                    //get the terrain heights using the Google Elevation API
                    linearFeatures[iLF].alongPathAltitude = polymath.getTerrainHeightsFromPointList(pointsAlongPath);

                    //number of triggered images along the path
                    linearFeatures[iLF].numImages = (int)(linearFeatures[iLF].pathLength / (DRImageHeightKm * 1000.0));

                    //get stats of the along-path altitudes
                    double maxAlt = -99999.0, minAlt = 99999.0, meanAlt = 0.0;
                    foreach (double alt in linearFeatures[iLF].alongPathAltitude)
                        if (alt > maxAlt) maxAlt = alt;
                        if (alt < minAlt) minAlt = alt;
                        meanAlt += alt;
                    meanAlt /= linearFeatures[iLF].alongPathAltitude.Count;
                    linearFeatures[iLF].maxAltitude = maxAlt;
                    linearFeatures[iLF].minAltitude = minAlt;
                    linearFeatures[iLF].meanAltitude = meanAlt;
                    linearFeatures[iLF].pathNumber = iLF;

                //get the 2way ferry distance
                double total2WayFerryDistance = 0.0;
                //start: always start for 0th path to the selected airport
                //distance from selected airport to start of first line
                double delNS = linearFeatures[0].NorthingProNavS[0] - p.airports[selectedAirportIndex].northing;
                double delES = linearFeatures[0].EastingProNavS[0] - p.airports[selectedAirportIndex].easting;
                double distanceToAptS = Math.Sqrt(delNS * delNS + delES * delES);
                total2WayFerryDistance += distanceToAptS;

                //always return to the airport from the end of the last path
                int endIndex = linearFeatures[linearFeatures.Count - 1].NorthingProNavS.Count - 1;
                //distance from selected airport to start of first line
                delNS = linearFeatures[linearFeatures.Count - 1].NorthingProNavS[endIndex] - p.airports[selectedAirportIndex].northing;
                delES = linearFeatures[linearFeatures.Count - 1].EastingProNavS[endIndex] - p.airports[selectedAirportIndex].easting;
                distanceToAptS = Math.Sqrt(delNS * delNS + delES * delES);
                //final 2-way ferry distance is the sum of the to- and from- ferry distances
                total2WayFerryDistance += distanceToAptS;

                double totalPathTime = totalPathDistance / (aircraftSpeedKPH * 1000.0);
                int totalLFImages = (int)(totalPathDistance / (DRImageHeightKm * 1000.0));

                        DRImageHeightKm, numParallelPaths, flightAlt, swathWidthKm,
                        totalPathDistance, total2WayFerryDistance, aircraftSpeedKPH,
                        totalPathTime, totalLFImages, linearFeatures);

                //show the END button
                button2.Visible = true;
                button2.Enabled = true;

                //wait here to see if the user clicks the "END" button
                while (true)

            ////////////////////////  end of linear feature Planner //////////////////