protected DataTable GetQulaifyingHeadData(Control pg, DataTable qt, DataTable st)
            // Generate Table From  Head Binded and only update value in respective head and send back
            foreach (Control ctrl in pg.Controls)
                //check for all the TextBox controls on the page and clear them
                if (ctrl.GetType() == typeof(USControls.USTextBox) && ctrl.Parent.Visible == true)
                    USControls.USTextBox utxt = (USControls.USTextBox)ctrl;
                    DataRow dr;

                    if (utxt.IsObtained == utxt.IsTotal == utxt.IsPercentage == false)
                        dr = qt.Select("HeadId=" + utxt.DBName).First();
                        dr["HeadValue"] = utxt.Text;
                else if (ctrl.GetType() == typeof(USControls.USDropDownList) && ctrl.Parent.Visible == true)
                    USControls.USDropDownList utxt = (USControls.USDropDownList)ctrl;
                    DataRow dr = qt.Select("HeadId=" + utxt.DBName).First();
                    if (dr != null)
                        dr["HeadValue"] = utxt.SelectedValue;
                else if (ctrl.GetType() == typeof(USControls.USBaseDropDownList) && ctrl.Parent.Visible == true)
                    USControls.USBaseDropDownList utxt = (USControls.USBaseDropDownList)ctrl;
                    DataRow dr = qt.Select("HeadId=" + utxt.DBName).First();
                    if (dr != null)
                        dr["HeadValue"] = utxt.SelectedValue;
                else if (ctrl.GetType() == typeof(USControls.USRadioButtonList) && ctrl.Parent.Visible == true)
                    USControls.USRadioButtonList utxt = (USControls.USRadioButtonList)ctrl;
                    DataRow dr = qt.Select("HeadId=" + utxt.DBName).First();
                    if (dr != null)
                        dr["HeadValue"] = utxt.SelectedValue;
                else if (ctrl.GetType() == typeof(USControls.USCheckBox) && ctrl.Parent.Visible == true)
                    USControls.USCheckBox utxt = (USControls.USCheckBox)ctrl;
                    DataRow dr = qt.Select("HeadId=" + utxt.DBName).First();

                    if (dr != null)
                        dr["HeadValue"] = utxt.Checked == true ? "True" : "False";
                GetQulaifyingHeadData(ctrl, qt, st);
 protected void USBaseDropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     ViewState["IsSearchFound"] = false;
     USControls.USBaseDropDownList drp = sender as USControls.USBaseDropDownList;
     if (drp.SelectedIndex > 0 && drp.ChildDBName.ToString().ToInt64() > 0)
         String Para1 = drp.SelectedValue.ToString();
         GetSearchDropdownbyDBName(sectionSerach, Para1, drp.ChildDBName);
        protected void GetSearchDropdownbyDBName(Control control, string Para1, string ChildDBName)
            if (ViewState["IsSearchFound"].ToString().ToBoolean() == false)
                foreach (Control ctrl in control.Controls)
                    if (ctrl.GetType() == typeof(USControls.USDropDownList) && ctrl.Parent.Visible == true)
                        USControls.USDropDownList drp = (USControls.USDropDownList)ctrl.FindControl("USDDTEMP");
                        if (drp.DBName == ChildDBName && drp.DBName != "")
                            DataTable dt = BAL.FormFillingmgmt.BindDropDownFromTemplateDropDownIdAndPara1(drp.DBName, Para1).Tables[0];
                            foreach (DataRow drow in dt.Rows)
                                ListItem lst = new ListItem(drow["ParameterText"].ToString(), drow["ParameterValue"].ToString());
                            ViewState["IsFound"] = true;
                    //Sufiyan Adding for UsBase Template filtering  || ctrl.GetType() == typeof(USControls.USBaseDropDownList))
                    else if (ctrl.GetType() == typeof(USControls.USBaseDropDownList) && ctrl.Parent.Visible == true)
                        USControls.USDropDownList     drp2 = (USControls.USDropDownList)ctrl.FindControl("USDDTEMP");
                        USControls.USBaseDropDownList drp1 = (USControls.USBaseDropDownList)ctrl.FindControl("USBaseDropDownList1");
                        if (drp2.DBName == ChildDBName && drp2.DBName != "")
                            DataTable dt = BAL.FormFillingmgmt.BindDropDownFromTemplateDropDownIdAndPara1(drp2.DBName, Para1).Tables[0];
                            foreach (DataRow drow in dt.Rows)
                                ListItem lst = new ListItem(drow["ParameterText"].ToString(), drow["ParameterValue"].ToString());
                            ViewState["IsFound"] = true;

                    else if (ViewState["IsFound"].ToString().ToBoolean() == false)
                        GetDropdownbyDBName(ctrl, Para1, ChildDBName);