protected void btpageUpdate_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { PageFormUI objPageFormUI = new PageFormUI(); objPageFormUI.PageMappingX = txtPageMappingX.Text.Trim(); objPageFormUI.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now; //objsecurityProfileFormUI.createdBySystemUser = "******"; //objsecurityProfileFormUI.updatedBySystemUser = "******"; if (objPageFormBAL.UpdatePage(objPageFormUI, RowId = URLMessage.GetParam(PageCode, 0)) == -1) { //Response.Redirect("OrganizationList.aspx"); msgcool.Visible = true; lbsuccess.Text = "Profile name has been updated"; this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "clearform", "ClearForm();", true); } else { lblMsg.Text = "Could not process the request, Please try again"; msgalert.Visible = true; this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "clearform", "ClearForm();", true); } } catch (Exception exp) { //logExcpUIobj.MethodName = "btprofileUpdate_Click()"; //logExcpUIobj.ResourceName = "System_Security_SecurityProfileEdit.CS"; //logExcpUIobj.RecordId = ""; //logExcpUIobj.ExceptionDetails = "Error Occured. System Generated Error is: " + exp.ToString(); //logExcpDALobj.SaveExceptionToDB(logExcpUIobj); //log.Error("[System_Security_SecurityProfileEditForm : btprofileUpdate_Click] An error occured in the processing of Record Details : [" + exp.ToString() + "]"); } }
private void BindPageList(int aPageNumber) { DataTable dtb = objPageListBAL.GetPageList(); if (dtb.Rows.Count > 0 && dtb != null) { dtb.Columns.Add("JumpParam"); foreach (DataRow item in dtb.Rows) { item["JumpParam"] = "PageMappingView.aspx?" + URLMessage.Encrypt("PageMapping=" + item["PageMapping"]); } grdPage.DataSource = dtb; grdPage.DataBind(); grdPage.CurrentPageIndex = aPageNumber > grdPage.PageCount ? 0 : aPageNumber; grdPage.DataBind(); SessionContext.GridPage = grdPage.CurrentPageIndex; msgalert.Visible = false; } else { msgalert.Visible = true; lbmsg.Text = "No Records Found"; grdPage.Visible = false; } }
//定义了向Collection中加入URL的排序规则(插入排序) private void AddListViewItem(URLMessage message) { if (message.IsHTML()) { return; } if (URLMessageCollection.Count == 0) { URLMessageCollection.Add(message); return; } for (int i = 0; i < URLMessageCollection.Count; ++i) { var cur = URLMessageCollection[i]; if (cur.URL.Equals(message.URL)) { return; } if (message.StreamSize > cur.StreamSize) { URLMessageCollection.Insert(i, message); return; } } URLMessageCollection.Append(message); }
protected void btdeleteControl_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { if (objPageControlFormBAL.DeleteControl(RowId = URLMessage.GetParam(PageCode, 0)) == -1) { //Response.Redirect("OrganizationList.aspx"); msgcool.Visible = true; lbsuccess.Text = "Control has been deleted"; txtControlMappingCode.Visible = false; txtControlMappingX.Visible = false; } else { lblMsg.Text = "Could not process the request, Please try again"; msgalert.Visible = true; this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "clearform", "ClearForm();", true); } } catch (Exception exp) { //logExcpUIobj.MethodName = "btprofileUpdate_Click()"; //logExcpUIobj.ResourceName = "System_Security_SecurityProfileEdit.CS"; //logExcpUIobj.RecordId = ""; //logExcpUIobj.ExceptionDetails = "Error Occured. System Generated Error is: " + exp.ToString(); //logExcpDALobj.SaveExceptionToDB(logExcpUIobj); //log.Error("[System_Security_SecurityProfileEditForm : btprofileUpdate_Click] An error occured in the processing of Record Details : [" + exp.ToString() + "]"); } }
protected void lnkEdit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string id = (sender as LinkButton).CommandArgument; if (!id.Equals("0")) { Response.Redirect("../SecurityProfile/SecurityProfileEdit.aspx?" + URLMessage.Encrypt("action=" + URLAction.update.ToString() + "&SecurityProfile=" + id)); } }
protected void lnkEdit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string id = URLMessage.GetParam(PageCode, "0"); if (!id.Equals("0")) { Response.Redirect(PageCode + "Edit.aspx?" + URLMessage.Encrypt("action=" + URLAction.update.ToString() + "&" + PageCode + "=" + id)); } }
private void PrepCreate() { lblPageName.Text = "Add New Control"; btDelete.Visible = false; btUpdate.Visible = false; txtControlMappingCode.Enabled = true; RowId = int.MinValue; ParentId = URLMessage.GetParam("PageMapping", -1); }
private void GetControlListEdit() { DataTable dtb = objPrivilegesDetailsBAL.GetPrivilegesDetails(URLMessage.GetParam("SecurityProfile", -1), URLMessage.GetParam("PageMapping", -1)); if (dtb.Rows.Count > 0 && dtb != null) { lblSearchHeaderText.Text = dtb.Rows[0]["RoleName"].ToString() + " > " + dtb.Rows[0]["PageName"].ToString() + " > Edit Controls"; grdSecurityDetail.DataSource = dtb; grdSecurityDetail.DataBind(); } else { msgalert.Visible = true; } }
private void PrepUpdate() { lblSearchHeaderText.Text = "Edit Page"; btnclear.Visible = false; btSave.Visible = false; RowId = URLMessage.GetParam(PageCode, 0); DataTable dtb = new DataTable(); RowId = URLMessage.GetParam(PageCode, 0); dtb = objPageListBAL.GetPage(RowId); if (dtb.Rows.Count > 0) { txtPageMappingX.Text = dtb.Rows[0]["PageMappingX"].ToString(); } else { msgalert.Visible = true; lblMsg.Text = "Could not process the request, Please try again"; } }
private void PrepUpdate() { btDelete.Visible = true; btnclear.Visible = false; btSave.Visible = false; DataTable dtb = new DataTable(); RowId = URLMessage.GetParam(PageCode, 0); dtb = objSecurityProfileListBAL.GetSecurityProfile(RowId); if (dtb.Rows.Count > 0) { txtSecurityProfileX.Text = dtb.Rows[0]["SecurityProfileX"].ToString(); } else { msgalert.Visible = true; lbmsg.Text = "Could not process the request, Please try again"; } }
//得到了一个新URL,分析其文件名,文件大小 private async void AddURL(string URL) { AbstractAnalyser analyser = Converters.UrlConverter.GetAnalyser(URL); await analyser.SetURLAsync(URL); if (analyser.IsLegal()) { URLMessage message = new URLMessage(); message.URL = analyser.URL; message.StreamSize = analyser.GetStreamSize(); message.RecommendedFileName = analyser.GetRecommendedName(); if (message.RecommendedFileName == null) { message.RecommendedFileName = string.Empty; } message.StreamSizeToString = Converters.StringConverter.GetPrintSize(analyser.GetStreamSize()); AddListViewItem(message); LimitListLength(); } analyser.Dispose(); }
protected void btnSavePageControlMapping_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (objPrivilegesDetailsBAL.RemoveProfilePageControlMapping(URLMessage.GetParam("SecurityProfile", -1), URLMessage.GetParam("PageMapping", -1)) == -1) { for (int i = 0; i < grdSecurityDetail.Items.Count; i++) { RadioButtonList rblShippers = (RadioButtonList)grdSecurityDetail.Items[i].Cells[0].FindControl("optControlState"); string ControlId = grdSecurityDetail.Items[i].Cells[0].Text; if (objPrivilegesDetailsBAL.AddProfilePageControlMapping(URLMessage.GetParam("SecurityProfile", -1), URLMessage.GetParam("PageMapping", -1), Convert.ToInt32(ControlId), rblShippers.SelectedValue) == 1) { msgcool.Visible = true; lbsuccess.Text = "Profile Page Control Mapping completed successfully"; } else { msgalert.Visible = true; lblmsg.Text = "Could not process your request, Please try again"; } } } }
private void BindPageControlList() { RowId = URLMessage.GetParam(PageCode, 0); dtb = objPageControlListBAL.getPageControlList(RowId); if (dtb.Rows.Count > 0 && dtb != null) { lblPageMappingX.Text = dtb.Rows[0]["PageMappingX"].ToString().Replace(".aspx", " Page Control List"); dtb.Columns.Add("JumpParam"); foreach (DataRow item in dtb.Rows) { item["JumpParam"] = "ControlMappingEdit.aspx?" + URLMessage.Encrypt("action=update&ControlMapping=" + item["ControlMapping"]); } grdControlMapping.DataSource = dtb; grdControlMapping.DataBind(); msgalert.Visible = false; } else { msgalert.Visible = true; lblmsg.Text = "No Records Found"; grdControlMapping.Visible = false; } }
private void BindSecurityProfileList(int aPageNumber) { DataTable dtb = objSecurityProfileList.GetSecurityProfileList(); if (dtb.Rows.Count > 0 && dtb != null) { dtb.Columns.Add("JumpParam"); foreach (DataRow item in dtb.Rows) { item["JumpParam"] = "../PageMapping/RolePageMappingList.aspx?" + URLMessage.Encrypt("SecurityProfile=" + item["SecurityProfile"] + "&Name=" + item["SecurityProfileX"].ToString()); } grdPage.DataSource = dtb; grdPage.DataBind(); grdPage.CurrentPageIndex = aPageNumber > grdPage.PageCount ? 0 : aPageNumber; grdPage.DataBind(); SessionContext.GridPage = grdPage.CurrentPageIndex; msgalert.Visible = false; } else { msgalert.Visible = true; grdPage.Visible = false; } }
private void PrepUpdate() { btDelete.Visible = true; btnclear.Visible = false; btSave.Visible = false; DataTable dtb = new DataTable(); RowId = URLMessage.GetParam("ControlMapping", 0); dtb = objPageControlListBAL.getPageControl(RowId); if (dtb.Rows.Count > 0) { ParentId = (int)dtb.Rows[0]["PageMapping"]; txtControlMappingX.Text = dtb.Rows[0]["ControlMappingX"].ToString(); txtControlMappingCode.Text = dtb.Rows[0]["ControlMappingCode"].ToString(); } else { msgalert.Visible = true; lblMsg.Text = "Could not process the request, Please try again"; } }
protected void btCreate_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("ControlMappingEdit.aspx?" + URLMessage.Encrypt("action=create&PageMapping=" + RowId)); }
protected void btnBack_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("../PageMapping/RolePageMappingList.aspx?" + URLMessage.Encrypt("action=view&SecurityProfile=" + URLMessage.GetParam("SecurityProfile", "0") + "&Name=" + URLMessage.GetParam("Name", ""))); }
protected void btprofileCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect(PageCode + "Edit.aspx?" + URLMessage.Encrypt("action=create")); }
protected void btnManageProfile_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("../PageMapping/RolePageMappingList.aspx?" + URLMessage.Encrypt("SecurityProfile = " + ProfileId.Value + " & Name = " + ProfileName.Value)); }
protected void btnBack_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("PageMappingView.aspx?" + URLMessage.Encrypt("PageMapping=" + ParentId)); }
protected void lnkEdit_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect(PageCode + "Edit.aspx?" + URLMessage.Encrypt("action=" + URLAction.update.ToString() + "&" + PageCode + "=" + RowId)); }