public void AddOnRegistro() { if (HType == H.BullDozer) { return; } //so the rect for collision is bigger //to address SpawnPoint not falling into another build var scale = UPoly.ScalePoly(Bounds, 0.2f); //var scale = Anchors; //startin satge is save on ReSaveStartinStage() BuildingPot.Control.Registro.AddBuildToAll(this, scale, Category, transform.position, Inventory, PeopleDict, LandZone1, rotationFacerIndex: RotationFacerIndex, materialKey: MaterialKey, instructionP: Instruction, BookedHome1: BookedHome1, dispatch: Dispatch1, Families: Families, dollarsPay: DollarsPay, anchors: Anchors, dock: Dock1, root: RootBuilding ); }
/// <summary> /// Will create the poly small. on the direction and will find if is coliiding with another /// </summary> /// <param name="dir"></param> /// <returns></returns> private List <Vector3> ReturnPolyToEval(Tile dir) { var x = m.SubDivide.XSubStep; var z = m.SubDivide.ZSubStep; var pos = new Vector3(); if (dir == Tile.N) { pos = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z + z); } else if (dir == Tile.S) { pos = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z - z); } else if (dir == Tile.W) { pos = new Vector3(transform.position.x - x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z); } else if (dir == Tile.E) { pos = new Vector3(transform.position.x + x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z); } //UVisHelp.CreateHelpers(pos, Root.blueCube); return(UPoly.CreatePolyFromVector3(pos, 0.01f, 0.01f)); }
/// <summary> /// Add Current hit point but first needs to move it away from buiding /// </summary> void AddCurrentHit() { Dir[] dirsSimpleMap = new Dir[] { Dir.N, Dir.E, Dir.S, Dir.W }; float moveBy = _person.PersonDim * 2; Vector3[] moveAway = new Vector3[] { new Vector3(0, 0, moveBy), new Vector3(moveBy, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, -moveBy), new Vector3(-moveBy, 0, 0) }; Dir buildWasHitOn = UDir.TellMeWhenHitLanded(currBuilding.Anchors, vectorHit.HitPoint); //is needed here so it moves foward along the side and not to the cloeset that coluld be accross the biuilding Vector3 otherAnchorOnSide = UPoly.FindOtherCornerOnSide(currBuilding.Anchors, buildWasHitOn, closestAnchorToOrigin); var sideAnchors = ReturnFirstAndLast(_fin, otherAnchorOnSide, closestAnchorToOrigin); anchorOnSideClosestToFin = sideAnchors[0];//the anchor on the side is closer to _fin for (int i = 0; i < dirsSimpleMap.Length; i++) { if (dirsSimpleMap[i] == buildWasHitOn) { //is moving the vector hit away given the direction Vector3 t = vectorHit.HitPoint + moveAway[i]; t.y = m.IniTerr.MathCenter.y;//so is on same Y value t = Sanitize(t); //_person.DebugList.Add(UVisHelp.CreateText(t, hitCurrentAdded.ToString())); _checkPoints.Add(new CheckPoint(t)); return; } } }
private void DefineFarmNWandSE() { var poly = UPoly.RetTerrainPoly(_min, _max, Dir.SWtoNE); _NW = poly[0]; _SE = poly[2]; }
private void CreateBasePlane() { var dimen = _fieldFarm.SpaceBtwPlants - 0.5f; var locPoly = UPoly.CreatePolyFromVector3(transform.position, dimen, dimen); var basePlane = CreatePlane.CreatePlan(Root.createPlane, Root.matFarmSoil, raiseFromFloor: 0.08f, container: transform); basePlane.UpdatePos(locPoly); }
/// <summary> /// This method handles and deals with the if is to big or if a side is to small /// Then calls the method that Colors the Preview /// </summary> void ChecksCollSizeCallsColor() { //doing this bz the poly on X and Z really in real term will collide with next one that why //is reduced a bit so it can allow right next ones to be placed List <Vector3> localOnScreenPoly = UPoly.ScalePoly(OnScreenPoly, reduceOnXLocalOnScreenPoly); List <Vector3> localSoilList = RetuFillPolyRealY(localOnScreenPoly[0], localOnScreenPoly[2], Mathf.Abs(m.SubDivide.XSubStep), Mathf.Abs(m.SubDivide.ZSubStep), true); //too big bool isToBig = false; if (localSoilList.Count > maxSizeOfFarm) { isToBig = true; } //too small bool isToSmall = false; if (!isToBig) { float xDiff = Mathf.Abs(localOnScreenPoly[0].x - localOnScreenPoly[1].x); float zDiff = Mathf.Abs(localOnScreenPoly[0].z - localOnScreenPoly[3].z); if (xDiff < minSideLenght || zDiff < minSideLenght) { if (HType != H.Road)//this means that road can have any small size { isToSmall = true; } } } //is colliding bool isColliding = false; if (!isToBig && !isToSmall) { isColliding = BuildingPot.Control.Registro.IsCollidingWithExisting(localOnScreenPoly); } bool isEvenFarm = false; if (!isColliding && !isToBig && !isToSmall) { isEvenFarm = CheckIfIsEven(localSoilList, 0.01f); } if (isEvenFarm) { isEvenFarm = ItIsOnRange(); } //only using isEvenFarm bz if any bfeore is false. EvenFarm will be false too SetFarmOkAndHandleColor(isEvenFarm); }
private List <Crystal> ReturnScaledAnchors(Vector3[] anchors, string myIDP) { List <Crystal> res = new List <Crystal>(); anchors = UPoly.ScalePoly(anchors, scale); for (int i = 0; i < anchors.Length; i++) { res.Add(new Crystal(anchors[i], H.Obstacle, myIDP, setIdAndName: false)); } return(res); }
/// <summary> /// Moves all the building to the new spot /// </summary> /// <param name="randIniPos"></param> /// <param name="bData"></param> private static void MoveAllBuildingsToNewSpot(BuildingData bData, Vector3 spot, List <Vector3> list) { difference = spot - UPoly.MiddlePoint(list); for (int i = 0; i < bData.All.Count; i++) { var newPos = bData.All[i].IniPos + difference; //its is important to get the newPOs in the closest vertex so is aling with new buildings to //spawn by user //newPos = m.Vertex.FindClosestVertex(newPos, m.AllVertexs.ToArray()); bData.All[i].IniPos = newPos; } }
/// <summary> /// Will return the build or way hitt by mouse position /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private Transform ReturnBuildinHit() { //used to be UPoly.RayCastAll() Transform clicked = UPoly.RayCastLayer(Input.mousePosition, 10).transform;//10: personBlock //Removed bz was pulling the Previews of the Buildiggs and in that way will select that building ////try ways then //if (clicked == null) //{ // clicked = UPoly.RayCastLayer(Input.mousePosition, 12).transform;//12: way //} return(clicked); }
//Return the subpolygons selected ... this are fake subpolygons... a bunch of them public List <Vector3> SubPolygonsSelected(int cols, int rows, ref List <Vector3> objsHitTerrain, Vector3 iniHit, SubDivider subDivide, int rotationFacer, bool isMouseOnTerrain, Vertexer vertex, UPoly poly, List <Vector3> currentHoverVertices) { List <Vector3> subPolys = new List <Vector3>(); subPolys = CreateListSelected(ref objsHitTerrain, cols, rows, iniHit, subDivide, isMouseOnTerrain, vertex, poly, currentHoverVertices); //print(cols + ".c||r."+rows+ " ini:."+iniHit); //print(objsHitTerrain.Count + " objsHitTerrain.cou"); //print(subPolys.Count + " subPolys.coun"); //List<Vector3> firstRow = ReturnFirstRow(subPolys, rotationFacer); return(subPolys); }
/// <summary> /// This is how I send the farm to registro that later if user wants will be saved on file /// </summary> void AddFarmToRegistro() { //doing this bz the poly on X is a bit off List <Vector3> localOnScreenPoly = UPoly.ScalePoly(OnScreenPoly, reduceOnXLocalOnScreenPoly); var middleOfGameObj = MiddlePos(localOnScreenPoly); //this is the call when it add the collider rectangle to the world and save the RegFile in Registro BuildingPot.Control.Registro.AddBuildToAll(this, localOnScreenPoly, Category, middleOfGameObj, Inventory, PeopleDict, LandZone1, planesOnAirPos: soil, tileScale: Program.gameScene.ScaleSmallRoadUnitFarm, anchors: Anchors); }
private void ConformRect() { var poly = Registro.FromALotOfVertexToPolyMathCenterY(_eaten); //ShowDebug(poly, Root.blueCube); //expanding the rect //Expands this rect a bit to be linked to others thru with .Contain poly = UPoly.ScalePoly(poly, _rectForcedGrow); _rect = Registro.FromALotOfVertexToRect(poly); UVisHelp.CreateDebugLines(_rect, Color.yellow); FinalizeBaseProps(); }
List <Rect> CreateRects(List <PreviewWay> prevP) { List <Rect> res = new List <Rect>(); for (int i = 0; i < _indexesOfEdgesShore.Count; i++) { List <Vector3> boundPoint = prevP[_indexesOfEdgesShore[i]].GetBounds(); boundPoint = UPoly.ScalePoly(boundPoint, 0.3f); Rect boundRect = U2D.FromPolyToRect(boundPoint); boundRect = U2D.ReturnRectYInverted(boundRect); res.Add(boundRect); } return(res); }
//initializes the List Vector3 wholeMalla, nextStart, and zLot by ref //in this class initializes the fields,StepX , StepZ, Columns, Rows public void InitializeMallaStats(Vector3[] vertices, ref List <Vector3> wholeMalla, ref Vector3 nextStart, ref float zLot) { if (StepX != 0) { return; } if (vertices == null) { return; } wholeMalla = UPoly.ReturnWholeMallaAs1Poly(Program.gameScene.controllerMain.MeshController.Vertices); nextStart = wholeMalla[0]; zLot = wholeMalla[0].z; //UVisHelp.CreateHelpers(wholeMalla[0], Root.redSphereHelp); //UVisHelp.CreateHelpers(wholeMalla[2], Root.redSphereHelp); _lenght = wholeMalla[0].x - wholeMalla[1].x; _height = wholeMalla[3].z - wholeMalla[0].z; _mathCenter = m.Vertex.BuildVertexWithXandZ((wholeMalla[0].x + wholeMalla[1].x) / 2, (wholeMalla[3].z + wholeMalla[0].z) / 2); float epsi = 0.001f; for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++) { bool eq = UMath.nearlyEqual(vertices[i].x, wholeMalla[0].x, epsi); if (eq) { Columns++; } eq = UMath.nearlyEqual(vertices[i].z, wholeMalla[0].z, epsi); if (eq) { Rows++; } } StepX = _lenght / Columns; StepZ = _height / Rows; //print("Columns:" + Columns); //print("Rows:" + Rows); }
/// <summary> /// Makes poly on way seamless on terrain. This has hard coded values /// </summary> private List <Vector3> RectifyPolyScale(H hTypeP, List <Vector3> polyP) { float onX = RectifyOnX; float onZ = RectifyOnZ; if (hTypeP == H.Trail || hTypeP == H.BridgeTrail) { onX = RectifyOnX; onZ = RectifyOnZ; } if (/*hTypeP == H.Road ||*/ hTypeP == H.BridgeRoad) { onX *= 5; onZ *= 5; } return(UPoly.ScalePoly(polyP, onX, onZ)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns planes dim from the Starting point of topleft /// </summary> protected List <Vector3> ReturnPlanesDim(Vector3 topLefts) { List <Vector3> res = new List <Vector3>(); res = UPoly.RetSubMeshPoly(topLefts, Program.gameScene.controllerMain.MeshController.AllVertexs, WideSquare); //if is a bridge Y will be _firstWayPoint.y + _secondWayPoint.y) / 2 if (HType.ToString().Contains(H.Bridge.ToString())) { for (int i = 0; i < res.Count; i++) { Vector3 t = res[i]; t.y = (_firstWayPoint.y + _secondWayPoint.y) / 2; res[i] = t; } } return(res); }
private bool SelectSellRegion() { if (!Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { return(false); } List <string> names = new List <string>(); var clicked = UPoly.RayCastLayer(Input.mousePosition, 10).transform; if (clicked != null &&"ForSaleRegion")) { var sell = clicked.GetComponent <ForSaleRegionGO>(); sell.ClickOnMe(); return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Will try to select a person. Person selection has more importantce than /// building selection and priority /// </summary> /// <returns>Will retrun true if a person was selected</returns> private bool SelectPerson() { Transform clicked = UPoly.RayCastLayer(Input.mousePosition, 11).transform; if (clicked != null) { ManagerReport.AddInput("Selected person: " +; PersonSelect = clicked.GetComponent <Person>(); _personWindow.Show(PersonSelect); UnselectingBuild(); _buildingWindow.Hide(); return(true); } _personWindow.Hide(); return(false); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { camera = USearch.FindCurrentCamera(); Malla = (Malla)General.Create(Root.malla, container: Program.ClassContainer.transform); Poly = new UPoly(); subDivide = new SubDivider(); Vertex = new Vertexer(); iniTerr = new InitializerTerrain(); iniTerr.Initializer(ref Vertices, ref mesh); iniTerr.InitializeMallaStats(Vertices, ref wholeMalla, ref nextStart, ref zLot); SubPolyr = new SubPolyr(); subMesh = new SubMeshData(); IsLoading = true; //bz is static and if a new game is started needs to clean up and start again CrystalManager1 = new CrystalManager(); }
private void Init() { var scaledAnchors = UPoly.ScalePoly(_building.Anchors, .025f); _lines = U2D.FromPolyToLines(scaledAnchors); RemoveSpwnPointLine(); FindPositionToSpwnDecor(); SpawnDecorObj(); //AddToBatchMesh(); //SpawnHalloween(); if (_building.HType.ToString().Contains("WoodHouse") || _building.HType.ToString().Contains("BrickHouse") || _building.HType.ToString().Contains("Shack")) { _randomUV = new RandomUV(_building.Geometry.gameObject, _building.HType); } }
/// <summary> /// Defined a 3d rectangle with current selection: onScreenPoly. Defines firstCorner and secondCorner too, /// _dir too /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public void CreateWay() { //print("1st way p." + _firstWayPoint); //print("2st way p corn." + _secondWayPoint); if (firstCorner == new Vector2()) { firstCorner = new Vector2(UInput.TransformedMPos.x, UInput.TransformedMPos.y); _firstWayPoint = ClosestSubMeshVert; } else if (firstCorner != new Vector2()) { secondCorner = new Vector2(UInput.TransformedMPos.x, UInput.TransformedMPos.y); _secondWayPoint = UPoly.RayCastTerrain(secondCorner).point; _secondWayPoint = m.Vertex.FindClosestVertex(_secondWayPoint, m.CurrentHoverVertices.ToArray()); //direction was dragged on terrain _dir = UDir.ReturnDragDir(_firstWayPoint, _secondWayPoint); onScreenPoly = UPoly.RetTerrainPoly(_firstWayPoint, _secondWayPoint, _dir); } }
//create one subpoly based on where we hit the terrain List <Vector3> CreateOneSubPoly(Vector3 hitPointOnSubPoly, bool isMouseOnTerrain, Vertexer vertex, SubDivider subDivide, UPoly poly, List <Vector3> currentHoverVertices) { //print(isMouseOnTerrain + "isMouseOnTerrain"); List <Vector3> subPoly = new List <Vector3>(); if (isMouseOnTerrain) { Vector3 firstVertex = vertex.FindClosestVertex(hitPointOnSubPoly, currentHoverVertices.ToArray()); Dir quadrant = vertex.FindVertexQuadrant(firstVertex, hitPointOnSubPoly); Vector3 lefTopVertex = vertex.FindTopLeftVertex(firstVertex, quadrant, subDivide.XSubStep, subDivide.ZSubStep, currentHoverVertices.ToArray()); subPoly = UPoly.FindPoly(lefTopVertex, subDivide.XSubStep, subDivide.ZSubStep, vertex, currentHoverVertices.ToArray()); //UVisHelp.CreateHelpers(subPoly, Root.blueCube); } return(subPoly); }
/// <summary> /// Will return position if 'oringin' was not contained in a building ... /// other wise will recurse keep moving towards target... until a spot is find it that /// is not contained in a building or 'origin' is equals 'target' /// </summary> public Vector3 AssignIniPositionIfNotInBuild(Vector3 origin, Vector3 target) { var personBounds = UPoly.CreatePolyFromVector3(origin, _person.PersonDim, _person.PersonDim); //if bound collide will recurse if (BuildingPot.Control.Registro.IsCollidingWithExisting(personBounds)) { //if both are the same they the origin was moved all the way untli the target //so no more recursion is needed... i couldnt find a point where was not building //this is covering a infinite loop, should nt happen ever if (UMath.nearEqualByDistance(origin, target, 0.1f)) { throw new Exception("origin reach target on AssignIniPositionIfNotInBuild() DeltaRouter"); } origin = Vector3.MoveTowards(origin, target, 0.04f); origin = AssignIniPositionIfNotInBuild(origin, target); } return(origin); }
/// <summary> /// Returns Random position from origin. If fell inside a building will find another spot /// until is in a clear zone /// If origin is not specified will assume is CamControl.CAMRTS.hitFront.point the center of terrain /// </summary> /// <param name="howFar">How far will go</param> Vector3 AssignAnimalRandomIniPosition(Vector3 origin, Rect area, float howFar, float animalDim) { float x = UMath.Random(-howFar, howFar); float z = UMath.Random(-howFar, howFar); var originMoved = new Vector3(origin.x + x, origin.y, origin.z + z); var _bounds = UPoly.CreatePolyFromVector3(originMoved, animalDim, animalDim); if (!area.Contains(new Vector2(originMoved.x, originMoved.z)) || Spawner.CollideWithExistingAnimal(originMoved, Id, animalDim) ) { aniCount++; if (aniCount > 1000) { return(new Vector3()); } originMoved = AssignAnimalRandomIniPosition(origin, area, howFar, animalDim); } return(originMoved); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="ini"></param> /// <param name="end"></param> /// <param name="minimuSize">must have one side with a mimunum side like 10f /// this is to allow Mountain Routing to happen</param> /// <param name="grow">The grow of the rect on scale to make sure contain first and last </param> public CryRect(Vector3 ini, Vector3 end, float grow, bool minimuSize = true, float debugDuration = 20f) { _a = U2D.FromV3ToV2(ini); var poly = Registro.FromALotOfVertexToPolyMathCenterY(new List <Vector3>() { ini, end }); poly = UPoly.ScalePoly(poly, grow); _theRect = Registro.FromALotOfVertexToRect(poly); _c = U2D.FromV3ToV2(end); _b = FindB(); _d = FindD(); //so Rect Grows //so way routing works //PushThemAway(); if (minimuSize) { //when calling this is really importat bz this solved the Mountain Routing problem //Dec 26 2015 ApplyMinimumSize(); } var newPoly = new List <Vector3>() { U2D.FromV2ToV3(_a), U2D.FromV2ToV3(_b), U2D.FromV2ToV3(_c), U2D.FromV2ToV3(_d) }; _theRect = Registro.FromALotOfVertexToRect(newPoly); //RectifyCorners(poly); UVisHelp.CreateDebugLines(TheRect, Color.magenta, debugDuration); SetCrystals(); }
/// <summary> /// Returns Random position from origin. If fell inside a building will find another spot /// until is in a clear zone /// /// If origin is not specified will use MeshController.AllVertexs.Count /// /// Will throw new Exception("Cant be use if MeshController.AllVertexs.Count == 0"); /// </summary> /// <param name="howFar">How far will go</param> Vector3 AssignRandomIniPosition(Vector3 origin = new Vector3(), float howFar = 1) { if (origin == new Vector3()) { origin = ReturnIniPos(); } //so origin is not changed in every recursive if (originalPoint == new Vector3()) { originalPoint = origin; origin = ReturnRandomPos(origin, howFar); } else { origin = ReturnRandomPos(originalPoint, howFar); } //will add one unit to how far so can move further //doesnt matter that is positive bz in ReturnRandomPos goes in the range of the same number negative and positive howFar += .1f;//.1f //to check if the poly ard it is free of obstacles var polyToCheck = UPoly.CreatePolyFromVector3(origin, 1f, 1f);//1, 1 if (MeshController.CrystalManager1.IntersectAnyLine(polyToCheck, origin) || !IsOnTerrain(origin) || !ComplyWithTerraRules(origin)) { secCount++; if (secCount > 1000) { throw new Exception("Infinite loop terraSpawContrl"); } //UVisHelp.CreateText(origin, "R" + ""); origin = AssignRandomIniPosition(origin, howFar); } originalPoint = new Vector3(); secCount = 0; return(origin); }
public static bool IsOnTerrainManipulateTerrainSize(Vector3 a, float manipulateBy) { //bz kkeeps getting smaller //if (terrainPolyScaled == null) //{ //bz was referencing that List var array = Program.gameScene.controllerMain.MeshController.wholeMalla.ToArray(); terrainPolyScaled = UPoly.ScalePoly(array.ToList(), manipulateBy); //} Rect terra = U2D.FromPolyToRect(terrainPolyScaled); terra = U2D.ReturnRectYInverted(terra);//must be inverted to be on same Y values UVisHelp.CreateDebugLines(terra, Color.yellow); if (terra.Contains(new Vector2(a.x, a.z))) { return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the Big Box when is behaving as a Cursor /// </summary> public void UpdateCursor() { //update submesh vert UpdateClosestSubMeshVert(); if (UMath.nearEqualByDistance(ClosestVertOld, ClosestSubMeshVert, 0.01f)) { return; } UpdateClosestVertexAndOld(); //creates poly var locPoly = UPoly.CreateSubMeshPoly(ClosestSubMeshVert, prevWideSquares); locPoly = UPoly.ScalePoly(locPoly, -0.04f);//a bit smaller is not colliding with every edge UpdatePos(locPoly, 0.75f); bool isEven = AreAllPointsEven(locPoly, 0.01f); bool isCollide = CheckIfColliding(locPoly); bool isOnFloor = IsOnTheFloor(locPoly); //if is even not coll and is on floor CheckAndSwitchColor(isEven && !isCollide && isOnFloor); }
/// Creates a list for the selected sub polygons given the columns and rows List <Vector3> CreateListSelected(ref List <Vector3> objsHitTerrain, int columns, int rows, Vector3 iniHit, SubDivider subDivide, bool isMouseOnTerrain, Vertexer vertex, UPoly poly, List <Vector3> currentHoverVertices) { objsHitTerrain = UMesh.ReturnThePos(iniHit, subDivide.XSubStep, subDivide.ZSubStep, columns, rows); List <Vector3> res = new List <Vector3>(); for (int i = 0; i < objsHitTerrain.Count; i++) { res = UList.AddOneListToList(res, CreateOneSubPoly(objsHitTerrain[i], isMouseOnTerrain, vertex, subDivide, poly, currentHoverVertices)); } //still needs to eliminate duplicates return(res); }
//pushing them way from building center private List <Vector3> PassAnchorsGetPositionForCrystals(List <Vector3> anchors) { //pushing them way from building center return(UPoly.ScalePoly(anchors, polyScale));//0.04 }